HC Deb 17 December 1906 vol 167 cc1022-3
MR. MOLTENO (Dumfriesshire)

I bog to ask the Under-Secretary of Stats for the Colonies whether the liability to render compulsory labour, which was imposed in 1903 upon all the adult native population, men and lads residing on the Crown lands of the Transvaal, was imposed by Ordinance or by an administrative act of the Executive Council; whether the imposition, was brought to the notice of or had the express sanction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies for the time being; and whether, in view of the recent establishment of this obligation, the Secretary of State can see his way to cancel and to annul such legislation or regulation before responsible Government comes into operation in the Transvaal.


The arrangement in question which is referred to in the Report of the Commissioner of Lands printed in Cd. 3028, page 26, has formed the subject of correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Governor, who explains that it was not contemplated that the labour supplied by native squatters should be of a compulsory nature. The undertaking to work is purely a matter of contract between landlord (in this case the Government) and tenant. The condition has only been taken advantage of in certain districts; no compulsion has been used and no hardship has resulted to the native. In the circumstances it does not seem necessary for the Secretary of State to take any action in the matter.


Has the hon. Gentleman seen the regulation which provides that men and lads are liable to be put on public works for a period of not more than six months in any one year?


No, Sir, but I have asked for Papers.