§ Lord Geddesasked Her Majesty's Government:
What was the average length of time in England over the last five years from the application for planning consent for retail development to its final approval or rejection.
Earl FerrersInformation is not available in the precise form requested. However, the table below shows the percentage of planning applications relating to retail, distribution and servicing developments which were decided within eight weeks and within 13 weeks of receipt in England in the five years 1992 to 1996.
Percentage of planning applications for retail, distribution and servicing developments which were decided: Year within 8 weeks of receipt within 13 weeks of receipt 1992 55 80 1993 58 82 1994 60 83 1995 60 82 1996 58 81
§ Lord Kennetasked Her Majesty's Government:
Why World Heritage Sites do not appear among the "designated areas" in which "special considerations" should apply in the Table of Contents of Planning Policy Guidance PPG7 (revised) of February 1997, The Countryside—Environmental Quality and Economic and Social Development, given the responsibilities adopted by the Government towards these areas by their adherence to the World Heritage Sites Convention.
Earl FerrersGuidance on World Heritage Sites is included in Planning Policy Guidance note 15 (PPG15)—Planning and the Historic Environment. Advice on historic designations in Planning Policy Guidance note 7 should be read alongside the more detailed advice in PPG15. PPG15 acknowledges that World Heritage sites have been designated for their outstanding universal value, and advises local planning authorities to place great weight on the need to protect them for the benefit of future generations as well as our own.