Mr Alfred Lyttelton

1857 - July 4, 1913
Summary information for Mr Alfred Lyttelton



3 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons February 4, 1904

The Transvaal Loan. Commons February 4, 1904

Government Purchase of South African Railway. Commons February 8, 1904

Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons February 8, 1904

Malta. Commons February 8, 1904

The West Indian Relief Grants. Commons February 8, 1904

FISCAL POLICY. Commons February 8, 1904

2 speeches — Convict Labour for Johannesburg Mines. Commons February 9, 1904

Australian Immigration Act Commons February 9, 1904

6 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons February 9, 1904

10 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 10, 1904

Recruitment of Labour in China. Commons February 10, 1904

Conveyance of Labour to the Transvaal. Commons February 10, 1904

British Columbian Labour Legislation. Commons February 10, 1904

2 speeches — Convict Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons February 10, 1904

2 speeches — Education in the Transvaal. Commons February 10, 1904

KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 10, 1904

Labour Statistics for the Transvaal Mines. Commons February 10, 1904

Chinese Labour for the Transvaal—Wages. Commons February 10, 1904

6 speeches — Transvaal Imported Labour Ordinance. Commons February 10, 1904

3 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Transfer of Importers' Rights. Commons February 11, 1904

6 speeches — Chinese Labour—Regulations for Recruiting. Commons February 11, 1904

Chinese Government and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 11, 1904

Transvaal Mines—Convict Labour Commons February 11, 1904

2 speeches — Labour Laws in Australia. Commons February 11, 1904

Land Settlement in the Transvaal. Commons February 11, 1904

Trinidad Disturbances. Commons February 11, 1904

Maltese Council Election. Commons February 11, 1904

9 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 11, 1904

2 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 11, 1904

The Transvaal Labour Ordinance— Protests. Commons February 16, 1904

Copy of the Transvaal Labour Ordinance Commons February 16, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Recruiting and Transit Regulations. Commons February 16, 1904

3 speeches — Barbados as a Recruiting Ground for Native Labour for the Transvaal. Commons February 16, 1904

British Workmen and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 16, 1904

Transvaal Legislative Council and the Ordinance. Commons February 16, 1904

Cost of Cable Transvaal Ordinance Amendments. Commons February 16, 1904

13 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 16, 1904

2 speeches — Convict Labour in the Colonies. Commons February 17, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 17, 1904

2 speeches — Employment of Native Convicts in the Transvaal. Commons February 17, 1904

The Reported Rising in Nigeria. Commons February 17, 1904

2 speeches — Trinidad Disturbances. Commons February 17, 1904

KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 17, 1904

Accidents in Transvaal Mines Commons February 18, 1904

4 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 18, 1904

Transvaal Magistracy. Commons February 18, 1904

Plague Prevention at Hong-Kong. Commons February 18, 1904

2 speeches — The Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 22, 1904

Workmen's Compensation in the Transvaal. Commons February 22, 1904

2 speeches — Transport of Chinese Labourers' Families. Commons February 22, 1904

The Chinese Minister's Suggestions on the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 22, 1904

Amendment of Regulations. Commons February 22, 1904

Boer Protest Against Chinese Labour. Commons February 22, 1904

Missionary Enterprise among the Chinese Labourers. Commons February 22, 1904

2 speeches — Cost of Cabling Transvaal Documents. Commons February 22, 1904

6 speeches — Chinese Labour Recruiting at Tientsin. Commons February 22, 1904

2 speeches — Payment of South African War Debts. Commons February 22, 1904

Transvaal—Taxation of Natives. Commons February 22, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Magistracy. Commons February 22, 1904

Fiscal Policy—Colonial Preference. Commons February 22, 1904

22 speeches — CHINESE LABOUR, IN THE TRANSVAAL. Commons February 22, 1904

Swaziland. Commons February 23, 1904

British Colonies and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 23, 1904

British Indian Subjects and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons February 23, 1904

South African Mines—Mortality Statistics. Commons February 24, 1904

3 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance— Hours of Work. Commons February 24, 1904

2 speeches — Transit Regulations for the Chinese Labourers. Commons February 24, 1904

"Protector" of the Chinese. Commons February 24, 1904

4 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Regulations for Women and Children. Commons February 25, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance—More Papers Promised. Commons February 25, 1904

British Indians and the Transvaal Ordinance. Commons February 25, 1904

Chinese Passengers Act. Commons February 25, 1904

2 speeches — Hours of Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons February 25, 1904

Indian Coolie Labour. Commons February 25, 1904

Postal Espionage in the Transvaal Commons February 25, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance Regulations. Commons February 29, 1904

Prices of Stores for Chinese Coolies. Commons February 29, 1904

Transvaal Mines—Sunday Regulations. Commons February 29, 1904

British Columbia and Chinese and Japanese Immigrants. Commons February 29, 1904

Canada and Chinese Immigrants. Commons February 29, 1904

Quebec and Irish Home Rule Commons February 29, 1904

South Africa—Free Grants of Land to Soldier Settlers Commons February 29, 1904

Crown Agents. Commons February 29, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons March 1, 1904

China and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons March 1, 1904

Unskilled White Labour in the Transvaal Commons March 1, 1904

South African Natives and Chinese Mine Labour. Commons March 2, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Sale of Intoxicants and Opium to Chinese. Commons March 2, 1904

2 speeches — Labour Ordinances—Hours of Labour and Pay. Commons March 2, 1904

British Indians and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons March 2, 1904

Land Settlement in the Transvaal. Commons March 3, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance and Regulations Commons March 3, 1904

China and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons March 3, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Provision for Securing Labourers' Consent to Transfer. Commons March 3, 1904

Sale of Intoxicants and Opium to Chinese Labourers. Commons March 3, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Indebtedness Commons March 3, 1904

Cross River Trading. Commons March 3, 1904

Southern Nigeria—Ibibio Expedition Commons March 3, 1904

Cotton Cultivation in British North Borneo. Commons March 7, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance—No Time Limit. Commons March 7, 1904

White Unskilled Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons March 7, 1904

Racial Problems in the Transvaal. Commons March 7, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Labour—Transfer Regulations. Commons March 7, 1904

2 speeches — Labour Transfers. Commons March 7, 1904

Labour Contracts in Transvaal Mines Commons March 7, 1904

Repatriation of Chinese Children. Commons March 7, 1904

Alien Labour in Rhodesia. Commons March 7, 1904

Coolie Labour in the West Indies. Commons March 7, 1904

2 speeches — Australian Governor-General and Preferential Tariffs. Commons March 7, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Recruiting Regulations. Commons March 8, 1904

3 speeches — Chinese Labour in Rhodesia. Commons March 8, 1904

Asiatics in the Transvaal. Commons March 9, 1904

Chinese Labour in Rhodesia. Commons March 9, 1904

Asiatic Labour in British Crown Colonies. Commons March 9, 1904

Chinese Labourers' Wives. Commons March 9, 1904

Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons March 9, 1904

Johannesburg Free Churches and Chinese Labour. Commons March 9, 1904

4 speeches — Wages on the Rand. Commons March 9, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Excise Duty on Dynamite. Commons March 9, 1904

Lord Milner and South African Opinion. Commons March 10, 1904

Chinese Labour—Capitation Fees. Commons March 10, 1904

2 speeches — Asiatic Labour in Southern Rhodesia. Commons March 10, 1904

3 speeches — Importation of Asiatics into Rhodesia. Commons March 10, 1904

2 speeches — Claim against the Chartered Company for Injuries caused by Jameson Raid. Commons March 10, 1904

South African Gold Mining Companies. Commons March 10, 1904

Electoral Rolls for South Africa. Commons March 10, 1904

Australian Labour Laws. Commons March 10, 1904

Australian Labour Laws. Commons March 14, 1904

Chinese Labourers and Rights of Property in the Transvaal. Commons March 14, 1904

Jameson Raid. Commons March 14, 1904

Canada and the Metric System. Commons March 14, 1904

Australia and Preferential Tariffs. Commons March 14, 1904

West Indian Exports. Commons March 15, 1904

3 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance Commons March 15, 1904

2 speeches — Government Sanction to the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons March 15, 1904

Transvaal Opinion on the Labour Ordinance. Commons March 15, 1904

White Labour for Gold Mining. Commons March 15, 1904

2 speeches — Quebec Legislative Assembly and Irish Home Rule. Commons March 15, 1904

Convicts in South African Mines. Commons March 15, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance-Leave Regulations. Commons March 16, 1904

Civil Rights Limitation for Asiatic Labour. Commons March 16, 1904

Gold Production of the Rand. Commons March 16, 1904

2 speeches — Crown Colonies and the Sugar Convention. Commons March 16, 1904

Alien Labour in Southern Rhodesia. Commons March 16, 1904

St George's Channel, Bermuda. Commons March 16, 1904

Unemployed Kaffirs. Commons March 17, 1904

3 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons March 17, 1904

White Labour in Gold Mines. Commons March 17, 1904

2 speeches — Johannesburg Street Regulations against Coloured Persons. Commons March 17, 1904

2 speeches — Jameson Raid Indemnity. Commons March 17, 1904

2 speeches — Recruitment of Chinese Labour for the Transvaal. Commons March 17, 1904

Lagos Railway—Coal Supplies. Commons March 17, 1904

Transvaal Duties. Commons March 17, 1904

Colonial Opinion on Preferential Duties. Commons March 17, 1904

2 speeches — Venezuelan Tariffs. Commons March 17, 1904

Missions to Indentured Chinese. Commons March 21, 1904

British Crown Colonies and the Sugar Convention. Commons March 21, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Public Opinion in the Transvaal. Commons March 21, 1904

Indentured Indian Immigrants as Landowners. Commons March 21, 1904

Repatriation of Indian Immigrants. Commons March 21, 1904

Lord Milner's Powers—Permits to British Subjects. Commons March 21, 1904

2 speeches — Wages for Chinese Labourers in the Transvaal. Commons March 21, 1904

Gold Output of the Transvaal. Commons March 21, 1904

2 speeches — The Plague in Johannesburg. Commons March 21, 1904

18 speeches — CHINESE LABOUR FOR THE TRANSVAAL. —VOTE OF CENSURE. Commons March 21, 1904

3 speeches — CHINESE LABOUR (TRANSVAAL). Commons March 21, 1904

Wages of Indentured Chinese Labourers in the Transvaal. Commons March 22, 1904

2 speeches — Crown Agents' Commissions. Commons March 23, 1904

4 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Recruiting in China. Commons March 24, 1904

Treatment of Coolie Children in the Transvaal. Commons March 24, 1904

Crown Agents Accounts. Commons March 24, 1904

Negotiations with the Chinese Govern- ment for Labour for the Transvaal. Commons March 24, 1904

Mortality among Kaffirs in Witwaters rand Mines. Commons March 24, 1904

2 speeches — Pacific Island Labourers Act. Commons March 24, 1904

Western Australia—Power to Flog Natives. Commons March 24, 1904

19 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND (No. 1) BILL. Commons March 24, 1904

Lord Northcote and Preferential Tariffs. Commons March 28, 1904

3 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal — Religious Observances. Commons March 28, 1904

2 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND (No. 1) BILL. Commons March 28, 1904

Chinese Emigrant Ships—Regulations. Commons March 29, 1904

2 speeches — Bubonic Plague in South Africa and Immigration of Chinese Labourers. Commons March 29, 1904

2 speeches — Plague at Johannesburg. Commons March 29, 1904

Recruiting Labour in China for the Transvaal. Commons March 29, 1904

2 speeches — Terms of Chinese Labourer's Contracts. Commons March 29, 1904

2 speeches — South African War Claims. Commons March 29, 1904

Malta. Commons March 29, 1904


Witwatersrand Gold Mines—Mortality Among Kaffir Labourers Commons April 12, 1904

Chinese Labourers' Wages. Commons April 12, 1904

2 speeches — Land Settlement in the Transvaal Commons April 12, 1904

Transvaal Magistracy Commons April 12, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal— Religious Observances. Commons April 13, 1904

2 speeches — Boers and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons April 14, 1904

Plague in Hong-Kong. Commons April 14, 1904

Canadian Steel and Iron Bounties. Commons April 14, 1904

Colonies and Preferential Tariffs Commons April 18, 1904

Transvaal Ordinances -Assent of the Governor. Commons April 18, 1904

Chinese in the Transvaal. Commons April 18, 1904

Trinidad and British Guiana Labour Ordinances. Commons April 18, 1904

Plague at Hong-Kong. Commons April 18, 1904

Chinese Indentured Labour in the Transvaal. Commons April 19, 1904

Unemployed Kaffirs in the Transvaal. Commons April 19, 1904

2 speeches — Colonial Legislatures and Preference. Commons April 20, 1904

British Indian Tradesmen in East London. Commons April 20, 1904

Australia and the Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons April 25, 1904

2 speeches — Repatriation of, and Compensation paid to, the Boers. Commons April 25, 1904

3 speeches — Departmental Supplies for the Transvaal Commons April 25, 1904

Northern Nigeria. Commons April 26, 1904

Gold Output of, and Native Labour available for, the Rand. Commons April 26, 1904

Education in Ceylon. Commons April 26, 1904

3 speeches — British Indian Traders in East London, South Africa. Commons April 27, 1904

The Chinese Government and the Trans vaal Labour Ordinance. Commons April 27, 1904

Gilbert Islands. Commons April 27, 1904

2 speeches — Crown Agents' Commission. Commons April 27, 1904

2 speeches — COTTON GROWING (AFRICA). Commons April 27, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance Commons April 28, 1904

2 speeches — Kaffir Mortality in the Witwatersrand Gold Mines. Commons April 28, 1904

Missing Property of the Late James Murray. Commons April 28, 1904

Purchases for the Transvaal through the Crown Agents Commons May 2, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Administration and the Crown Agents- Commons May 2, 1904

3 speeches — South African Census. Commons May 2, 1904

White Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons May 2, 1904

3 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal Mines. Commons May 2, 1904

Jamaica—Excise Match Duty. Commons May 2, 1904

2 speeches — British South Africa Company—Jameson Raid Claim. Commons May 3, 1904

Reported Disturbances in British New Guinea. Commons May 4, 1904

The Rand Mines. Commons May 5, 1904


3 speeches — Transvaal Labour Ordinance—Plague at Hong-Kong. Commons May 9, 1904

Mortality in the South African Mines Commons May 9, 1904

4 speeches — LICENSING BILL. Commons May 9, 1904

Native Labour on the Rand Mines —Cape of Good Hope Blue-book. Commons May 11, 1904

4 speeches — Report on Health of Natives employed on the Rand Mines. Commons May 11, 1904

3 speeches — Native Mortality in the Rand Mines. Commons May 11, 1904

2 speeches — Cape Colony Legislative Assembly— Resolution against Chinese Labour. Commons May 11, 1904

Transvaal Magistracy. Commons May 11, 1904

The Chinese Labour Ordinance. Commons May 12, 1904

Chinese Labour for the Transvaal— Cost of Housing Intending Emigrants at Hong Kong. Commons May 12, 1904

Mercantile Association of Swaziland— Transvaal Duties. Commons May 12, 1904

Mine Doctors' Report on Disease among Natives on the Rand. Commons May 16, 1904

Chinese Labour in the Transvaal-Commissariat Arrangements. Commons May 16, 1904

Rock Drilling in Metalliferous Mines. Commons May 17, 1904

Workmen's Compensation in the Transvaal. Commons May 18, 1904

Crown Agents' Accounts. Commons May 18, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance Regulations. Commons May 18, 1904

Native Labour in the Transvaal Mines-Vigilance Department. Commons May 18, 1904

5 speeches — Wages of Chinese Labourers. Commons May 18, 1904

Australian Parliament and the Chinese Labour Question. Commons May 18, 1904

Transvaal Magistracy. Commons May 18, 1904

3 speeches — Native Convict Labour in the Mines. Commons May 18, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Coolies for the Transvaal— Accommodation at Hong-Kong. Commons May 19, 1904

2 speeches — British Indian Traders in the Transvaal Commons May 19, 1904

8 speeches — ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE (WHITSUNTIDE). Commons May 19, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons May 31, 1904

Canada and Imperial Defence. Commons June 2, 1904

Imperial Council of Defence. Commons June 2, 1904

Commissioners of Mines and Railways in the Transvaal. Commons June 6, 1904

2 speeches — Selukwe Gold Mines—Native Mortality. Commons June 6, 1904

Native Labour in the Transvaal. Commons June 6, 1904

Chinese Labour in Southern Rhodesia. Commons June 6, 1904

LICENSING BILL. Commons June 6, 1904

Punishment of Natives in the Transvaal Mines. Commons June 7, 1904

Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons June 7, 1904

2 speeches — Labour Overseers in the Transvaal. Commons June 8, 1904

Agricultural Labour in the Transvaal. Commons June 8, 1904

Sale of Intoxicants to Chinese Labourers in the South African Mines. Commons June 8, 1904

Japan and Asiatic Labour in British Columbia. Commons June 8, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Finance. Commons June 8, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal Mines— Powers of Chinese Consul. Commons June 9, 1904

5 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons June 9, 1904

Transvaal Finances. Commons June 9, 1904

Transvaal Dynamite Duties Commons June 9, 1904

Transvaal Gold Mine Profit Tax. Commons June 9, 1904

2 speeches — Finance of the New Colonies. Commons June 9, 1904

Chinese Labour Limitations in the Transvaal. Commons June 13, 1904

6 speeches — Pay of Chinese Labourers in the Transvaal. Commons June 13, 1904

Gangers and Overseers in the Transvaal Mines. Commons June 13, 1904

Arrival of Chinese Immigrants at Durban. Commons June 13, 1904

Alleged Forced Labour in the Transvaal Mines for Native Offenders. Commons June 13, 1904

Alleged Unrest amongst the Zoutpansberg Natives. Commons June 13, 1904

Chinese Labour in the Straits Settlements. Commons June 13, 1904

British Indian Subjects in the Transvaal. Commons June 13, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese for the Transvaal—Police Arrangements. Commons June 14, 1904

His Majesty's Minister at Pekin and the Coolie Contracts. Commons June 14, 1904

7 speeches — Wages of Chinese Labourers in the Transvaal. Commons June 15, 1904

Transvaal Finances. Commons June 15, 1904

2 speeches — Kimberley Census. Commons June 15, 1904

Transvaal Agreement with Portugal. Commons June 15, 1904

Transvaal Convention with Portugal. Commons June 16, 1904

Pensions of Ex-Crown Agents. Commons June 21, 1904

Respective Cost of Gold Coast Railway and Natal Government Railway Commons June 22, 1904

Cost of Construction of Gold Coast Railway. Commons June 22, 1904

Hut Tax in the Transvaal. Commons June 22, 1904

Native Unrest in the Transvaal. Commons June 22, 1904

Resignation of Sir Percy Girouard. Commons June 22, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Labour in the Transvaal. Commons June 22, 1904

9 speeches — Wages of Chinese Labourers in the Transvaal. Commons June 22, 1904


2 speeches — Chinese Labour and Beriberi. Commons June 23, 1904

2 speeches — Licensed British-Indian Traders in South Africa. Commons June 23, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Labour for the Transvaal. Commons June 23, 1904

3 speeches — Transvaal Government Loan. Commons June 23, 1904

2 speeches — The Gold Mine Profit Tax in the Transvaal. Commons June 23, 1904

6 speeches — Chinese Coolies at Johannesburg—Beriberi. Commons June 28, 1904

Maltese Government Balance-sheet. Commons June 28, 1904

Recruitment of Chinese Coolies for the Transvaal. Commons June 29, 1904

5 speeches — Beri-beri in the Transvaal. Commons June 29, 1904

3 speeches — The Landing of Coolies at Durban. Commons June 29, 1904

2 speeches — Present number of Chinese Coolies in South Africa. Commons June 29, 1904

South African Constabulary. Commons June 29, 1904

South Africa—Alleged Conspiracy to Murder Lord Milner. Commons June 30, 1904

2 speeches — Beri-Beri in South Africa. Commons June 30, 1904

Trading Rights of British Indians in the Transvaal. Commons June 30, 1904

Suicide of British-Indians in Natal. Commons June 30, 1904

Expenditure of Maltese Government Department of Charitable Institutions. Commons June 30, 1904

Northern Nigeria—Finance. Commons June 30, 1904

Chinese Labour in the Transvaal —Recruitment at Canton. Commons July 4, 1904

3 speeches — Number of Chinese already in South Africa. Commons July 4, 1904

4 speeches — Treatment of Chinese Coolies at Durban Commons July 4, 1904

Terms of the Chinese Labour Contract. Commons July 4, 1904

No Close Time for Chinese Coolies. Commons July 4, 1904

Embarkation of Coolies at Hong-kong. Commons July 4, 1904

Debarkation of Coolies from the "Tweeddale." Commons July 4, 1904

2 speeches — Natal Act (Immigration) 1903—Alleged Infraction by the "Tweeddale" Commons July 4, 1904

Beri-beri on the "Tweeddale." Commons July 4, 1904

Telegrams to Lord Milner. Commons July 4, 1904

Chinese Exclusion Bill in Cape Colony. Commons July 4, 1904

Representative Government in South Africa. Commons July 4, 1904

Maltese Finance. Commons July 4, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Explosives Tax. Commons July 5, 1904

3 speeches — Transvaal Legislative Council. Commons July 5, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Finance. Commons July 5, 1904

South African Constabulary. Commons July 6, 1904

2 speeches — Sunday Labour in Transvaal Mines. Commons July 6, 1904

2 speeches — Boer Repatriation—Expenditure. Commons July 6, 1904

Repatriation Loan. Commons July 6, 1904

Chinese Labourers for the Transvaal. Commons July 7, 1904

Maltese Balance-Sheet Commons July 7, 1904

3 speeches — CHINESE COOLIES IN THE TRANSVAAL. Commons July 8, 1904

Transvaal Labour Ordinance. Commons July 11, 1904

The Chinese Exclusion Bill in Cape Colony. Commons July 11, 1904

3 speeches — Desertions from the Coolie Camp in Johannesburg. Commons July 11, 1904

2 speeches — LICENSING BILL [2ND ALLOTTED DAY]. Commons July 11, 1904

Maltese Finance. Commons July 12, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Coolies in the Transvaal-Desertions from the Compounds. Commons July 13, 1904

2 speeches — Treatment of Chinese Coolies on Landing in South Africa. Commons July 13, 1904

Administration of Native Affairs in the Transvaal. Commons July 13, 1904

2 speeches — Chinese Deserters from the Rand Mines. Commons July 14, 1904

2 speeches — The Crown Agents. Commons July 14, 1904

Kaffirs as Mine Overseers in the Transvaal. Commons July 14, 1904

Sir Percy Girouard. Commons July 19, 1904

2 speeches — Life of the Gold Mines in South Africa. Commons July 19, 1904

Convicted Soldiers in Pretoria. Commons July 19, 1904

Chinese Coolies in South Africa—Treatment of the 'Tweeddale' Contingent Commons July 21, 1904

Ex-President Kruger's Funeral. Commons July 21, 1904

Self-Government for the Transvaal Colony. Commons July 21, 1904

Precedence in the Colonies. Commons July 21, 1904

13 speeches — CLASS II. Commons July 21, 1904

7 speeches — CLASS II. Commons July 21, 1904

WHITE LABOUR ON THE RAND. Commons July 22, 1904

Imperial Fiscal Policy—Suggested Colonial Conference. Commons July 25, 1904

Transvaal War Contribution. Commons July 25, 1904

Transvaal Interests at Delagoa Bay. Commons July 25, 1904

Representative Institutions for the Transvaal. Commons July 25, 1904

Chinese Labourers and the Transvaal Liquor Law. Commons July 25, 1904

Chinese Riots in the Transvaal. Commons July 25, 1904

Transvaal Government Contracts for Purchase of Repatriation Stores. Commons July 25, 1904

Cotton Growing in Africa. Commons July 25, 1904

2 speeches — Chief Justice of New Zealand—Question of Precedence. Commons July 25, 1904

The "Tweeddale's" Cargo of Coolies— Treatment on Arrival in South Africa. Commons July 26, 1904

2 speeches — Transvaal Estimates. Commons July 26, 1904

2 speeches — Self-Government for the Transvaal. Commons July 26, 1904

Canada and Treaty-making Powers. Commons July 26, 1904

Rio Grande du Sol—British Consul and the Canadian Flag. Commons July 26, 1904

British Colonies and the Fiscal Policy. Commons July 27, 1904

Settlement of South African War Claims. Commons July 27, 1904

Asiatic Labourers in South Africa. Commons July 27, 1904

2 speeches — The Crown Agents and Company Directorships. Commons July 28, 1904

3 speeches — Recruitment of Chinese Coolies. Commons July 28, 1904

3 speeches — Chinese Coolies for the Transvaal—Depots in China. Commons July 28, 1904

3 speeches — Chinese Indentured Labour Depots. Commons August 1, 1904

Race Troubles in Johannesburgh—Report of Lynching. Commons August 1, 1904

Island of Tristan d'Acunha. Commons August 1, 1904

Mr. Arnold Forster's Statement on Labour Recruiting in China. Commons August 1, 1904

4 speeches — (PREFERENTIAL DUTIES). Commons August 1, 1904

Local Self-Government for South African Colonies. Commons August 2, 1904

South African Shipping Freights Conference. Commons August 8, 1904

Niger and Lake Chad Boundary Commission. Commons August 9, 1904

British Indians in South Africa. Commons August 9, 1904

Chinese Coolies for the Transvaal. Commons August 10, 1904

2 speeches — Rhodesia and the Chartered Company. Commons August 11, 1904

3 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND (APPROPRIATION) BILL. Commons August 11, 1904


Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.