HC Deb 02 June 1913 vol 53 c596W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many owners of land or houses have, during the last financial year, applied for repayment of Income Tax in respect of maintenance, repairs, insurance, and management under Section 69 of the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910; what was the aggregate amount so repaid; what were the like figures for the two preceding financial years; and what is the total amount repaid by the Treasury under this Section since the above Act came into operation?


Exact figures in regard to repayment claims under Section 69 of the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910, are not available for the reason that repayments in respect of repairs under Section 35 of the Finance Act, 1894, are included under the same heading in the published statistics. The approximate figures, however, are as follows:—

Number of Claims. Amount Repaid. Total Amount Repaid.
£ £
1910–11 250 4,800 118,300
1911–12 2,250 48,500
1912–13 1,800 65,000
The apparent diminution in the number of claims for the year 1912–13 is due to a change in the system of classification. Formerly a single claim embracing both land and houses was treated as being a separate claim for each class of property. The amount repaid for 1912–13 is evidence that the number of claims for that year, if calculated according to the old system, would prove to be considerably higher than the number for 1911–12.