HC Deb 15 May 1957 vol 570 c31W
Mr. D. Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what was the deficit shown in the original Estimate submitted to him by the authorities of Antigua; what was the deficit in the amended Estimate; what are the reasons for declining to agree with the Estimate; and what are the items struck out of the original draft Estimate.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd:

The deficits in the 1957 draft Estimates and approved Estimates are $2,465,149 and $1,426,353, respectively. In discussion with a delegation from Antigua last November it was decided that a grant-in-aid of the latter amount would enable the Colony to maintain its administrative services and to carry out necessary public works. The changes in the draft Estimates were made because it was considered reasonable to increase revenue estimates (by approximately $290,000), to transfer certain items of expenditure to Colonial Development and Welfare finance (approximately $367,000) and to make some reductions, mostly under the Public Works heads, in the expenditure estimates (approximately $381,000). Copies of the draft and approved Estimates can be made available to the hon. Member if he so wishes.

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