HL Deb 20 March 1997 vol 579 cc99-100WA
Lord Rotherwick

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When the document defining standards for clean livestock is to be published.

Lord Lucas

As foreshadowed in the statement which my right honourable friend the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food made on 12 March 1997 (Official Report, col. 372–4) the existing guidance in the Meat Hygiene Service Operations Manual has been enhanced today to provide a pictorial guide on dirty animals and the appropriate action to take when such animals are presented for slaughter. This will reinforce to all those involved in slaughtering, as well as other sectors of farming and associated industries, what is expected of them and the controls which will apply if they do not meet the appropriate standards. This issue was included in the interim report of the Expert Group on E. coli being chaired by Professor Pennington.

Proposals for publicising the potential sources of contamination and how to ensure that contaminated animals do not enter the food chain are being sent to interested organisations today for comment. Once comments have been considered, the Meat Hygiene Service proposes to launch a publicity campaign.

We have placed in the Library of the House copies of the amendment to the Operations Manual and draft publicity material sent to interested parties.