HC Deb 23 April 1913 vol 52 c372W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what system, if any, is followed in the selection of persons to whom Super-tax forms are sent; and whether he is aware that the opinion is widely held that a very large number of persons liable to pay Super-tax are never assessed to and in fact escape payment of that tax?


With regard to the first part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the answers given to similar questions on 6th, 13th, 19th, and 21st July, 1910. As to the second part, a suggestion to that effect was made in yesterday's Debate. If the hon. Member will furnish me with any evidence on the subject, I shall be pleased to have inquiry made.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will state how many Income Tax forms are returned filled up with merely a statement that all income is taxed at source or words to that effect; and whether he will consider the advisability of requiring each person to whom any Income Tax paper is sent to sign a declaration of liability or non-liability, as the case may be, to pay Super-tax?


The information asked for in the first part of the hon. Member's question is, I regret, not available. I have considered the suggestion made in the second part of his question, but there does not appear to be sufficient ground for supposing that the requirement of such a declaration would lead to any substantial result. The hon. Member is doubtless aware that persons who are liable to Super-tax are themselves required by law to give notice of their liability.