Commons Sitting of 21 October 1987 Series 6 Vol. 120

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c703
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
    1. c703
    2. Imprisonment of a Member 162 words
      1. c703
      2. BRITISH RAILWAYS (LONDON) BILL [Lords] 7 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc703-6
      2. Council of Ministers 1,390 words
      3. cc706-7
      4. European Community (Policies) 682 words
      5. cc707-9
      6. Arms Control and Disarmament 894 words
      7. cc709-10
      8. Guatemala 376 words
      9. cc710-1
      10. Sino-British Relations 713 words
      11. cc711-2
      12. Contadora Peace Process 383 words
      13. c712
      14. Argentina 348 words
      15. cc712-4
      16. European Commission 764 words
      17. cc714-5
      18. Test Ban Treaty 311 words
      19. c715
      20. Cuba 425 words
      21. cc715-6
      22. Falkland Islands 302 words
      23. cc716-7
      24. European Community Budget 650 words
      25. cc717-8
      26. Soviet Jews 412 words
      27. cc718-9
      28. Austria 255 words
      29. cc719-20
      30. UNESCO 506 words
      31. c720
      32. Soviet Union 338 words
      33. cc720-2
      34. Sri Lanka 136 words
  5. The Gulf 3,036 words
  6. cc729-42
  7. Storm Damage (England) 7,484 words
  8. cc743-51
  9. Flooding (Wales) 5,089 words
  10. c752
  11. Redbrook-Woolley Collieries Complex 492 words
  12. cc753-4
  13. SBG Engineering Ltd. (Closure) 585 words
  14. cc755-6
  15. Whitley Hospital, Coventry 660 words
  16. cc757-65
  17. Palace of Westminster (Security) 4,601 words
    1. c765
    2. STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS, &c. 42 words
  18. Orders of the Day
    1. cc766-829
    2. Public Utility Transfers and Water Charges Bill 35,985 words, 2 divisions
      1. c829
      2. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 22 words
    3. Public Utility Transfers and Water Charges Bill [Money] 5,307 words
    4. cc839-93
    5. Scottish Development Agency Bill 30,546 words, 2 divisions
      1. c894
      2. Poll Tax 261 words
    7. Disabled Persons (Clothing) 3,547 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 21 October 1987 Series 6 Vol. 120

    1. c735W
    2. Excise Duties 336 words
    3. c735W
    4. Ministers (Private Office Staff) 32 words
    5. cc735-6W
    6. Space Programme 101 words
    7. c736W
    8. World Decade for Cultural Development 56 words
    9. c736W
    10. Windscale Fire 1957 (Papers) 68 words
    11. c736W
    12. Intergovernmental Organisations 64 words
    13. c736W
    14. British Nuclear Fuels plc 88 words
    1. c737W
    2. Members' Pensions 55 words
    3. c737W
    4. Accommodation 70 words
    1. c737W
    2. Open University 65 words
    3. cc737-8W
    4. University Statistics 226 words
    5. c738W
    6. United Nations International Literacy Year 87 words
    7. cc738-9W
    8. Education Reform 713 words
    9. cc739-41W
    10. Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education 442 words
    11. c741W
    12. Lecturers 354 words
  4. Defence
    1. c742W
    2. Plutonium and Uranium 66 words
    3. c742W
    4. Consultancy Costs 50 words
    5. c742W
    6. AIDS 125 words
    7. cc742-3W
    8. Master James Gibbs 397 words
    9. c743W
    10. Falklands Campaign 48 words
    1. c743W
    2. School Leavers 212 words
    3. cc743-4W
    4. Labour Statistics 87 words
    1. c744W
    2. Birth Certificates 56 words
    3. c744W
    4. "Spycatcher" 114 words
    5. c744W
    6. Marcus Garvey 92 words
    7. cc744-5W
    8. Crown Prosecution Service 75 words
  7. WALES
    1. c745W
    2. Anglesey Sea Zoo 704 words
    3. cc745-6W
    4. Capitation Allowances 46 words
    5. c746W
    6. Teachers 136 words
    7. cc746-7W
    8. Wrexham-Chester Line 73 words
    9. cc747-8W
    10. Mixed Ability Classes 682 words
    11. c748W
    12. Lambs and Sheep (Sale Restrictions) 33 words
    1. cc748-9W
    2. Aid Statistics 743 words
    3. c749W
    4. Mr. Terence Donegan 81 words
    5. c749W
    6. RMS St. Helena 63 words
    1. cc749-51W
    2. Electricity Supply Industry 322 words
    3. c751W
    4. British Coal Property 101 words
    5. cc751-2W
    6. Plutonium 417 words
    7. c752W
    8. Coal Industry 47 words
    1. c752W
    2. Orbital Rail Services 68 words
    3. c752W
    4. London Air Traffic Control Centre 239 words
    5. cc752-3W
    6. Roads (Contractors) 114 words
    7. c753W
    8. Hovercraft 69 words
    9. c753W
    10. Railways (Safety) 177 words
    11. cc753-4W
    12. Bus Services (Deregulation) 85 words
    13. c754W
    14. British Rail 314 words
    15. cc754-5W
    16. East London River Crossing 183 words
    17. c755W
    18. Night Flying (Heathrow) 59 words
    19. c755W
    20. Gatwick Airport (Unscheduled Diversions) 43 words
    21. c755W
    22. Victoria Coach Station 264 words
    23. cc755-6W
    24. Motorways (Roadworks) 82 words
    25. c756W
    26. A595 (Egremont Bypass) 85 words
    1. c756W
    2. Disabled People 205 words
    3. cc756-7W
    4. London Refurbishing Company Ltd. 216 words
    5. c757W
    6. Clerical Officers 134 words
    7. cc757-8W
    8. Cross-frontier Incursions 309 words
    9. cc758-61W
    10. Security Statistics 2,357 words
    11. cc761-2W
    12. Insurance Claims (Legal Costs) 147 words
    13. cc762-3W
    14. Terrorism 262 words
    1. c763W
    2. Falkland Islands 125 words
    3. c763W
    4. Spain 85 words
    5. cc763-4W
    6. Saudi Arabia 85 words
    7. c764W
    8. Middle East 152 words
    9. c764W
    10. Government Communications Centre 115 words
    11. cc764-5W
    12. Chile 180 words
    13. c765W
    14. Belize 54 words
    15. c765W
    16. Soviet Union 57 words
    17. c765W
    18. Contadora Peace Process 71 words
    19. c765W
    20. KMS Ltd. 53 words
    21. cc765-6W
    22. India 67 words
    23. c766W
    24. Argentina 135 words
    25. c766W
    26. Gibraltar 106 words
    27. c766W
    28. Nicaragua 59 words
    29. c766W
    30. Kenya 32 words
    31. cc766-7W
    32. Hungary 72 words
    33. c767W
    34. Arms Control 84 words
    35. c767W
    36. Honduras and Nicaragua 110 words
    37. c767W
    38. Kuwaiti Tankers (Reflagging) 120 words
    39. cc767-8W
    40. INF Talks 108 words
    41. c768W
    42. Arms Reductions 120 words
    43. c768W
    44. Latin America 49 words
    45. c768W
    46. Single European Act 115 words
    47. cc768-9W
    48. Persian Gulf 111 words
    49. c769W
    50. Caribbean Dependent Territories 51 words
    51. c769W
    52. South Africa 147 words
    53. cc769-70W
    54. Afghanistan 198 words
    55. c770W
    56. Terrorism 108 words
    57. c770W
    58. Arms Sales 64 words
    59. c770W
    60. Iraq-Iran War 88 words
    61. c770W
    62. Falklands Fishery Protection Service 53 words
    63. cc770-1W
    64. Hong Kong 75 words
    65. c771W
    66. Turks and Caicos Islands 78 words
    67. c771W
    68. Refuseniks 65 words
    69. c771W
    70. South Korea 81 words
    71. c771W
    72. Western Sahara 69 words
    73. cc771-2W
    74. Mr. Douglas Forsyth 216 words
    75. c772W
    76. Aid Statistics 51 words
    77. c772W
    78. Klaus Barbie 59 words
    79. cc772-3W
    80. Rudolf Hess 214 words
    81. c773W
    82. UNESCO 117 words
    83. cc773-5W
    84. Parking fines 1,215 words
    1. c775W
    2. Scottish Transport Group 151 words
    3. cc775-6W
    4. Hypothermia 42 words
    5. c776W
    6. Local Authority Services (Private Contractors) 63 words
    7. c776W
    8. Lambs and Sheep (Sale Restrictions) 33 words
    9. c776W
    10. Nuclear Accidents (Monitoring) 75 words
    11. c776W
    12. Rating Reform 57 words
    1. c776W
    2. Deportees 59 words
    3. cc776-7W
    4. Citizenship 109 words
    5. c777W
    6. Prison Staff 168 words
    7. c777W
    8. Wandsworth Prison 87 words
    9. cc777-8W
    10. Offensive Weapons 287 words
    11. c778W
    12. Television Licences 233 words
    13. cc778-9W
    14. Motorists (Blood Tests) 127 words
    15. c779W
    16. Grendon Prison 289 words
    17. cc779-80W
    18. Equal Opportunities Commission 178 words
    19. c780W
    20. Winson Green Prison 65 words
    21. c780W
    22. Electoral Register 204 words
    23. c780W
    24. Prisoners (Citizenship) 118 words
    25. cc780-1W
    26. Disabled People (Elections) 153 words
    27. c781W
    28. USA (Visas) 72 words
    29. c781W
    30. George Blake 65 words
    31. cc781-3W
    32. Prison Ships 962 words
    33. cc783-4W
    34. Firearms 702 words
    35. cc784-5W
    36. Departmental Staff 360 words
  15. THE ARTS
    1. c785W
    2. Leicestershire Museums 94 words
    3. cc785-6W
    4. Arts Council 189 words
    5. c786W
    6. "Spycatcher" 103 words
    1. c786W
    2. Corporation Tax 91 words
    3. cc786-9W
    4. Excise Duties 1,101 words
    5. cc790-1W
    6. Personal Allowances 390 words
    7. c791W
    8. Small Businesses (Taxation) 45 words
    9. c791W
    10. Income Tax 68 words
    11. cc791-2W
    12. Personal Taxation 181 words
    13. cc792-3W
    14. British Petroleum 198 words
    15. cc793-4W
    16. National Economic Development Council 411 words
    17. c794W
    18. Taxation Statistics 328 words
    19. c794W
    20. Management and Computer Consultancy 94 words
    21. cc794-5W
    22. Revenue Costs 358 words
    23. c795W
    24. Britannia Coins 46 words
    25. c795W
    26. Child Benefit 91 words
    1. c796W
    2. Birds (Scare Guns) 114 words
    3. c796W
    4. Horses 69 words
    5. c796W
    6. Sea Defences 70 words
    7. c796W
    8. Food Additives 123 words
    9. cc796-7W
    10. National Food Survey Committee 332 words
    11. c797W
    12. Sheep (Sale Restrictions) 34 words
    13. cc797-8W
    14. Sugar 186 words
    15. c798W
    16. Council of Agriculture Ministers 232 words
    1. cc798-9W
    2. Alcohol Consumption 822 words
    3. c799W
    4. Cancer Screening 84 words
    5. cc799-800W
    6. Social Security Appeals System 215 words
    7. cc800-2W
    8. Housing Benefit 726 words
    9. c802W
    10. Interdepartmental Group for Under-fives 157 words
    11. c802W
    12. Tardive Dyskinesia 199 words
    13. cc802-3W
    14. Electro-convulsive Therapy 188 words
    15. c803W
    16. Royal Northern Hospital (Islington) 36 words
    17. cc803-4W
    18. Supplementary Benefit 310 words
    19. c804W
    20. Administration and Medical Secretaries 53 words
    21. c804W
    22. Invalid Care Allowance 159 words
    23. c804W
    24. Telephone Exchange for the Deaf 96 words
    25. cc804-5W
    26. Benefits 129 words
    27. c805W
    28. AIDS 67 words
    29. c805W
    30. Maternity Payments 270 words
    31. cc805-6W
    32. Funeral Payments 205 words
    33. c806W
    34. Funeral and Maternity Payments 65 words
    35. cc806-8W
    36. Hospitals (Birmingham) 848 words
    37. c808W
    38. Orthopaedic Surgery (Birmingham) 154 words
    39. c808W
    40. Birmingham Health Authorities 62 words
    41. cc808-9W
    42. Mortality Statistics 235 words
    43. c809W
    44. Pension Books 61 words
    45. c809W
    46. London Boroughs (Fostering Schemes) 57 words
    47. c809W
    48. Family Credit 228 words
    49. cc809-10W
    50. Income Support 177 words
    51. c810W
    52. Kidney Stones (Treatment) 44 words
    53. c810W
    54. Kidney Patients (Birmingham) 108 words
    55. c810W
    56. Child Raising (Costs) 111 words
    57. cc810-1W
    58. Family Taxation 348 words
    59. cc811-2W
    60. Rating Reform 137 words
    1. c812W
    2. Shoe Industry 141 words
    3. c812W
    4. EC (Steel Industry) 156 words
    5. c812W
    6. Post Office 105 words
    7. cc812-3W
    8. Film Distribution Scheme 89 words
    9. c813W
    10. Mr. Ben Banerjee 63 words
    11. cc813-4W
    12. Mail (Russia) 523 words
    13. cc814-5W
    14. Monopolies and Mergers Commission 267 words
    15. c815W
    16. Consumer Protection 79 words
    17. c815W
    18. Advisory Committee on Telecommunications for Small Businesses 136 words
    19. c815W
    20. Rover Group 57 words
    21. cc815-6W
    22. South Africa 99 words
    23. c816W
    24. Post Office Counters Ltd. 69 words
    25. c816W
    26. Fireworks 76 words
    27. cc816-7W
    28. Ship Radio Licences 377 words
    29. c817W
    30. Handsworth Task Force 222 words
    1. c818W
    2. Steel-framed Houses 323 words
    3. cc818-29W
    4. Rating Reform 5,079 words
    5. cc829-30W
    6. Glass (Recycling) 405 words
    7. cc830-1W
    8. >British Coal (Houses) 230 words
    9. c831W
    10. Mayall Road, SE24 (Envelope Scheme) 51 words
    11. c831W
    12. Land Use (Departmental Bulletin) 162 words
    13. cc831-2W
    14. CoSIRA (Membership) 231 words
    15. c832W
    16. Commission for New Towns (Membership) 168 words
    17. c832W
    18. Listed Buildings 70 words
    19. c832W
    20. Engineers Direct Labour Department (Northampton) 97 words
    21. cc832-4W
    22. No-Fines Dwellings (Walsall) 568 words
    23. c834W
    24. Housing Deputations 85 words
    25. c834W
    26. Common Land 37 words
    27. cc834-5W
    28. Bed-and-Breakfast Accommodation 589 words
    29. c835W
    30. Housing Programme (Islington) 163 words
    31. c835W
    32. Teddington Weir (Minimum Flow) 106 words
    33. cc835-6W
    34. National Rivers Authority 87 words
    35. c836W
    36. Beaches (EC Standards) 131 words
    37. c836W
    38. Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 142 words
    39. c836W
    40. Right to Buy (Camden) 140 words
    41. cc836-7W
    42. Newham (Strategic Plans) 96 words
    43. c837W
    44. New River Water Company (Assets) 61 words
    45. c837W
    46. Royal Docks (Development) 258 words
    47. cc837-8W
    48. Rental Purchase Tenure 71 words
    49. c838W
    50. Local Authorities (Companies Information) 59 words
    51. c838W
    52. Textiles 127 words
    53. c838W
    54. Home Improvements 124 words
    55. cc838-9W
    56. Gipsies (Planning Applications) 121 words
    57. c839W
    58. Mapesbury Conservation Area 182 words
    59. c839W
    60. Defective Housing 115 words
    61. cc839-40W
    62. Urban Regeneration Grants 237 words
    63. c840W
    64. Estates Action 72 words
    65. c840W
    66. Housing Associations (Tenants) 176 words
      1. c840W
      2. CORRIGENDUM 17 words
    67. Surrogacy Agencies 71 words

Lords Sitting of 21 October 1987 Series 5 Vol. 489

  1. Preamble 22 words
  2. c113
  3. Lord Jay 39 words
  4. c113
  5. Lord Thomas of Gwydir 40 words
  6. cc113-5
  7. Manufacturing: Employment and Productivity 718 words
  8. cc115-8
  9. Chlorofluorocarbons: Control 1,513 words
  10. cc118-9
  11. Gibraltar: Spanish Airspace Restriction 539 words
  12. cc119-22
  13. National Economic Development Council 1,187 words
  14. c122
  15. Business 66 words
  16. c122
  17. Farm Land and Rural Development Bill [H.L.] 81 words
  18. cc122-35
  19. Inner Cities 7,071 words
  20. cc135-43
  21. Storm Damage in England 4,345 words
  22. cc144-7
  23. Flooding in Wales 1,997 words
  24. cc147-228
  25. Inner Cities 43,808 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 21 October 1987 Series 5 Vol. 489
