Mr David Lloyd George

1863 - March 26, 1945
Summary information for Mr David Lloyd George



15 speeches — LOCAL TAXATION. Commons February 16, 1912

3 speeches — Local Taxation. Commons February 19, 1912

OFFICIAL LECTURERS. Commons February 19, 1912

2 speeches — Imperial and Local Taxation (Committee). Commons February 19, 1912

New Sinking Fund. Commons February 19, 1912

4 speeches — Income Tax Assessment. Commons February 20, 1912

6 speeches — Land Valuation (Ireland). Commons February 20, 1912

Consolidated Fund Redemption. Commons February 20, 1912

Customs and Excise (Assistants). Written Answers February 20, 1912

Local Government Officers. Written Answers February 20, 1912

Spirits Manufactured (United Kingdom). Written Answers February 20, 1912

2 speeches — London Licence Duties. Commons February 21, 1912

5 speeches — Inhabited House Duty. Commons February 21, 1912

5 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty (Valuation). Commons February 21, 1912

2 speeches — Finance Act, 1910 (Dwelling-House Inspection). Commons February 21, 1912

TRAINING COLLEGES. Written Answers February 21, 1912

REGULATIONS. Written Answers February 26, 1912

INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS (IRELAND). Written Answers February 26, 1912

Works of Art (Export Duty). Commons February 27, 1912

8 speeches — Income Tax. Commons February 27, 1912

Customs Port Clerks. Commons February 27, 1912

Tuberculosis (Committee of Inquiry). Commons February 27, 1912

Undeveloped Land Duty (Ireland). Commons February 27, 1912

Development Commission (Salary of Vice-Chairman). Commons February 27, 1912

Local and Imperial Finance (Committee of Inquiry). Commons February 27, 1912

STATEMENT BY MR. LLOYD GEORGE. Commons February 28, 1912

Probate Division (England and Ireland). Written Answers February 29, 1912

Super-Tax. Written Answers February 29, 1912

Income Tax (Remission). Written Answers February 29, 1912

Post Office Savings Bank (Price of Consols). Written Answers February 29, 1912

Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893. Written Answers February 29, 1912

Public-house and Beer licence Duties (London). Written Answers March 1, 1912

Irish National Teachers. Written Answers March 4, 1912

Grant for Medical Treatment. Written Answers March 4, 1912

Stamp Duty on Civic Compliments. Written Answers March 4, 1912

3 speeches — Profits from Coal Mines. Written Answers March 4, 1912

Coronation Medals. Written Answers March 4, 1912

Irish Land Stock. Written Answers March 4, 1912

Payments to Insurers. Written Answers March 4, 1912

6 speeches — Income Tax. Commons March 5, 1912

5 speeches — Budget Statement (Yield of Taxes). Commons March 5, 1912

5 speeches — Castle Howard Mabuse. Commons March 5, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation (Reference Committee). Commons March 6, 1912

7 speeches — Mining Royalties. Commons March 6, 1912

2 speeches — Super-tax. Commons March 6, 1912

Income Tax (Allowance for Depreciation). Commons March 7, 1912

2 speeches — Income Tax (Mineral Royalties, Rents, and Wayleaves). Commons March 7, 1912

Mining Royalties. Written Answers March 7, 1912

Deeds (Penalties after Stamping). Written Answers March 11, 1912

Imperial and Local Taxation. Written Answers March 11, 1912

Customs Port Clerks. Written Answers March 11, 1912

Inhabited House Duty. Written Answers March 12, 1912

2 speeches — Coal Mine Assessments. Written Answers March 14, 1912

Reduction of Capital Liabilities. Written Answers March 14, 1912

Super-Tax. Written Answers March 18, 1912

Licence Duties (Apportionment). Written Answers March 18, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation (Ireland). Written Answers March 18, 1912

Increment Value Duty. Written Answers March 18, 1912

Stocks Held by Government Departments and Public. Written Answers March 18, 1912

Sinking Fund. Written Answers March 18, 1912

Land Purchase (Ireland). Written Answers March 18, 1912

4 speeches — Finance Act, 1910 (Valuations). Commons March 19, 1912

17 speeches — GOAL MINES (MINIMUM WAGE) BILL. Commons March 19, 1912

Finance Act (Reversion Duty). Written Answers March 20, 1912

COLLIERY PROFITS. Written Answers March 22, 1912

Tax Collection (South-East London). Written Answers March 25, 1912

Petrol Tax (Motor Ambulances). Written Answers March 25, 1912

3 speeches — THIRD READING. Commons March 26, 1912

Board of Customs and Excise (Ireland). Commons March 27, 1912

Government Officials (Ireland). Commons March 27, 1912

Income Tax (Ireland). Commons March 27, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons March 27, 1912

British and Foreign Wines. Written Answers March 27, 1912

Patent Medicines. Written Answers April 1, 1912

2 speeches — YEAR'S SURPLUS. Commons April 2, 1912

RESULTS OF 1909–10 BUDGET. Commons April 2, 1912

2 speeches — CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. Commons April 2, 1912

8 speeches — TEA. Commons April 2, 1912

Insurance Commission (Appointments). Written Answers April 3, 1912

Income Tax. Written Answers April 3, 1912

Super-tax. Commons April 11, 1912

Land Valuation (Plymouth Case). Written Answers May 6, 1912

Coal Strike (Railway Companies' Stock). Written Answers May 6, 1912

Budget (1911–12) Surplus. Written Answers May 6, 1912

Finance Act, 1910 (Irish Contribution). Written Answers May 6, 1912

Medical Treatment of Children (Elementary Schools). Written Answers May 6, 1912

Finance Act, 1910 (Estimated Yield of Taxes). Written Answers May 6, 1912

Stamp Duty (Voluntary Gifts). Written Answers May 6, 1912


MEDICAL PROFESSION. Written Answers May 6, 1912

SHARE DIVIDENDS. Written Answers May 6, 1912

COMMITTEE ON IRISH FINANCE. Written Answers May 6, 1912

ESTIMATED IRISH EXPENDITURE. Written Answers May 6, 1912

3 speeches — Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes. Commons May 7, 1912

2 speeches — Elementary Schools, Scotland (Medical Inspection). Commons May 7, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons May 7, 1912

9 speeches — QUESTIONS TO MINISTERS (OFFICIAL REPORT) Commons May 7, 1912

Naval Prize Bill. Commons May 7, 1912

India Office (Staff). Commons May 7, 1912

INCOME TAX. Commons May 7, 1912

Government Offices (Wages of Women). Commons May 7, 1912

SECOND READING.— [Fifth Day's Debate.] Commons May 7, 1912

Land Valuation. Written Answers May 7, 1912

Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes. Written Answers May 7, 1912

Revaluations in County Cork. Written Answers May 7, 1912

5 speeches — Laud Valuation. Commons May 8, 1912

2 speeches — Railway Revenue (Trust Fond Investments). Commons May 8, 1912

MONEYS CONTRIBUTED. Commons May 8, 1912

3 speeches — MEDICAL SERVICES. Commons May 8, 1912

2 speeches — Budget Surplus. Commons May 8, 1912

IRISH STAMPS. Commons May 8, 1912

5 speeches — INCOME TAX. Commons May 8, 1912


LAND VALUATION. Commons May 8, 1912

TRUSTEE SECURITIES. Commons May 8, 1912

2 speeches — SOUTH AFRICAN UNION. Commons May 8, 1912

2 speeches — TRUE REVENUE (IRELAND). Commons May 8, 1912

Works of Art (Export Tax). Commons May 8, 1912

4 speeches — Established Church (Wales) Bill. Commons May 8, 1912

3 speeches — Criminal Law Amendment (White Slave Traffic) Bill. Commons May 8, 1912

2 speeches — Public Trustee Act. Commons May 8, 1912

2 speeches — Co-partnership. Commons May 8, 1912

19 speeches — INDUSTRIAL UNREST. Commons May 8, 1912

Motor Car and Carriage Licences. Written Answers May 9, 1912

4 speeches — Land Valuation. Written Answers May 9, 1912

Reversion Duty (Total Yield). Written Answers May 9, 1912


Ex-Naval and Military Civil Servants (Pensions). Written Answers May 13, 1912

Motor and Carriage Licences. Written Answers May 13, 1912

2 speeches — IRISH FINANCE. Written Answers May 13, 1912

Returns. Commons May 14, 1912

Land Valuation. Commons May 14, 1912

Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes. Commons May 14, 1912

2 speeches — CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS. Commons May 14, 1912

2 speeches — SECOND READING— [SECOND DAY'S DEBATE.] Commons May 14, 1912

4 speeches — DEATH OF DR. RICHARDS, NORTH DEVON. Commons May 15, 1912

Motor Car and Carriage Licence Duties. Commons May 15, 1912

Imperial and Local Taxation (Committee). Commons May 15, 1912

2 speeches — State Liabilities. Commons May 15, 1912

Assessors and Collectors of Taxes (Memorial). Commons May 15, 1912

RECEIPT STAMPS. Commons May 15, 1912

6 speeches — SUGAR DUTIES. Commons May 15, 1912

Stamp Duties (Yield). Written Answers May 15, 1912

Dog Licences. Written Answers May 15, 1912

Teachers' Superannuation (Scotland). Written Answers May 15, 1912

FINANCIAL PROVISIONS. Written Answers May 15, 1912


12 speeches — SECOND READING.— [Fourth Day's Debate.] Commons May 16, 1912

2 speeches — "Options and Futures." Written Answers May 16, 1912

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers May 16, 1912

Motor Vehicles (Alcohol as Fuel). Written Answers May 21, 1912

National Debt. Written Answers May 22, 1912

Site Value. Written Answers May 22, 1912

Increment Value Duty. Written Answers May 22, 1912

IRISH FINANCE. Written Answers May 22, 1912

TOBACCO DUTY. Written Answers May 22, 1912

County of Middlesex (Exchequer Contribution). Written Answers May 30, 1912

Budget Surplus, 1911–12. Written Answers May 30, 1912

School Teachers' Pension (Ireland). Written Answers May 30, 1912

House of Commons (Payment of Members) Written Answers May 30, 1912

2 speeches — Minerals Duty. Written Answers May 30, 1912

Housing Miners (Loans). Written Answers May 30, 1912

Irish Land Stock. Written Answers May 30, 1912

Estate Duty. Written Answers May 30, 1912

Fee Simple (Substituted Value). Written Answers May 30, 1912

Fire Brigade Officers. Written Answers May 30, 1912

Consol Stocks. Written Answers May 30, 1912

Customs Officials. Written Answers May 30, 1912

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 4, 1912

PORT OF LONDON (STRIKE). Commons June 4, 1912

4 speeches — Budget Surplus. Commons June 5, 1912

Appointment of Magistrates. Commons June 5, 1912

2 speeches — Industrial Unrest. Commons June 5, 1912

MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT. Commons June 5, 1912

7 speeches — MOTION FOE ADJOURNMENT. Commons June 5, 1912

Petrol Duty. Written Answers June 5, 1912

Over Stock Speculation. Written Answers June 5, 1912

2 speeches — British Securities. Written Answers June 5, 1912

FINANCE COMMITTEE. Commons June 6, 1912

Naval Estimates (Shipbuilding). Commons June 6, 1912

Criminal Law Amendment (White Slave Traffic) Bill. Commons June 6, 1912

Budget Resolutions. Commons June 6, 1912

Electoral Reform Bill. Commons June 6, 1912

Taxation (Real Estate). Commons June 6, 1912

5 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 6, 1912

PORT OF LONDON (STRIKE). Commons June 6, 1912

Tobacco Licences. Written Answers June 6, 1912

Customs Port Clerks. Written Answers June 10, 1912

2 speeches — Mineral Eights Duty. Written Answers June 10, 1912

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers June 10, 1912

Super-Tax (Assessments). Written Answers June 10, 1912

Exchequer Contributions (Boards of Guardians). Written Answers June 10, 1912

Income Tax (Repayment Claims). Written Answers June 10, 1912

Income Tax (Commission Agents and Bookmakers). Commons June 11, 1912

CROWN PROPERTY (IRELAND). Commons June 11, 1912

Public Companies (Deduction of Income Tax). Written Answers June 12, 1912

11 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Establishment of Irish Parliament.) Commons June 13, 1912

MEDICAL BENEFITS. Written Answers June 13, 1912


2 speeches — Income Tax. Written Answers June 17, 1912

Land Valuation. Written Answers June 17, 1912

Estate Duties. Written Answers June 17, 1912

2 speeches — Land Taxes. Commons June 18, 1912

National Debt. Commons June 18, 1912

Road Construction (Whidbourne v. Inland Revenue). Written Answers June 18, 1912

2 speeches — Exchequer Bonds and Treasury Bills (Remuneration Paid). Written Answers June 18, 1912


Registration (Plural Qualifications) Bill. Written Answers June 20, 1912

3 speeches — Colonial Stocks. Written Answers June 21, 1912

5 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons July 15, 1912

Relief from Income Tax. Written Answers July 15, 1912

Land and House Property (Mortgages). Written Answers July 15, 1912

Site Values (Southport). Written Answers July 15, 1912

Consols. Written Answers July 15, 1912

Customs and Excise (Receipts). Commons July 16, 1912

Housing Acts (Monmouthshire). Commons July 16, 1912

6 speeches — Finance Act, 1909–10 (Land Valuation). Commons July 16, 1912

2 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons July 16, 1912


2 speeches — High Court of Justice (King's Bench Division). Commons July 17, 1912

COAL MINES (MINIMUM WAGE) ACT. Commons July 17, 1912

Finance Act, 1909–10 (Open Spaces). Written Answers July 17, 1912

Customs and Excise. Written Answers July 17, 1912

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 18, 1912

29 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons July 18, 1912

Land Purchase (Ireland). Written Answers July 18, 1912

Taxation of Land Values. Commons July 19, 1912

Local Taxation Accounts. Commons July 19, 1912

2 speeches — Income Tax (Repayments to Agricultural Landowners). Commons July 19, 1912

Imperial and Local Taxation Committee (Report). Written Answers July 19, 1912

2 speeches — Land (Annual Income). Commons July 22, 1912

Customs Officers. Commons July 22, 1912

2 speeches — House of Commons (Members' Salaries). Commons July 23, 1912

Peruvian Rubber (Shipments). Commons July 23, 1912

5 speeches — PORT OF LONDON (STRIKE). Commons July 23, 1912

2 speeches — Finance Act, 1911. Commons July 24, 1912

Annual Licence Value. Commons July 24, 1912

Repairs by Landlords. Written Answers July 25, 1912

Financial Relations Committee. Written Answers July 25, 1912



8 speeches — CLAUSE I.—(Duty on Tea.) Commons July 26, 1912

National School Teachers (Ireland). Written Answers July 26, 1912

2 speeches — Class 5.—COLONIAL SERVICES. Commons July 29, 1912

7 speeches — Class 2.—BOARD OF TRADE. Commons July 29, 1912

6 speeches — Class 8.—NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE COMMISSION (ENGLAND). Commons July 29, 1912

Land Values. Written Answers July 29, 1912

Increment Value Duty. Written Answers July 29, 1912

2 speeches — Licence Duty (Registered Clubs). Commons July 30, 1912

2 speeches — Departments of Agriculture (Grants). Commons July 30, 1912

Land Valuation (Ireland). Commons July 30, 1912

Signboards (Suggested Taxation). Commons July 31, 1912

Consols and Government Stock (Holders). Commons July 31, 1912

5 speeches — Finance Act, 1909–10 (Valuation). Commons July 31, 1912

Income Tax Assessment. Commons July 31, 1912

2 speeches — Harborne Charity Trustees. Commons July 31, 1912

Increment Value Duty. Commons July 31, 1912

Consols (Registered Holders). Written Answers July 31, 1912

21 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Income Tax for 1912–13). Commons August 1, 1912

13 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—Exemption from Income Tax of funds under The National Insurance Act, 1911. Commons August 1, 1912

Licence Duty (Club). Written Answers August 1, 1912

2 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Issue of £92,847,343 out of the Consolidated Fund.) Commons August 2, 1912

CLAUSE 2.—(Power for the Treasury to Borrow.) Commons August 2, 1912

2 speeches — CLAUSE 3—(Appropriation of Sums Voted for Supply Services.) Commons August 2, 1912

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.— [Substituted Site Value, Extension of Benefit.) Commons August 2, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Reduction of Excise Duty on Motor Spirit.) Commons August 2, 1912

5 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Substituted Site Value, Extension of Benefit.) Commons August 2, 1912

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Provision to Allow Deductions in Respect of Inherently Wasting Assets.) Commons August 2, 1912

Estate Duty Account (Elizabeth Finch). Written Answers August 2, 1912

Undeveloped Land Duty. Written Answers August 2, 1912

Customs Surveyors (Pensionable Allowances). Commons August 5, 1912

2 speeches — Conveyance of Property (Removable Fixtures). Commons August 5, 1912

PARLIAMENT ACT (MONEY BILLS). Commons August 5, 1912

4 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Computation of Gallons of Spirits for Purposes of Licence Duty.) Commons August 5, 1912

10 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Reduction of Excise Duty on Retail Liquor Licences.) Commons August 5, 1912

6 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Timber). Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption of Roadstone from Mineral Rights Duty.) Commons August 5, 1912

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Allowance of the Rates paid by the Proprietor in Estimating Rental Value for Purposes of Mineral Rights Duty.) Commons August 5, 1912

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Distribution of Payments on Account of Licence Duties in certain cases. 10 Edw. 7, c. 8.) Commons August 5, 1912

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Reduction of Duty in case of Sunday and Early Closing Licences.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Return of Duty on Single Estates.) Commons August 5, 1912

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Maximum Limit to Excise Licence Duty. 10 Edw. 7, c. 8.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Reversion Duty Payable at Determination, of Existing Lease.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Tax on Professional Incomes.) Commons August 5, 1912

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of Section 69 of the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Collection of Income Tax.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Death Duties.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Easter Offerings to be Exempt from Income Tax.) Commons August 5, 1912

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Use of British Wines for Blending Purposes.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Stamping of Policies of Sea Insurance which are Subject to a Contingent Increase of Premium.) Commons August 5, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Income Tax.) Commons August 5, 1912

2 speeches — National School Teachers, Ireland (Pension Scheme). Written Answers August 5, 1912

Public Departments (Dividends). Written Answers August 5, 1912

Land Tax Valuation (Woodhall Spa). Commons August 6, 1912

2 speeches — SANATORIUM BENEFIT. Commons August 6, 1912

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Reduction of Tobacco Duties.) Commons August 6, 1912

NEW CLAUSE.—(Preferential Duties on Wines the Product of and Imported from His Majesty's Dominions.) Commons August 6, 1912

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Provision for Abatement in Cases of Frequent Succession.) Commons August 6, 1912

4 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Extension of Time, for Objection to Provisional Valuation.) Commons August 6, 1912

(Amendment of Provision of Finance (1909– 10) Act, 1910, 10 Edw. 7, c. 8, in respect of Optional Payment of Duty on Basis of Annual Licence Value.) Commons August 6, 1912

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Tobacco for Agricultural Purposes.) Commons August 6, 1912

Motor Spirit Duty. Written Answers August 6, 1912

2 speeches — Agricultural Land (Ireland). Commons August 7, 1912

Income Tax (Canadian Officials). Commons August 7, 1912

2 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons August 7, 1912

2 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT. Commons August 7, 1912

Local Imperial Finances. Written Answers August 7, 1912

2 speeches — United Kingdom (Separate Parliaments). Commons October 7, 1912

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 7, 1912

FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE. Commons October 8, 1912

5 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE (GOVERNMENT BUSINESS). Commons October 8, 1912

2 speeches — Taxation of Land. Commons October 9, 1912

5 speeches — Income Tax (Deduction Allowed to Members of Parliament). Commons October 9, 1912

2 speeches — Imperial and Local Taxation (Motor Omnibuses). Commons October 9, 1912

Income Tax (Imprisonment of Mr. Mark Wilks). Commons October 9, 1912

Income Tax Receipts. Commons October 9, 1912

Land Valuation. Commons October 9, 1912

41 speeches — ALLOCATION OF TIME. Commons October 10, 1912

Income Tax Abatement (Beneficiaries). Written Answers October 10, 1912

Motor Ambulances. Written Answers October 10, 1912

House of Commons (Payment of Members). Written Answers October 10, 1912

Land Tenure (Committee of Inquiry). Written Answers October 10, 1912

REMUNERATION FOR MEDICAL SERVICES. Written Answers October 10, 1912

7 speeches — MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIMITED. Commons October 11, 1912

Foot-and-Mouth Disease. Commons October 14, 1912

8 speeches — Salaries of Members. Commons October 14, 1912

3 speeches — Lords of the Treasury. Commons October 14, 1912

4 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 14, 1912

Indirect Taxation (Great Britain and Ireland). Commons October 14, 1912

4 speeches — Imperial and Local Taxation. Commons October 14, 1912

23 speeches — ALLOCATION OF TIME. Commons October 14, 1912

10 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 14, 1912

Income Tax (Estate Duty, Ireland). Written Answers October 14, 1912

3 speeches — APPOINTMENTS. Commons October 15, 1912

8 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 15, 1912

3 speeches — Loss of Steamship "Titanic." Commons October 15, 1912

5 speeches — Home Rule (Organised Resistance). Commons October 15, 1912

EXEMPTED PERSONS. Commons October 15, 1912

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 15, 1912

10 speeches — LAND TENURE (COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY). Commons October 15, 1912

3 speeches — Licensing Duties (Camden Brewery). Commons October 16, 1912

Motor Traffic (London). Commons October 16, 1912

10 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 16, 1912

2 speeches — Members' Salaries (Income Tax Deduction). Commons October 16, 1912

2 speeches — Death Duties (Collection in Scotland). Commons October 16, 1912

Food Supply in Time of War. Commons October 16, 1912

High Court of Justice (New Judge). Commons October 16, 1912

5 speeches — Financial Relations (Great Britain and Ireland). Commons October 16, 1912

Franchise and Registration Bill. Commons October 16, 1912


2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 16, 1912

Death Duties (Collection in Scotland). Written Answers October 16, 1912

Irish Banks. Written Answers October 16, 1912

Naval Prize Bill. Commons October 17, 1912

2 speeches — Employment of Children (Amendment) Bill. Commons October 17, 1912

Franchise and Registration Bill. Commons October 17, 1912

2 speeches — Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments. Commons October 17, 1912

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 17, 1912

CLAUSE 2.—(Legislative rowers of Irish Parliament.) Commons October 17, 1912

2 speeches — Payment of Members. Written Answers October 17, 1912

Road Board (Consulting Engineer). Written Answers October 17, 1912

Finance Act, 1910 (Transfer of Land). Written Answers October 17, 1912

6 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 21, 1912

6 speeches — Payment of Members (Income Tax Allowance). Commons October 21, 1912

Land Values Duties. Commons October 21, 1912

4 speeches — Road Improvement Fund. Commons October 21, 1912

Death Duties (Ireland). Commons October 21, 1912

Irish Land Stock. Commons October 21, 1912

Income Tax Act. Commons October 21, 1912

6 speeches — State Servants (Expenses). Commons October 21, 1912

Civil Service Appointments. Commons October 21, 1912

2 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons October 21, 1912

2 speeches — INSURANCE STAMPS (WELSH EMBLEM). Commons October 21, 1912

Surveyors of Taxes (Appeal). Written Answers October 21, 1912

Payment of Members. Written Answers October 21, 1912

Gambling in Options and Futures. Written Answers October 21, 1912

Licence Duty (Applications for Relief). Written Answers October 21, 1912

Medical Practitioners (Income Tax). Written Answers October 21, 1912

16 speeches — Land Value Duties. Commons October 22, 1912

2 speeches — Estate Duties. Commons October 22, 1912

2 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons October 22, 1912

7 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 22, 1912

Financial Relations (Great Britain and Ireland). Commons October 22, 1912


Land Value Duties. Written Answers October 22, 1912

Gambling in Options and Futures. Written Answers October 22, 1912

Land Value Duties. Commons October 23, 1912

Estate Duties. Commons October 23, 1912

8 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 23, 1912

Development Fund. Commons October 23, 1912

2 speeches — Income Tax (Confidential Returns). Commons October 23, 1912

4 speeches — Payment of Members (Income Tax Allowance). Commons October 23, 1912

Land Valuation (Ireland). Commons October 23, 1912

8 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT—STATEMENT BY MR. LLOYD GEORGE. Commons October 23, 1912

International Gambling. Written Answers October 23, 1912

Rebate for Petrol. Written Answers October 23, 1912

2 speeches — IRELAND AND MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons October 24, 1912

The Land Inquiry. Written Answers October 24, 1912

2 speeches — Road Surfacing. Written Answers October 24, 1912

Site Values. Written Answers October 24, 1912

2 speeches — Increment Value Duty. Written Answers October 24, 1912

Historical Monuments Reports. Written Answers October 24, 1912

2 speeches — SPEECH BY MR. RUNCIMAN. Commons October 28, 1912

Land Valuation. Written Answers October 28, 1912

Cherry Brandy. Written Answers October 28, 1912

AUDIT STAFF. Written Answers October 28, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons October 29, 1912

6 speeches — Improvement Fund (Agricultural Rates). Commons October 29, 1912

5 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons October 29, 1912

Road Board. Commons October 29, 1912

3 speeches — Land Taxation (Statistics). Commons October 29, 1912

Increment Duty. Commons October 29, 1912

4 speeches — Members' Salaries (Income Tax Deductions). Commons October 29, 1912

3 speeches — INSUBANCE STAMPS (WELSH EMULEM). Commons October 29, 1912

MEDICAL SERVICES (IRELAND). Commons October 29, 1912


2 speeches — Income Tax (Assessments). Commons October 30, 1912

Scottish Services (Expenditure). Commons October 30, 1912

4 speeches — Land Duties. Commons October 30, 1912

Surveyor of Taxes' Clerks. Written Answers October 30, 1912

Income Tax Allowances. Written Answers October 30, 1912

Super-tax. Written Answers October 30, 1912

Civil Service Pensions (Commutation). Written Answers October 31, 1912

Provisional Valuations (Ireland). Written Answers October 31, 1912

Income Tax (Married Women's Rebates). Commons November 4, 1912

3 speeches — Imperial and Local Taxation Committee. Commons November 4, 1912

Taxes on Raw Material. Commons November 4, 1912


Income Tax Deductions (Naval Officers). Written Answers November 4, 1912

Road Grants (Ireland). Written Answers November 4, 1912

Local Rates (Savings). Commons November 5, 1912

Petrol Tax. Written Answers November 5, 1912

Main Road Maintenance. Commons November 6, 1912

2 speeches — Local Taxation Committee (Report). Commons November 6, 1912

7 speeches — Income Tax (Bowles v. Bank of England). Commons November 6, 1912

Land Valuation. Commons November 6, 1912


18 speeches — FINANCIAL RESOLUTION. Commons November 7, 1912

Surveyors of Taxes (Clerks). Written Answers November 7, 1912

Estate Duty. Written Answers November 7, 1912

Royal Mint (Gold Coinage). Commons November 11, 1912

2 speeches — Scottish Universities (Fees). Written Answers November 11, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Written Answers November 11, 1912

SANATORIUM BENEFIT. Written Answers November 11, 1912

2 speeches — Post Office Deposits (Income Tax). Commons November 13, 1912

2 speeches — EXCISE OFFICERS (REMUNERATION). Written Answers November 14, 1912

Nurseries and Market Gardens (Site Values). Written Answers November 14, 1912

Income Tax Assessment. Written Answers November 14, 1912

Imperial and Local Taxation. Written Answers November 14, 1912

Income Tax (Ireland). Written Answers November 14, 1912

Piers and Harbours (Ireland). Written Answers November 14, 1912

3 speeches — Bowles v. Bank of England. Commons November 19, 1912

Petrol (Excise Duties). Commons November 19, 1912

11 speeches — GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND. [Money]—No. 2. Commons November 19, 1912

2 speeches — LOCAL EXCISE OFFICERS (EXTRA REMUNERATION). Commons November 20, 1912

2 speeches — Land Values Tax (Australia). Commons November 20, 1912

Land Valuation (Ireland). Commons November 20, 1912

Income Tax Returns (Grand Juries and Petty Juries). Commons November 20, 1912

3 speeches — GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND [MONEY] (No. 2). Commons November 20, 1912

Death Duties (Border Lands). Written Answers November 21, 1912

Sales of Real Property (Increment Value Duty). Written Answers November 21, 1912

Finance Act (Appeals). Written Answers November 21, 1912

Income Tax (Furnished Houses). Written Answers November 21, 1912

Agricultural Co-operation (England and Wales). Written Answers November 21, 1912

Education (Finance). Written Answers November 21, 1912

Local Taxation (Departmental Committee). Written Answers November 21, 1912

17 speeches — VACATION OF SEAT (MEMBER HOLDING CONTRACT). Commons November 22, 1912

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons November 25, 1912

Estate Duty Valuations (Ireland). Written Answers November 25, 1912

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers November 25, 1912

British Museum (Bookbinding). Written Answers November 25, 1912

Customs Examination of Baggage. Written Answers November 25, 1912

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons November 26, 1912

2 speeches — Tobacco Duty. Commons November 26, 1912

2 speeches — Land Value Duties (Ireland). Commons November 26, 1912

Agricultural Co-operation (Scotland). Written Answers November 26, 1912

4 speeches — CLAUSE 26.—(Revision of Financial Arrangements in Certain Events.) Commons December 2, 1912

Heavy Motor Omnibuses. Written Answers December 2, 1912

TUBERCULOSIS CASES. Commons December 3, 1912

2 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons December 3, 1912

9 speeches — INSURANCE OFFICERS (PAY AND DUTIES). Commons December 3, 1912

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons December 3, 1912

Undeveloped Land (Church Site). Commons December 3, 1912

Land Values Committee. Commons December 3, 1912

9 speeches — LAND VALUATION. Commons December 3, 1912

12 speeches — CLAUSE 29.—(Special Provision for Decision of Constitutional Questions.) Commons December 4, 1912


BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons December 5, 1912

6 speeches — LAND VALUATION. Commons December 5, 1912



Estate Duties. Written Answers December 5, 1912

Road Board Funds. Written Answers December 5, 1912

Bank of England (Reserve and Deposits). Written Answers December 6, 1912

Privy Council Appeals (Payments to Judges). Written Answers December 9, 1912

2 speeches — Commonwealth of Australia (Taxation). Written Answers December 9, 1912

Housing Inquiry in Surrey and Hampshire. Written Answers December 9, 1912

Income Tax Assessments (Ireland). Written Answers December 9, 1912

Clerks of Surveyors of Taxes. Written Answers December 9, 1912

Mineral Rights Duty. Commons December 10, 1912

3 speeches — Assessable Site Value (Ireland). Commons December 10, 1912

Finance Act, 1912 (Owners' Losses). Commons December 10, 1912

Local and Imperial Taxation. Commons December 10, 1912

Land Valuation. Commons December 10, 1912

2 speeches — Land Purchase (Ireland). Commons December 10, 1912

3 speeches — Imperial Taxation (Forms IV., VIII., and V.). Commons December 10, 1912

Pensions of Appeal Lords. Written Answers December 10, 1912

2 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons December 11, 1912

Budget Resolutions. Commons December 11, 1912

9 speeches — Customs and Excise Officials. Commons December 11, 1912

Agricultural Organisation. Written Answers December 11, 1912

Temporary Excise Officers. Written Answers December 11, 1912

Undeveloped Land in Ireland. Written Answers December 12, 1912

Excise Duties (Dublin and Belfast). Written Answers December 12, 1912

Inland Revenue Appeals. Written Answers December 12, 1912

Motor and Carriage Licences. Written Answers December 12, 1912

20 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Vesting of Property.) Commons December 13, 1912

Income Tax. Commons December 16, 1912

LONDON HOSPITALS. Written Answers December 16, 1912

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Written Answers December 16, 1912

2 speeches — Customs and Excise Departments (Overtime). Written Answers December 16, 1912

Sea Training (Annual Grant). Written Answers December 16, 1912

Land Values Committee. Written Answers December 16, 1912

Main Roads (Maintenance). Written Answers December 16, 1912

3 speeches — Agricultural Rates Act. Commons December 17, 1912

Petrol. Commons December 17, 1912

3 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT (PRACTITIONERS' PANEL). Commons December 17, 1912

2 speeches — Real and Personal Property. Commons December 17, 1912

Post Office (Expenditure). Commons December 17, 1912

Road Board Grants. Commons December 17, 1912

Land Values (Taxing and Rating). Commons December 17, 1912

Customs and Excise Departments (Overtime). Written Answers December 17, 1912

3 speeches — Inhabited House Duty. Commons December 18, 1912

9 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons December 18, 1912

4 speeches — Land Valuation (Forms IV. and VIII). Commons December 18, 1912

Land Values Committee. Commons December 18, 1912

3 speeches — Established Church (Wales) Bill. Commons December 18, 1912

8 speeches — Customs and Excise Departments. Commons December 18, 1912

Inhabited House Duty. Written Answers December 18, 1912

Public Works Loan Board. Written Answers December 18, 1912

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Written Answers December 19, 1912

Revenue Collected (Dublin and Belfast). Written Answers December 19, 1912

Imperial and Local Taxation. Written Answers December 19, 1912

2 speeches — Income Tax (Relief). Written Answers December 19, 1912

Income Tax (Gross Assessments, Scotland). Written Answers December 19, 1912

Land Tax (Revenue). Written Answers December 19, 1912

Sea Training. Written Answers December 19, 1912

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons December 20, 1912

Income Tax. Commons December 20, 1912

Lighthouse Dues and Expenditure. Commons December 20, 1912

Super-Tax on Farms (Tithe). Written Answers December 20, 1912

5 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons December 30, 1912

3 speeches — Licence Duty (Applications for Reduction). Commons December 30, 1912

New Copper Coins. Commons December 30, 1912

Land Values Committee. Commons December 30, 1912

Regular Forces of Crown (Recruiting and Pensions). Commons December 30, 1912

4 speeches — SANATORIUM BENEFIT. Commons December 31, 1912

5 speeches — Finance Act, 1909–10 (Land Valuers). Commons December 31, 1912

2 speeches — BLOCKING MOTIONS. Commons December 31, 1912

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.