HC Deb 28 March 1906 vol 154 cc1260-1
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether a resolution has been received at the Colonial Office from the trades council of Johannesburg, in reference to the alleged threat of some mineowners to close down the mines and suspend construction work, with a view to accentuating the existing distress in that locality; whether this resolution states that such action is attributable to a desire on the part of the mineowners to force the hand of the Imperial Government on the question of Chinese labour; and, if so, what action the Colonial office intend to take.


The Secretary of State has not yet received any such resolution. From information which has reached him he understands that the principal mining houses do not contemplate any policy so ill-advised as to close down mines with a view to accentuating distress; but that on the contrary it has been decided to continue the development work now going on until a dearth of un skilled labour makes itself actually felt.


If the Colonial Office receives any representation or resolution of this nature will it be communicated to the House?


If they receive any communication of that character it will be for the Government to consider it, but I am not aware that there is any call to communicate it to the House unless some specific request is made.

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