HC Deb 11 May 1903 vol 122 cc310-1

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether his attention has been called to the Motion on the Paper relating to the force that is to be stationed in South Africa; and whether he is willing to give facilities for a discussion on the subject.

The Motion referred to is as follows:

Army Scheme (1901),—That three divisions of the Regular Army, or their equivalent in numbers, be stationed in South Africa, such force to be counted as part of the establishment proposed to be maintained in this country by the Army Scheme of 1901.


It would be inconvenient to put the Vote for the salary of the Secretary of State down for discussion so early in the session. The House will probably desire at some later period to have a discussion on that Vote; and I do not think we should put it down now. I am confirmed in that opinion by the recollection that no less than eight days, or two whole Parliamentary weeks, have already been devoted to the discussion of Army affairs in the course of the present session. There is an additional reason for the view I venture to take, which is that the subject to which he refers is one which for some time has been engaging the careful attention of the Government, and I should be sorry that any premature discussion should be taken upon it.


asked for a promise that it would not be deferred till too near the holidays.


By holidays I suppose my hon. friend means the recess. That is a period, I am afraid, still painfully distant. But, no doubt, if there is any desire on the part of the House, as there probably will be, to have a discussion on this and on cognate subjects, a convenient Thursday will be found for the discussion.