Mr Winston Churchill

1874 - January 24, 1965
Summary information for Mr Winston Churchill



The Transvaal War Contribution. Commons February 21, 1906

Natal Natives and the Poll Tax. Commons February 21, 1906

Northern Nigeria—Sale of Children— Salt Tax. Commons February 22, 1906

Chinese Labour in the Transvaal— Re-enlistment. Commons February 22, 1906

Arrival of Chinese in South Africa. Commons February 22, 1906

Coolie Labour Regulations. Commons February 22, 1906

2 speeches — Lord Milner and Corporal Punishment in South African Mines. Commons February 22, 1906

Treatment of the Witwatersrand Coolies. Commons February 22, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons February 22, 1906

2 speeches — The Transvaal War Contribution. Commons February 22, 1906

British Guiana Indian Labour Ordinance Commons February 22, 1906

British Commercial Representation in Canada. Commons February 22, 1906

Elementary Education in Ceylon. Commons February 22, 1906

16 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 22, 1906

5 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 22, 1906

9 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 23, 1906

Australian Colonies and Irish Home Rule. Commons February 27, 1906

2 speeches — Kaffir Labour at Transvaal Mines. Commons February 27, 1906

3 speeches — Cape Colony Franchise. Commons February 27, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons February 27, 1906

Transvaal Elections. Commons February 27, 1906

Transvaal Labour Ordnance. Commons February 27, 1906

Natal Disturbances. Commons February 27, 1906

Orange River Colony Franchise. Commons February 27, 1906

2 speeches — Transvaal and Orange River Colony Population. Commons February 27, 1906

Gold Output in the Transvaal. Commons February 27, 1906

Northern Nigeria Disturbances. Commons February 27, 1906

The Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons February 28, 1906

3 speeches — Volunteer Forces in the Transvaal. Commons February 28, 1906

4 speeches — Colonel Davies and the Prime Minister. Commons February 28, 1906

Orange River Colony Constitution. Commons February 28, 1906

2 speeches — British Indian Subjects in the Transvaal. Commons February 28, 1906

Indian Government and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 28, 1906

2 speeches — SOUTH AFRICAN NATIVE RACES. Commons February 28, 1906

Natal Boundaries. Commons March 6, 1906

Chinese Coolie Licences for the Witwatersrand. Commons March 6, 1906

British Indian Subjects in South Africa. Commons March 6, 1906

Transvaal Government Officials. Commons March 6, 1906

Importation of Chinese Coolies. Commons March 6, 1906

Mr. Boland's Charges. Commons March 6, 1906

Arrests of Natives in Natal. Commons March 6, 1906

South African Imports of Coolies. Commons March 6, 1906

Cape Colony Disfranchised Voters. Commons March 6, 1906

Transvaal Civil Servants and Responsible Government. Commons March 6, 1906

The Boers and the New Transvaal Constitution. Commons March 6, 1906

2 speeches — Australian Commonwealth and Old Age Pensions. Commons March 6, 1906

Sir Frederick Darley and Irish Home Rule. Commons March 6, 1906

Sokoto Punitive Expedition. Commons March 6, 1906

British Shareholders in South African Mines. Commons March 6, 1906

2 speeches — Soldiers in South African Prisons. Commons March 7, 1906

Native Labour Limitations in South Africa. Commons March 7, 1906

2 speeches — Land Settlement in South Africa. Commons March 7, 1906

Native Disturbances in Natal. Commons March 7, 1906

Australian Silver Coinage. Commons March 8, 1906

Suggested Interchange of British and Colonial Civil Servants. Commons March 8, 1906

2 speeches — Liverpool Trade in Spirits with Nigeria. Commons March 8, 1906

Uganda—Mortality from Sleeping Sickness. Commons March 8, 1906

The Gold Coast—Cape Coast Castle Franchise. Commons March 8, 1906

2 speeches — Labour Limitations in the South African Colonies. Commons March 8, 1906

British Commercial Representations in the Colonies. Commons March 12, 1906

Opium Imports into South Africa. Commons March 12, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons March 12, 1906

The New Hebrides. Commons March 12, 1906

Government Policy on Chinese Labour. Commons March 12, 1906

Colonial Conference. Commons March 12, 1906

Mr. Pless. Commons March 12, 1906

Chinese Coolies and Repatriation. Commons March 12, 1906

Canada and the Fiscal Controversy. Commons March 12, 1906

3 speeches — Demerara Labour Troubles. Commons March 13, 1906

Women Franchise in South Africa. Commons March 13, 1906

2 speeches — The Transvaal War Contribution. Commons March 13, 1906

The Souffriere Disaster. Commons March 13, 1906

Colonial Governments and Chinese Labour. Commons March 13, 1906

Port-of-Spain Municipal Council. Commons March 13, 1906

4 speeches — Flogging of Chinese Coolies—Lord Milner's Action. Commons March 14, 1906

Labour Regulations. Commons March 14, 1906

9 speeches — CIVIL SERVICES. Commons March 14, 1906

2 speeches — British Indians in the Transvaal. Commons March 15, 1906

Transvaal Political Labour League and the New Constitution. Commons March 15, 1906

Profits on the Transvaal Mines. Commons March 15, 1906

2 speeches — Kaffir Troubles in Natal. Commons March 15, 1906

Jamaican Tariffs. Commons March 19, 1906

Native Labour in South Africa—Deficiency. Commons March 19, 1906

Colonial Contributions to the Imperial Institute. Commons March 19, 1906

Illegal Flogging of Chinese Coolies. Commons March 19, 1906

2 speeches — Transvaal Taxation Returns. Commons March 19, 1906

West Indian Colonial Constitution. Commons March 20, 1906

2 speeches — Re-enlistment of Chinese Coolies. Commons March 20, 1906

Kaffir Outrages at Pietermaritzburg. Commons March 20, 1906

Flogging of Kaffir Servants by Boers. Commons March 20, 1906

Transvaal Loan. Commons March 21, 1906

Indian Coolies and the Transvaal Mines Commons March 21, 1906

Illegal Flogging of Chinese Coolies Commons March 21, 1906

Dinuzulu. Commons March 21, 1906

3 speeches — Kaffir Disturbances in Natal. Commons March 21, 1906

Northern Nigeria Disturbances. Commons March 21, 1906

6 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND (NO. 1) BILL. Commons March 21, 1906

3 speeches — SOUTH AFRICA (HIGH COMMISSIONER). Commons March 21, 1906

Colonial Immigration Bills. Commons March 22, 1906

Cable Communication with the West Indies Commons March 22, 1906

British Indian Traders in the Transvaal. Commons March 26, 1906

2 speeches — British Indian Subjects and the Transvaal and Orange River Constitutions. Commons March 26, 1906

5 speeches — Chinese Labour in South Africa Commons March 26, 1906

Criminal Procedure Code for South Africa. Commons March 26, 1906

Transvaal Compensation Commission. Commons March 26, 1906

British East African Settlers' Grievances. Commons March 26, 1906

3 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND No. 1 BILL. Commons March 26, 1906

Colonial Contribution to Imperial Defence. Commons March 27, 1906

Transvaal Mining Shares. Commons March 27, 1906

Orange River Census. Commons March 27, 1906

3 speeches — St. Helena Garrison. Commons March 27, 1906

Railways in Northern Nigeria. Commons March 28, 1906

Ceylon Duty on Indian Tea. Commons March 28, 1906

2 speeches — Threat to close Johannesburg Mines. Commons March 28, 1906

Canadian Coasting Trade and the United States. Commons March 29, 1906

2 speeches — St. Helena Garrison. Commons March 29, 1906

British Indian Nomenclature Commons March 29, 1906

Johannesburg Mines. Commons March 29, 1906

4 speeches — WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BILL. Commons March 29, 1906

General Botha and Chinese Coolie Crimes. Commons April 26, 1906

Transvaal Finance. Commons April 26, 1906

2 speeches — Colonial Conference. Commons April 26, 1906

6 speeches — Chinese Coolies in South Africa. Commons April 26, 1906

British Indians in South Africa. Commons April 30, 1906

Case of Mr. Abu Bakir Ahmed, of Pretoria. Commons April 30, 1906

2 speeches — Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons April 30, 1906

Natal Government and the Native Rising. Commons April 30, 1906

The Imperial Government and the Natal Rising. Commons April 30, 1906

MR. Rider Haggard's Report. Commons April 30, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons May 1, 1906

4 speeches — The Flogging of Chinese Coolies in South Africa. Commons May 1, 1906

Cotton Growing in British Colonies. Commons May 1, 1906

The Native Rising in Natal. Commons May 1, 1906

3 speeches — Operations in Natal. Commons May 2, 1906

The Boers and Chinese Crime. Commons May 2, 1906

Chinese Deserters from the Mines. Commons May 2, 1906

Withdrawal of the Reward for Bambata's Capture. Commons May 2, 1906

The Executed Natives. Commons May 2, 1906

Papers on Natal. Commons May 2, 1906

9 speeches — Repatriation of Chinese Coolies—;Government Proclamation. Commons May 3, 1906

2 speeches — Johannesburg Chamber of Mines. Commons May 3, 1906

Disturbances in Brunei. Commons May 3, 1906

South African Mines—;Threatened Closing. Commons May 7, 1906

Orange River Colony. Commons May 7, 1906

South African Civil Service. Commons May 7, 1906

South African Land Settlement Advance. Commons May 7, 1906

British Settlers in Orange River Colony. Commons May 7, 1906

Johannesburg and Pretoria Protests. Commons May 7, 1906

Repatriation Proclamation. Commons May 7, 1906

Papers on Repatriation. Commons May 7, 1906

Government "Act of Benevolence." Commons May 7, 1906

The Flogging of Coolies. Commons May 7, 1906

7 speeches — Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons May 7, 1906

Illiterate Chinese and the Proclamation. Commons May 7, 1906

Mail Communication with the West Indies. Commons May 7, 1906

Colonial Conference. Commons May 7, 1906

South African War Contribution. Commons May 7, 1906

Education in Ceylon. Commons May 7, 1906

Rights of Natives in South Africa. Commons May 8, 1906

3 speeches — Maori Land Settlement Act. Commons May 8, 1906

The Native Rising in South. Africa—; Bambaata. Commons May 9, 1906

Transvaal Settlers' Ordinance. Commons May 9, 1906

Boer Ex-Civil Servants. Commons May 10, 1906

2 speeches — St. Helena. Commons May 10, 1906

Johannesburg Labour Day Demonstration against Indentured Labour. Commons May 10, 1906

2 speeches — Natal Civil Servants. Commons May 14, 1906

2 speeches — White Miners in the Transvaal. Commons May 14, 1906

South Rose Deep Mine Fatality. Commons May 14, 1906

2 speeches — Barbadoes and St Lucia. Commons May 14, 1906

2 speeches — Sleeping Sickness and Game Preserves in South Africa Commons May 14, 1906

Natal Zulus, Rifles. Commons May 14, 1906

Slave Selling in British Northern Columbia. Commons May 14, 1906

Native Revolt in Natal. Commons May 15, 1906

Irish Emigration to Canada. Commons May 15, 1906

8 speeches — The Natal Rising. Commons May 16, 1906

2 speeches — Chinese Coolie Repatriation. Commons May 16, 1906

2 speeches — Control of Chinese Coolies. Commons May 16, 1906

Straits Settlements Harbour Improvement Scheme. Commons May 16, 1906

West African Garrisons. Commons May 16, 1906

Land Settlement in the Transvaal. Commons May 16, 1906

Southern Nigeria—Chief Nana. Commons May 17, 1906

British Indians and Transvaal Permits. Commons May 17, 1906

Instruction in Hygiene in the Colonies. Commons May 17, 1906

2 speeches — Crown Lands in the Transvaal. Commons May 17, 1906

Chinese Coolies—Deaths and Desertions on the Rand. Commons May 17, 1906

Transvaal Land Settlements. Commons May 17, 1906

Jamaica Banana Trade. Commons May 17, 1906

Flogging of Chinese Coolies—Case of the Crœsus Mine Manager. Commons May 29, 1906

4 speeches — Protection against Chinese Coolies. Commons May 29, 1906

British Trade in Zambesia. Commons May 29, 1906

British Central Africa Protectorate. Commons May 29, 1906

4 speeches — Chinese Coolies in South Africa—Repatriation Notices. Commons May 30, 1906

2 speeches — Recruitment of Coolies. Commons May 30, 1906

2 speeches — Coolies Petition to Lord Selborne. Commons May 30, 1906

Lord Selborne and the Coolie Compounds. Commons May 30, 1906

2 speeches — Uganda—Sleeping Sickness Inquiry. Commons May 30, 1906

4 speeches — Martial Law in Natal. Commons May 30, 1906

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 8, 1906

16 speeches — CLASS II. Commons June 8, 1906

Railway Extension in Northern Nigeria. Commons June 12, 1906

New Hebrides Mixed Commission. Commons June 12, 1906

South Africa—Court Martial on Natives. Commons June 13, 1906

4 speeches — Dinuzulu. Commons June 13, 1906

Kowloon-Canton Railway Scheme. Commons June 13, 1906

Chinese Coolies in South Africa— Repatriation Notice. Commons June 13, 1906

Prohibition of the Importation of Coolies. Commons June 13, 1906

British Central Africa. Commons June 13, 1906

Chinde River Bank. Commons June 13, 1906

3 speeches — Protestant Mission in Malta. Commons June 13, 1906

Native Defeat in South Africa. Commons June 13, 1906

5 speeches — Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Commons June 14, 1906

Native Disturbances in Natal. Commons June 14, 1906

4 speeches — Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons June 14, 1906

Northern Nigeria Civil Service. Commons June 18, 1906

Colonial Services Vote. Commons June 18, 1906

Motor Traction in Northern Nigeria. Commons June 18, 1906

South African Customs Convention. Commons June 18, 1906

Canadian Immigration Bounties. Commons June 18, 1906

3 speeches — Gun Running in Zululand. Commons June 18, 1906

2 speeches — Chinese Coolies in South Africa— Precautions against Crime. Commons June 18, 1906

Bambaata's Death. Commons June 18, 1906

2 speeches — Imprisoned Chinese Coolies. Commons June 18, 1906

Conviction of Chinese Coolies. Commons June 18, 1906

Recruitment of Kaffirs for the Mines. Commons June 18, 1906

2 speeches — Despatches to the Commonwealth Government. Commons June 19, 1906

Transvaal Tariff. Commons June 19, 1906

2 speeches — Mission Services in Malta. Commons June 19, 1906

Railway Rates from Delagoa Bay. Commons June 20, 1906

2 speeches — Repatriation Proclamation. Commons June 20, 1906

3 speeches — Zulu Prisoners and the Kimberley Mines. Commons June 20, 1906

The Native Rebellion in South Africa. Commons June 20, 1906

2 speeches — Martial Law in Natal. Commons June 20, 1906

3 speeches — Treatment of Zulu Rebels. Commons June 21, 1906

Chinese Crime in South Africa. Commons June 21, 1906

6 speeches — The Repatriation Proclamation. Commons June 21, 1906

South African War—Issues of Firearms to Natives. Commons June 25, 1906

2 speeches — Natal Court-Martial. Commons June 25, 1906

4 speeches — The "Standard and Diggers News." Commons June 25, 1906

7 speeches — The Repatriation Proclamation. Commons June 25, 1906

3 speeches — Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Commons June 25, 1906

2 speeches — Flogging of Chinese Coolies at the Crœsus Mine. Commons June 25, 1906

Importation of Chinese Coolies into the Transvaal. Commons June 25, 1906

Dr. Chiveiback's Claim. Commons June 25, 1906

Boer Migration. Commons June 25, 1906

Jewish Colonisation. Commons June 25, 1906

The Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Commons June 25, 1906

Sir West Bidgeway's Commission. Commons June 25, 1906

South African Native Administration. Commons June 25, 1906

2 speeches — Portugal and the Transvaal. Commons June 25, 1906

The Tse-tse Fly. Commons June 25, 1906

3 speeches — Ceylon Civil Establishment. Commons June 26, 1906

British Guiana. Commons June 26, 1906

Foreign Commercial Agents in British Colonies. Commons June 26, 1906

Religious Processions in Malta. Commons June 26, 1906

British Central Africa—Labour Contracts. Commons June 27, 1906

Canadian Emigration Bounties. Commons June 27, 1906

2 speeches — Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Commons June 27, 1906

Sleeping Sickness at Entebbe. Commons June 28, 1906

Uganda—Sleeping Sickness. Commons June 28, 1906

2 speeches — Lake Victoria—Sleeping Sickness. Commons June 28, 1906

5 speeches — Chinese Coolies in South Africa—The Repatriation Proclamation. Commons June 28, 1906

2 speeches — The Johannesburg "Standard and Diggers' News." Commons June 28, 1906

5 speeches — Crime among the Chinese Coolies. Commons June 28, 1906

2 speeches — The Cason Mining Company. Commons June 28, 1906

Coolie Riot in the Nourse Mine. Commons June 28, 1906

Coolie Outrages in South Africa. Commons June 28, 1906

4 speeches — "Tremble and Obey" Commons June 28, 1906

British Guiana. Commons June 28, 1906

2 speeches — West Africa—Alcoholic Imports. Commons June 28, 1906

4 speeches — Cason Mine Manager. Commons July 2, 1906

2 speeches — Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Commons July 2, 1906

3 speeches — Native Labour for the Transvaal Mines. Commons July 2, 1906

The Repatriated Chinese Coolies. Commons July 2, 1906

Military Operations in Nigeria. Commons July 2, 1906

South African Import Duties. Commons July 2, 1906

The Court Martial on Natal Natives. Commons July 2, 1906

Slavery in the Zanzibar Protectorate. Commons July 3, 1906

4 speeches — East African Timber Concession and Railway. Commons July 3, 1906

2 speeches — African Forests and Rainfall. Commons July 3, 1906

3 speeches — Messrs. Mendelssohn and Brace's Claim against the Transvaal Government. Commons July 3, 1906

4 speeches — Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Commons July 3, 1906

6 speeches — Chinese Coolies in South Africa—The Repatriation Notice. Commons July 4, 1906

2 speeches — Transvaal Northern Railway Bonds. Commons July 4, 1906

2 speeches — Crœsus Mine Manager. Commons July 4, 1906

New Comet Mine—Mr. Thomas Ratcliffe. Commons July 4, 1906

2 speeches — Ceylon Pearl Fisheries. Commons July 4, 1906

Chinese Coolies in South Africa—The Repatriation Proclamation. Commons July 5, 1906

4 speeches — Indentured Chinese in the Transvaal. Commons July 5, 1906

Coolie Desertions. Commons July 5, 1906

African Forests. Commons July 5, 1906

4 speeches — The Disturbances in Natal. Commons July 5, 1906

The Ceylon Pearl Fisheries Commons July 5, 1906

2 speeches — British Indians in East Africa Commons July 5, 1906

6 speeches — Religions Services in Malta. Commons July 5, 1906

2 speeches — Australian Mail Service. Commons July 9, 1906

General Botha and the Chinese Coolies. Commons July 9, 1906

White Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons July 9, 1906

2 speeches — Kaffirs in the Transvaal Mines. Commons July 9, 1906

4 speeches — Outrages by Chinese Coolies. Commons July 9, 1906

South African Labour Party and Coolie Repatriation. Commons July 9, 1906

Murder by Natives in Natal. Commons July 9, 1906

Education in Ceylon. Commons July 10, 1906

Sentences on Chinese Coolies. Commons July 11, 1906

Singapore Docks. Commons July 11, 1906

Rosettenville Citizens and the Coolie Outrages. Commons July 11, 1906

Nourse Deep Mines—Coolie Riot. Commons July 11, 1906

Alleged Flogging in the Cason Mine. Commons July 11, 1906

2 speeches — Native Rising in Natal—Treatment of Surrendered Prisoners- Commons July 11, 1906

2 speeches — Crimes by Chinese Coolies. Commons July 11, 1906

2 speeches — Chinese Crime in South Africa. Commons July 12, 1906

South African Tariff. Commons July 12, 1906

Transvaal Imports. Commons July 12, 1906

Convictions of Natives in the Transvaal. Commons July 12, 1906

Nigerian Railways. Commons July 12, 1906

Kaffirs' Wages. Commons July 12, 1906

Indians in the Transvaal. Commons July 12, 1906

Chinese Coolie Contracts. Commons July 12, 1906

Recruitment of Kaffir Labour. Commons July 12, 1906

2 speeches — Coolie Import Licenses. Commons July 12, 1906

The Disturbances in Natal. Commons July 12, 1906

3 speeches — Transvaal Gaol Population. Commons July 12, 1906

Alleged Chinese School at Johannesburg. Commons July 12, 1906

Natal Government—Bill of Indemnity. Commons July 16, 1906

3 speeches — Opium Revenue Collection. Commons July 16, 1906

East African Protectorate. Commons July 16, 1906

The Chief Nana. Commons July 16, 1906

4 speeches — Dismissal of British Teachers from Cape Colony. Commons July 16, 1906

Outrages on the Rand. Commons July 16, 1906

Japanese in the Transvaal. Commons July 16, 1906

British Indians in the Transvaal. Commons July 16, 1906

Labour Recruitment in Africa. Commons July 16, 1906

Cotton Duties in South Africa. Commons July 16, 1906

2 speeches — Religious Services in Malta. Commons July 16, 1906

Emigration to British Colonies. Commons July 16, 1906

Slavery in Zanzibar. Commons July 16, 1906

Chinese Coolie Repatriation. Commons July 28, 1906

Extension of Lagos Railway. Commons July 28, 1906

Railway Extensions in Southern Nigeria. Commons July 28, 1906

3 speeches — Religious Processions in Malta Commons July 28, 1906

The Bewaarplaatsen. Commons July 30, 1906

Kilindini Port, East Africa. Commons July 30, 1906

Preservation of African Fauna. Commons July 30, 1906

Kaffirs in the Transvaal Gold Mines. Commons July 30, 1906

Orange River Population. Commons July 30, 1906

British Central Africa Protectorate. Commons July 30, 1906

Malta. Commons July 30, 1906

Gambling in the Federated Malay States. Commons July 30, 1906

Sokoto and Hadeija. Commons July 30, 1906

2 speeches — Restrictions on Protestants in Malta. Commons July 30, 1906

South African War Claim. Commons July 30, 1906

Canadian Emigration Bounties. Commons July 30, 1906

Outrages by Chinese Coolies in the Transvaal. Commons July 30, 1906

Opium in the Federated Malay States Mines. Commons July 30, 1906

Opium in the Transvaal Mines. Commons July 30, 1906

COLONIAL MARRIAGES BILL. Commons July 30, 1906

Crown Agents for the Colonies (Appointment of Clerks). Commons July 31, 1906

Crown Agents for the Colonies (Management of the Office). Commons July 31, 1906

Chinese Coolies—Crime on the Rand. Commons July 31, 1906

Tarquah Railway Extension. Commons July 31, 1906

5 speeches — Trials of Native Chiefs. Commons July 31, 1906

5 speeches — CLASS II. Commons July 31, 1906

2 speeches — Zulu Rebellion. Commons August 1, 1906

Repatriation of Coolies. Commons August 1, 1906

Mining Operations in the Reserved Area of the Transvaal Commons August 1, 1906

4 speeches — Mr. EMMOTT (Oldham) in the Chair. Commons August 1, 1906

British Indians. Commons August 2, 1906

2 speeches — South African Murders—Rev. George Maddison. Commons August 2, 1906

Disfranchised Cape Colony Voters. Commons August 2, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons August 2, 1906

Repatriation Notices. Commons August 2, 1906

Transvaal Civil Service. Commons August 2, 1906

Transvaal Bywoners. Commons August 2, 1906

Transvaal Second Chamber. Commons August 2, 1906

Manhood Suffrage in South Africa. Commons August 2, 1906

3 speeches — Transvaal Constitution. Commons August 2, 1906

5 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND (APPROPRIATION) BILL. Commons August 2, 1906

Tilonke's Case. Commons August 4, 1906

3 speeches — ADJOURNMENT (AUTUMN SITTING). Commons August 4, 1906

Southern Nigeria—Hausa Grievances. Commons October 25, 1906

2 speeches — Newfoundland. Commons October 25, 1906

Orange River Colony Juries. Commons October 25, 1906

British Indians in Natal. Commons October 25, 1906

Transvaal Elections. Commons October 29, 1906

3 speeches — Newfoundland. Commons October 29, 1906

Transvaal Duties on Spirits. Commons October 29, 1906

Newfoundland. Commons October 30, 1906

Chinese Coolies in South African Mines. Commons October 30, 1906

Sleeping Sickness. Commons October 31, 1906

4 speeches — New Hebrides Convention. Commons October 31, 1906

2 speeches — Railway Extension in Nigeria. Commons October 31, 1906

3 speeches — Unemployed White Labour on the Rand Commons October 31, 1906

Rand Mine Regulations. Commons October 31, 1906

Christian Schools in British African Pro tectorates. Commons November 1, 1906

Chiromo Game Reserve. Commons November 1, 1906

British Indians in South Africa. Commons November 1, 1906

4 speeches — British West African Produce Company, Limited. Commons November 1, 1906

Coolie Labour Return. Commons November 1, 1906

The Transvaal and the Finance Act. Commons November 1, 1906

Trinidad. Commons November 1, 1906

Coolie Prisoners in the Transvaal. Commons November 1, 1906

Proposed West African Council. Commons November 1, 1906

2 speeches — Compulsory Labour in Southern Nigeria. Commons November 1, 1906

2 speeches — Central Africa—Proposed Legislative Council. Commons November 5, 1906

British Guiana—Crown Agents' Monopolies. Commons November 5, 1906

2 speeches — Transvaal Mines—White and Coloured Labour. Commons November 5, 1906

Gaming Licences in the Malay States. Commons November 5, 1906

4 speeches — Newfoundland. Commons November 5, 1906

2 speeches — Forced Labour in West Africa. Commons November 5, 1906

Chinese Labourers in the Rand Mines. Commons November 5, 1906

Forced Unpaid Labour in West Africa. Commons November 5, 1906

The Attack on Mr. Crewe Read. Commons November 5, 1906

Indentured Labour in Trinidad. Commons November 6, 1906

White and Coloured Labour in the African Mines. Commons November 7, 1906

White Labour in Johannesburg. Commons November 7, 1906

5 speeches — St. Helena. Commons November 7, 1906

Newfoundland. Commons November 7, 1906

Nigerian Police. Commons November 7, 1906

Chinese Coolie Immorality. Commons November 7, 1906

2 speeches — Straits Settlements Currency. Commons November 7, 1906

Newfoundland Modus Vivendi. Commons November 8, 1906

Labour in Johannesburg Mines. Commons November 8, 1906

Chief Tilonko's Appeal. Commons November 8, 1906

Chinde Foreshore. Commons November 12, 1906

White Labour in Johannesburg. Commons November 12, 1906

Wages in the Witwatersrand Mines. Commons November 12, 1906

Chinese in the Band Mines. Commons November 12, 1906

Scottish Labour for Canadian Railway Works. Commons November 12, 1906

Straits Settlements Finance. Commons November 12, 1906

4 speeches — Opium in the Transvaal. Commons November 12, 1906

4 speeches — Northern Nigeria-Cost of Living for Army Officers. Commons November 12, 1906

2 speeches — Northern Nigeria-Allowances to Civil Servants. Commons November 12, 1906

Northern Nigeria-Huts for Officers. Commons November 12, 1906

4 speeches — Labour Recruiting in Portuguese Territory. Commons November 12, 1906

Newfoundland Fisheries-H.M.S. "Brilliante." Commons November 12, 1906

British West Indies-Department of Agriculture. Commons November 12, 1906

2 speeches — Lord Selborne and the Transvaal Elections. Commons November 12, 1906

Gambling in the Federated Malay States. Commons November 12, 1906

The "Boer" Raid. Commons November 12, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies from South Africa. Commons November 13, 1906

3 speeches — The New Hebrides Convention. Commons November 13, 1906

Conviction of Chinese Coolies. Commons November 13, 1906

Slavery in Zanzibar- Commons November 15, 1906

4 speeches — Gambling in the Federated Malay States. Commons November 15, 1906

Opium for the Chinese in South Africa. Commons November 15, 1906

The New Hebrides. Commons November 15, 1906

9 speeches — ADJOURNMENT—CHINESE IN THE TRANSVAAL. Commons November 15, 1906

Crown Agents. Commons November 19, 1906

Crown Agents and the Uganda Railways Commons November 19, 1906

Alleged Neglect by Crown Agents. Commons November 19, 1906

4 speeches — West African Concessions. Commons November 19, 1906

Colonial Conference Commons November 19, 1906

Gambling in the Malay States. Commons November 19, 1906

2 speeches — Opium and the Transvaal. Commons November 19, 1906

4 speeches — The Swaziland Corporation. Commons November 19, 1906

Punishment of Chinese Coolies. Commons November 19, 1906

The New Hebrides. Commons November 19, 1906

8 speeches — MR. Bucknill's Report. Commons November 19, 1906

Land Settlement in South Africa. Commons November 19, 1906

2 speeches — Corporal Punishment for Coolies. Commons November 19, 1906

Civil Marriages in Malta. Commons November 19, 1906

3 speeches — White Labour in the Rand Mines. Commons November 20, 1906

Tristan da Cunha. Commons November 20, 1906

Public Works in Mauritius. Commons November 20, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons November 21, 1906

Lord Selborne Commons November 21, 1906

3 speeches — Transvaal Opium Ordinance. Commons November 21, 1906

Shipping Rates to Warri. Commons November 21, 1906

New Hebrides. Commons November 21, 1906

Cotton Cultivation in Australia. Commons November 22, 1906

British Indians at Vrederdorp. Commons November 22, 1906

Chinese in British Columbia. Commons November 22, 1906

Orange River Colony and the War Debt. Commons November 22, 1906

Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons November 22, 1906

Lord Selborne. Commons November 22, 1906

3 speeches — The Fereira Raid. Commons November 22, 1906

British Indian at Volksrust. Commons November 22, 1906

2 speeches — Tilonko's Appeal. Commons November 22, 1906

3 speeches — Recruitment of Labour for the Transvaal Mines. Commons November 27, 1906

3 speeches — Mr. Bucknill's Report. Commons November 27, 1906

3 speeches — Opium in the Transvaal. Commons November 27, 1906

2 speeches — Mr. Bucknill's Report. Commons November 28, 1906

4 speeches — Tanjong Pagar Dock Award. Commons November 28, 1906

New Hebrides. Commons November 28, 1906

Gambling in the Federated Malay States. Commons November 28, 1906

3 speeches — Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons November 28, 1906

Ex-President Steyn and the Orange River Franchise. Commons November 28, 1906

Chinese Coolies in Johannesburg, Commons November 28, 1906

Crown Agents—Government Responsibility. Commons November 29, 1906

Complaints against Crown Agents. Commons November 29, 1906

Crown Agents and Railway Construction. Commons November 29, 1906

4 speeches — The Natal Executions. Commons November 29, 1906

The Ferriera Raid. Commons November 29, 1906

British-Indian Immigration (Transvaal) Ordinance. Commons November 29, 1906

2 speeches — Repatriation of Chinese Coolies. Commons November 29, 1906

Labour Recruiting in Portuguese East Africa. Commons November 29, 1906

Malta. Commons December 3, 1906

5 speeches — Tanjong Pagar Dock Arbitration. Commons December 3, 1906

The Zulu Rebellion and its Results. Commons December 3, 1906

Mabira Forest Concession. Commons December 3, 1906

Gambling in the Federated Malay States. Commons December 3, 1906

6 speeches — British Indians in the Transvaal. Commons December 3, 1906

Witwatersrand Mines. Commons December 3, 1906

4 speeches — Portuguese Labour. Commons December 3, 1906

Lagos Improvements—The Houssa Eviction. Commons December 3, 1906

The Colonial Conference. Commons December 4, 1906

2 speeches — Native Recruiting in Portuguese East Africa. Commons December 5, 1906

Sierra Leone Rubber Trade. Commons December 10, 1906

Transvaal Mines Department Returns. Commons December 10, 1906

Recruitment of Chinese Coolies. Commons December 10, 1906

Tanjong Pagar Docks Arbitration. Commons December 10, 1906

2 speeches — Opium in the Malay States. Commons December 10, 1906

5 speeches — Prison Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons December 10, 1906

British Indians in the Transvaal. Commons December 10, 1906

2 speeches — Illegal Flogging at Lagos. Commons December 10, 1906

Sleeping Sickness Cure. Commons December 10, 1906

British Indians and Central Africa. Commons December 10, 1906

Transvaal Constitution. Commons December 10, 1906

Lions at Chiromo. Commons December 10, 1906

Brunei Coal Tax. Commons December 10, 1906

2 speeches — Brunei Residency. Commons December 10, 1906

Nigeria Railways. Commons December 10, 1906

Colonial Conference. Commons December 10, 1906

2 speeches — Fresh Shipment of Chinese Coolies. Commons December 10, 1906

The Transvaal Constitution Commons December 10, 1906

2 speeches — West African Concessions and Native Rights. Commons December 11, 1906

2 speeches — Gambling in the Malay States. Commons December 11, 1906

British Guiana. Commons December 11, 1906

Development of British Guiana. Commons December 11, 1906

Crown Agents. Commons December 13, 1906

Maintenance of the Crown Agents' Office. Commons December 13, 1906

Crown Agents and Railway Construction. Commons December 13, 1906

3 speeches — Hindoos in British Columbia. Commons December 13, 1906

3 speeches — Witwatersrand Mines. Commons December 13, 1906

Native Prisoners in Natal. Commons December 13, 1906

2 speeches — Cost of the Native Rising in Natal. Commons December 13, 1906

2 speeches — Tilonko. Commons December 13, 1906

New Zealand Butter Industry. Commons December 13, 1906

2 speeches — Cost of Grading New Zealand Butter. Commons December 13, 1906

British Indian Emigrants to East Africa. Commons December 17, 1906

Hong Kong—Poll-Tax on British Passengers. Commons December 17, 1906

2 speeches — Johannesburg Mines—Recruitment of Labour in Portuguese Africa. Commons December 17, 1906

2 speeches — Local Option in the Colonies. Commons December 17, 1906

Mr. Howard Pim. Commons December 17, 1906

British West Africa Produce Company. Commons December 17, 1906

2 speeches — Compulsory Labour on Crown Lands in the Transvaal. Commons December 17, 1906

Transvaal Crown Lands. Commons December 17, 1906

Native Taxes on Transvaal Crown Lands. Commons December 17, 1906

3 speeches — Prisoners in Natal. Commons December 17, 1906

Transvaal Land Settlement Finance. Commons December 17, 1906

British Indians in Natal and the Franchise. Commons December 17, 1906

Portugal and Native Labour Recruitment. Commons December 17, 1906

4 speeches — Regulation of Native Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons December 17, 1906

South African Railway Tariffs. Commons December 17, 1906

Transvaal Customs Duties. Commons December 17, 1906

2 speeches — Crown Colony Governors. Commons December 17, 1906

The Imperial Veto. Commons December 17, 1906

3 speeches — Lord Selborne. Commons December 17, 1906

2 speeches — Transvaal Land Settlements Board. Commons December 17, 1906

Transvaal Legislative Council. Commons December 17, 1906

Uganda Forest Concession Commons December 17, 1906

2 speeches — New Hebrides Convention. Commons December 17, 1906

11 speeches — TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE RIVER COLONIES (CONSTITUTIONS). Commons December 17, 1906

Native Labour in Natal. Commons December 18, 1906

Unemployment in the West Indies. Commons December 18, 1906

2 speeches — Ceylon Goverment Railway—Employees' Grievances. Commons December 18, 1906

4 speeches — Railway Extension in Nigeria. Commons December 19, 1906

Crown Agents Office Reserve Fund. Commons December 19, 1906

Labour Recruitment in Portuguese East Africa. Commons December 20, 1906

Chinde Foreshore. Commons December 20, 1906

Primary Education in Ceylon. Commons December 20, 1906

Grievances of Natal Natives. Commons December 20, 1906

East Indians in this West Indies. Commons December 20, 1906

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.