HC Deb 10 December 1906 vol 166 c1575
MR. BRIDGEMAN (Shropshire, Oswestry)

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention had been called to the fact that yesterday a detailed and categorical summary of the proposed Transvaal Constitution was published, in Reynold's Newspaper, whether he could explain how this occurred, and what action he proposed to take in view of the fact that this was not the first time that a breach of confidence had been committed in that newspaper.


I have certainly seen the report referred to, and, as the hon. Gentleman says, it gives a categorical account of certain points in the Transvaal Constitution; but that is hardly surprising in view of the fact that I laid all these matters very fully before the House on 5th July last, before we rose for the autumn holidays. As far as I have been able to see there is nothing in the news-paper referred to which was not contained then in my speech. It seems evidently to have been, not a case of intelligent anticipation on the part of the Press, but of intelligent revival.