HC Deb 13 March 1906 vol 153 c1094
MR. MITCHELL-THOMSON (Lanark-shire, N.W.)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what amount of the fund, raised in 1902 for the specific purpose of relieving distress caused by the eruption of the Souffriere volcano in St. Vincent, remains unspent; and to what purpose it is proposed to apply the balance of the fund.


The Administrator of St. Vincent reported on the 9th of December, 1905, that the unexpended credit balance of the fund in the books of the Colony amounted on that date to £30,515 11s. 5d. Expenditure on certain services intended to repair the injury to the island caused by the eruptions has been authorised; and instructions have been given for the retention of the sum of £25,000 as a permanent investment. The interest on this amount will be devoted to defraying the cost of poor relief in St. Vincent, and the principal will be retained as a special reserve to meet any possible recurrence of acute distress in the future.