Mr David Lloyd George

1863 - March 26, 1945
Summary information for Mr David Lloyd George



2 speeches — Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes. Written Answers January 3, 1913

6 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons January 6, 1913

2 speeches — National Services (Local Expenditure). Commons January 6, 1913

2 speeches — Public Burdens (Realty and Personalty). Commons January 6, 1913

Imperial and Local Taxation. Commons January 6, 1913

ESTABLISHED CHURCH (WALES) BILL. Commons January 6, 1913

3 speeches — MEDICAL RELIEF. Commons January 7, 1913

2 speeches — Mineral Rights Duty. Commons January 7, 1913

Agricultural Labourers (Wages). Commons January 8, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax. Commons January 8, 1913

Small Houses and Cottages. Commons January 8, 1913

8 speeches — Surveyors of Customs and Excise. Commons January 8, 1913

CLAUSE 15.—(Powers of Irish Parliament with Respect to Taxation.) Commons January 8, 1913

CLAUSE 22.—(Joint Exchequer Board.) Commons January 8, 1913

Purchases of Silver. Written Answers January 8, 1913

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Written Answers January 9, 1913

2 speeches — Agriculture (Taxes). Written Answers January 9, 1913

Male Servants (Licence Duties). Written Answers January 9, 1913

Road Board (Grants). Written Answers January 9, 1913

Tea and Sugar (Taxes). Written Answers January 9, 1913

2 speeches — Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes. Written Answers January 9, 1913

Board of Agriculture (Tuberculosis Order). Written Answers January 9, 1913

Beet Sugar (Norfolk). Written Answers January 9, 1913

SEA TRAINING. Written Answers January 9, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Written Answers January 10, 1913

Macedonia (Mussulman Refugees). Commons January 13, 1913

2 speeches — Judicial Committee, Privy Council. Commons January 13, 1913

2 speeches — Public Trustee. Commons January 13, 1913

Market Gardeners' Compensation (No. 3) Bill. Commons January 13, 1913

3 speeches — Railways (No. 2) Bill. Commons January 13, 1913

3 speeches — Blocking Motions (House of Commons). Commons January 13, 1913

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons January 13, 1913

Income Tax (Net Produce). Written Answers January 13, 1913

Land Values Committee. Written Answers January 13, 1913

12 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons January 14, 1913

2 speeches — DEPOSIT CONTRIBUTORS. Commons January 14, 1913

5 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation), Commons January 14, 1913

3 speeches — Increment Duty. Commons January 14, 1913

3 speeches — Bowles v. Bank of England. Commons January 14, 1913

SANATORIUM BENEFIT. Written Answers January 14, 1913

4 speeches — Small Houses and Cottages (Great Britain). Commons January 15, 1913

Increment Duty. Commons January 15, 1913

2 speeches — Taxes and Battleships. Commons January 15, 1913

2 speeches — Imported Food (Taxation). Commons January 15, 1913

Income Tax Forms. Commons January 15, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation). Written Answers January 15, 1913

Imported Food (Taxation). Written Answers January 15, 1913

Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes. Written Answers January 15, 1913

3 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation). Written Answers January 16, 1913

SANATORIUM BENEFIT. Written Answers January 16, 1913

COMPLETION OF PANELS. Commons January 20, 1913

2 speeches — Agriculture. Commons January 20, 1913

Taxation on Food Stuffs. Commons January 20, 1913

3 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons January 20, 1913

3 speeches — Road Board. Commons January 20, 1913

Veterinary Education. Commons January 20, 1913

Workmen's Halls and Institutes (Income Tax). Written Answers January 20, 1913

Road Board (Expenditure in Gloucestershire). Commons January 21, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation). Commons January 21, 1913

4 speeches — IRELAND (PROPOSED GRANT). Commons January 21, 1913

New Ross Technical Instruction Committee. Commons January 21, 1913

3 speeches — Defence Act (War Office Land). Commons January 21, 1913

3 speeches — Income Tax (Gibson Bowles v. Bank of England). Commons January 21, 1913

Real Property (Duties). Written Answers January 21, 1913

Customs and Excise. Written Answers January 21, 1913

Farthings. Written Answers January 21, 1913

3 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons January 22, 1913


2 speeches — Increment Value Duty. Commons January 22, 1913

Death Duties. Commons January 22, 1913

3 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation). Commons January 22, 1913

Land Valuation. Commons January 22, 1913

Small Houses and Tenements. Commons January 22, 1913

2 speeches — Building Trade (Unemployment). Commons January 22, 1913

3 speeches — CLAUSE 35—(Interpretation.) Commons January 22, 1913

Income Tax (Wasting Assets). Written Answers January 22, 1913

10 speeches — APPENDIX. Commons January 23, 1913

Customs and Excise. Written Answers January 23, 1913

Irish Constabulary Force Fund. Written Answers January 23, 1913

Land Valuation. Written Answers January 23, 1913

Friendly Societies Wound Up. Written Answers January 23, 1913

Income Tax. Written Answers January 23, 1913

Baring Bank Failure, 1890. Written Answers January 23, 1913

Ground Rents. Written Answers January 23, 1913

5 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Parliamentary Franchise.) Commons January 24, 1913

3 speeches — Finance Act, 1912 (Retrospective Effect). Commons January 27, 1913

4 speeches — Customs and Excise Officer (Suicide). Commons January 27, 1913

Pensions (Commutation). Commons January 27, 1913

6 speeches — WOMEN SUFTOAGE AMENDMENTS. Commons January 27, 1913

3 speeches — TRADE UNIONS (No. 2) BILL. Commons January 27, 1913

Postal Expenditure (Scotland). Written Answers January 27, 1913

Motor Traffic. Written Answers January 27, 1913

2 speeches — Licensed Houses (Assessment). Commons January 28, 1913

2 speeches — Excise and Customs (Amalgamation). Commons January 28, 1913

Thames Embankment (South Side). Commons January 28, 1913

2 speeches — Increment Duty. Commons January 28, 1913

AMENDMENT. Commons January 28, 1913

3 speeches — SANATORIUM BENEFIT. Commons January 28, 1913

Imported Food. Written Answers January 28, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation). Written Answers January 28, 1913

Stamp Act (Evasions). Written Answers January 28, 1913

Food Taxes. Commons January 29, 1913

2 speeches — Land Value Duties. Commons January 29, 1913

Building Trade Statistics. Commons January 29, 1913

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Commons January 29, 1913

2 speeches — INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS AND MINISTERS. Commons January 29, 1913

REDISTRIBUTION. Commons January 29, 1913

Registration and Election (Expenses). Commons January 29, 1913

Women Suffrage. Commons January 29, 1913

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons January 29, 1913

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons January 29, 1913

3 speeches — Women Suffrage. Commons January 30, 1913

3 speeches — Supplementary Estimates. Commons January 30, 1913

Land Valuation Officer. Commons January 30, 1913

Pensions Commutation Act. Commons January 30, 1913

Customs and Excise Services. Commons January 30, 1913

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons January 30, 1913

6 speeches — RAILWAYS (No. 2) BILL. Commons January 30, 1913

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons January 30, 1913

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons January 30, 1913

KEW GARDENS. Written Answers January 31, 1913

Inhabited House Duty. Written Answers January 31, 1913


Customs and Excise (Revision of Salaries). Commons February 3, 1913

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Written Answers February 3, 1913

St. Albans Wine Charters. Written Answers February 3, 1913

Increment Duty. Written Answers February 3, 1913

Customs (Launchmen). Written Answers February 3, 1913

2 speeches — Navy and Army Pensioners. Commons February 4, 1913

5 speeches — Mineral Rights Duty. Commons February 4, 1913

10 speeches — Customs and Excise Services. Commons February 4, 1913

Property and Income Tax (Notices). Commons February 4, 1913

3 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT (IRELAND). Commons February 4, 1913

Taxation on Land Values. Written Answers February 4, 1913

5 speeches — ESTABLISHED CHURCH (WALES) BILL. Commons February 5, 1913

Customs and Excise Clerkships. Written Answers February 5, 1913

Advisory Committees (Glamorgan and Cardiff). Commons February 6, 1913

3 speeches — Parliamentary Session, 1913. Commons February 6, 1913

2 speeches — Outdoor Pauperism (Prime Minister's Speech at Leven). Commons February 6, 1913

Supplementary Estimates (Board of Agriculture and Irish Department of Agriculture). Commons February 6, 1913

10 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons February 6, 1913

CLAUSE 2.—(Poll of Electors on Resolutions Submitted.) Commons February 6, 1913

9 speeches — SATURDAY SITTING. Commons February 6, 1913

Death Duty Accounts. Written Answers February 6, 1913

Board of Agriculture (Supply of Veterinary Officers). Written Answers February 6, 1913

Sugar Beet Industry. Written Answers February 6, 1913

Land Values Committee. Written Answers February 6, 1913

Income Tax (Relief). Written Answers February 6, 1913

Hackney Carriages. Written Answers February 6, 1913

Judges on Commissions. Written Answers February 6, 1913

Franchise Exclusions. Written Answers February 6, 1913

24 speeches — NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (SPECIAL GRANTS)—(Class VIII.). Commons February 7, 1913

Finance Act, 1910 (Death Duties). Written Answers February 7, 1913

Customs and Excise Services. Written Answers February 8, 1913

Technical Schools (Ireland). Written Answers February 8, 1913

Civil Service (Superannuation). Written Answers February 8, 1913

Pension Commutation Acts. Written Answers February 10, 1913

Alcohol (Customs Duty). Written Answers February 10, 1913

Budget, 1913. Written Answers February 10, 1913

House of Commons (Refreshment Department). Written Answers February 10, 1913

Hackney Carriage Tax. Written Answers February 10, 1913

Customs and Excise Department. Written Answers February 10, 1913

Imperial and Local Taxation. Written Answers February 11, 1913

Land Transfer. Written Answers February 11, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty (Cooper's Charity). Written Answers February 12, 1913

Tea (Duty Paid in Ireland) Written Answers February 12, 1913

Land Valuation Office (Great Britain). Written Answers February 12, 1913

DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS. Commons March 10, 1913

6 speeches — LOCAL TAXATION. Commons March 11, 1913

2 speeches — Live Stock Restrictions (Compensation). Commons March 13, 1913

Customs and Excise Departments. Written Answers March 13, 1913

3 speeches — Income Tax (Deductions). Commons March 17, 1913

2 speeches — Municipal Housing Acts (Ireland). Commons March 17, 1913

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE (CLOSURE RESOLUTION). Commons March 17, 1913

3 speeches — Customs and Excise Department. Commons March 18, 1913

Nicotine. Commons March 18, 1913

3 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons March 18, 1913

Civil Service (Pensions). Commons March 18, 1913

Land Valuation. Commons March 18, 1913

17 speeches — BOWLES v. BANK OF ENGLAND. Commons March 18, 1913

Town Sites (Ireland). Written Answers March 18, 1913

Pensions (Commutation). Commons March 19, 1913

DOCTORS (INCOME TAX). Written Answers March 24, 1913

Income Tax (Wife's Income). Written Answers March 25, 1913

Land Valuation. Commons March 26, 1913

Estate Duty Valuation. Commons March 26, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers March 27, 1913

Customs and Excise (Overtime Pay). Commons April 1, 1913

4 speeches — Chancellor of Exchequer's Salary. Commons April 1, 1913

Law Officers (Special Fees). Commons April 1, 1913

5 speeches — Income Tax (Collection). Commons April 1, 1913

Tea Duty, Sugar Tax, and Income Tax. Written Answers April 1, 1913

5 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons April 2, 1913

2 speeches — Increment Value Duty. Commons April 2, 1913

2 speeches — Motor Spirit (Excise Duties). Commons April 2, 1913

3 speeches — Liquor Licences (Revenue). Commons April 2, 1913

Private Wireless Installations. Commons April 2, 1913

British Constitution. Commons April 2, 1913

National School Teachers (Ireland). Commons April 2, 1913

2 speeches — Lunatic Asylums (Ireland). Commons April 2, 1913

Superannuation Bill. Commons April 2, 1913

2 speeches — Land Purchase (Ireland). Commons April 3, 1913



Irish Church Temporalities Fund. Commons April 3, 1913

3 speeches — Law Officers (Salaries). Commons April 3, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax (Collection). Commons April 3, 1913

Estates Passing at Death. Written Answers April 3, 1913


Old Age Pensions, Insurance, and Labour Exchanges (Cost). Commons April 7, 1913

Food Taxes. Commons April 7, 1913

3 speeches — Undeveloped Land Tax (Arrears). Commons April 7, 1913

3 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons April 7, 1913

3 speeches — Income Tax (Members' Salaries). Commons April 7, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise Department (Promotion). Commons April 7, 1913

31 speeches — PROVISIONAL COLLECTION OF TAXES. Commons April 7, 1913

Finance Act (Disputed Valuations). Written Answers April 7, 1913

Land Purchase (Ireland). Written Answers April 7, 1913

28 speeches — PROVISIONAL COLLECTION OF TAXES. Commons April 8, 1913

10 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons April 9, 1913

Land Valuation Office (Expenses). Commons April 9, 1913

2 speeches — Bowles v. Bank of England. Commons April 9, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons April 9, 1913

2 speeches — Land Purchase (Ireland). Commons April 9, 1913

Increment Value Duty. Commons April 9, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise Department. Commons April 9, 1913

Commutation of Pensions. Commons April 9, 1913

14 speeches — PROVISIONAL COLLECTION OF TAXES BILL. Commons April 9, 1913


Continental Week-End Tickets (Taxation). Written Answers April 9, 1913

District Valuers (Ordnance Maps). Written Answers April 9, 1913

Site Values. Written Answers April 9, 1913

Specimen Coins (George V.). Written Answers April 9, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise Mutual Guarantee Fund. Written Answers April 9, 1913

Land Purchase (Ireland). Written Answers April 9, 1913

Pleuro-Pneumonia Account. Written Answers April 10, 1913

Income Tax. Written Answers April 10, 1913

Consols (Dividends). Written Answers April 10, 1913

Relief to Agriculturists. Written Answers April 11, 1913

Technical Schools (Ireland). Written Answers April 11, 1913

Cash Balances. Commons April 14, 1913

8 speeches — Land Taxes. Commons April 14, 1913

Cottages and Small Houses (Great Britain). Commons April 14, 1913

Abstractors (Government Departments). Commons April 14, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax. Commons April 14, 1913

2 speeches — Pensions (Commutation). Commons April 14, 1913

26 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Resolutions Imposing, Varying, or Renewing, Tax to have Statutory Effect for a Limited Period.) Commons April 14, 1913


Undeveloped Land Duty (Southport). Written Answers April 14, 1913

2 speeches — Increment Value Duty. Commons April 15, 1913

9 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Resolutions Imposing, Varying, or Renewing, Tax to have Statutory Effect for a Limited Period). Commons April 15, 1913

3 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—Duration of Act. Commons April 15, 1913

2 speeches — ADJOURNMENT. Commons April 15, 1913

Ecclesiastical Endowments (Taxation). Written Answers April 15, 1913

Site Values. Written Answers April 16, 1913

2 speeches — Representation of the People (Women) Bill. Commons April 17, 1913

Channel Tunnel. Commons April 17, 1913

4 speeches — Land Transfer. Commons April 17, 1913

Industrial and Provident Societies (Amendment) Bill. Commons April 17, 1913

Income Tax (Collection). Commons April 17, 1913

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons April 17, 1913

2 speeches — Education (Necessitous Areas Grant). Commons April 17, 1913

2 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons April 17, 1913

3 speeches — Increment Duty. Commons April 17, 1913

2 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons April 17, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax. Commons April 17, 1913

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 17, 1913

6 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Duration of Act.) Commons April 17, 1913

Valuation (Rents). Written Answers April 18, 1913

Committee on Irish Finance. Commons April 21, 1913

Public Health (Acquisition of Water) Bill. Commons April 21, 1913

3 speeches — Established Church (Wales) Bill. Commons April 21, 1913

Traffic Board (London). Commons April 21, 1913

2 speeches — Payments to Members of Parliament. Commons April 21, 1913

4 speeches — Mental Deficiency Bill. Commons April 21, 1913

Dominion Loans. Commons April 21, 1913

Land Valuation Department. Commons April 21, 1913

Mineral Rights Duty (Scotland). Commons April 21, 1913

Education Grant (Necessitous Areas). Commons April 21, 1913

Hops and Hop Substitutes. Written Answers April 21, 1913

Basis Wines. Written Answers April 21, 1913

Increment Value Duty (Richmond Case). Written Answers April 21, 1913

Taxation of Easter Offerings. Written Answers April 21, 1913

Proportionate Taxation. Written Answers April 21, 1913

Votes of Parliament (Credits). Written Answers April 21, 1913

Income Tax. Written Answers April 21, 1913

Tax Upon Earned Incomes. Written Answers April 21, 1913

FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Commons April 22, 1913

YIELD OF NEW TAXES OF 1909. Commons April 22, 1913

EXPENDITURE IN 1861. Commons April 22, 1913

3 speeches — ESTIMATED REVENUE FOR 1913–14. Commons April 22, 1913

2 speeches — ESTIMATED REVENUE: CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. Commons April 22, 1913


8 speeches — TEA. Commons April 22, 1913

Civil Service (Clerkships). Commons April 23, 1913

3 speeches — Customs Port Clerks. Commons April 23, 1913

2 speeches — Cottages and Small Houses. Commons April 23, 1913

7 speeches — Imperial and Local Taxation. Commons April 23, 1913

Public Works Loan Commissioners. Commons April 23, 1913

3 speeches — Estate Duty Office. Commons April 23, 1913

2 speeches — Darngavil Coal Company. Commons April 23, 1913

2 speeches — First Garden City, Limited. Commons April 23, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons April 23, 1913

3 speeches — Old Sinking Fund. Commons April 23, 1913

School of Oriental Languages. Commons April 23, 1913

WAR IN BALKANS. Commons April 23, 1913

5 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 23, 1913

14 speeches — GOVERNMENT OF THE SOUDAN LOAN GUARANTEE. Commons April 23, 1913

2 speeches — Super-Tax. Written Answers April 23, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers April 24, 1913

2 speeches — Land Value Duties. Written Answers April 24, 1913

Income Tax (Great Britain and Ireland). Written Answers April 24, 1913

Licence Duty. Written Answers April 24, 1913

Necessitous School Areas. Written Answers April 25, 1913

Territorial Force (Civil Service). Commons April 28, 1913

3 speeches — Customs and Excise. Commons April 28, 1913

Irish Land Stock (New Three Per Cent. Issue). Commons April 28, 1913

Increment Duty. Commons April 28, 1913

Collected and True Revenue (Ireland). Commons April 28, 1913

Patent Medicines (Revenue). Commons April 28, 1913

30 speeches — BUDGET RESOLUTIONS: TEA DUTY. Commons April 28, 1913

Land Taxes (Yield). Written Answers April 28, 1913

Mineral Rights Duty (Ireland), Written Answers April 28, 1913

Taxes on Small Incomes. Written Answers April 28, 1913

Customs and Excise (Surveyors). Written Answers April 28, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Commons April 29, 1913

Clubs (Sale of Wines). Commons April 29, 1913

Committee of Imperial Defence. Commons April 29, 1913

2 speeches — Civil Service (Royal Commission). Commons April 29, 1913

9 speeches — BUDGET RESOLUTIONS: TEA DUTY. Commons April 29, 1913

Customs and Excise Staff. Written Answers April 29, 1913

Public Stocks. Written Answers April 29, 1913

Deepdene Estate. Commons April 30, 1913

Roman Remains (Caerwent). Commons April 30, 1913

2 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons April 30, 1913

Motor Ambulance Wagons. Commons April 30, 1913

3 speeches — Labourers' Cottages (Ireland). Commons April 30, 1913

Income Tax (Collection). Commons April 30, 1913

4 speeches — Tea Duty. Commons April 30, 1913

Estate Duty. Commons April 30, 1913

5 speeches — Development Fund. Commons April 30, 1913

Income Tax (Miniature Rifle Ranges and Scouts' Halls). Commons April 30, 1913

Customs and Excise. Written Answers April 30, 1913

Sugar, Tea, and Other Duties. Written Answers April 30, 1913

2 speeches — Super-Tax. Written Answers April 30, 1913

Income Tax (Prussia). Written Answers April 30, 1913

Valuation Department. Written Answers April 30, 1913

3 speeches — MEDICAL BENEFIT (IRELAND). Commons May 1, 1913

Marconi Contract. Commons May 1, 1913

Sir Stuart Samuel. Commons May 1, 1913

Mental Deficiency Bill (Ireland). Commons May 1, 1913

8 speeches — Super-Tax. Commons May 1, 1913

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 1, 1913

Irish Land Stock. Written Answers May 1, 1913

2 speeches — Super-Tax. Written Answers May 1, 1913

Local Taxation (Departmental Committee). Written Answers May 1, 1913

Liquor Licence Duties. Written Answers May 1, 1913

Empire Day. Written Answers May 1, 1913

Education Grants. Written Answers May 2, 1913

Sugar (Excise Duty). Written Answers May 5, 1913

Budget Resolutions (Ireland). Written Answers May 5, 1913

Super-Tax Assessments. Written Answers May 5, 1913

4 speeches — Land Valuation Department. Written Answers May 5, 1913

Beet Sugar (Excise Duty). Written Answers May 5, 1913

2 speeches — Land Value Duties. Commons May 6, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax Collection (Bowles v. Bank of England). Commons May 6, 1913

Tenant Right. Written Answers May 6, 1913

Income Tax (Property and Profits Assessed, 1912). Written Answers May 6, 1913

4 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons May 7, 1913

3 speeches — Revenue Laws. Commons May 7, 1913

Income Tax (Collection). Commons May 7, 1913

Increment Value Duty. Commons May 7, 1913

2 speeches — Labourers' Cottages (Ireland). Commons May 7, 1913

3 speeches — Revenue and Expenditure (Ireland). Commons May 7, 1913

4 speeches — Customs and Excise (Supervisors). Commons May 7, 1913

6 speeches — TEA. Commons May 7, 1913

Estate Duty. Written Answers May 7, 1913

Land Valuation Department. Written Answers May 7, 1913

15 speeches — IRISH FINANCE. Commons May 8, 1913

ROYAL DOCKYARDS. Commons May 8, 1913

Super-Tax (Income Assessed). Written Answers May 8, 1913

Civil Servants (Half-holiday). Written Answers May 8, 1913

Customs and Excise (Unattached Surveyors). Written Answers May 8, 1913

Necessitous School Areas. Written Answers May 8, 1913

Retail Licences (Total Yield). Written Answers May 8, 1913

Mineral Rights Duty. Commons May 27, 1913

Increment Value Duty. Commons May 27, 1913

Income Tax (Final Notices). Commons May 27, 1913

13 speeches — Business of the House. Commons May 27, 1913

Land Purchase Acts (Ireland). Written Answers May 27, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax. Commons May 28, 1913

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 28, 1913

3 speeches — Customs and Excise Service. Commons May 29, 1913

Increment Value Duty. Commons May 29, 1913

9 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 29, 1913

Post Office Savings Bank. Written Answers May 29, 1913

22 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons June 2, 1913

10 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons June 2, 1913

Income Tax (Repayment under Finance Act, 1909–10). Written Answers June 2, 1913

Substituted Site Value. Written Answers June 2, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Written Answers June 2, 1913

Tobacco Growing (England). Written Answers June 2, 1913

Land Valuation Department. Written Answers June 2, 1913

Judicial Committee (Judges' Salaries). Written Answers June 2, 1913

Surveyors of Taxes. Written Answers June 2, 1913

Record Office (Historical Publications). Written Answers June 2, 1913

Land Valuation. Commons June 3, 1913

Reversion Duty. Commons June 3, 1913

2 speeches — Lords of Appeal. Commons June 3, 1913

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 3, 1913

Judicial Committee (Appeals). Written Answers June 3, 1913

COPPER COINS. Written Answers June 4, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax (Transfer of Mortgages). Commons June 5, 1913

Licensed Tobacco Manufacturers (United Kingdom). Written Answers June 5, 1913

Treasury Employés. Commons June 9, 1913

Local Taxation (London and Berlin). Written Answers June 9, 1913

FINANCIAL PROVISIONS. Written Answers June 9, 1913

3 speeches — Brine (Mineral Rights Duty). Commons June 10, 1913

Reversion Duty. Commons June 10, 1913

Land Valuation (Ireland). Commons June 10, 1913

2 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Written Answers June 10, 1913

Royal Engineers (Post Office Reserve Section). Written Answers June 10, 1913

Public Trustee (Ireland). Commons June 11, 1913

2 speeches — Development Commission. Commons June 11, 1913

2 speeches — Estate Duty Assessment. Commons June 11, 1913

7 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons June 11, 1913

2 speeches — Revenue Bill. Commons June 17, 1913

Land Valuation Department. Commons June 17, 1913

Picture Palaces (Taxation). Commons June 17, 1913

Highways (Maintenance). Commons June 17, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Commons June 17, 1913


Local and Imperial Taxation. Commons June 23, 1913

"Tied" Houses (Income Tax). Commons June 23, 1913

Liquor Licence Duties (Dublin and Nottingham). Commons June 24, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax (Claims for Repayment). Commons June 24, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duties. Commons June 24, 1913

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE Commons June 24, 1913

7 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT (1911) AMENDMENT BILL. Commons June 24, 1913

Super-Tax. Written Answers June 24, 1913

2 speeches — Inland Revenue (Appointments). Written Answers June 26, 1913

2 speeches — Treasury Staff. Written Answers June 27, 1913

Road Board. Written Answers June 30, 1913

4 speeches — Land Purchase (Ireland). Commons July 1, 1913

5 speeches — Agricultural Land (Finance Act, 1909–10). Commons July 1, 1913

2 speeches — Herbert's Trustees v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue. Commons July 1, 1913

2 speeches — Land Values (Ireland). Commons July 1, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons July 1, 1913

2 speeches — Revenue Bill. Commons July 1, 1913

3 speeches — Increment Duty. Commons July 1, 1913

2 speeches — Land Values Committee. Commons July 1, 1913

Development and Road Improvement Funds. Written Answers July 1, 1913

10 speeches — Land Duties. Commons July 2, 1913

Income Tax. Commons July 2, 1913

Road Board. Commons July 2, 1913

Civil Pensions (Service with Colours). Written Answers July 2, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons July 3, 1913

2 speeches — Barron's Cement Company. Commons July 3, 1913

2 speeches — Hibernian Military School, Dublin (Mrs. Eliza Silke). Commons July 3, 1913

Members of Parliament (Salaries). Commons July 3, 1913

24 speeches — INLAND REVENUE (Vote 2). Commons July 3, 1913

4 speeches — CIVIL SERVICES AND REVENUE DEPARTMENTS ESTIMATES, 1913–14. Commons July 3, 1913

Customs Officers (Hull). Written Answers July 3, 1913

Land Valuation Department. Written Answers July 3, 1913

Estate Duty. Written Answers July 3, 1913

Appellate Judges. Written Answers July 3, 1913

3 speeches — PLURAL VOTING BILL. Commons July 4, 1913

3 speeches — House of Commons (Payment of Members). Commons July 7, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers July 7, 1913

Agricultural Land. Written Answers July 7, 1913

Hibernian Military School, Dublin. Written Answers July 7, 1913

Tenant-Right (Ireland). Written Answers July 7, 1913

2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons July 8, 1913

East India Revenue Accounts. Commons July 8, 1913

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 8, 1913

3 speeches — ESTABLISHED CHURCH (WALES) BILL. Commons July 8, 1913

19 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons July 9, 1913

2 speeches — Consols. Commons July 9, 1913

3 speeches — VIVISECTION. Commons July 9, 1913

2 speeches — Revenue Bill. Commons July 10, 1913

3 speeches — HOUSE OF COMMONS (PAYMENT OF MEMBERS). Commons July 10, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers July 10, 1913

Royal Engineer Telegraphists. Written Answers July 11, 1913

Income Tax (Travelling Expenses). Written Answers July 14, 1913

3 speeches — Land Valuation (Ireland). Written Answers July 14, 1913

Liquor Licence Duties. Written Answers July 14, 1913

Local Taxation (Committee's Report). Written Answers July 14, 1913

Motor Licence Duties. Written Answers July 14, 1913

2 speeches — Inland Revenue Staff. Written Answers July 14, 1913

Reversion Duty. Written Answers July 14, 1913

Irish Land Stock. Written Answers July 14, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax (Duke of Beaufort). Commons July 15, 1913

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 15, 1913

10 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT (1911) AMENDMENT BILL. Commons July 15, 1913

Income Tax Assessments (Ireland). Written Answers July 15, 1913

Death Duties. Commons July 16, 1913

8 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons July 16, 1913

10 speeches — LAND VALUATION. Commons July 16, 1913

Tax Revenue. Written Answers July 16, 1913

2 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Written Answers July 16, 1913

2 speeches — Civil Servants (Half-Holiday). Commons July 17, 1913

Sporting, Uncultivated, and Unoccupied Land. Commons July 17, 1913

National School Teachers (Ireland). Commons July 17, 1913

Income Tax. Commons July 17, 1913

Single Assessments. Written Answers July 17, 1913

Assessments (Scotland). Written Answers July 17, 1913

2 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT (1911) AMENDMENT [MONEY]. Commons July 18, 1913

Poet Laureate. Commons July 21, 1913

Fine Arts. Commons July 21, 1913

House of Lords. Commons July 21, 1913

Undeveloped Land Duty. Commons July 21, 1913

Licence Duties. Commons July 21, 1913

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE Commons July 21, 1913

6 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT (1911) AMENDMENT [MONEY]. Commons July 21, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax (Insurance Companies). Commons July 22, 1913

Inland Revenue Department (Glasgow). Commons July 22, 1913


2 speeches — Land Valuation. Commons July 23, 1913

Public Utility Societies (Loans). Commons July 23, 1913

4 speeches — Motor Licence Duties. Commons July 23, 1913

Public Utility Societies (Loans). Written Answers July 23, 1913

Income Tax (Military and Civil Officers). Written Answers July 23, 1913

Guaranteed Stocks (Government Purchases). Written Answers July 23, 1913

Increment Value Duty Written Answers July 23, 1913

Agricultural Labourers' Strike (Lancashire). Written Answers July 23, 1913

Inland Revenue Department (Scotland). Commons July 24, 1913

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 24, 1913

Land Clauses Acts. Written Answers July 24, 1913

3 speeches — Undeveloped Land Duty. Written Answers July 24, 1913

10 speeches — ROAD BOARD. Commons July 25, 1913

2 speeches — Provisional Collection of Taxes Act. Commons July 28, 1913

Laud Valuation. Commons July 28, 1913

Civil Servants (Deduction of Income Tax). Commons July 28, 1913

2 speeches — Superannuation Act (Amending Bill). Commons July 28, 1913

Development Commission. Written Answers July 28, 1913

2 speeches — Land Taxes. Commons July 29, 1913

20 speeches — REVENUE BILL. Commons July 29, 1913

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 1, 1913

21 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Extension of Provisions as to Deductions for the Purpose of Increment Value Duty.) Commons August 1, 1913

12 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Ascertainment of Increment Value where the Value of Buildings exceeds the Value of the Site). Commons August 1, 1913

15 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Relief of Land from Increment Value Duty while it is Being Developed.) Commons August 1, 1913

CLAUSE 4.—(Power to Apply for Substituted Site Value at Any Time up to the First Occasion on which Increment Value Duty is Paid.) Commons August 1, 1913

4 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Remittance of Increment Value Duty Payable by Small Investors). Commons August 1, 1913

4 speeches — CLAUSE 6.—(Amendment of Provision as to 10 per cent. Reduction of Increment Value Duty.) Commons August 1, 1913

Customs and Excise (Statistical Department). Written Answers August 1, 1913

Land Valuation. Commons August 4, 1913

Income Tax Law. Commons August 4, 1913

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 4, 1913

Property Valuations (Ireland). Written Answers August 4, 1913

Finance Act, 1909–10 (Licence Duty). Commons August 5, 1913

2 speeches — Civil Service Appointments (Age Limit). Commons August 5, 1913

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 5, 1913

2 speeches — CLAUSE 10.—(Medical Benefit.) Commons August 5, 1913

3 speeches — Finance Act, 1909–10 (Application of Taxes). Commons August 6, 1913

Revenue Bill. Commons August 6, 1913

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 6, 1913

12 speeches — CLAUE 15. —(Provisions as to Societies haring Members in More than One Part of the United Kingdom.) Commons August 6, 1913

2 speeches — National School Teachers (Ireland). Written Answers August 6, 1913

Treasury Clerks. Written Answers August 7, 1913

Government of Ireland Bill (Agricultural Grant). Written Answers August 7, 1913

Trade Disputes. Commons August 11, 1913

Increment Duty. Commons August 11, 1913

4 speeches — Finance and Revenue Bills (Committee Stage). Commons August 11, 1913

2 speeches — Income Tax (Dr. Elizabeth Wilks). Commons August 11, 1913

11 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Duty to Deliver Account for the Purposes of Reversion Duty.) Commons August 11, 1913

CLAUSE 1.—(Duty on Tea.) Commons August 11, 1913

12 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Income Tax for 1913–14.) Commons August 11, 1913

5 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Deductions in Respect of Expenses involved in Earning Salary, etc.). Commons August 11, 1913

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Provision to Allow Deductions in Respect of Inherently Wasting Assets Existing Outside the United Kingdom for Purposes of Income Tax.) Commons August 11, 1913

NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of Section 19, Sub-section (7) of Finance Act, 1907.) Commons August 11, 1913

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Leasehold Insurance Premiums.) Commons August 11, 1913

5 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Income of Husband and Wife Not to be Aggregated.) Commons August 11, 1913

Surveyors of Customs. Written Answers August 11, 1913

National Revenue (Wales). Commons August 12, 1913


Land Valuation. Commons August 12, 1913

REVENLTE BILL. Commons August 12, 1913

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption. under 10 Edw. VII., c. 8, s. 69.) Commons August 12, 1913

8 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Deductions in Respect of Expenses Involved in Earning Salary, etc.). Commons August 12, 1913

9 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons August 13, 1913

Arigna Valley Railway Bill. Written Answers August 13, 1913

Pensions (Commutation). Written Answers August 13, 1913

Land Inquiry Committee (Report). Written Answers August 13, 1913

3 speeches — CONSOLIDATED FUND (APPROPRIATION) BILL. Commons August 14, 1913

2 speeches — MEDICAL. CERTIFICATES (IRELAND). Written Answers August 14, 1913

Food Taxes. Written Answers August 14, 1913

Education (Necessitous Areas). Written Answers August 14, 1913

Imperial and Local Taxation. Written Answers August 14, 1913

Undeveloped Land Tax (Garden Allotments). Written Answers August 14, 1913

4 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Provision of Additional Money by Parliament.) Commons August 15, 1913

10 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Abolition of Reduction of Benefits in Certain Cases.) Commons August 15, 1913

2 speeches — Land Valuation (Ireland). Written Answers August 15, 1913

2 speeches — Customs and Excise (Amalgamation). Written Answers August 15, 1913

Old Age Pensions. Written Answers August 15, 1913

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.