HC Deb 15 March 1906 vol 153 c1401
MR. J. R. MACDONALD (Leicester)

I beg to ask the Under - Secretary of 'State for the Colonies whether Lord Selborne has transmitted the amendments which the Transvaal Political Labour League, representing the organised workmen of the Rand, has suggested should be made in the constitution of the Transvaal, promulgated under date of March 31st, 1905; and whether it is proposed to lay Papers upon the Table containing these amendments.


The Secretary of State has learnt from Lord Selborne that a despatch is on its way in regard to the views of the League. It is not proposed to lay further Papers at present on the subject of the constitution; but how to secure the effective representation of the working classes in Johannesburg is one of the matters which will certainly?engage the attention of the Secretary of State.