Commons Sitting of 20 March 1997 Series 6 Vol. 292

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1057
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc1057-8
      2. Polling Stations (Accessibility) 490 words
      3. cc1058-60
      4. Prisons (Drugs) 1,158 words
      5. cc1060-1
      6. Metropolitan Police 524 words
      7. cc1061-3
      8. Children (Criminal Activities) 985 words
      9. cc1063-4
      10. Jury Trials 369 words
      11. cc1064-5
      12. Special Constables 524 words
      13. c1065
      14. Closed-circuit Television 269 words
      15. cc1065-6
      16. Vandalism 398 words
      17. cc1066-7
      18. Prisons (Ministerial Visits) 486 words
      19. cc1067-8
      20. Criminal Justice System 630 words
      21. cc1068-9
      22. Young Offenders 306 words
      1. cc1069-74
      2. Engagements 2,082 words
  5. Electoral Registration 431 words
  6. cc1076-80
  7. Points of Order 1,994 words
  8. cc1080-1
  10. Orders of the Day
    1. cc1081-118
    2. Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Bill 3 words
      1. Clause 1
        1. cc1081-3
        3. cc1083-99
        4. Hedgerows 8,165 words
        5. c1099
        6. Public Entertainment Licences (Drug Misuse) Bill 101 words
        7. c1099
        8. TAX SIMPLIFICATION BILLS 84 words
        9. cc1099-100
        10. TAX SIMPLIFICATION BILLS 324 words
        11. cc1100-1
        13. cc1101-3
        14. Standing Orders (Revision) 983 words
        15. c1103
        16. DELEGATED LEGISLATION 17 words
        17. c1103
        18. LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE 30 words
        19. c1103
        20. DEREGULATION 30 words
        21. c1103
        22. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS 23 words
        23. c1103
        24. CASINOS AND BINGO CLUBS 23 words
        25. c1103
        26. FOOTBALL POOLS 19 words
        27. c1103
        29. c1103
        30. NON-FOSSIL FUEL 23 words
        31. c1103
        33. cc1103-4
      2. PETITIONS
        1. c1104
        2. Green Belt Land 225 words
        3. cc1104-5
        4. Athletics 191 words
      3. PETITION
        1. cc1105-6
        2. Jobseeker's Allowance 157 words
        3. cc1106-18
        4. Child Support Agency 6,969 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 20 March 1997 Series 6 Vol. 292

    1. c683W
    2. Child Support (Legal Aid) 47 words
    3. c683W
    4. Payment of Bills 91 words
    5. cc683-4W
    6. Court Fees (Exemptions) 419 words
    7. cc684-5W
    8. Land Registry 434 words
    9. c685W
    10. The Court Service 175 words
    11. cc685-6W
    12. Public Trust Office 263 words
    1. cc686-7W
    2. Portcullis House (Jubilee Line Extension) 349 words
    1. c687W
    2. Go-karts 97 words
    3. c687W
    4. Cetaceans 105 words
    5. c687W
    6. Pollution Abatement Technology 80 words
    7. cc687-8W
    8. Metropolitan Councils (Capital Receipts) 279 words
    9. cc688-9W
    10. Nirex Ltd. 321 words
    11. cc689-90W
    12. Local Government Finance (Devon) 291 words
    13. c690W
    14. Irrigation (Water Abstraction) 63 words
    15. c690W
    16. Fur 132 words
    17. c690W
    18. Payment of Bills 92 words
    19. cc690-1W
    20. Housing Associations 94 words
    21. c691W
    22. Hedgerow Regulations 303 words
    23. cc691-2W
    24. Zinc 128 words
    25. c692W
    26. Multi-occupancy Accommodation 153 words
    27. c692W
    28. Polychlorinated Biphenyls 235 words
    29. cc692-3W
    30. Departmental Annual Report 123 words
    31. c693W
    32. Environment Agency 335 words
    33. cc693-4W
    34. Council Tax Capping 87 words
    35. cc694-5W
    36. Cash Limits 615 words
    37. c695W
    38. Sellafield (Rock Characterisation Facility) 84 words
    39. c695W
    40. Wirral, South (Visits) 45 words
    1. cc695-6W
    2. Basic Pension Plus 55 words
    3. c696W
    4. Contraceptives (Minors) 74 words
    1. c696W
    2. Payment of Bills 124 words
    3. c696W
    4. Next Steps Principles 96 words
    1. cc696-7W
    2. Government Car Service 198 words
    3. c697W
    4. Compliance Cost Assessments 151 words
    5. cc697-8W
    6. Scott Inquiry 166 words
    7. c698W
    8. Payment of Bills 79 words
    9. c698W
    10. Bletchley Park 179 words
    1. cc698-9W
    2. Football Trust 90 words
    3. c699W
    4. Lottery Awards 172 words
    5. c699W
    6. Crystal Palace 105 words
    7. cc699-700W
    8. North West Tourist Board (Charter) 188 words
    9. c700W
    10. Globe Theatre Site 198 words
    11. c700W
    12. Listed Buildings (Ecclesiastical Exemption) 239 words
    13. cc700-1W
    14. Payment of Bills 75 words
    15. cc701-2W
    16. Works of Art (Acceptance in Lieu of Tax) 534 words
    17. c702W
    18. Lottery Funding (Advice) 174 words
    19. cc702-3W
    20. Museums and Galleries (Attendances) 372 words
    21. c703W
    22. Return of Historic Objects 143 words
    23. c703W
    24. Library and Information Matters (Report) 50 words
    25. c703W
    26. English Sports Council 99 words
    27. c704W
    28. Public Libraries (Information Technology) 80 words
    29. c704W
    30. Lottery Award Information 95 words
    31. c704W
    32. Flounder's Folly, Craven Arms 112 words
  8. WALES
    1. c705W
    2. EU Funding 235 words
    3. c705W
    4. Departmental Employees 103 words
    5. cc705-6W
    6. Social Security Expenditure 93 words
    7. c706W
    8. Outturn Expenditure 105 words
    9. c706W
    10. Pharmaceutical, Dental and Ophthalmic Services 96 words
    11. c706W
    12. Health Service Revenue (Charges) 101 words
    13. cc706-7W
    14. Glaucoma 215 words
    15. c707W
    16. Health Service Contracts 56 words
    17. cc707-8W
    18. Health Service Salaries and Wages 415 words
    19. c708W
    20. Countryside Council for Wales 123 words
    21. cc708-9W
    22. General Practitioners 160 words
    23. c709W
    24. Public Bodies 151 words
    25. c709W
    26. Derwen and Pembrokeshire Trusts (Merger) 59 words
    27. c709W
    28. Wentlooge Levels (Flood Defences) 66 words
    29. cc709-12W
    30. Asthma 2,203 words
    31. c712W
    32. Hedgerow Regulations 148 words
    33. cc712-3W
    34. Schot Nippon Factory 47 words
    35. c713W
    36. Inward Investment 151 words
    37. cc713-4W
    38. Nursery Vouchers 327 words
    39. c714W
    40. M4 (Baglan Bridge) 94 words
    41. c714W
    42. Rivers (Pollution) 98 words
    43. c714W
    44. Payment of Bills 90 words
    45. cc714-5W
    46. Dental Services 200 words
    47. c715W
    48. Baglan Hospital 108 words
    49. c715W
    50. Care for the Vulnerable 55 words
    51. c715W
    52. Velodrome Cymru Centre 56 words
    1. cc715-7W
    2. Live Animal Exports 713 words
    3. c717W
    4. Red Meat (Hygiene) 103 words
    5. cc717-9W
    6. BSE 1,017 words
    7. cc719-20W
    8. Chickens 160 words
    9. c720W
    10. Offal Ban 101 words
    11. cc720-1W
    12. Cattle Cull 221 words
    13. c721W
    14. Salmonellosis 202 words
    15. c721W
    16. Apples 182 words
    17. cc721-3W
    18. Rendering Industry 515 words
    19. c723W
    20. Payment of Bills 98 words
    21. c723W
    22. Soil Erosion 92 words
    23. cc723-5W
    24. Agriculture Council 688 words
    25. c725W
    26. Livestock Cleanliness 210 words
    27. cc725-6W
    28. Veterinary Medicines Directorate 217 words
    29. c726W
    30. Central Science Laboratory 195 words
    31. c726W
    32. Veterinary Laboratories Agency 104 words
    33. cc726-7W
    34. Meat Hygiene Service 311 words
    35. cc727-8W
    36. Meat Disposal Chain 278 words
    37. c728W
    38. Sea Fish Conservation 175 words
    39. cc728-9W
    40. Butchers' Shops (Survey) 354 words
    41. cc729-30W
    42. Pesticides Safety Directorate 402 words
    43. c730W
    44. Swann Report 51 words
    45. c730W
    46. Fur Farms 118 words
    47. cc730-1W
    48. Grain Store, York 371 words
    49. c731W
    50. Bovine Tissue 168 words
    51. cc731-2W
    52. Newcastle Disease 131 words
    53. c732W
    54. Pigs (Welfare) 353 words
    1. c733W
    2. Scientists 314 words
    3. cc733-7W
    4. Woodlands 1,452 words
    5. c737W
    6. Executive Search Agencies 53 words
    7. cc737-8W
    8. NHS Trusts (Grants) 623 words
    9. c738W
    10. Drug Misuse 89 words
    11. c739W
    12. Prisoners 125 words
    13. cc739-40W
    14. Local Enterprise Companies 435 words
    15. c740W
    16. Departmental Equipment (Theft) 112 words
    17. cc740-1W
    18. Crime 483 words
    19. c741W
    20. Loch Ewe Several Order 54 words
    21. cc741-2W
    22. Glaucoma 208 words
    23. cc742-3W
    24. Hospital Trusts (Contracts) 74 words
    25. c743W
    26. Hospital Waiting Times 71 words
    27. c743W
    28. Highlands and Islands Enterprise 158 words
    29. c743W
    30. Payment of Bills 90 words
    31. cc743-4W
    32. Prison Secure Unit 206 words
    33. c744W
    34. Health Service Commissioner 199 words
    35. cc744-5W
    36. Fox and Mink Farms 33 words
    37. c745W
    38. Cairn Gorm Funicular Railway 112 words
    39. c745W
    40. Trunk Road Projects 198 words
    41. c745W
    42. Class Sizes 48 words
    43. cc745-6W
    44. Housing Waiting Lists 65 words
    45. c746W
    46. Health Board Funding 170 words
    47. c746W
    48. Homelessness 83 words
    49. c746W
    50. Small Town Initiative 81 words
    51. cc746-7W
    52. Scottish Borders Enterprise 59 words
    53. c747W
    54. Farm Enterprises 57 words
    55. cc747-8W
    56. House Building 475 words
    57. c748W
    58. Local Government Staff Commission Report 52 words
    59. c748W
    60. Scottish Agricultural Science Agency 161 words
    61. cc748-50W
    62. Public Bodies 561 words
    63. c750W
    64. Scottish Office Quangos 221 words
    65. cc750-1W
    66. Employment 418 words
    67. c751W
    68. Public Relations 39 words
    1. c751W
    2. Whitburn Street Relief Road, Bridgnorth 111 words
    3. cc751-2W
    4. A46 Dualling 85 words
    5. cc752-4W
    6. Westhaven AH190 (Sinking) 710 words
    7. c754W
    8. M25 (Widening) 75 words
    9. c754W
    10. A36 (Improvements) 161 words
    11. c754W
    12. Departmental Management Plans 119 words
    13. cc754-5W
    14. London Underground (Service Objectives) 310 words
    15. c755W
    16. London Transport Finance 83 words
    17. c755W
    18. Electrically Powered Vehicles 94 words
    19. cc755-7W
    20. Transport Council 476 words
    21. cc757-60W
    22. Executive Agencies 1,773 words
    23. c760W
    24. Sefton Eurogateway Regional Challenge 66 words
    25. cc760-1W
    26. Channel Tunnel Rail Link 349 words
    27. c761W
    28. A49 (Improvements) 133 words
    29. cc761-2W
    30. London Underground (Northern Line Improvements) 169 words
    31. c762W
    32. Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 Inquiry 202 words
    33. cc762-4W
    34. A36 (Salisbury Bypass) 566 words
    35. c764W
    36. British Rail Passenger Companies 142 words
    37. cc764-5W
    38. Railfreight Distribution 383 words
    39. c765W
    40. British Railfreight Companies 145 words
    41. cc765-6W
    42. Payment of Bills 86 words
    43. c766W
    44. Roads (Expenditure) 38 words
    45. c766W
    46. A34 52 words
    47. c766W
    48. M6 206 words
    49. cc766-7W
    50. London Taxi Fares and Fees 148 words
    51. c767W
    52. A249 Iwade to Queensborough Improvement 154 words
    1. c767W
    2. Ireland (Diplomatic Status) 74 words
    3. cc767-8W
    4. Asylum Seekers 407 words
    5. cc768-9W
    6. Russian Prisons 152 words
    7. cc769-70W
    8. Foreign Students 271 words
    9. c770W
    10. St. Helena 202 words
    11. c770W
    12. Bahrain 81 words
    13. cc770-1W
    14. China 65 words
    15. c771W
    16. Mrs. Tasmeen Ahmed 94 words
    17. c771W
    18. Payment of Bills 88 words
    19. c771W
    20. Visas 109 words
    21. cc771-2W
    22. Russia 50 words
    23. c772W
    24. Peto Institute 221 words
    25. c772W
    26. Estonia 108 words
    27. c772W
    28. Hong Kong 63 words
    29. cc772-5W
    30. Arms Embargoes 1,051 words
    31. c775W
    32. Intergovernmental Conference 258 words
    33. cc775-6W
    34. Asylum and Immigration Appeals 406 words
    35. cc776-7W
    36. United Nations 508 words
    1. c777W
    2. Defence Equipment (Export Licences) 126 words
    3. cc777-8W
    4. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 139 words
    5. c778W
    6. Departmental Legislation 100 words
    7. c778W
    8. Patent Office European Patents Special Reserve Fund 80 words
    9. cc778-80W
    10. European Space Agency Conference 834 words
    11. c780W
    12. Public Bodies 99 words
    13. cc780-1W
    14. Business Grants (Devon) 62 words
    15. c781W
    16. Food Chain (Foresight Investigation) 234 words
    17. cc781-2W
    18. Companies House 362 words
    19. c782W
    20. Fur Sales 38 words
    21. cc782-3W
    22. English Regional Development Organisations 425 words
    23. c783W
    24. Radio Spectrum 150 words
    25. c783W
    26. Inward Investment (English Language Training) 53 words
    27. cc783-4W
    28. Insolvency Service 328 words
    29. cc784-5W
    30. Patent Office 259 words
    31. cc785-6W
    32. Radiocommunications Agency 445 words
    33. c786W
    34. Employment Tribunals Service 262 words
    35. c786W
    36. Monopolies and Mergers Commission Cases 62 words
    37. cc786-7W
    38. Payment of Bills 92 words
    39. c787W
    40. Financial Services Industry Employees 50 words
    41. c787W
    42. National Weights and Measures Laboratory 153 words
    1. cc787-8W
    2. Valuation Office 276 words
    3. c788W
    4. Customer Charters 50 words
    5. c788W
    6. Basic Pension Plus 96 words
    7. cc788-9W
    8. Computers (Century Date Change) 161 words
    9. c789W
    10. Public Expenditure 157 words
    11. cc789-90W
    12. Labour Statistics 615 words
    13. cc790-1W
    14. National Lottery 139 words
    15. c791W
    16. Economic and Monetary Union 240 words
    17. cc791-2W
    18. Personal Pensions (Misselling) 179 words
    19. c792W
    20. Payment of Bills 78 words
    21. c792W
    22. State Earnings-related Pension Scheme 103 words
    23. cc792-3W
    24. Earnings 459 words
    25. c793W
    26. Jobs (Plymouth and Torbay) 176 words
    27. cc793-4W
    28. Illegitimate Births 371 words
    29. c794W
    30. Correspondence 43 words
    31. cc794-5W
    32. Private Finance Initiative 749 words
    33. cc795-7W
    34. Defence Personnel (Taxation) 129 words
  15. HEALTH
    1. c797W
    2. NHS Trusts (Chief Executives) 30 words
    3. c797W
    4. Networks 33 words
    5. c797W
    6. Medicines Control Agency 145 words
    7. c797W
    8. Eating Disorders 50 words
    9. c798W
    10. Blister Packs 47 words
    11. cc798-800W
    12. Tonsil and Adenoid Removal 1,368 words
    13. cc800-1W
    14. Discharged Patients (Emergency Readmission) 179 words
    15. c801W
    16. Fractured Neck of Femur Patients 259 words
    17. c801W
    18. Dilation and Curettage 54 words
    19. c801W
    20. First Births 47 words
    21. cc801-2W
    22. Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients 59 words
    23. c802W
    24. Stroke Patients 245 words
    25. c802W
    26. Neonatal Units 93 words
    27. c802W
    28. Acute Psychiatric Care 86 words
    29. cc802-3W
    30. Candiac Patients 143 words
    31. c803W
    32. Tinnitus Research 70 words
    33. c803W
    34. Beta Interferon 107 words
    35. cc803-4W
    36. Transurethral Prostatectomy Patients 125 words
    37. c804W
    38. In-patient Asthma Episodes 57 words
    39. c804W
    40. Multiple Sclerosis 64 words
    41. c804W
    42. Commercial Food Premises (Rat Infestations) 96 words
    43. c804W
    44. Tobacco Products 154 words
    45. cc804-8W
    46. Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine 1,433 words
    47. c808W
    48. Hospital Trusts (Contracts) 100 words
    49. c808W
    50. Crohn's Disease 259 words
    51. cc808-9W
    52. NHS (Electricity Supply) 55 words
    53. c809W
    54. Duo-Japanese Vaccine 37 words
    55. c809W
    56. Glaucoma 86 words
    57. c809W
    58. Medical Records (Libel) 157 words
    59. c809W
    60. Royal London Hospital 47 words
    61. c809W
    62. Fluoride 83 words
    63. c810W
    64. Edgware General Hospital 91 words
    65. c810W
    66. Disabled People 92 words
    67. c810W
    68. Accident and Emergency Services (Essex) 80 words
    69. cc810-1W
    70. Stillbirths and Infant Deaths 344 words
    71. c811W
    72. Departmental Annual Report 71 words
    73. c811W
    74. Heart Attack Victims 186 words
    75. c812W
    76. Departmental Expenditure (South-West) 195 words
    77. c812W
    78. Defibrillators 62 words
    79. cc812-3W
    80. Salmonellosis 240 words
    81. c813W
    82. Payment of Bills 90 words
    83. cc813-4W
    84. NHS Pension Scheme 222 words
    85. c814W
    86. A. Simplex Allergy 229 words
    87. cc814-5W
    88. Consultants (Suspensions) 145 words
    89. c815W
    90. Antipsychotic Drugs 69 words
    91. c815W
    92. Heart Attack (First Aid) 77 words
    93. c815W
    94. Factor 8 118 words
    95. c815W
    96. Cancer Treatments (Clatterbridge Hospital) 54 words
    97. cc815-6W
    98. Worcester District General Hospital 138 words
    99. c816W
    100. Contraceptives (Minors) 320 words
    101. cc816-7W
    102. GP Fundholders 256 words
    103. c817W
    104. NHS Employees 66 words
    105. cc817-9W
    106. Private Finance Initiative 460 words
    107. c819W
    108. Residential Care 174 words
    1. c819W
    2. Punishment Shootings 95 words
    3. c819W
    4. Road Signs 45 words
    5. cc819-20W
    6. Paramilitary Violence 86 words
    7. c820W
    8. Anglo-Irish Secretariat 42 words
    9. c820W
    10. Properties (Rateable Values) 151 words
    11. c820W
    12. Computer Theft 112 words
    13. c820W
    14. Martin McGartland 49 words
    15. cc820-1W
    16. Magheramorne Quarry, Lorne 168 words
    17. c821W
    18. Public Appointments 58 words
    19. c821W
    20. Groomsport Primary School 97 words
    21. cc821-2W
    22. Public Sector Pension Schemes 190 words
    23. c822W
    24. Disability Living Allowance 308 words
    25. cc822-8W
    26. Public Bodies 2,037 words
    27. c828W
    28. Secondary Schools 92 words
    29. c828W
    30. Fox and Mink Farms 71 words
    31. cc828-9W
    32. Payment of Bills 106 words
    33. c829W
    34. Bypasses 265 words
    35. cc829-30W
    36. Land Registers of Northern Ireland 229 words
    37. c830W
    38. Accessor for Military Complaints 136 words
    1. c830W
    2. Custodial Costs (Young People) 103 words
    3. c831W
    4. Speed Cameras 92 words
    5. c831W
    6. Police Recruitment 182 words
    7. c831W
    8. Pastoral Discussions (Confidentiality) 93 words
    9. cc831-2W
    10. Crime Statistics 56 words
    11. c832W
    12. Prison Officers (Drugs) 85 words
    13. c832W
    14. Prison Service Education Budget 58 words
    15. c832W
    16. Prison Population 32 words
    17. cc832-3W
    18. International Terrorism 205 words
    19. c833W
    20. Deportation (Scotland) 83 words
    21. c833W
    22. Prison Overcrowding 56 words
    23. cc833-4W
    24. Prisons (Ministerial Visits) 212 words
    25. c834W
    26. Young Offenders 116 words
    27. cc834-5W
    28. Immigration 302 words
    29. c835W
    30. Metropolitan Police 51 words
    31. cc835-6W
    32. Asylum Seekers 326 words
    33. c836W
    34. Prison Accommodation 343 words
    35. cc836-7W
    36. Prison Staff 40 words
    37. c837W
    38. Privately Operated Prisons 278 words
    39. cc837-8W
    40. Blakenhurst Prison 129 words
    41. c838W
    42. Addicts Index 377 words
    43. cc838-41W
    44. Category A Prisoners 323 words
    45. cc841-2W
    46. Holloway Prison 713 words
    47. c842W
    48. Asylum Seekers 47 words
    49. cc842-3W
    50. Prisons (Staffing Levels) 200 words
    51. c843W
    52. Hampshire Constabulary 100 words
    53. c843W
    54. Crimes (Hemsworth) 61 words
    55. c843W
    56. Departmental Outturn Expenditure 92 words
    57. cc843-4W
    58. War Crimes Unit 84 words
    59. c844W
    60. Prison Escapes 381 words
    61. c845W
    62. Foxes 42 words
    63. c845W
    64. Prisoners (Previous Covictions) 221 words
    65. c845W
    66. Crime (Young People) 113 words
    67. cc845-6W
    68. Roisin McAliskey 204 words
    69. c846W
    70. Burglary (London) 256 words
    71. cc846-7W
    72. Women Prisoners (Escapes) 435 words
    73. c847W
    74. Prison (Travellers) 124 words
    75. cc847-9W
    76. Prison Transfers 535 words
    77. cc849-50W
    78. Prisoners (Regional Origin) 477 words
    79. c850W
    80. Paul Hill 128 words
    81. c850W
    82. Defibrillators (Poice and Fire Service) 54 words
    83. cc850-1W
    84. Animal Experiments (Primates) 206 words
    85. c851W
    86. Devon and Cornwall Constabulary 77 words
    87. c851W
    88. Prison Barge 159 words
    89. cc851-2W
    90. Payment of Bills 93 words
    91. c852W
    92. Al-Fayed Brothers 75 words
    93. c852W
    94. Polling Stations (Accessibility) 64 words
    95. c852W
    96. Pensions Misselling 76 words
    97. c852W
    98. Ballot Papers (Braille Templates) 67 words
    99. cc852-3W
    100. Buckley Hall Prison 340 words
    101. c853W
    102. Religious Preachers 120 words
    103. cc853-4W
    104. Office of the Data Protection Registrar 104 words
    105. cc854-5W
    106. Criminal Justice Initiatives 525 words
    107. c855W
    108. Young Offenders 113 words
    109. cc855-6W
    110. Prisons (Drug Testing) 467 words
    111. c856W
    112. Curfew Orders 44 words
    113. c856W
    114. Dogs (Tail Docking) 75 words
    1. cc856-7W
    2. Security Vetting 475 words
    3. c858W
    4. Trident 313 words
    5. cc858-9W
    6. Equal Opportunities 282 words
    7. cc859-60W
    8. RAF Training Group Defence Agency 351 words
    9. c860W
    10. Low Flying 331 words
    11. c860W
    12. Animal Welfare Advisory Committee 64 words
    13. cc860-1W
    14. Defence Procurement Contracts 107 words
    15. c861W
    16. Royal Yacht 93 words
    17. cc861-2W
    18. Royal Hospital, Halar 749 words
    19. cc862-4W
    20. Personnel Statistics 748 words
    21. c864W
    22. Gulf War Syndrome 276 words
    23. cc864-5W
    24. Operation Granby 109 words
    25. c865W
    26. Departmental Documents (Vote Office) 203 words
    27. c865W
    28. Organophosphates 219 words
    29. c866W
    30. British Defence Advisory Team 42 words
    31. c866W
    32. Army Base Storage and Distribution Agency 119 words
    33. c866W
    34. Overseas Training and Advice (Costs) 162 words
    35. cc866-7W
    36. Ministerial Visits (Saudi Arabia) 161 words
    37. c867W
    38. Defence Co-operation Accord (United Arab Emirates) 95 words
    39. c867W
    40. Army Vehicle Depot, Ashchurch 235 words
    41. cc867-8W
    42. Asylum Seekers 230 words
    43. c868W
    44. Hercules Aircraft 82 words
    45. c868W
    46. Warrant Officer Ray Bristow 60 words
    47. cc868-9W
    48. Menwith Hill RAF Station 163 words
    49. c869W
    50. Careers Information Offices 253 words
    51. c869W
    52. Navy and Air Force Manpower 78 words
    53. c870W
    54. NATO Enlargement 81 words
    55. c870W
    56. Tri-service Resettlement Organisation 242 words
    57. c870W
    58. Payment of Bills 81 words
    59. cc870-1W
    60. Contracts (American Companies) 139 words
    61. c871W
    62. Retired Service Personnel 86 words
    63. c871W
    64. Skyship 600 124 words
    65. c871W
    66. Air-to-air Missile 52 words
    67. cc871-2W
    68. Domestic Rabbits 75 words
    69. cc872-3W
    70. Loan Service Personnel 211 words
    71. cc873-4W
    72. Operational Information Systems 411 words
    1. cc874-5W
    2. A-levels (Derbyshire) 908 words
    3. c876W
    4. Free School Meals 68 words
    5. cc876-7W
    6. Public Bodies 402 words
    7. c877W
    8. Nursery Vouchers 80 words
    9. c877W
    10. Training and Enterprise Funding 94 words
    11. c877W
    12. Modern Apprenticeships 96 words
    13. c878W
    14. Youth Training 45 words
    15. c878W
    16. Primary Schools 93 words
    17. cc878-9W
    18. Education Spending, Barnet 170 words
    19. c879W
    20. Pupil Costs 94 words
    21. c879W
    22. Special Educational Needs 204 words
    23. c879W
    24. National Learning Line 79 words
    25. cc879-80W
    26. Expenditure, Devon 231 words
    27. c880W
    28. Hunting (Jobs) 105 words
    29. cc880-2W
    30. Training and Enterprise Councils 696 words
    31. cc882-4W
    32. Secondary School Pupils 1,595 words
    33. c884W
    34. Musicians 101 words
    1. cc885-6W
    2. Housing Benefit 540 words
    3. c886W
    4. Pensioners 137 words
    5. cc886-7W
    6. Customer Charters 328 words
    7. cc887-8W
    8. War Pensions 689 words
    9. cc888-9W
    10. Incapacity Benefit 553 words
    11. cc889-90W
    12. Child Care Allowance 205 words
    13. cc890-3W
    14. Child Support Agency 1,491 words
    15. c893W
    16. Benefits Agency Appellants 58 words
    17. c893W
    18. Family Credit (Fife) 197 words
    19. cc893-4W
    20. Social Security and Medical Appeals Tribunals 416 words
    21. c894W
    22. Personal Pensions 70 words
    23. cc894-5W
    24. Attendance Allowance (Wandsworth) 312 words
    25. c895W
    26. Reduced Benefits Directions 37 words
    27. cc895-904W
    28. National Insurance 3,799 words
    29. c904W
    30. Departmental Budgets 96 words
    31. cc904-8W
    32. Basic Pension Plus 2,149 words
    33. cc908-9W
    34. Family Credit 248 words
    35. c909W
    36. Pensions Act 1995 88 words
    37. c909W
    38. Habitual Residence Test (Appeals) 81 words
    39. cc909-10W
    40. Council Tax and Housing Benefits 263 words
    41. c910W
    42. Benefit Claimants 69 words
    43. cc910-1W
    44. Benefit Fraud Hotline 163 words
    45. c911W
    46. Independent Living Fund 133 words
    47. c911W
    48. Appeals 189 words
    49. c911W
    50. All-work Test 55 words
    51. cc911-2W
    52. Benefit Recipients (Study Hours) 71 words
    53. c912W
    54. Payment of Bills 187 words
    55. cc912-3W
    56. Home Responsibilities Protection 321 words
    57. c913W
    58. Contributions Agency 93 words
    59. cc913-6W
    60. State Pensions 1,372 words
    61. c916W
    62. Discretionary Social Fund 87 words

Lords Sitting of 20 March 1997 Series 5 Vol. 579

  1. Preamble 33 words
  2. cc1043-5
  3. Bletchley Park 1,159 words
  4. cc1045-7
  5. Women Prisoners 1,106 words
  6. cc1048-50
  7. ODA: Fundamental Expenditure Review 1,286 words
  8. cc1050-2
  9. Violent Crime in London 813 words
  10. c1052
  11. Southampton International Boat Show Bill 14 words
  12. cc1052-3
  13. The Barony of Moynihan: Committee for Privileges Report 485 words
  14. cc1053-5
  15. House of Lords Offices: Select Committee Report 1,055 words
  16. cc1055-62
  17. Ministerial Accountability 3,219 words
  18. c1062
  19. Building Societies (Distributions) Bill 68 words
  20. c1062
  21. Police (Health and Safety) Bill 50 words
  22. c1062
  23. Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 55 words
  24. cc1062-3
  25. National Health Service (Primary Care) Bill [H.L.] 221 words
  26. cc1063-6
  27. COMMONS AMENDMENT 1,760 words
  28. cc1066-8
  29. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 759 words
  30. cc1068-71
  31. COMMONS AMENDMENT 1,592 words
  32. cc1071-2
  33. COMMONS AMENDMENT 78 words
  34. cc1072-3
  35. COMMONS AMENDMEN 946 words
  36. cc1073-4
  38. cc1074-5
  39. COMMONS AMENDMENT 551 words
  40. cc1075-6
  41. COMMONS AMENDMENT 542 words
  42. c1076
  43. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 189 words
  44. cc1076-7
  45. COMMONS AMENDMENT 194 words
  46. cc1077-81
  47. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 1,926 words
  48. c1081
  49. COMMONS AMENDMENT 96 words
  50. cc1081-2
  51. COMMONS AMENDMENT 48 words
  52. cc1082-3
  53. COMMONS AMENDMENT 494 words
  54. c1083
  55. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 108 words
  56. c1083
  57. COMMONS AMENDMENT 181 words
  58. cc1083-5
  59. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 673 words
  60. c1085
  61. COMMONS AMENDMENT 219 words
  62. cc1085-6
  63. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 563 words
  64. cc1086-91
  65. COMMONS AMENDMENT 2,176 words
  66. cc1091-2
  67. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 406 words
  68. cc1092-104
  69. Social Security Administration (Fraud) Bill 6,122 words
  70. Police Bill [H.L.]
  71. c1104
  73. c1104
  74. COMMONS AMENDMENT 105 words
  75. cc1104-5
  76. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 111 words
  77. cc1105-11
  78. COMMONS AMENDMENT 3,021 words
  79. cc1111-20
  80. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 4,380 words
  81. cc1120-5
  82. COMMONS AMENDMENT 2,772 words
  83. c1125
  84. COMMONS AMENDMENT 61 words
  85. c1125
  86. COMMONS AMENDMENT 191 words
  87. cc1125-8
  88. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 1,031 words
  89. c1128
  90. COMMONS AMENDMENT 113 words
  91. cc1128-30
  92. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 789 words
  93. c1130
  94. COMMONS AMENDMENT 243 words
  95. cc1130-2
  96. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 968 words
  97. cc1132-7
  98. Sex Offenders Bill 2,707 words
  99. cc1137-9
  100. Police and Firemen's Pensions Bill 655 words
  101. Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill [H.L.]
    1. c1139
    2. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 46 words
  102. COMMONS AMENDMENT 2,252 words
  103. cc1143-6
  104. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 1,266 words
  105. cc1146-54
  106. Road Traffic Reduction Bill 4,031 words
  107. c1154
  108. Birds (Registration Charges) Bill 321 words
  109. cc1154-5
  110. Treasure Act 1996 Draft Code of Practice (England and Wales) 546 words
  111. cc1155-6
  112. Treasure Act 1996 Draft Code of Practice (Northern Ireland) 49 words
  113. cc1156-60
  114. Northern Ireland (Entry to Negotiations, etc.) Act 1996 (Cessation of Section 3) Order 1997 2,459 words
  115. cc1160-3
  116. Northern Ireland (Emergency and Prevention of Terrorism Provisions) (Continuance) Order 1997 1,492 words
  117. c1163
  118. Property (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 173 words
  119. cc1163-6
  120. Public Order (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 1,122 words
  121. c1166
  122. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Codes of Practice No. 4) Order 1997 114 words
  123. c1166
  124. Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (Code of Practice) (No. 2) Order 1997 87 words
  125. cc1166-7
  126. Data Protection (Regulation of Financial Services etc.) (Subject Access Exemption) (Amendment) Order 1997 517 words
  127. cc1167-8
  128. Deregulation (Occasional Permissions) Order 1997 107 words
  129. c1168
  130. Deregulation (Casinos and Bingo Clubs: Debit Cards) Order 1997 78 words
  131. c1168
  132. Deregulation (Betting and Bingo Advertising etc.) Order 1997 74 words
  133. c1168
  134. Deregulation (Football Pools) Order 1997 76 words
  135. c1169
  136. Deregulation (Non-Fossil Fuel) Order 1997 116 words
  137. cc1169-76
  138. Hedgerows Regulations 1997 4,021 words
  139. cc1176-80
  140. Adjournment 1,549 words
  141. c1180
  142. Crime (Sentences) Bill 9 words
  143. c1180
  144. Education Bill 9 words
  145. c1180
  146. Police (Insurance of Voluntary Assistants) Bill [H.L.] 14 words
  147. c1180
  148. Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Bill 9 words
  149. c1180
  150. Public Entertainments Licences (Drugs Misuse) Bill 17 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 20 March 1997 Series 5 Vol. 579

  1. Arms Embargoes 1,092 words
  2. Asylum and Immigration Appeals: Independent Monitor's Report 403 words
  3. European Defence Co-operation 245 words
  4. Estonia/Russia Border Negotiations 105 words
  5. Peto Institute, Budapest 215 words
  6. United Nations Organisation: Future 507 words
  7. Africa: Aid and Investment 157 words
  8. Turkey: Detention of Suspects 101 words
  9. Inuit Population, Canada 80 words
  10. NATO Enlargement 159 words
  11. US Airborne Laser Programme 109 words
  12. Airspace: Definition and Integrity 288 words
  13. ABM Treaty 181 words
  14. Hong Kong: Annual Report 57 words
  15. NATO 77 words
  16. Bringing Acts of Parliament into Force 51 words
  17. European Central Bank Foreign Reserve Assets: UK Contribution 206 words
  18. Ethnic Minority Population of UK 234 words
  19. Court Service, Land Registry and Public Trust Office: Performance Targets 805 words
  20. Legal Aid 238 words
  21. Legal Aid 46 words
  22. Legal Aid 516 words
  23. Dr. Jawad Hashim: Legal Aid 183 words
  24. Equal Pay Code of Practice 249 words
  25. Defence Industry Promotional Events on HM Ships 142 words
  26. Arrow Anti-ballistic Missile Missiles 43 words
  27. Ballistic Missile Defence 103 words
  28. Theatre Missile Defence 146 words
  29. SACLANT: Ballistic Missile Defence Plans 104 words
  30. RAF Menwith Hill 162 words
  31. RAF Feltwell 77 words
  32. Claim against Iraq: Gulf War Environmental Damage 240 words
  33. Low Flying Activity 327 words
  34. Ethnic Minority Employment in MoD 279 words
  35. Meat Hygiene 100 words
  36. Meat Hygiene Service: Performance Targets 307 words
  37. Central Science Laboratory: Performance Targets 192 words
  38. Sea Fish Conservation Act: Implementation 184 words
  39. Rendering Industry: Support 281 words
  40. Agriculture Council, 17–19 March 700 words
  41. Clean Livestock 209 words
  42. Veterinary Laboratory Agency: Performance Targets 111 words
  43. Veterinary Medicines Directorate: Performance Targets 220 words
  44. Pesticides Safety Directorate: Performance Targets 417 words
  45. Tobacco Products: Additives 148 words
  46. Scottish Agricultural Science Agency: Performance Targets 158 words
  47. Scottish Agricultural and Biological Research Institutes 61 words
  48. DoE, Ordnance Survey and Office of Water Services: Spending Programme 130 words
  49. North Sea Conference, 13–14 March 344 words
  50. Planning Applications for Retail Development 296 words
  51. Regional Government Offices 202 words
  52. Polychlorinated Biphenyls 250 words
  53. Electronic Monitoring Trials 42 words
  54. General Election Campaigning Expenses: Foreign Donations 69 words
  55. Asylum Seekers: Detention at Haslar 236 words
  56. Prisoners: On-line Data 260 words
  57. Young Offenders: Contractually-managed Prisons 107 words
  58. Prison Service Drug Testing Programme Statistics 474 words
  59. Data Protection Registrar 103 words
  60. Criminal Justice Initiatives 531 words
  61. "Pescado" Sinking: Publication of Report 142 words
  62. St. Pancras Gasholders 138 words
  63. Roads: Litter Clearance 326 words
  64. Road Programme 2,877 words
  65. Cancelled Road Schemes 103 words
  66. Planning Consents: Decision Times 191 words
  67. Ecclesiastical Exemption from Listed Buildings Control 245 words
  68. Petrol Supplies in Rural Areas 87 words
  69. Copyright Protection: British Television Programmes 761 words
  70. Electricity Generating Capacity in the EU 372 words