Mr Arthur Balfour

1848 - March 19, 1930
Summary information for Mr Arthur Balfour



9 speeches — ADDRESS IN REPLY TO HIS MAJESTY'S MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH. Commons February 17, 1903

2 speeches — BALLOT FOR BILLS AND MOTIONS. Commons February 18, 1903

KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 18, 1903

3 speeches — The committee of Defence Commons February 19, 1903

2 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS) Commons February 19, 1903

5 speeches — KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS) Commons February 20, 1903

Co-ordination of Imperial Defence. Commons February 23, 1903

Irish University Education Commission. Commons February 23, 1903

Marine Insurance Bill. Commons February 23, 1903

Commissioners of Woods and Forests—Grants to Denominational Schools. Commons February 23, 1903

The Colonial Secretary. Commons February 24, 1903

3 speeches — Reform of Parliamentary Procedure. Commons February 24, 1903

2 speeches — Army Organisation. Commons February 24, 1903

ARMY ORGANISATION. Commons February 24, 1903

South African Rebels. Commons February 25, 1903

3 speeches — The War Commission. Commons February 26, 1903

2 speeches — London Education Bill. Commons February 26, 1903

London and Globe Finance Corporation. Commons February 26, 1903

Ministers as Company Directors. Commons February 26, 1903

National Expenditure Committee. Commons February 26, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons February 26, 1903

Committee of Defence. Commons March 2, 1903

2 speeches — Chilian and Argentine Battleships. Commons March 2, 1903

2 speeches — THE GALWAY VACANCY. Commons March 2, 1903

2 speeches — St. Louis Exposition—Representation of the United Kingdom. Commons March 3, 1903

Select Committee on Private Business. Commons March 3, 1903

4 speeches — Business of the House. Commons March 3, 1903

2 speeches — Defences of Gibraltar. Commons March 4, 1903

4 speeches — Vaccination Act. Commons March 4, 1903

Housing of the Working Classes. Commons March 4, 1903

Taxation of Natives in South Africa. Commons March 4, 1903

3 speeches — The Navy Estimates. Commons March 4, 1903

Business of the House. Commons March 4, 1903

3 speeches — A New Naval Base. Commons March 5, 1903

Law Officers' Opinions. Commons March 5, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 5, 1903

12 speeches — TDK COMMITTEE OF DEFENCE. Commons March 5, 1903

The Budget. Commons March 9, 1903

SUPPLY (ARMY ESTIMATES). Commons March 9, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 10, 1903

SUPPLY (ARMY ESTIMATES). Commons March 10, 1903

2 speeches — ARMY ESTIMATES, 1903–4. Commons March 10, 1903

Proposed Forth-Clyde Canal. Commons March 11, 1903

House of Commons—Hour of Meeting. Commons March 11, 1903

Private Business. Commons March 11, 1903

Prevention of Corruption Bill. Commons March 11, 1903

National Food Supply in War Time. Commons March 11, 1903

8 speeches — ARMY ESTIMATES, 1903–4. Commons March 11, 1903

Mock Courts-Martial in the Grenadier Guards. Commons March 12, 1903

THE IRISH LAND KILL. Commons March 12, 1903

5 speeches — SECOND HEADING. Commons March 13, 1903

2 speeches — Ireland and the St. Louis Exposition. Commons March 16, 1903

Committee of National Defence. Commons March 16, 1903

Private Banks Balance Sheets. Commons March 16, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 16, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 18, 1903

3 speeches — NAVY ESTIMATES, 1903–4. Commons March 18, 1903

Training Colleges—Practical Examination in Science. Commons March 18, 1903

Employment of Children Bill. Commons March 19, 1903

The Budget. Commons March 19, 1903

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 19, 1903

2 speeches — WAYS AND MEANS. Commons March 19, 1903

Steamship Subsidies Committee. Commons March 24, 1903

Sale of Adulterated Butter Bill. Commons March 24, 1903

2 speeches — Venezuela. Commons March 24, 1903

2 speeches — The Easter Holidays. Commons March 24, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 25, 1903

London Education Bill. Commons March 26, 1903

2 speeches — Ministers in Attendance. Commons March 26, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 26, 1903

The Government and British Agriculture. Commons March 30, 1903

Scottish Education. Commons March 30, 1903

Non-Renewal of Licences—Question of Compensation. Commons March 30, 1903

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 30, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 31, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 31, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 1, 1903

4 speeches — MUNICIPAL TRADING. Commons April 1, 1903

2 speeches — The Penrhyn Quarry Dispute. Commons April 2, 1903

Irish Gold Ornaments. Commons April 6, 1903

Naval and Military Education. Commons April 6, 1903

Royal Patriotic Commission. Commons April 6, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 6, 1903


4 speeches — LICENSING (SCOTLAND) ACTS AMENDMENT BILL. Commons April 6, 1903

Standing Orders—Consolidation Bills. Commons April 7, 1903

National Portrait Gallery. Commons April 7, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 7, 1903


15 speeches — THE BAGDAD RAILWAY. Commons April 8, 1903

5 speeches — THE REDUCTION OF LICENCES. Commons April 8, 1903

The Bagdad Railway. Commons April 21, 1903

3 speeches — CLASS I. Commons April 21, 1903

CLASS II. Commons April 21, 1903

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 22, 1903

5 speeches — The Baghdad Railway. Commons April 23, 1903

2 speeches — Roman Catholic University for Ireland and the Irish Land Bill. Commons April 23, 1903

THE LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons April 23, 1903

3 speeches — CUSTOMS—TEA. Commons April 23, 1903

2 speeches — SECOND READING. Commons April 24, 1903

Cost of Royal Commissions and Select Committees. Commons April 27, 1903

Baghdad—Constantinople Railway Scheme. Commons April 27, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 27, 1903

4 speeches — BETHESDA (INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE). Commons April 27, 1903

Naval Expenditure. Commons April 28, 1903

Scottish Land Laws. Commons April 28, 1903

THE LATE MR. HANBURY. Commons April 28, 1903

4 speeches — SECOND READING. Commons April 28, 1903

Great Britain, Russia and Persia. Commons April 29, 1903

Town Holdings Committee. Commons April 29, 1903

Baghdad Railway Scheme. Commons April 29, 1903

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 29, 1903

SECOND READING. Commons April 29, 1903

2 speeches — The Hague Convention and Anglo-Russian Disputes. Commons April 30, 1903

Cunard Agreement. Commons May 4, 1903

Housing Accommodation at Westminster. Commons May 4, 1903

The Law Officers and Mr. Whitaker Wright. Commons May 4, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 4, 1903

11 speeches — SECOND READING. Commons May 4, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 5, 1903

Foreign Orders—Acceptance by British Officials. Commons May 6, 1903

5 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 6, 1903

The King's Tour. Commons May 7, 1903

Housing of the Working Classes Bill. Commons May 7, 1903

Private Bill Procedure. Commons May 7, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 7, 1903

7 speeches — IRISH LAND BILL. Commons May 7, 1903

3 speeches — TRADE DISPUTES BILL. Commons May 8, 1903

2 speeches — Great Britain and France. Commons May 11, 1903

2 speeches — The South African Garrison. Commons May 11, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 11, 1903

Irish Constabulary Vote. Commons May 12, 1903

Minister of Agriculture. Commons May 12, 1903

Parliamentary Procedure—Hour of Meeting. Commons May 12, 1903

THE TWELVE O'CLOCK RULE. Commons May 12, 1903

6 speeches — CHURCH DISCIPLINE (No. 2) BILL. Commons May 12, 1903

Shakesperian Relies. Commons May 13, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 13, 1903

5 speeches — Commission on Trade Disputes. Commons May 14, 1903

Whitsuntide Holidays. Commons May 14, 1903

2 speeches — Church Discipline Bill. Commons May 18, 1903

2 speeches — Committee of National Expenditure. Commons May 18, 1903

"Passive Resistance" to the Education Rate. Commons May 18, 1903

2 speeches — Preservation of Historical Buildings. Commons May 18, 1903

3 speeches — Shipping Combine Agreement. Commons May 18, 1903

2 speeches — The Shipbuilding Vote. Commons May 18, 1903

The Minister of Agriculture. Commons May 18, 1903

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 18, 1903

LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons May 18, 1903

2 speeches — Whitsuntide Recess. Commons May 19, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 19, 1903

4 speeches — LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons May 19, 1903

2 speeches — The Royal Commission on the War-Report. Commons May 20, 1903

3 speeches — Brussels Sugar Convention. Commons May 20, 1903

Trade Disputes. Commons May 20, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 20, 1903

COMMITTEES (ASCENSION DAY). Commons May 20, 1903

10 speeches — LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons May 20, 1903

3 speeches — CONGO FREE STATE. Commons May 20, 1903

Royal Commission on Trade Disputes. Commons May 21, 1903

2 speeches — Early Closing Saturday (Ireland) Bill. Commons May 21, 1903

Company Law—Whitaker-Wright Case. Commons May 21, 1903

Military Works (Loans) Bill. Commons May 21, 1903

Relief of the "Discovery." Commons May 21, 1903

ABSENCE OF MINISTERS. Commons May 21, 1903

The Whitsuntide Holidays. Commons May 21, 1903

4 speeches — The Finance Bill Commons May 21, 1903

5 speeches — CLASS III. Commons May 21, 1903

6 speeches — ADJOURNMENT (UNDER STANDING ORDER No. 10). Commons May 21, 1903

New Bishopric of Southwark. Commons May 25, 1903

3 speeches — Upkeep of Voluntary Schools. Commons May 25, 1903

2 speeches — The Whitsuntide Holidays. Commons May 25, 1903

7 speeches — Brussels Sugar Convention. Commons May 25, 1903


15 speeches — LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons May 25, 1903

6 speeches — LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons May 25, 1903

Antarctic Research—Relief of the "Discovery." Commons May 26, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 26, 1903

Questions. Commons May 27, 1903

Military and Naval Works Bill. Commons May 27, 1903

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 27, 1903

Brussels Sugar Convention—Provision for Expenses. Commons May 28, 1903

Vote for Secret Service. Commons May 28, 1903

Procedure Rules. Commons May 28, 1903

2 speeches — Sittings of Parliament. Commons May 28, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 28, 1903

8 speeches — FISCAL POLICY OF THE COUNTRY. Commons May 28, 1903


3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 9, 1903

Commercial Treaty with Germany. Commons June 10, 1903

6 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons June 10, 1903

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors to Children Bill. Commons June 11, 1903

2 speeches — Denunciation of the German Commercial Treaty. Commons June 11, 1903

Sale of Adulterated Butter Bill. Commons June 11, 1903

2 speeches — Imperial Fiscal Policy. Commons June 11, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 11, 1903

The Assassinations in Servia. Commons June 15, 1903

2 speeches — Greenwich Hospital Fund Pensions. Commons June 15, 1903

6 speeches — Inquiry into Preferential Tariffs. Commons June 15, 1903

3 speeches — The Fiscal Policy of the Empire. Commons June 16, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 16, 1903

2 speeches — Great Britain and Servia. Commons June 17, 1903

7 speeches — The Government Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 17, 1903

2 speeches — Canada and the German Tariff. Commons June 17, 1903

3 speeches — New South Wales and the Government Declarations. Commons June 17, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 17, 1903


4 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 18, 1903

3 speeches — Servia—Attitude of the British Government. Commons June 22, 1903

The Irish Gold Ornaments. Commons June 22, 1903

2 speeches — Germany and Canada. Commons June 22, 1903

3 speeches — Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 22, 1903

Bimetallism and the Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 22, 1903

Naval Works Bill. Commons June 22, 1903

2 speeches — Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 23, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 23, 1903

The Cape "Ragging" Case. Commons June 24, 1903

The Naval Works Bill. Commons June 24, 1903

5 speeches — South African Garrison—India's Burden. Commons June 24, 1903

2 speeches — India and the New Fiscal Policy. Commons June 24, 1903

Colonial Governments and the Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 24, 1903

3 speeches — Shipping Agreements. Commons June 24, 1903

Irish Gold Ornaments. Commons June 24, 1903

3 speeches — Scottish Education Vote. Commons June 24, 1903

2 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons June 29, 1903

5 speeches — Brussels Sugar Convention. Commons June 29, 1903

Employment of Children Bill. Commons June 29, 1903

2 speeches — Private Members Bills. Commons June 29, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 29, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 30, 1903

2 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 1, 1903

Private Members' Bills. Commons July 1, 1903

Royal Commission on Trades Disputes. Commons July 2, 1903

Fiscal Inquiry—Commercial Retaliation on the Continent. Commons July 2, 1903

His Majesty's Theatre—Penal Clauses in Terminable Leases. Commons July 2, 1903

Reduction of Armaments. Commons July 2, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 2, 1903

2 speeches — Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 6, 1903

Reduction of Armaments. Commons July 6, 1903

4 speeches — President Loubet's Visit. Commons July 6, 1903

Taxation of Food Imports. Commons July 6, 1903

Irish Land Bill. Commons July 6, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 6, 1903

2 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry—Colonial Contributions to Imperial Defence. Commons July 8, 1903

Fiscal Inquiry and British Agriculture. Commons July 8, 1903

3 speeches — Conferences with Colonial Premiers. Commons July 8, 1903

3 speeches — Irish Gold Ornaments—Gift to the Irish Academy. Commons July 8, 1903

Contempt of Court. Commons July 8, 1903

Terminable Leaseholds. Commons July 8, 1903

Housing of the Working Classes. Commons July 8, 1903

5 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 8, 1903

2 speeches — Fiscal Inquiry and Highland Deer Forests. Commons July 9, 1903

2 speeches — Royal Visit to Ireland. Commons July 9, 1903

2 speeches — Scottish Estimates. Commons July 9, 1903

British Shipping and Foreign Protective Systems. Commons July 9, 1903

2 speeches — Continental Powers and the Sugar Convention. Commons July 9, 1903

The Irish Land Bill. Commons July 9, 1903

Secretary of State for War's Salary. Commons July 9, 1903

3 speeches — New Procedure Rules. Commons July 9, 1903

Imperial Defence. Commons July 10, 1903

Colonial Competition with British Industries. Commons July 10, 1903

Fiscal Inquiry—Pay of Government Employees. Commons July 10, 1903

7 speeches — Fiscal Returns Commons July 10, 1903

2 speeches — Administration of Ecclesiastical Funds—Poverty of the Clergy. Commons July 10, 1903

2 speeches — Sugar Imports. Commons July 10, 1903

3 speeches — Shipping Agreements Commons July 10, 1903

3 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 10, 1903

4 speeches — New Naval Base—Forth and Clyde Canal. Commons July 13, 1903

4 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 13, 1903

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 13, 1903

12 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 14, 1903

Housing of the Working Classes. Commons July 14, 1903

2 speeches — LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons July 14, 1903

2 speeches — LONDON EDUCATION BILL. Commons July 14, 1903

The Irish Land Bill. Commons July 15, 1903

The Indian Budget. Commons July 15, 1903

3 speeches — Forth and Clyde Canal. Commons July 15, 1903

2 speeches — The Patriotic Fund. Commons July 15, 1903

13 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 15, 1903

3 speeches — The Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 16, 1903

2 speeches — Cairo Lunatic Asylum. Commons July 16, 1903

British Trade with Roumania. Commons July 16, 1903

2 speeches — Royal Commission on the War. Commons July 16, 1903

7 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 16, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 17, 1903

Fiscal Inquiry—Duty on Food-Stuffs. Commons July 21, 1903

The Government and the Licensing Question. Commons July 21, 1903

2 speeches — Town Holdings Committee. Commons July 21, 1903

6 speeches — IRISH LAND BILL. Commons July 21, 1903

2 speeches — Franco-Spanish Alliance. Commons July 22, 1903

Brussels Sugar Convention.—British Policy of Prohibition. Commons July 22, 1903

2 speeches — Fiscal Inquiry—Taxation on Food. Commons July 23, 1903

Chambers of Commerce and the Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 23, 1903

Industrial Methods. Commons July 23, 1903

Colonial Legislative Independence. Commons July 23, 1903

Government Departments and the Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 23, 1903

Malta. Commons July 23, 1903

Artillery Volunteer Armaments. Commons July 23, 1903

Imperial Defence. Commons July 23, 1903

2 speeches — The Death of the Pope. Commons July 23, 1903

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 23, 1903


3 speeches — MILITARY WORKS BILL. Commons July 24, 1903

Brussels Permanent Commission. Commons July 27, 1903

2 speeches — St. Jude's, Birmingham—Alleged Breaches of Ecclesiastical Law. Commons July 27, 1903

Judge Advocate General. Commons July 27, 1903

Licensing Question. Commons July 27, 1903

3 speeches — The East Coast and the Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 27, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 27, 1903

3 speeches — Irish Gold Ornaments Cost of Legal Proceedings. Commons July 28, 1903

2 speeches — Cost of the Fiscal Inquiry. Commons July 28, 1903

Colonial Contributions to Army Expenditure. Commons July 28, 1903

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 28, 1903

12 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE (GOVERN-MENT BUSINESS). Commons July 28, 1903

Queen Victoria—Proposed Statue in Westminster Hall. Commons July 29, 1903

Royal Commission of Civil Service Superannuation. Commons July 29, 1903

Germany and Canada. Commons July 29, 1903


Clergy Discipline Bill. Commons July 30, 1903

St. Jude's Birmingham. Commons July 30, 1903

2 speeches — Licencing Legislation. Commons July 30, 1903

6 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons July 30, 1903

Crofters' Holdings (Scotland) Act (1886) Amendment Bill. Commons August 3, 1903

4 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 3, 1903

2 speeches — Fiscal Inquiry—The Manchester Meeting. Commons August 4, 1903

10 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 4, 1903

Imprisoned Chinese Journalists at Shanghai. Commons August 5, 1903

2 speeches — Returning Officers' Charges. Commons August 5, 1903

Redistribution of Seats. Commons August 5, 1903

Voters' Register. Commons August 5, 1903

3 speeches — The Shipping Agreements. Commons August 5, 1903

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 5, 1903

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.