HC Deb 02 May 1913 vol 52 cc1543-4W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he can give the distribution of the Education Grants of £19,500,000 from the Exchequer and the £16,500,000 raised by local rates in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, respectively; and, if possible, similar figures for the year 1901–2?


The figure of £19,200,000 quoted in my Budget speech as the money voted for education by Parliament is the sum included in the Education Votes for the current financial year 1913–14, and represents the total of Class IV. of the Civil Service Estimates with the omission of the Votes not specifically dealing with education. They may be divided between England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland as follows:—

England and Wales £14,700,000
Scotland 2,500,000
Ireland 2,000,000
These sums include items other than Education Grants. The £16,600,000 quoted as representing the contribution from rates towards education represents the estimated expenditure falling on local authorities in Great Britain in 1911–12, namely:—
England and Wales £15,000,000
Scotland 1,600,000
The above figures are, however, only a rough estimate and are subject to correction when fuller returns are available. The figures of expenditure from Parliamentary Votes for 1901–2 are taken from the Appropriation Accounts for that year of the Votes corresponding to those on which the estimate for 1913–14 is based. They are as follows:—
England and Wales £9,869,000
Scotland 1,359,000
Ireland 1,374,000
The following figures represent the sums raised for education from local rates in 1901–2:—
England and Wales £6,485,000
Scotland 1,053,000
The amount raised in Ireland for education from local rates is negligible.


asked the President of the Board of Education whether, in view of the unequal burden cast on the agricultural industry by the restriction of the special aid Grant to autonomous areas, he will extend it to rural parishes where the education rate exceeds 1s. 6d. in the £?


The existing system under which Grants are paid in respect of elementary education to local education authorities is under consideration, and I am not prepared, in advance of the Government's proposals, to make such an alteration, as is suggested, in the Regulations under which special Grant is paid.