HC Deb 18 March 1957 vol 567 cc20-1W
Miss Lee

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what are the statutory minimum wages in British Guiana.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd,

pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 6th March, 1957; Vol. 566, c. 63], supplied the following information:

The adult statutory minimum wage rates in force in British Guiana are:

of dwelling-houses; and if the increases will apply equally to dwellings owned or rented by Africans and Europeans, respectively.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Business premises, premises first occupied on or after 1st January, 1957, and dwelling-houses and business cum dwelling-houses which became vacant after 1st January, 1957, provided the landlord has not obtained possession for occupation by an employee, are all exempted from rent control. Dwelling-houses belonging to the Government-controlled Bugishu Coffee Scheme and on Government African housing estates are also exempted from control but rents are in general lower than the standard rent would be if applied to these dwellings. Certain maximum increases which have been permitted apply irrespective of the race of landlord or tenant, and vary, according to the date of occupation, between 50 per cent. over the standard rent for certain dwelling-houses and 200 per cent. for some premises which include living quarters. The standard rent, in the case of a dwelling-house or premises which were occupied on and prior to 1st January, 1942, is the rent obtaining at that date. In other cases it is determined by a rent board.

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