HC Deb 11 February 1904 vol 129 cc1022-4

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the recruiting of labour in China for the Transvaal will be carried on by persons responsible to British authority, and how, and by whom, appointed; and what steps will be taken under British authority to ensure that before the labourers leave China they are made fully aware of the wages they are to be paid and the very special restrictions under which their labour is to be performed.


The hon. Member will see that Clause 6 of the Ordinance (Cd. 1898) provides that no person shall introduce labourers into the Transvaal except under licence from the Lieutenant-Governor, and I am in communication with Lord Milner as to the manner in which he proposes to secure, under the licensing clause and regulations, control in the matters referred to by the hon. Member and others, connected with the recruiting of these labourers.

MR. JOHN ELLIS (Nottinghamshire, Rushcliffe)

Shall we have the reply of Lord Milner before we debate the subject?


I do not know, Sir.


Can the right hon. Gentleman furnish us either with a summary of the debates in the Legislative Council or Lord Milner's reasons for the enormous number of alterations in the Ordinance which have been made during the past week before the House is asked to come to a decision on the question?


The Blue-book contains a full report of the most important stage in the passing of the Ordinance.


In a recent Paper it is shown that there are five pages of Amendments telegraphed by Lord Milner, and no reason is given for any of these substantial Amendments.


The earlier stages are set forth in full in the Blue-book for the convenience and study of hon. Members. I cannot give any undertaking that the reports of the proceedings which caused these Amendments should be placed on the Table of the House before the debate.

MR. J. A. PEASE (Essex, Saffron Walden)

But cannot the House see the reasons for the alterations which have been made during the past week?


No, Sir.

MR. SYDNEY BUXTON (Tower Hamlets, Poplar)

I understand that some of the alterations are of considerable moment. There must have been some despatch from Lord Milner to the Secretary of State explaining the Amendments and giving the reasons why they have been adopted. I do not see how the House can debate the question effectively until it has before it the reasons for accepting these Amendments. Can the right hon. Gentleman lay on the Table of the House the despatch of Lord Milner dealing with the Amendments?


I will undertake to lay before the House any Papers dealing with the subject whenever they come before me.


Then can we have the debate delayed until we have the full information? I should like an answer to that Question.

[No answer was returned.]