HC Deb 12 November 1906 vol 164 c1043
MR. MORTON (Sutherland)

On behalf of the hon. Member for Ross and Cromarty, I beg to ask the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that in September last several hundred men were engaged at Stornoway for railway work in Canada; and, in view of the fact that there is considerable dissatisfaction amongst them on account of the sub-contractor declining to pay them wages until they have worked out the cost of their passage and all other expenses,' will he ascertain the terms of the contract, especially bearing in mind that many of these men have left wives and families in the island of Lewis, who are dependent on remittances from Canada for their subsistence; and will he consider the advisability of taking steps, by.legislation or otherwise, to prevent the recurrence of such cases.


I have not seen the contract entered into by the men referred to, but I understand that an employment agent, acting for railway companies in Canada, who has no authorisation of any kind from the Canadian Government, is endeavouring to engage men for railway work in Canada on terms similar to those indicated in the hon. Member's Question. Full inquiry will be made into the matter.