Mr Alan Lennox-Boyd

November 18, 1904 - March 8, 1983
Summary information for Mr Alan Lennox-Boyd



Kowloon and Tsuan Wan Riots Written Answers February 4, 1957

Constitution (Conference) Written Answers February 6, 1957

African Continental Bank (Inquiry) Written Answers February 6, 1957

National Economic Council Written Answers February 6, 1957

Eastern Region Finance Corporation Written Answers February 6, 1957

Land Reservation Written Answers February 6, 1957

Premises (Search) Written Answers February 6, 1957

Emergency Regulations Written Answers February 6, 1957

Constitution Written Answers February 6, 1957

Oil (Exploration and Prospecting Licences) Written Answers February 6, 1957

Constitution (Discussions) Written Answers February 6, 1957

Secretary of State's Visit Written Answers February 6, 1957

Northern Rhodesia (Trade Union Officials) Written Answers February 6, 1957

Constitution (White Paper) Written Answers February 6, 1957

Pangani River, Tanganyika Written Answers February 6, 1957

Indirect Taxation Written Answers February 6, 1957

Detainees Written Answers February 6, 1957

Financial Arrangements Written Answers February 6, 1957

Cost of Living Written Answers February 6, 1957

2 speeches — Bahrain Deportees Written Answers February 6, 1957

Prisoners (Number and Origin) Written Answers February 6, 1957

Hospital Beds Written Answers February 6, 1957

Secretary of State's Visit Written Answers February 7, 1957

4 speeches — GHANA (CONSTITUTION) Commons February 8, 1957

Inter-African Labour Conference Written Answers February 8, 1957

2 speeches — Doctors Written Answers February 8, 1957

University College (Teaching Hospital) Written Answers February 8, 1957

Inter-African Labour Conference Written Answers February 11, 1957

Constitution Written Answers February 12, 1957

Nairobi City Council (Administration Report) Written Answers February 12, 1957

Rehabilitation and Welfare Funds Written Answers February 12, 1957

Secretary of State's Visit Written Answers February 13, 1957

Multi-racial Hospitals Written Answers February 13, 1957

Labour Welfare Fund Written Answers February 13, 1957

Students, United Kingdom (London Office) Written Answers February 13, 1957

Constitution Written Answers February 13, 1957

2 speeches — Emergency Regulations Written Answers February 13, 1957

General Workers' Union (Registration) Written Answers February 13, 1957

Bahrain Prisoners Written Answers February 13, 1957

Financial Assistance Written Answers February 13, 1957

Social, Political and Economic Reforms Written Answers February 13, 1957

Social Security (Aged Persons) Written Answers February 13, 1957

Coffee Marketing Board Written Answers February 13, 1957

2 speeches — Situation Written Answers February 13, 1957

Mr. Ntumazah and Mr. Moumie (Travel Documents) Written Answers February 13, 1957

2 speeches — Bauxite Mining Companies (Land) Written Answers February 14, 1957

Constitution Written Answers February 14, 1957

Mr. Mugwanya and Mr. Mulira (Buganda Lukiko) Written Answers February 14, 1957

Slaves (Manumission Certificates) Written Answers February 14, 1957

Oil Prospecting (Licences) Written Answers February 15, 1957

Building Society Written Answers February 18, 1957

Secretary of State's Visit Written Answers February 18, 1957

War Memorial (Unveiling Ceremony) Written Answers February 18, 1957

African Voters (Registration) Written Answers February 18, 1957

British South Africa Company (Agreements with Chiefs) Written Answers February 18, 1957

Tuberculosis Written Answers February 18, 1957

8 speeches — CYPRUS Commons February 19, 1957

6 speeches — CYPRUS Commons February 19, 1957

Prisoners Written Answers February 19, 1957

Development Schemes Written Answers February 19, 1957

Children and Young Persons (Employment) Written Answers February 19, 1957

Constitution Written Answers February 19, 1957

Copperbelt Area Workers Written Answers February 19, 1957

Citizenship Bill (Status of Africans) Written Answers March 4, 1957

Students, United Kingdom Written Answers March 4, 1957

Economic Development Projects (Cost) Written Answers March 4, 1957

Archbishop Makarios (Member's Letters) Written Answers March 5, 1957

Mr. Christoforou (Treatment) Written Answers March 5, 1957

Maria Lambrou (Treatment) Written Answers March 5, 1957

Postal Service (Pay) Written Answers March 5, 1957

Loan Written Answers March 6, 1957

Reid Report Written Answers March 6, 1957

Synthetic Rubber Written Answers March 6, 1957

Manpower Requirements Written Answers March 6, 1957

Constitutional Developments Written Answers March 6, 1957

African Industrial Estates Development Committee Written Answers March 6, 1957

Register of African Electors Written Answers March 6, 1957

Yemen Border Written Answers March 6, 1957

United Nations General Assembly (Resolutions) Written Answers March 6, 1957

Secondary School Places Written Answers March 6, 1957

Statutory Minimum Wages Written Answers March 6, 1957

Demarara Bauxite Company (Housing Areas) Written Answers March 6, 1957

British Caribbean Federation Written Answers March 6, 1957

Bauxite Industry Written Answers March 6, 1957

Visit of Duke of Edinburgh Written Answers March 6, 1957

Constitution Written Answers March 6, 1957

Students (United Kingdom) Written Answers March 6, 1957

United Nations Manpower Survey Written Answers March 6, 1957

Constitution Written Answers March 6, 1957

Talks Written Answers March 6, 1957

Seaplane Landing Facilities Written Answers March 7, 1957

French Armed Services Written Answers March 7, 1957

Elementary School Children Written Answers March 7, 1957

Archbishop Makarios (Permitted Reading Matter) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Pamphlet "The Church and Terrorism in Cyprus" Written Answers March 7, 1957

Bar of Cyprus (Detained Members) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Harbour, Famagusta (New Works) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Mr. I. Hopwood (Passport) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Mr. Ferdinand Smith (Passport Application) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Hospital Accommodation Written Answers March 7, 1957

Housing Scheme, Lagos Written Answers March 7, 1957

Teachers (Training) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Flue-Cured Tobacco Written Answers March 7, 1957

Community Development Schemes Written Answers March 7, 1957

Vocational Agricultural Training (I.L.O. Recommendation) Written Answers March 7, 1957

Detained Persons (Clerics) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Mr. Nikos Cranidiotis (Papers) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Charalambos Christodoulides (Trial) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Detainees Written Answers March 8, 1957

African Farmers Written Answers March 8, 1957

Illalos (Strength) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Mr. Julius Nyerere (Statements) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Mr. George Khouri (Passport) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Financial Assistance Written Answers March 8, 1957

Constitutional Conference (Statement) Written Answers March 8, 1957

Detained Persons (Legal Advice) Written Answers March 11, 1957

Ethnarchy (Seized Documents) Written Answers March 11, 1957

2 speeches — Airstrips (Use) Commons March 13, 1957

2 speeches — Radcliffe Report Commons March 13, 1957

Orthodox Church (Land) Commons March 13, 1957

5 speeches — United Nations Resolution Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — African National Congress (Constitutional Proposals) Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Urban African Housing Ordinance Commons March 13, 1957

2 speeches — Housing, Mufulira Commons March 13, 1957

Boards (African Representatives) Commons March 13, 1957

2 speeches — Copperbelt (Restriction Orders) Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Kariba Hydro-Electric Scheme (Displaced Africans) Commons March 13, 1957

2 speeches — Political Meetings (Loyalty Certificates) Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Arrested Persons Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Mageta Island Detention Camp Commons March 13, 1957

2 speeches — St. Julian's Community Rest Centre, Limuru Commons March 13, 1957

2 speeches — African General Service Medal Commons March 13, 1957

Rural Wages (Report) Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Federation Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — African Congress Commons March 13, 1957

Administration Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Banking System Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Justices of the Peace Commons March 13, 1957

3 speeches — Federal Capital Commission (Report) Commons March 13, 1957

Rivers State (Claim) Written Answers March 13, 1957

New International Airport, Freetown Written Answers March 13, 1957

Self-Government (London Discussions) Written Answers March 13, 1957

Detention Camps (Closure) Written Answers March 13, 1957

Detainees and Mau Mau Convicts (Release) Written Answers March 13, 1957

European Free Trade Area (Consultation) Written Answers March 13, 1957

African National Congress (Recognition) Written Answers March 13, 1957

Central African Federation (Franchise Qualification) Written Answers March 13, 1957

Detained Trade Union Officials (Present Circumstances) Written Answers March 13, 1957


Juvenile Delinquents Written Answers March 13, 1957

Administration of Justice Written Answers March 13, 1957

Government and Eoka Leaflets (Availability to Members) Written Answers March 13, 1957

Miss Lambrou Written Answers March 13, 1957

Treatment of Prisoners Written Answers March 13, 1957

BARBADOS (JOINT PROVIDENT FUND) Written Answers March 13, 1957

JAMAICA (PASSPORT APPLICATION) Written Answers March 13, 1957

JAMAICA (PASSPORT) Written Answers March 14, 1957

Treatment of Cypriots Written Answers March 14, 1957

UGANDA (PETITION) Written Answers March 14, 1957

MALAYA (DEFENCE AGREEMENT) Written Answers March 14, 1957

2 speeches — Statutory Minimum Wages Written Answers March 18, 1957

House of Representatives and Municipality of Freetown (Candidates) Written Answers March 18, 1957

CYPRUS Commons March 19, 1957

14 speeches — CYPRUS Commons March 20, 1957

Seditious Publications Written Answers March 21, 1957

European Settlers Written Answers March 21, 1957

Development Projects Written Answers March 21, 1957

Greek Cypriots (War Decorations) Written Answers March 21, 1957

Security Forces Deaths (Dependants) Written Answers March 21, 1957

French Military Equipment Written Answers March 21, 1957

NORTHERN RHODESIA (FLOODS) Written Answers March 25, 1957

Pamphlet Written Answers March 27, 1957

Archbishop Makarios (Censorship of Publications) Written Answers March 27, 1957

Member's Telegram (Archbishop Makarios) Written Answers March 27, 1957

Information Services Written Answers March 27, 1957

Terrorists Written Answers March 27, 1957

Education Written Answers March 27, 1957

Congo Basin Treaties Written Answers March 27, 1957

Eastern Region Finance Corporation Written Answers March 27, 1957

12 speeches — CYPRUS Commons March 28, 1957

CYPRUS (ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS) Written Answers March 28, 1957

KENYA (DETAINEES) Written Answers March 28, 1957


Africans (Courses on Co-operative Subjects) Written Answers April 1, 1957

Settlement Schemes and Communications Written Answers April 1, 1957

Detained Persons Written Answers April 1, 1957

African Elections Written Answers April 2, 1957

Government Leaflets Written Answers April 3, 1957

Situation Written Answers April 3, 1957

Guided Missiles (Station) Written Answers April 3, 1957

Firearm Users Permits Written Answers April 3, 1957

Doctors (Health Service Vacancies) Written Answers April 3, 1957

Colonial Development Corporation (Annual Report) Written Answers April 3, 1957

B.B.C. Broadcasts (Parliamentary Discussions) Written Answers April 3, 1957

Legislative Council (Elections) Written Answers April 3, 1957

Clerks of Courts (Duties) Written Answers April 4, 1957

Magistrates Written Answers April 4, 1957

Emergency Measures (Relaxation) Written Answers April 5, 1957

3 speeches — Police Written Answers April 8, 1957

Miss Alys Kong (Passport) Written Answers April 8, 1957

Forces Servicing Arrangements Written Answers April 10, 1957

Nairobi Conference (Loan Capital) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Ruanda Urundi Workers Written Answers April 10, 1957

Cotton Ginneries (Compensation Payments) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Industry and Welfare Written Answers April 10, 1957

African Students (Bar Entrants) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Detainees, Mageta Island Camp (Convictions) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Legislative Council (African Members) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Land Holdings (Consolidation) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Situation Written Answers April 10, 1957

Roads Written Answers April 10, 1957

Forest Resources (Marketing) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Geological Survey Written Answers April 10, 1957

Communists (Surrender Terms) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Police Force (Expenditure) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Civil Service (Senior Posts) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Singapore Conference (Report) Written Answers April 10, 1957

2 speeches — Cyprus Mines Corporation Written Answers April 10, 1957

Cypriot Greeks Written Answers April 10, 1957

Terrorists (Safe Conduct Offer) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Emergency Regulations Written Answers April 10, 1957

2 speeches — Situation Written Answers April 10, 1957

House of Representatives (Candidates) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Universal Adult Suffrage Written Answers April 10, 1957

Ministers (Financial Interests) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Economic Commission (Reports) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Fort Jameson Town Management Board Written Answers April 10, 1957

Higher Education Written Answers April 10, 1957

Passports Written Answers April 10, 1957

Police (Powers of Arrest) Written Answers April 10, 1957

Students, United Kingdom Written Answers April 10, 1957

Mining Industry Written Answers April 11, 1957

African National Union (Newspaper) Written Answers April 11, 1957

Government Service (Africans) Written Answers April 11, 1957

Slaves (Manumission Certificates) Written Answers April 15, 1957

Development Projects Written Answers April 15, 1957

Education (Estimates) Written Answers April 15, 1957

2 speeches — Constitutional Conference Commons April 17, 1957

Nairobi Military Garrison Commons April 17, 1957

2 speeches — Former District Officer Commons April 17, 1957

Out-patients (Charges) Commons April 17, 1957

2 speeches — Deaths By Drowning Commons April 17, 1957

2 speeches — School Children, Carib Quarter Commons April 17, 1957

2 speeches — Carib Population (Taxation) Commons April 17, 1957

2 speeches — United Nations Specialised Agencies (Training Facilities) Commons April 17, 1957

Displaced Africans, Matogoro Hills Written Answers April 17, 1957

Legislative Council Elections (Constituencies) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Deep-Water Harbour Written Answers April 17, 1957

Constitution Written Answers April 17, 1957

Films (Censorship) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Unemployed Persons Written Answers April 17, 1957

Mr. Mwendapole (Passport) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Zambesi (Floods) Written Answers April 17, 1957

2 speeches — Banned Publications Written Answers April 17, 1957

African Territories (Capital Investment) Written Answers April 17, 1957

2 speeches — European Common Market Written Answers April 17, 1957

Trade Unions (Development) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Mau Mau Convicts, Langata Prison (Escape) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Police Reserve (European Members) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Nairobi Airport Written Answers April 17, 1957

Hospitals and Clinics (Charges) Written Answers April 17, 1957

2 speeches — Constitution Written Answers April 17, 1957

Caribbean Federation Written Answers April 17, 1957

Radio Telephone Service Written Answers April 17, 1957

Elections (Petition) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Civil Servant (Retirement) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Justices of the Peace (Police Officers) Written Answers April 17, 1957

Mineral Operating Licences Written Answers April 17, 1957

S.E.A.T.O. (Membership) Written Answers April 18, 1957

Copperbelt Area Workers Written Answers April 18, 1957

Ministers (Financial Interests) Written Answers April 18, 1957

Loyalty Certificates Written Answers April 18, 1957

Hydrogen Bomb Tests Written Answers April 18, 1957

2 speeches — Civil Servants (Civil Rights) Commons May 1, 1957

3 speeches — Strategic Base Commons May 1, 1957

2 speeches — Education Commons May 1, 1957

2 speeches — Constitution Commons May 1, 1957

2 speeches — Archbishop Makarios Commons May 1, 1957

3 speeches — Tangata Commons May 1, 1957

2 speeches — Future Commons May 1, 1957

2 speeches — Harbour Board Employees Commons May 1, 1957

6 speeches — Terrorist Activities Commons May 1, 1957

2 speeches — Constitution (Discussions) Commons May 1, 1957

3 speeches — Electoral Qualifications (Petitions) Commons May 1, 1957

Detainees Written Answers May 1, 1957

Films (Censorship) Written Answers May 1, 1957

Principal Auditor's Annual Report Written Answers May 1, 1957

The Grivas Diaries Written Answers May 1, 1957

Archbishop Makarios (British Citizenship) Written Answers May 1, 1957

Legislative Council (Nomination of Members) Written Answers May 1, 1957

Electoral Boundaries Written Answers May 1, 1957

Raw Materials (Mining Negotiations) Written Answers May 1, 1957

3 speeches — Doctors Written Answers May 1, 1957

2 speeches — The Lukiko, Buganda (Mr. E. M. K. Mulira and Mr. M. Mugwanya) Written Answers May 1, 1957

6 speeches — Central African Federation (Discussions) Commons May 2, 1957


2 speeches — East African Forces (Administration) Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Uganda Legislative Council (Elections) Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Achieng Oneko (Detention) Commons May 8, 1957

3 speeches — Embu Labour Camp (Injured Detainees) Commons May 8, 1957

7 speeches — Constitution Commons May 8, 1957

3 speeches — Rural Wages and Social Security (Reports) Commons May 8, 1957

4 speeches — Lord Radcliffe's Report Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Parliamentary Mission Commons May 8, 1957

3 speeches — Overseas Civil Service Officers Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — African National Union (Closed Branches) Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Kariba Dam Scheme (African Population Resettlement) Commons May 8, 1957

3 speeches — African National Congress (Lundazi Petauke and Gwembe Districts) Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Africans (Residential and Trading Plots) Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Trade Unions Commons May 8, 1957

6 speeches — Constitution Commons May 8, 1957

Situation Commons May 8, 1957

2 speeches — Constitution Commons May 8, 1957

Constitution (Discussions) Written Answers May 8, 1957

Legislative Elections (Candidates) Written Answers May 8, 1957

Elections Written Answers May 8, 1957

Mail (Censorship) Written Answers May 9, 1957

Africans (Courses on Co-operative Subjects) Written Answers May 9, 1957

Police Reserve (European Members) Written Answers May 9, 1957

Detainees Written Answers May 14, 1957

Education (Estimates) Written Answers May 14, 1957

3 speeches — Police Written Answers May 14, 1957

Doctors Written Answers May 14, 1957

Rates and Taxes Written Answers May 14, 1957

Industrial Establishments Written Answers May 14, 1957

Population Written Answers May 14, 1957

Land Written Answers May 14, 1957

Government Employees Written Answers May 14, 1957

Leprosy Written Answers May 14, 1957

2 speeches — Police Written Answers May 14, 1957

Co-operative Building Societies Written Answers May 14, 1957

Indian Labourers, Negri Sembilan (Death) Written Answers May 15, 1957

Nuclear Tests Written Answers May 15, 1957

Land Tenure and Population Written Answers May 15, 1957

Land and Population Written Answers May 15, 1957

Estimates Written Answers May 15, 1957

Government Offices (Air-Conditioning) Written Answers May 15, 1957

Income Tax Written Answers May 17, 1957

3 speeches — Police Written Answers May 17, 1957

Central Prison, Nicosia (Complaints) Written Answers May 23, 1957

Treaties (Aden) Written Answers May 23, 1957

Land and Agricultural Bank Written Answers May 27, 1957

Agricultural Lands Board Written Answers May 27, 1957

2 speeches — Townships (Residents and Management Boards) Written Answers May 27, 1957

Intensive Conservation Committee, Fort Jameson Written Answers May 27, 1957

Land Consolidation Written Answers May 29, 1957

2 speeches — Cotton Ginneries Written Answers June 3, 1957

Oil (Production) Written Answers June 3, 1957

Africans (Pay) Written Answers June 3, 1957

Capital (Transfers to India) Written Answers June 3, 1957

Rainfall (Flooding, Casualties and Damage) Written Answers June 3, 1957

Archbishop Makarios and United Kingdom Government (Communications) Written Answers June 3, 1957


Nicosia Prison (Women Prisoners) Written Answers June 6, 1957

Detained Persons Written Answers June 6, 1957

Economic Projects Written Answers June 6, 1957

Community Development Personnel Written Answers June 6, 1957

Balance of Payments (Information) Written Answers June 6, 1957

Emergency Expenditure Written Answers June 6, 1957

Government Pensions Written Answers June 6, 1957

Transfer of Administration Written Answers June 6, 1957

Mr. Christoforou (Treatment) Written Answers June 25, 1957

Indirect Taxation Written Answers June 25, 1957

African Workers (Pay) Written Answers June 25, 1957

CROWN AGENTS (POSTAGE STAMP SALES) Written Answers June 25, 1957

Juvenile Delinquents Written Answers June 26, 1957

Wages and Conditions Written Answers June 26, 1957

5 speeches — Constitution Commons June 27, 1957

2 speeches — Population (Statistics) Commons June 27, 1957

2 speeches — Franchise Commons June 27, 1957

7 speeches — Police and Security Forces (Allegations) Commons June 27, 1957

3 speeches — Deep-Water Port Commons June 27, 1957

2 speeches — Co-operative Ginneries Commons June 27, 1957

Assistant Ministers (Appointment) Commons June 27, 1957

2 speeches — Judicial Appointments Commons June 27, 1957

3 speeches — Constitution Commons June 27, 1957

2 speeches — Public Meetings (Tape Recordings) Commons June 27, 1957

2 speeches — Union des Populations du Cameroun Commons June 27, 1957

3 speeches — African National Congress Commons June 27, 1957

Puerto Rican Organisation Written Answers July 1, 1957

African National Union Members (Prison Sentences) Written Answers July 1, 1957

Conference (White Paper) Written Answers July 1, 1957

Africans (Government Service) Written Answers July 1, 1957

Colonial Development Corporation Written Answers July 1, 1957

Minimum Wage Rates Written Answers July 2, 1957

Rural Water Supplies Written Answers July 2, 1957

Mr. R. Philogene (Petition) Written Answers July 2, 1957

Discussions Written Answers July 2, 1957

Dollar Earnings Written Answers July 3, 1957

Education Written Answers July 3, 1957

Constitution Written Answers July 3, 1957

Commonwealth Forces Written Answers July 4, 1957

Teachers Written Answers July 8, 1957

Labour Advisory Boards Written Answers July 8, 1957

2 speeches — College of Arts, Science and Technology Written Answers July 8, 1957

2 speeches — African National Union (Public Meetings) Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Mining Industry Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Constitutional Advance Commons July 9, 1957

3 speeches — Racial Discrimination Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Rural Wages (Policy) Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Frontier Restrictions Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Illicit Diamond Mining Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Election Declarations Commons July 9, 1957

3 speeches — Prisoners, Wormwood Scrubs Commons July 9, 1957

2 speeches — Proposals Commons July 9, 1957

3 speeches — Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland (African Representatives) Commons July 9, 1957

Federal Capital (Site) Commons July 9, 1957

Sterling Balances Written Answers July 9, 1957

Electoral Rolls Written Answers July 9, 1957

United Kingdom (Governor's Visit) Written Answers July 9, 1957

New Ministers Written Answers July 10, 1957

Security Forces (Interrogators) Written Answers July 10, 1957

Yemeni Frontier Incidents Written Answers July 10, 1957

Labour Recruits (Wives and Children) Written Answers July 11, 1957

6 speeches — FEDERATION OF MALAYA INDEPENDENCE BILL Commons July 12, 1957

21 speeches — CYPRUS Commons July 15, 1957

Teachers Written Answers July 15, 1957

Electoral Boundary Commission (Composition) Written Answers July 15, 1957

Liquor Licensing Ordinance (Report) Written Answers July 15, 1957

7 speeches — Colonial Development Corporation Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Soil Erosion) Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — Cloth Exports Commons July 16, 1957

4 speeches — Local Government (African Representation) Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Africans (Skilled Occupations) Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Riot Damage Ordinance, 1957 Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Peter Hubumba Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — African Education Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — Talks Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — Detainees (Rehabilitation) Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — African Political Meetings (Restriction) Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — Gathigiriri Works Camp (Disciplinary Inquiry) Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — Constitution (Talks) Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Turkish-Cypriot Town Councillors (Resignation) Commons July 16, 1957

Trade Unionists (Detention) Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — Situation Commons July 16, 1957

3 speeches — African Workers Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Strikes Commons July 16, 1957

2 speeches — Port Commission (Membership) Commons July 16, 1957

Kariba Scheme (Displaced Persons) Written Answers July 16, 1957

Leasehold Farms Written Answers July 16, 1957

College of Arts, Science and Technology Written Answers July 16, 1957

African National Union (Public Meetings) Written Answers July 16, 1957

Prisoners, Wormwood Scrubs (Treatment) Written Answers July 16, 1957


2 speeches — Clause 3.—(APPEALS FROM SUPREME COURT OF FEDERATION.) Commons July 19, 1957

African Farmers Written Answers July 19, 1957

Essequibo River (Hydro-Electric Power) Written Answers July 19, 1957

Children (Primary School Age) Written Answers July 19, 1957

Teachers (Supply) Written Answers July 19, 1957

Students, United Kingdom Written Answers July 19, 1957

Trade Unionists (Detention) Written Answers July 22, 1957

Lusaka African Hospital Written Answers July 22, 1957

District Agricultural Officers Written Answers July 23, 1957

Cotton Yarn and Fabrics (Exports) Written Answers July 23, 1957

Japanese Goods (Import) Written Answers July 23, 1957

Conference on Nutrition in Africa South of Sahara Written Answers July 25, 1957

3 speeches — BRITISH CARIBBEAN FEDERATION Commons July 26, 1957

Independence Celebrations Written Answers July 29, 1957

Mr. Chirwa and Mr. Kumbikano Written Answers July 29, 1957

Beer Halls, Lusaka (Boycott) Written Answers July 29, 1957

Political Detainees Written Answers July 29, 1957

Education Written Answers July 30, 1957

Africans (Franchise) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Copper Mines (Strikes) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Building Industry (Wages) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Civil Service (Salaries) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Maize and Wheat Production Written Answers July 30, 1957

Students, United Kingdom Written Answers July 30, 1957

Children (Malnutrition) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Hospitals (Maternity Cases) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Lim Chin Sing Written Answers July 30, 1957

Njau Kariuki (Judgment) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Merdeka Celebrations Written Answers July 30, 1957

Sterling Balances Written Answers July 30, 1957

Malaria, Leprosy and Tuberculosis Written Answers July 30, 1957

Technical Training Written Answers July 30, 1957

Uranium Mining (Wages and Conditions) Written Answers July 30, 1957

Maize and Wheat Production Written Answers July 31, 1957

Groundnuts and Palm Kernel Production Written Answers July 31, 1957

Civil Service Pensions Written Answers July 31, 1957

6 speeches — Political Situation Commons August 1, 1957

Iron Ore Commons August 1, 1957

3 speeches — Njau Kariuki Commons August 1, 1957

2 speeches — Circumcision Commons August 1, 1957

2 speeches — Legislative Council (African Members) Commons August 1, 1957

3 speeches — Harbour Development Commons August 1, 1957

6 speeches — Franchise Commons August 1, 1957

Defence Departments (Redundancies) Commons August 1, 1957

2 speeches — Special Branch Commons August 1, 1957

2 speeches — Education Commons August 1, 1957

4 speeches — Constitution Commons August 1, 1957

2 speeches — Land Tenure Commons August 1, 1957

Trade Dispute Written Answers August 1, 1957

Newspapers (Suppression) Written Answers August 1, 1957

Mr. G. S. L. Griffiths Written Answers August 1, 1957

Parliamentary Mission Written Answers August 1, 1957

Discussions Written Answers August 1, 1957

Famagusta and Karaolos (Land Acquisition) Written Answers August 1, 1957

Emigrants Written Answers August 1, 1957

Broadcasting Written Answers August 1, 1957

Prisoners (Chains) Written Answers August 1, 1957

Technical Education (Advice) Written Answers August 1, 1957

Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland (African Representatives) Written Answers August 1, 1957

Constitution Written Answers August 1, 1957

African Workers Written Answers August 2, 1957

Leasehold Farms Written Answers August 2, 1957

African Congress Members (Arrests) Written Answers August 2, 1957

Italian Immigrants Written Answers August 2, 1957

Civil Servants Written Answers August 2, 1957

2 speeches — Brunei, Sarawak and North Borneo Written Answers August 2, 1957

Duties Written Answers August 2, 1957

Cotton Cloth (Imports) Written Answers August 2, 1957

Makerere College (Extra-Mural Department) Written Answers August 2, 1957

Legislative Council (African Members) Written Answers August 2, 1957

Curfews and Arrests Written Answers August 2, 1957

Financial Assistance Written Answers August 2, 1957

Africans (Government Service) Written Answers October 29, 1957

CYPRUS (UNITED STATES CONSULS) Written Answers November 13, 1957

2 speeches — Secretary of State's Visit Commons November 14, 1957

10 speeches — Constitution Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — Multi-Racial Education Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — Legislative Council (African Members) Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — African Farmers (Land) Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — Constitutional Development Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — Integration and Local Employment Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — Night Passes Commons November 14, 1957

2 speeches — Paramount Chiefs (Reinstatement) Commons November 14, 1957

Africans (Diamond Mining) Written Answers November 14, 1957

Mining Benefit Fund Written Answers November 14, 1957

Diamond Smuggling (Discussions) Written Answers November 14, 1957

Royal East African Navy (Future) Written Answers November 14, 1957

Police Force Written Answers November 18, 1957

Cotton Written Answers November 18, 1957

Mining Benefit Fund Written Answers November 18, 1957

7 speeches — RHODESIA AND NYASALAND (CONSTITUTION) Commons November 25, 1957

Administration Written Answers November 25, 1957

Development and Welfare Schemes Written Answers November 25, 1957

Agricultural Resources and Land Tenure Written Answers November 25, 1957

3 speeches — Mr. George Houser (Refusal of Entry) Commons November 26, 1957

Chief Laponya (Murder) Commons November 26, 1957

2 speeches — Sudan (Extradition Treaty) Commons November 26, 1957

2 speeches — Uranium Rights Commons November 26, 1957

2 speeches — Constitutional Proposals Commons November 26, 1957

2 speeches — Proposed New Constitution Commons November 26, 1957

3 speeches — Governor Commons November 26, 1957

2 speeches — Kariba Scheme (African Resettlement) Commons November 26, 1957

OVERSEAS CIVIL SERVICE (SPECIAL LIST) Written Answers November 26, 1957

Integration Written Answers November 26, 1957

Constitution Written Answers November 26, 1957

Detained Persons Written Answers November 26, 1957

4 speeches — BRITISH HONDURAS (DELEGATION) Commons November 27, 1957

Offences Against the Person Act (Sentences) Written Answers November 28, 1957

2 speeches — Slave Dealing Commons December 3, 1957

6 speeches — Archbishop Makarios Commons December 3, 1957

6 speeches — Documents Commons December 3, 1957

3 speeches — Town Areas (Land) Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Secretary of State's Visit Commons December 3, 1957

4 speeches — Delegation Commons December 3, 1957

Common Market Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Proposed Council of State Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Employment, Kiambu District Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Legislative Council Elections (Loyalty Certificates) Commons December 3, 1957

3 speeches — Achieng Oneko (Detention) Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Constitutional Changes Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Chief Justice Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Citizenship Ordinance Commons December 3, 1957

3 speeches — Naval Dockyard (Redundant Employees) Commons December 3, 1957

3 speeches — Special Branch (African Informers) Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Contracts of Employment (Penal Sanctions) Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Forced Labour Commons December 3, 1957

5 speeches — Integration Commons December 3, 1957

2 speeches — Doctors Commons December 3, 1957

Turkish Cypriot Community Written Answers December 3, 1957

Solar Energy (Research) Written Answers December 3, 1957

African Education Written Answers December 3, 1957

Franchise Qualifications Written Answers December 3, 1957

Integration Written Answers December 4, 1957

Community Development Service (African Women) Written Answers December 11, 1957

Development Plan Written Answers December 11, 1957

Teacher Training Written Answers December 11, 1957

Windward Islands (Civil Servants) Written Answers December 12, 1957

Ministers Written Answers December 12, 1957

Cayman, Turks and Caicos Islands (Constitutional Arrangements) Written Answers December 13, 1957

Proscribed Publications Written Answers December 17, 1957

Development and Welfare Funds Written Answers December 17, 1957

Lebanese Citizens Written Answers December 17, 1957

Sterling Assets Written Answers December 18, 1957

Legislative Council (Pemba Representation) Written Answers December 18, 1957

College of Technology (Engineering) Written Answers December 19, 1957

Uranium Mining Written Answers December 19, 1957

Transfer of Administration Written Answers December 19, 1957

Pemba Air Service Written Answers December 19, 1957

Trade Mission to India Written Answers December 20, 1957

Co-operative Societies (Crops) Written Answers December 20, 1957

Police Force (Mobile Unit) Written Answers December 20, 1957

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.