HC Deb 13 June 1906 vol 158 c954

I beg to ask the Under-secretary of State for the Colonies whether, with a view to putting a stop to the further recruiting of Chinese coolies intended for South Africa under the license granted by the late Government, the Government is prepared to fix a date after which no more Chinese coolies will be allowed to enter South Africa.


My hon. friend should be aware from the speech of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on this question during the debate on the address, and from other statements of ministerial policy, that so soon as a constitution conferring responsible government upon the Transvaal has issued under the authority of the Crown, a date will be fixed when the existing Chinese Labour Ordinances will be revoked; and unless before that date expires the Transvaal Legislative Assembly re-enacts a new ordinance to which His Majesty's Government are not unable to assent, the whole system of Chinese indentured labour will cease and determine, not only in respect of coolies already in South Africa, but also of any coolies for whose importation licences have already been issued but not exercised.