HC Deb 02 August 1906 vol 162 c1347

I beg to ask the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies whether the Rev. George Maddison, a Wesleyan minister, of Johannesburg, who was assaulted by natives in the early part of this month, has died of his wounds; and what action is proposed for the protection of Europeans in South Africa.


A statement to this effect has appeared in the newspapers, but I have received no official information. It is the duty of the local Government to afford all reasonable protection.


asked if this was not the third death by violence offered to a party of Europeans of which Mr. Maddison was a member, and Mr. Churchill requested him to give notice.

MAJOR SEELY (Liverpool, Abercromby)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what are the number of white, yellow and coloured persons respectively who have been murdered by Chinese coolies in the Transvaal during the first six months of the year.


I unintentionally misled the House the other day when in answer to a supplementary Question I said the majority of the murdered persons were whites. The number of persons murdered by Chinese coolies in Witwatersrand and Pretoria districts during the first six months of this year is:—

Whites 2
Coloured 4
Yellow 21
Total 27