HC Deb 18 April 1957 vol 568 c229W
Mr. N. Pannell

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies in which of the projects in Nigeria, assisted financially by the Eastern Region Finance Corporation, Ministers in the Regional Government have or had a financial interest; who are the Ministers concerned; and the extent of their interest.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd,

pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 10th April, 1957; Vol 568, c. 130], supplied the following further informationI am informed that the Premier, Dr. Azikiwe, held ordinary shares to the value of£45 in the Nigerian Engineering and Manufacturing Company but disposed of them. His interests in the African Continental Bank were fully stated in the Report of the Foster Sutton Tribunal and steps are being taken to surrender his shares. Mr. C. E. Okeke, Minister of Transport, formerly held£500 ordinary shares in the Nigerian Engineering and Manufacturing Company and was a director. On appointment as Minister of Transport he resigned his directorship and disposed of his interest.

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