HC Deb 12 July 1906 vol 160 c1052

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state the total destruction of native life, and the number of kraals destroyed by military operations in Natal, since the recent outbreak of hostilities.


I cannot add anything to my reply to a similar Question of July 5th.‡ Papers containing the information in the possession of the Colonial Office will be laid shortly. Meanwhile the Secretary of State has received the following telegram from Sir H. McCallum which the House may wish to hear. "July 11th. McKenzie's severe blows have had excellent effect; resistance practically over; rebels for the most part cowed and in hiding. Encouragement being given to surrenders and to wounded coming in for medical attendance. General proclamation is to be issued reassuring natives, and pointing out folly of armed rebellion. Barker has cleared Noodsberg, capturing thirty-three rebels and many cattle. General situation much clearer' than for some time past."