Written Answers (Commons) of 6 December 1993 Series 6 Vol. 234

    1. c1W
    2. Public Libraries (Hansard) 101 words
    3. c1W
    4. Information Security 147 words
    5. cc1-2W
    6. NAO and PAC 150 words
    7. c2W
    8. Film Industry 428 words
    9. cc2-3W
    10. National Lottery 65 words
    1. c3W
    2. Computerised Criminal Records 111 words
    3. c3W
    4. "Sunday TradingA—Guide to the Options for Reform" 41 words
    5. c3W
    6. Prison Ships 112 words
    7. cc3-4W
    8. Electoral Register 97 words
    9. c4W
    10. Advertising 204 words
    11. cc4-5W
    12. Police Vests 223 words
    13. c5W
    14. Jack the Ripper Diaries 122 words
    15. c5W
    16. North Wales Police 173 words
    17. cc5-6W
    18. Forced Subject Access 113 words
    19. c6W
    20. Visa Application Interviews 265 words
    21. c6W
    22. Remand Prisoners 125 words
    23. cc6-7W
    24. Home Leave 359 words
    25. c7W
    26. Security Cameras 67 words
    27. c7W
    28. Illegal Weapons 50 words
    29. cc7-8W
    30. National Audit Office and Public Accounts Committee 136 words
    31. c8W
    32. Background Radiation 205 words
    1. c8W
    2. Bathing Water Quality 58 words
    3. cc8-9W
    4. Water Charges 187 words
    5. c9W
    6. Packaging Waste 183 words
    7. cc9-10W
    8. Wedholme Flow 133 words
    9. c10W
    10. Combined Heat and Power, Wales 137 words
    11. c10W
    12. Recycled Materials 192 words
    13. c10W
    14. Volumetric Meters 41 words
    15. cc10-1W
    16. Biodiversity 255 words
    17. c11W
    18. Car Boot Sales 294 words
    19. cc11-2W
    20. Asbestos 143 words
    21. c12W
    22. Government Car Pool 91 words
    23. cc12-3W
    24. Radioactive Waste 270 words
    25. c13W
    26. Environmental Organisations 87 words
    27. c13W
    28. Water Leaks 72 words
    29. c13W
    30. NAO and PAC 94 words
    31. cc13-4W
    32. Housing Action Trusts 312 words
    33. c14W
    34. Urban Development Corporation 165 words
    35. cc14-5W
    36. Toxic Waste 251 words
    37. c15W
    38. Housing 267 words
    39. cc15-6W
    40. Desertification 109 words
    1. c16W
    2. Private Medical Insurance 331 words
    3. cc16-7W
    4. Black Economy 48 words
    5. c17W
    6. Car Boot Sales 78 words
    7. cc17-8W
    8. Press and Publicity Officers 293 words
    9. c18W
    10. Gross Domestic Product 79 words
    11. c18W
    12. Overseas Visits 50 words
    13. cc18-9W
    14. Financial Services 406 words
    15. c19W
    16. Air Passenger Duty 138 words
    17. cc19-20W
    18. Trade Statistics 355 words
    19. cc20-1W
    20. NAO and PAC 132 words
    1. c21W
    2. London Underground (Power Failures) 86 words
    3. c21W
    4. Press and Publicity 112 words
    5. c21W
    6. Information Security 148 words
    7. cc21-3W
    8. EC Transport Council 909 words
    9. cc23-4W
    10. Buses (Disabled Access) 222 words
    11. c24W
    12. Charter for Bus Services 80 words
    13. c24W
    14. Train Doors (Safety) 221 words
    15. cc24-5W
    16. London Buses 81 words
    17. c25W
    18. Channel Tunnel 49 words
    19. c25W
    20. Departmental Files 79 words
    21. c25W
    22. Non-departmental Bodies 181 words
    23. cc25-6W
    24. Fishing Industry 152 words
    25. c26W
    26. A2 188 words
    1. c26W
    2. Information Systems 115 words
    3. cc26-7W
    4. Security Services 82 words
    5. c27W
    6. Official Residences 223 words
    7. c27W
    8. Information Security 106 words
    9. c27W
    10. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 32 words
    11. cc27-8W
    12. Special Advisers 473 words
    13. cc28-9W
    14. Civil Servants 250 words
    15. c29W
    16. Departmental Files 84 words
    17. c29W
    18. Year of the Family 156 words
    19. cc29-30W
    20. Redundancies and Closures 125 words
    21. c30W
    22. Ex-service Men 197 words
    23. c30W
    24. Royal Marsden Hospital 60 words
    1. cc30-1W
    2. Assisted Places Scheme 123 words
    3. c31W
    4. Classroom Discipline 113 words
    5. c31W
    6. Information Security 53 words
    7. cc31-2W
    8. Children (School Hours) 276 words
    9. c32W
    10. Student Unions 69 words
    11. c32W
    12. EC Students 258 words
    13. cc32-3W
    14. Departmental Files 106 words
    15. c33W
    16. Opt-out Ballots 73 words
    17. c33W
    18. Sixth Forms 78 words
    19. c33W
    20. University Grants Committee 99 words
    21. cc33-4W
    22. Grant-maintained Schools 233 words
    23. c34W
    24. City Technology Colleges 159 words
    25. cc34-5W
    26. Funding Councils 147 words
    27. c35W
    28. Student Loan Scheme 59 words
    1. c35W
    2. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 72 words
    3. c35W
    4. Leases 94 words
    5. cc35-6W
    6. Monopolies and Mergers Commission 114 words
    7. c36W
    8. Car Parking 161 words
    9. c36W
    10. Information Security 98 words
    11. cc36-7W
    12. Inconel 600 228 words
    13. c37W
    14. Budget Setting 84 words
    15. c37W
    16. Nuclear Industry 89 words
    17. c37W
    18. Japan (Atomic Energy Agreement) 61 words
    19. cc37-8W
    20. Nuclear Safeguards 74 words
    21. c38W
    22. Radioactive Waste 71 words
    23. c38W
    24. Departmental Files 170 words
    25. c38W
    26. Eco-labelling 92 words
    27. c38W
    28. Fireworks 39 words
    1. c39W
    2. Bomb-proofing 33 words
    3. c39W
    4. Departmental Files 152 words
    5. c39W
    6. Divorce Law 92 words
    1. c39W
    2. Security Services 44 words
    3. cc39-40W
    4. International Organisations 98 words
    5. c40W
    6. Intelligence and Security Committee 106 words
    7. c40W
    8. Foreign Affairs Council 105 words
    9. c40W
    10. Turkey 103 words
    11. cc40-1W
    12. Information Security 121 words
    13. c41W
    14. United Kingdom Overseas Visitors (Financial Assistance) 139 words
    15. c41W
    16. United Nations Committee (Administrative and Budgetary Questions) 151 words
    17. cc41-2W
    18. Departmental Files 138 words
    19. c42W
    20. World Summit on Children 74 words
    1. c42W
    2. Government Car Service 55 words
    3. c42W
    4. Departmental Files 46 words
  12. WALES
    1. cc42-3W
    2. Welsh Energy Project 109 words
    3. c43W
    4. A470 78 words
    5. cc43-4W
    6. Schools 217 words
    7. c44W
    8. Aberconwy 67 words
    9. cc44-5W
    10. Forest Enterprise 57 words
    11. cc45-6W
    12. Welsh Development Agency 589 words
    13. c46W
    14. Departmental Files 133 words
    15. cc46-7W
    16. Berse Horticultural Scheme 79 words
    17. c47W
    18. Less-favoured Areas 322 words
    19. c47W
    20. School Pupils 52 words
    21. cc47-8W
    22. Cockle Dredging 230 words
    23. c48W
    24. Non-departmental Bodies 274 words
    25. cc48-9W
    26. Housing 83 words
    1. cc49-50W
    2. Career Development Scheme 481 words
    3. c50W
    4. Training for Work 54 words
    5. c50W
    6. Information Security 213 words
    7. cc50-1W
    8. Labour Statistics 64 words
    9. c51W
    10. Youth Training Scheme 71 words
    11. c51W
    12. Access to Work 140 words
    13. c51W
    14. Departmental Files 115 words
    1. cc51-2W
    2. RAF Brawdy 78 words
    3. c52W
    4. Bomb-proofing 33 words
    5. c52W
    6. Plutonium 97 words
    7. c52W
    8. Aldermaston 89 words
    9. c52W
    10. Government Car Service 98 words
    11. cc52-3W
    12. Press and Publicity Officers 74 words
    13. c53W
    14. Health and Safety 75 words
    15. c53W
    16. Western European Union 150 words
    17. c53W
    18. International Military Services 100 words
    19. cc53-4W
    20. Ferranti 195 words
    21. c54W
    22. Non-departmental Bodies 168 words
    23. c54W
    24. Mr. David Hart 185 words
    25. cc54-5W
    26. Departmental Files 114 words
    27. c55W
    28. RAF Greenham Common 225 words
    1. c55W
    2. Technology Foresight 69 words
    3. cc55-6W
    4. HMSO 43 words
    5. c56W
    6. Scientific Research 48 words
    7. c56W
    8. Competing for Quality 75 words
    9. c56W
    10. Departmental Progress 158 words
    11. c56W
    12. Citizens Charter 91 words
    13. cc56-7W
    14. Magistrates Courts 78 words
    15. c57W
    16. Passengers Charter 86 words
    17. c57W
    18. Open Government 68 words
    19. c57W
    20. Civil Service 69 words
    21. cc57-8W
    22. NAO and PAC 115 words
    1. c58W
    2. Mr. Tony Lundy 182 words
    3. c58W
    4. Government Car Service 50 words
    5. c58W
    6. NAO and PAC 105 words
    7. cc58-9W
    8. Executive Agencies 182 words
    9. c59W
    10. Strip Searching 59 words
    11. c59W
    12. Agricultural Wages Board 80 words
  17. HEALTH
    1. c59W
    2. Medical Devices Directorate 73 words
    1. c60W
    2. Weil's Disease 73 words
    3. c60W
    4. Tilade 107 words
    5. c60W
    6. Prescriptions 144 words
    7. cc60-1W
    8. Funding Allocations 55 words
    9. c61W
    10. Disabled Employees 96 words
    11. c61W
    12. Advertising 167 words
    13. cc61-2W
    14. "London, Making the Best Better" 77 words
    15. c62W
    16. Northumbria Ambulance Service 132 words
    17. c62W
    18. Whipps Cross Hospital 75 words
    19. c62W
    20. Herbs 41 words
    21. cc62-3W
    22. Civil Servants 355 words
    23. c63W
    24. Dentists 526 words
    25. cc63-4W
    26. Death Rates 164 words
    27. c64W
    28. Community Care Grant 102 words
    29. c64W
    30. AIDS 88 words
    31. cc64-5W
    32. Infant Formulae 81 words
    33. c65W
    34. Departmental Files 64 words
    35. cc65-6W
    36. NHS Supplies Authority 643 words
    37. cc66-7W
    38. NHS Supplies 76 words
    39. c67W
    40. NHS Expenditure 121 words
    41. c67W
    42. Regional Offices 453 words
    43. cc67-8W
    44. Anorexia Nervosa 150 words
    45. c68W
    46. Senior Nurse Managers 32 words
    47. cc68-9W
    48. Nursing Staff 431 words
    49. c69W
    50. Community Day Care Services 45 words
    51. c69W
    52. Hammersmith and Charing Cross Hospitals 55 words
    53. c69W
    54. Young People (Containment) 138 words
    55. cc69-70W
    56. NHS Staff 92 words
    57. c70W
    58. RHAs (Capital Assets) 80 words
    59. c70W
    60. Health Service Reform 56 words
    61. cc70-1W
    62. Cars 142 words
    63. c71W
    64. Community Care 47 words
    65. c71W
    66. Repetitive Strain Injury 54 words
    67. c71W
    68. NHS Managers 141 words
    69. cc71-2W
    70. NHS Administration 270 words
    71. c72W
    72. Hospital Beds 126 words
    73. c72W
    74. Hospital Managers 68 words
    1. c73W
    2. Fuel Poverty Assistance 150 words
    3. c73W
    4. Structural Adjustment Programmes 427 words
    5. cc73-4W
    6. Nuclear Safety 205 words
    7. c74W
    8. Environment Conference (Addis Ababa) 70 words
    9. cc74-5W
    10. Dependencies (Aid) 564 words
    11. c75W
    12. World Bank 100 words
    13. cc75-6W
    14. European Development Council 125 words
    1. c76W
    2. Health Service Administration 53 words
    3. c76W
    4. Forestry Commission 53 words
    5. cc76-8W
    6. NHS Trusts 794 words
    7. c78W
    8. NHS Staff 250 words
    9. cc78-9W
    10. NHS Staff 338 words
    11. cc79-81W
    12. Murder 3,002 words
    13. c81W
    14. Life Sentences 265 words
    15. cc81-2W
    16. Scottish Homes 84 words
    17. c82W
    18. Forestry 170 words
    19. c82W
    20. Weil's Disease 85 words
    21. cc82-3W
    22. New Towns 324 words
    23. cc83-4W
    24. Health Board Contracts 667 words
    25. cc84-5W
    26. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 238 words
    27. cc85-6W
    28. Hospices 334 words
    29. c86W
    30. Domestic Violence Refuges 126 words
    31. c86W
    32. Witness Protection 84 words
    33. cc86-7W
    34. Councillors Allowances 452 words
    35. cc87-8W
    36. Disabled People 554 words
    37. cc88-9W
    38. Canniesburn Hospital 369 words
    39. c89W
    40. Raymond Gilmour 96 words
    41. c89W
    42. Influenza Vaccine 94 words
    43. cc89-90W
    44. Anaesthetists 174 words
    45. c90W
    46. Intensive Care 249 words
    47. cc90-1W
    48. Surgery 180 words
    49. c91W
    50. Perioperative Deaths 106 words
    51. c91W
    52. Hypothermia 146 words
    53. cc91-2W
    54. Superannuation Contributions 93 words
    55. c92W
    56. Health Service Workers 106 words
    57. c92W
    58. Nurses (Teaching) 264 words
    59. cc92-3W
    60. Local Government Finance 95 words
    61. c93W
    62. Sheriffs 52 words
    63. c93W
    64. Private Patiients 75 words
    65. c93W
    66. Judges 52 words
    67. c93W
    68. Health Service Administration 61 words
    69. cc93-4W
    70. Committee of the Regions 289 words
    71. c94W
    72. Income Statistics 67 words
    73. c94W
    74. Police (Rapid Response Cars) 116 words
    75. cc94-5W
    76. Advocates 736 words
    77. c95W
    78. Health Boards 179 words
    79. cc95-6W
    80. Health Boards 197 words
    81. cc96-7W
    82. Domiciliary Care 257 words
    83. c97W
    84. Domestic Fires 342 words
    85. cc97-8W
    86. Registered Homes 187 words
    87. c98W
    88. River Clyde (Dredging) 155 words
    89. cc98-9W
    90. Prisons 137 words
    1. c99W
    2. London Convention 61 words
    3. c99W
    4. Information Security 82 words
    5. c99W
    6. Hastings Shingle Bank 202 words
    7. cc99-100W
    8. Live Animals (Transport) 129 words
    9. c100W
    10. Badgers 68 words
    11. cc100-1W
    12. Live Animal Exports 564 words
    13. cc101-2W
    14. Agricultural Production 379 words
    15. cc102-3W
    16. Cereals 315 words
    17. c103W
    18. Mink 91 words
    19. cc103-5W
    20. Fur farms 812 words
    21. c105W
    22. Infant Formulae 246 words
    23. cc105-6W
    24. Departmental Files 125 words
    25. c106W
    26. Surplus Beef 183 words
    27. c106W
    28. Non-departmental Bodies 181 words
    29. cc106-7W
    30. Ministerial Car Service 56 words
    1. c107W
    2. Private Care Homes 60 words
    3. cc107-9W
    4. Child Support Agency 894 words
    5. c109W
    6. Work-related Injuries 94 words
    7. c109W
    8. Support for the Elderly 171 words
    9. cc109-10W
    10. Pensioners' Incomes 305 words
    11. cc110-2W
    12. Pensioners' Incomes 956 words
    13. cc112-3W
    14. Family Credit 61 words
    15. c113W
    16. Housing Benefit 205 words
    17. c113W
    18. Personal Pensions 163 words
    19. cc113-4W
    20. Lone Parents 210 words
    21. c114W
    22. Maxwell Pensions Unit 82 words
    23. c114W
    24. Benefit Fraud 93 words
    25. c114W
    26. Social Security Expenditure 86 words
    27. cc114-5W
    28. Invalidity Benefit 141 words
    29. c115W
    30. Pensioners' Benefits 50 words
    31. cc115-6W
    32. State Earnings-related Pension Scheme 264 words
    33. c116W
    34. Disabled Children 95 words
    35. c116W
    36. Brain Damage 65 words
    37. c116W
    38. Social Fund Commissioner 131 words
    39. cc116-8W
    40. Pensions 910 words
    41. c118W
    42. Benefit Statistics 74 words
    43. cc118-9W
    44. Income Support 494 words
    45. c119W
    46. Departmental Files 67 words
    47. c119W
    48. Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit 66 words
    49. cc119-20W
    50. "Fighting Fraud in 1992–93" 216 words
    51. cc120-1W
    52. Claimants, Doncaster 390 words
    53. cc121-2W
    54. Disability Living Allowance 374 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 6 December 1993 Series 5 Vol. 550

  2. KASHMIR 119 words
  4. TRANSPORT COUNCIL 29th–30th NOVEMBER 852 words
  5. MOTORWAY CHARGING 1,272 words