HC Deb 05 November 1906 vol 164 c113
MR. FELL (Great Yarmouth)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to an agitation going on in British Guiana against the monopoly of the Crown Agents to the Colonies; whether the Colony claims the right to make its own contracts in the open market as it possesses the independent control of its own finance; and whether he will supply any Papers dealing with the question.


My attention has been called to certain paragraphs in the public press in which allusion is made to this subject, but I have received no official communication from the Government of British Guiana. The rule that requisitions, for public stores should be made through the Crown Agents for the Colonies and not through local firms represents the conclusions arrived at by successive Secretaries of State as to the method of obtaining public stores which is best calculated to promote economy. In answer to the second part of the hon. Member's Question, the point is whether the Government of British Guiana, like the Governments of other colonies not possessing responsible government, should in accordance with the standing rule procure stores required from the United Kingdom through the agents of the colony in the United Kingdom, viz., the Crown Agents for the Colonies, or through local firms and their agents. How far the unofficial majority in the financial House wish to insist on the latter course I am not able to say, nor have I at present material for laying Papers on the subject before Parliament.