HC Deb 21 February 1906 vol 152 c339
MR. HAROLD COX (Preston)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will say on what ground and under what law the two Natives, recently shot in Natal, were tried by court-martial instead of by a civil tribunal; what is the amount of the poll-tax levied in Natal, and what is the total yield of that tax; and whether the persons who are required to pay it have any representation in the legislative body by which the tax is imposed, corresponding to the representation that the natives of Cape Colony enjoy in the Cape Parliament.


In reply to the hon. Member I have to state that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has no information yet as to the alleged shooting of two natives. Martial law has been in force in Natal since 9th February. The poll-tax recently enacted in Natal is a tax of £1 on all males over eighteen years including Europeans, but excluding indentured Indians, and natives paying hut-tax. I am not able to state the yield of the tax which only fell due on 1st January last. The tax is not confined to natives. In Natal coloured persons are excluded from the franchise as a class, but the Governor in Council may grant acertificate exempting particular persons from the disability.