Written Answers (Commons) of 14 June 1994 Series 6 Vol. 244

    1. c331W
    2. Local and Regional Government 78 words
    3. c331W
    4. Private Members' Bills 210 words
    5. cc331-2W
    6. Minewater Contamination 127 words
    7. c332W
    8. Consultants 109 words
    9. c332W
    10. Water Pollution, Worcester 67 words
    11. c332W
    12. Mobile Homes 158 words
    13. cc332-3W
    14. Housing Renovation Grant 83 words
    15. c333W
    16. Consultation Papers (Responses) 134 words
    17. c333W
    18. Sewers 111 words
    19. c333W
    20. Environmental Action Fund 127 words
    21. cc333-4W
    22. Government Information 111 words
    23. c334W
    24. Unitary Authorities 316 words
    25. c334W
    26. Waterways Ombudsman 49 words
    27. cc334-5W
    28. Colliery Spoil 491 words
    29. c335W
    30. Carbon Dioxide 87 words
    31. cc335-6W
    32. National Parks 92 words
    33. cc336-7W
    34. Local Government Reorganisation 173 words
    35. cc337-8W
    36. Oslo and Paris Commissions 478 words
    37. cc338-9W
    38. Somerset Levels and Moors 498 words
    39. cc339-40W
    40. Climate Change 415 words
    41. c340W
    42. Out-of-town Shopping Centres 165 words
    43. c340W
    44. Water Quality 133 words
    45. cc340-1W
    46. Local Referendums 102 words
    47. c341W
    48. Tenants' Cash Incentive Scheme 400 words
    49. c341W
    50. Urban Waste Water 63 words
    51. cc341-2W
    52. Public Consultation 251 words
    53. cc342-3W
    54. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 172 words
    55. c343W
    56. Shared Ownership Schemes 46 words
    57. c343W
    58. Right to Buy 127 words
    59. c343W
    60. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 112 words
    61. cc343-4W
    62. Bathing Beaches 153 words
    63. c344W
    64. Parish Polls 45 words
    65. c344W
    66. Water Supplies 159 words
    67. c344W
    68. Property Services Agency 109 words
    69. cc344-5W
    70. Travellers 75 words
    71. cc345-8W
    72. Compulsory Competitive Tendering 1,614 words
    73. c348W
    74. Local Government Management 215 words
    75. cc348-9W
    76. Severance Pay 307 words
    1. c349W
    2. Aggregate, Race Bank 92 words
    3. cc349-51W
    4. Consultants 448 words
    5. c351W
    6. Past Office 155 words
    7. c351W
    8. Income Tax 135 words
    9. cc351-2W
    10. Personal Investment Authority 110 words
    11. c352W
    12. Public Service Pensions 240 words
    13. cc352-3W
    14. Alternative Minimum Tax 151 words
    15. c353W
    16. Personal Income 85 words
    17. c353W
    18. Government Information 85 words
  3. Life Assurance and Unit Trust
    1. c353W
    2. Regulatory Organisation 192 words
    3. cc353-4W
    4. Uncollected Tax 173 words
    5. c354W
    6. Exchange Rates 128 words
    7. c354W
    8. Scientific Research 125 words
    9. cc354-5W
    10. Public Consultation 101 words
    11. c355W
    12. Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 83 words
    13. c355W
    14. Government Bonds 38 words
    15. c355W
    16. Public Sector Companies 218 words
    17. cc355-6W
    18. Excise Duties 107 words
    19. c356W
    20. Small Companies 124 words
    21. c356W
    22. Welsh Office Block Grants 101 words
    23. cc356-9W
    24. Taxation 1,871 words
    25. cc359-60W
    26. Disabled People 319 words
    27. c360W
    28. Private Schools 128 words
    29. cc360-1W
    30. Vehicle Licences, Northern Ireland 96 words
    31. c361W
    32. Nuclear Waste 83 words
    1. c361W
    2. Income Support 235 words
    3. cc361-2W
    4. Government Information 121 words
    5. c362W
    6. Eurostat Poverty Survey 86 words
    7. c362W
    8. Public Consultation 124 words
    9. cc362-3W
    10. Civil Servants (Political Campaigns) 634 words
    11. c363W
    12. Independent Living Fund 124 words
    13. cc363-4W
    14. Chronic Bronchitis 129 words
    15. cc364-5W
    16. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 365 words
    17. c365W
    18. Incapacity Benefit 315 words
    19. cc365-6W
    20. Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 355 words
    21. cc366-7W
    22. Private Investigation Services 152 words
    23. c367W
    24. Disabled People 72 words
    25. cc367-8W
    26. Welfare Benefits, Europe 281 words
    1. c368W
    2. Public Consultation 94 words
    3. c368W
    4. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 227 words
    5. cc368-9W
    6. Consultants 163 words
    1. c369W
    2. European Convention on Human Rights 57 words
    3. c369W
    4. Student Awards 136 words
    5. c369W
    6. Government Information 76 words
    7. c369W
    8. Pan Am 103 52 words
    9. cc369-70W
    10. Engagements 61 words
    11. c370W
    12. European Union 75 words
    13. c370W
    14. Correspondence 72 words
    15. c370W
    16. Post Office 45 words
    17. cc370-1W
    18. Climate Change Conference 100 words
    19. c371W
    20. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 216 words
    21. c371W
    22. Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 131 words
    23. c371W
    24. Beggars 28 words
    25. cc371-2W
    26. Third-party Claims 332 words
    1. cc372-3W
    2. Per Capita Expenditure 152 words
    3. c373W
    4. Primary Care 56 words
    5. c373W
    6. Administration Costs 55 words
    7. c373W
    8. Diabetes 86 words
    9. cc373-4W
    10. Coxsackie Virus 441 words
    11. cc374-5W
    12. NHS Trusts 318 words
    13. c375W
    14. Consultants 203 words
    15. cc375-6W
    16. GP Co-operatives 85 words
    17. c376W
    18. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 96 words
    19. c376W
    20. Myasthenia Gravis 192 words
    21. cc376-7W
    22. Osteoporosis 80 words
    23. c377W
    24. Private Care Homes 111 words
    25. c377W
    26. NHS Property and Land 88 words
    27. c377W
    28. Equal Opportunities 184 words
    29. cc377-8W
    30. Rights of the Child 160 words
    31. c378W
    32. Health Authority Mergers 75 words
    33. c378W
    34. Public Consultation 104 words
    35. cc378-9W
    36. Nuclear Weapons 154 words
    37. c379W
    38. Generic Prescribing 73 words
    39. c379W
    40. Disciplinary Procedures 356 words
    41. cc379-80W
    42. NHS Facilities (Visits) 70 words
    43. c380W
    44. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 172 words
    45. c380W
    46. Budget Statistics 78 words
    47. cc380-1W
    48. Disability 81 words
    49. cc381-2W
    50. Health Authority Funding 784 words
    51. cc382-3W
    52. Powered Wheelchairs 229 words
    53. cc383-4W
    54. NHS Pay Settlement 509 words
    55. c384W
    56. Job Evaluation 69 words
    57. cc384-5W
    58. Maternal Deaths 321 words
    59. c385W
    60. Hospital Integration Support 613 words
    61. cc385-7W
    62. Ambulance Service 134 words
    63. c387W
    64. Mouth Cancer 388 words
    65. c387W
    66. Health Visitors 22 words
    67. cc387-8W
    68. Waiting Lists Initiative 145 words
    1. c389W
    2. China 258 words
    3. cc389-90W
    4. Rwanda 547 words
    5. c390W
    6. Aid (Military Expenditure) 25 words
    7. cc390-1W
    8. Multilateral Aid 88 words
    9. c391W
    10. Ethiopia and Eritrea 130 words
    11. c391W
    12. Aid Budget 134 words
    13. cc391-2W
    14. OECD Development Assistance Committee 296 words
    15. c392W
    16. Asylum Seekers 113 words
    17. cc392-3W
    18. Food Aid 112 words
    19. c393W
    20. Aid and Trade Provision 50 words
    21. c393W
    22. Central and Eastern Europe 191 words
    23. c393W
    24. North-West Somalia 103 words
    25. cc393-4W
    26. Albania 123 words
    27. c394W
    28. Crown Agents 115 words
    1. c394W
    2. Commonwealth Institute 142 words
    3. cc394-5W
    4. South Africa 96 words
    5. c395W
    6. Private Members' Bills 112 words
    7. cc395-6W
    8. Rwanda 387 words
    9. c396W
    10. Consultants 158 words
    11. cc396-7W
    12. Yemen 160 words
    13. c397W
    14. Kurdish People 72 words
    15. c397W
    16. Hong Kong 205 words
    17. cc397-8W
    18. Iran 293 words
    19. cc398-9W
    20. United Nations Specialist Organisations 189 words
    21. c399W
    22. Government Information 168 words
    23. c399W
    24. Common Agricultural Policy 98 words
    25. cc399-400W
    26. International Terrorism 194 words
    27. c400W
    28. Indonesia 75 words
    29. c400W
    30. Anti-personnel Mines 149 words
    31. c400W
    32. China 58 words
    33. cc400-1W
    34. Malaysia 147 words
    35. cc401-2W
    36. Law of the Sea 606 words
    37. c402W
    38. Embassies and Consulates 219 words
    39. cc402-3W
    40. Arms Control Department 103 words
    41. c403W
    42. Public Consultation 74 words
    43. c403W
    44. Overseas Crime 112 words
    45. c403W
    46. Criminal Justice Procedures 89 words
    47. c403W
    48. Chemical Weapons Convention 57 words
    49. cc403-4W
    50. Cyprus 486 words
    51. cc404-6W
    52. Nuclear Weapons 473 words
    53. c406W
    54. Sudan 82 words
    1. c406W
    2. Courts (Wales) 198 words
    3. c406W
    4. Solicitors' Firms (Franchises) 68 words
    1. c407W
    2. Government Information 121 words
    3. c407W
    4. Fire Safety 85 words
    5. cc407-8W
    6. Industrial Tribunals 577 words
    7. cc408-9W
    8. Labour Statistics 416 words
    9. cc409-10W
    10. Psychometric Testing 305 words
    11. c410W
    12. Public Consultation 103 words
    13. cc410-1W
    14. North Yorkshire TEC 66 words
    15. cc411-2W
    16. Training 617 words
    17. cc412-3W
    18. Modern Apprenticeship Scheme 477 words
    19. c413W
    20. Health and Safety 122 words
    21. c413W
    22. Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 73 words
    23. cc413-4W
    24. Structural Unemployment 49 words
    25. c414W
    26. European Social Fund 197 words
    27. c414W
    28. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 112 words
    29. cc414-5W
    30. Private Investigation Services 171 words
    1. c415W
    2. Public Consultation 93 words
    1. c415W
    2. Child Care 92 words
    3. cc415-6W
    4. Legislation (Wales) 101 words
    1. c416W
    2. Office of Gas Supply 219 words
    3. cc416-8W
    4. Oil and Gas 664 words
    5. c418W
    6. Engineers 91 words
    7. c418W
    8. Objective 1 Projects 112 words
    9. cc418-9W
    10. AEA Technology 103 words
    11. c419W
    12. Consultants 106 words
    13. cc419-20W
    14. Jordan 270 words
    15. c420W
    16. Export Licences 123 words
    17. c420W
    18. Private Members' Bills 102 words
    19. c420W
    20. Post Office 142 words
    21. cc420-1W
    22. Pensions and Life Insurance 70 words
    23. c421W
    24. Military Exhibitions 201 words
    25. c421W
    26. Government Information 126 words
    27. c421W
    28. Electrified Fencing 119 words
    29. cc421-2W
    30. Energy Council 332 words
    31. c422W
    32. System X 75 words
    33. cc422-3W
    34. Competitiveness 322 words
    35. c423W
    36. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 144 words
    37. cc423-4W
    38. Loan Guarantee Scheme 307 words
    39. cc424-5W
    40. Coal Industry 378 words
    41. cc425-6W
    42. Public Houses 261 words
    43. c426W
    44. Deregulation 217 words
    45. c426W
    46. Exports, Cyprus 179 words
    47. cc426-7W
    48. Chemical Weapons Convention 56 words
    49. c427W
    50. Insolvency Service 53 words
    51. c427W
    52. Public Utilities 67 words
    53. c427W
    54. Fire Safety 145 words
    55. cc427-8W
    56. Public Consultation 118 words
    57. c428W
    58. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 109 words
    59. cc428-9W
    60. Privatisation 275 words
    61. c429W
    62. Manufacturing Investment 63 words
    63. c429W
    64. Cetaceans (Disturbance) 163 words
    1. cc429-32W
    2. Citizens Charter 1,405 words
    3. c432W
    4. Government Information 136 words
    5. cc432-3W
    6. Chartermarks 107 words
    7. c433W
    8. Post Office 80 words
    9. c433W
    10. DNA Bank 67 words
    11. cc433-4W
    12. Necrotising Fasciitis 208 words
    13. c434W
    14. Public Consultation 98 words
    15. c434W
    16. Maritime Markets 70 words
    1. c435W
    2. Private Members' Bills 111 words
    3. c435W
    4. Sheep Farmers 113 words
    5. c435W
    6. Sheep Slaughtering, Spain 72 words
    7. cc435-6W
    8. Drinking Water 127 words
    9. cc436-8W
    10. Animal Exports 1,304 words
    11. cc438-9W
    12. Animal Welfare 328 words
    13. c439W
    14. Cereals 102 words
    15. cc439-40W
    16. Government Information 185 words
    17. c440W
    18. Slaughtering 186 words
    19. c440W
    20. Animal Sales 115 words
    21. c440W
    22. Scrapie 60 words
    23. cc440-1W
    24. BSE 103 words
    25. cc441-2W
    26. Fisheries Council 882 words
    27. cc442-3W
    28. Agriculture Council 223 words
    29. cc443-4W
    30. Sheep Premium Grants 403 words
    31. c444W
    32. Over-grazing 159 words
    1. cc444-5W
    2. Health Service Staff 278 words
    3. c445W
    4. Planning 119 words
    5. cc445-6W
    6. Health Workers 180 words
    7. c446W
    8. Planning Inquiries 37 words
    9. c446W
    10. Consultants 179 words
    11. cc446-7W
    12. Loyalist Paramilitary Groups 269 words
    13. c447W
    14. Schools (Capital Funding) 66 words
    15. cc447-8W
    16. Vehicle Licences 338 words
    17. c448W
    18. Government Information 113 words
    19. cc448-9W
    20. Arable Area Payments Scheme 167 words
    21. c449W
    22. Special Schools 179 words
    23. c449W
    24. Police, Castlereagh 126 words
    25. cc449-50W
    26. Public Consultation 165 words
    27. c450W
    28. Housing Association Ombudsman 81 words
    1. cc450-2W
    2. Consultants 446 words
    3. c452W
    4. National Lottery 150 words
    5. c452W
    6. Treasure Trove 126 words
    7. cc452-3W
    8. Government Information 117 words
    1. c453W
    2. Non-departmental Bodies 203 words
    3. cc453-4W
    4. Sheltered Accommodation 114 words
    5. c454W
    6. Alcohol (Illegal Resale) 60 words
    7. c454W
    8. Local Government Reorganisation 135 words
    9. cc454-5W
    10. Foreign Students 268 words
    11. c455W
    12. Law Students 328 words
    13. cc455-6W
    14. Gender Reassignment Surgery 152 words
    15. c456W
    16. Cancer 283 words
    17. cc456-7W
    18. Ambulance Service 136 words
    19. c457W
    20. Consultants 135 words
    21. c457W
    22. Health Workers 275 words
    23. cc457-8W
    24. Sexual Abuse 279 words
    25. cc458-9W
    26. Coxsackie Virus 441 words
    27. c459W
    28. Operating Theatres 38 words
    29. c459W
    30. Stammering 70 words
    31. c459W
    32. Rev. Morris McKenzie 58 words
    33. cc459-60W
    34. Government Information 124 words
    35. c460W
    36. Surgeons 253 words
    37. cc460-1W
    38. Adoption 358 words
    39. c461W
    40. Trauma Centres 112 words
    41. cc461-2W
    42. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 295 words
    43. c462W
    44. Arable Area Payments Scheme 125 words
    45. c462W
    46. Health Boards (Motor Cars) 60 words
    47. cc462-3W
    48. NHS Trusts 115 words
    49. c463W
    50. Fine Defaulters 155 words
    51. c463W
    52. Housing Association Tenants Ombudsman 83 words
    53. c463W
    54. National Parks 50 words
    55. cc463-5W
    56. Rape and Murder Trials 500 words
    57. c465W
    58. NHS Hospitals (Creches) 68 words
    59. cc465-7W
    60. Raymond Gilmour 1,230 words
    61. c467W
    62. Public Consultation 94 words
    63. cc467-8W
    64. Turing Institute 314 words
    65. c468W
    66. Miscarriages of Justice 61 words
    67. cc468-9W
    68. Local Enterprise Companies (Pollution) 173 words
    69. c469W
    70. Out-of-town Facilities 88 words
    71. c469W
    72. Water and Sewerage Services 148 words
    73. cc469-71W
    74. Procurators Fiscal 759 words
    1. c471W
    2. Special Educational Needs 212 words
    3. cc471-2W
    4. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 105 words
    5. c472W
    6. Dearing Report 63 words
    7. cc472-3W
    8. National Curriculum 183 words
    9. c473W
    10. GCSE 63 words
    11. cc473-4W
    12. Nursery Education 426 words
    13. c474W
    14. Secondary School Places 98 words
    15. c474W
    16. Gulbenkian Report 31 words
    17. c474W
    18. Truancy 114 words
    19. c474W
    20. Primary School Overcrowding, Redbridge 36 words
    21. cc474-5W
    22. Student Support 88 words
    23. c475W
    24. Private Sector Finance 69 words
    25. c475W
    26. Responsible Citizenship 65 words
    27. c475W
    28. Further Education Colleges 121 words
    29. cc475-6W
    30. Counselling Service 162 words
    31. c476W
    32. Parental Choice 87 words
    33. c476W
    34. Graduates 107 words
    35. cc476-7W
    36. Pupil Reports 60 words
    37. c477W
    38. Standard Assessment Tasks 347 words
    39. cc477-9W
    40. Grant-Maintained Schools 593 words
    41. c479W
    42. Secondary Schools 65 words
    43. c479W
    44. Teacher Training Agency 278 words
    45. cc479-80W
    46. Psychologists 159 words
    47. c480W
    48. Parents (Complaints) 79 words
    49. cc480-3W
    50. Consultants 1,035 words
    51. c483W
    52. Honest Broker Service 47 words
    53. cc483-4W
    54. Admissions and Exclusions Appeal Committees 111 words
    55. c484W
    56. Student Awards 83 words
    57. cc484-5W
    58. Adult Training 92 words
    59. cc485-6W
    60. Religious Education 404 words
    61. c486W
    62. Ecological Subjects 71 words
    63. c486W
    64. Sex Education Circular 107 words
    65. cc486-7W
    66. Technology Colleges 351 words
    67. c487W
    68. Ethnic Minorities 175 words
    69. c487W
    70. Public Consultation 83 words
    71. c487W
    72. School Transport (Seatbelts) 61 words
    73. cc487-8W
    74. Clinical Academic Staff 145 words
    75. c488W
    76. Bradford Muslim Girls School 123 words
    77. c488W
    78. Disabled People 196 words
    79. cc488-9W
    80. Specialist Teacher Assistants 97 words
    81. c489W
    82. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 331 words
    83. cc489-90W
    84. Publications 333 words
    1. cc490-2W
    2. Prisoners (AIDS) 766 words
    3. c492W
    4. Young Offenders 282 words
    5. cc492-4W
    6. Immigration 1,233 words
    7. cc494-5W
    8. Prisoners 192 words
    9. cc495-6W
    10. Escapees 518 words
    11. cc496-501W
    12. Ethnic Minorities 2,535 words
    13. c501W
    14. Local Authority Elections 151 words
    15. cc501-3W
    16. Homicide 241 words
    17. c503W
    18. Restraint Use 141 words
    19. cc503-5W
    20. Prison Staff Ratios 849 words
    21. cc505-8W
    22. Prison Population 1,427 words
    23. c508W
    24. Remand Prisoners 139 words
    25. cc508-9W
    26. Prisoners (Time Served) 400 words
    1. c509W
    2. Security 119 words
    3. c509W
    4. Private Members' Bills 120 words
    5. cc509-10W
    6. Vehicle Inspectorate 72 words
    7. cc510-1W
    8. Efficiency Savings 439 words
    9. cc511-2W
    10. Pregnant Workers Directive 745 words
    11. cc512-3W
    12. Consultants 542 words
    13. c513W
    14. Departmental Costs 179 words
    15. cc513-4W
    16. London Underground 198 words
    17. cc514-5W
    18. Government Information 141 words
    19. c515W
    20. Piggyback Consortium 55 words
    21. cc515-6W
    22. Bus and Coach Safety 480 words
    23. c516W
    24. Railway Pensions 194 words
    25. c516W
    26. Spain-Morocco Ferry Service 63 words
    27. cc516-7W
    28. Rail Season Tickets (Extension) 128 words
    29. c517W
    30. Anti-fouling Paint 126 words
    31. c517W
    32. Ports 176 words
    33. cc517-8W
    34. Newly Qualified Drivers 105 words
    35. c518W
    36. Maritime and Waterway Research and Development 231 words
    37. cc518-9W
    38. London Underground (Power Failure) 138 words
    39. c519W
    40. Ministry of Defence Airfield, Northolt 73 words
    41. c519W
    42. A35 52 words
    43. c519W
    44. Trunk Road Assessment Report 96 words
    45. cc519-20W
    46. Fennell Report 265 words
    47. cc520-3W
    48. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 1,399 words
    49. c523W
    50. Jubilee Line 147 words
    51. c523W
    52. Ex-officials (Road Construction Companies) 67 words
    53. c523W
    54. Ship's Officers 53 words
    55. cc523-4W
    56. Air Traffic 110 words
    57. c524W
    58. A41 159 words
    59. c524W
    60. Highways Agency 42 words
    61. c524W
    62. Public Consultation 102 words
    63. cc524-5W
    64. Departmental Running Costs 111 words
    65. c525W
    66. British Rail Staff (Assaults) 126 words
    67. c525W
    68. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 126 words
    69. c525W
    70. M40 132 words
    71. cc525-6W
    72. Disabled People 314 words
    73. c526W
    74. Ex-officials (Road Construction Companies) 64 words
    75. cc526-7W
    76. Departmental Staff 73 words
    1. c527W
    2. RAF Personnel (Hearing Problems) 185 words
    3. c527W
    4. Commonwealth War Graves Commission 107 words
    5. c527W
    6. Minx Programme 36 words
    7. cc527-8W
    8. Consultants 107 words
    9. c528W
    10. Ballistic Missile Defence 72 words
    11. c528W
    12. NATO (Counter-proliferation) 90 words
    13. c528W
    14. Government Information 109 words
    15. cc528-9W
    16. RAF Instructors 117 words
    17. c529W
    18. Defence Costs Study 301 words
    19. c529W
    20. Military Rescue Co-ordination 64 words
    21. cc529-30W
    22. Forth Area (Defence Facilities) 67 words
    23. c530W
    24. Service Redundancies 83 words
    25. c530W
    26. Arms Exports (Jordan) 52 words
    27. c530W
    28. PRB (Belgium) 87 words
    29. cc530-1W
    30. Defence Exports 176 words
    31. c531W
    32. International Military Services Ltd. 81 words
    33. c531W
    34. Yugoslavia (New Zealand Troops) 109 words
    35. c531W
    36. Exercise First Crusade 51 words
    37. c531W
    38. Mr. Stephan Kock 60 words
    39. cc531-2W
    40. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 127 words
    41. c532W
    42. Swan Hunter 136 words
    43. cc532-3W
    44. RAF Molesworth 429 words
    45. c533W
    46. Ms Lindis Percy 94 words
    47. cc533-4W
    48. Menwith Hill Station 242 words
    49. c534W
    50. RAF Chicksands 78 words
    51. c534W
    52. Officers (Cooks) 78 words
    53. cc534-5W
    54. Royal Yacht 209 words
    55. c535W
    56. Ministry of Defence Police 181 words
    57. c535W
    58. Nuclear Submarines (Used Cores) 183 words
    59. cc535-6W
    60. Nuclear Test Ban 114 words
    61. c536W
    62. Fissile Materials 120 words
    63. c536W
    64. Civilian Guard Force 132 words
    65. cc536-7W
    66. Public Consultation 125 words
    67. c537W
    68. Hospitals 50 words
    69. c537W
    70. Trident 85 words
  24. WALES
    1. cc537-8W
    2. Forestry 503 words
    3. cc538-45W
    4. Strategic Development Programme 2,383 words
    5. c545W
    6. Consultants 197 words
    7. c545W
    8. Government Information 120 words
    9. cc545-6W
    10. School Buildings 274 words
    11. cc546-7W
    12. Arable Aid 405 words
    13. c547W
    14. Education Policy (Representations) 44 words
    15. cc547-8W
    16. Nursery and Reception Classes 443 words
    17. cc548-9W
    18. Health Authority Funding 275 words
    19. c549W
    20. St. Dogmael's Landslip 61 words
    21. c549W
    22. Rugby Union 69 words
    23. cc549-50W
    24. National Parks 427 words
    25. c550W
    26. Rural Transport Innovation Grant Scheme 80 words
    27. cc550-1W
    28. Public Consultation 119 words
    29. c551W
    30. Hospice Care 169 words
    31. cc551-3W
    32. Block Grant 1,106 words
    33. cc553-4W
    34. Ministerial Visits 162 words
    35. c554W
    36. Civil Servants (Outside Appointments) 210 words
    37. cc554-5W
    38. Private Investigation Services 177 words
    39. cc555-6W
    40. Rights of Way 166 words
    41. c556W
    42. Prescriptions 75 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 14 June 1994 Series 5 Vol. 555
