Written Answers (Commons) of 13 March 1989 Series 6 Vol. 149

    1. c1W
    2. Court Service (Clerks) 58 words
    3. c1W
    4. D Notices 31 words
    5. cc1-2W
    6. Attitudes to Crime Survey 267 words
    7. c2W
    8. Information (Unauthorised Access) 61 words
    9. c2W
    10. Police (Leicestershire) 171 words
    11. cc2-5W
    12. Criminal Injuries Compensation Board 1,138 words
    13. c5W
    14. Press and Public Relations 342 words
    15. cc5-6W
    16. Advertising 255 words
    17. cc6-7W
    18. Statistical Staff 486 words
    19. c7W
    20. Blackwall Tunnel (Closure) 209 words
    21. cc7-8W
    22. English Wine 145 words
    23. c8W
    24. Senior Police Officers (Press) 103 words
    25. cc8-9W
    26. Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed 162 words
    27. cc9-10W
    28. Latchmere House 473 words
    29. c10W
    30. Animal Experiments 109 words
    31. c10W
    32. Erythropoietin 96 words
    33. c10W
    34. Broadcasting 126 words
    1. cc10-1W
    2. Murders 390 words
    3. c11W
    4. Less Favoured Areas 159 words
    5. cc11-2W
    6. Veterinary Students 114 words
    7. c12W
    8. Electoral Registers 112 words
    9. c12W
    10. RUC and Army Raids 96 words
    1. c12W
    2. Cambridge University Veterinary School 118 words
    3. cc12-3W
    4. Veterinary Students 131 words
    5. c13W
    6. Advertising 117 words
    7. c13W
    8. Privatisation 103 words
    9. cc13-4W
    10. Management Consultants 102 words
    11. cc14-5W
    12. Press and Public Relations 604 words
    13. c15W
    14. Drama 114 words
    15. c15W
    16. Health Education 148 words
    17. cc15-6W
    18. Down's Syndrome 202 words
    19. c16W
    20. Mr. Paul Scruton 121 words
    21. c16W
    22. Cancer Treatment (Animals) 78 words
    23. cc16-8W
    24. Violence in Schools 852 words
    1. c18W
    2. Consumers (Consultation) 55 words
    3. c18W
    4. Unleaded Petrol 94 words
    5. cc18-9W
    6. Statistical Staff 361 words
    7. cc19-20W
    8. Privatisation 172 words
    9. c20W
    10. Management Consultants 120 words
    11. c20W
    12. Press and Public Relations 170 words
    13. cc20-1W
    14. Drinking Water 98 words
    15. c21W
    16. Advertising 189 words
    17. c21W
    18. West Burton B 163 words
    19. cc21-2W
    20. Sulphurous Emissions 106 words
    21. c22W
    22. Fiddlers Ferry 69 words
    1. c22W
    2. Advertising 131 words
    3. cc22-3W
    4. Statistical Staff 230 words
    5. c23W
    6. Privatisation 58 words
    7. c23W
    8. Management Consultants 114 words
    9. cc23-4W
    10. Press and Public Relations 233 words
    11. c24W
    12. Afghanistan 175 words
    13. c24W
    14. PLO 68 words
    15. cc24-5W
    16. Angola 438 words
    17. c25W
    18. Departmental Officials 58 words
    19. cc25-6W
    20. Salman Rushdie 84 words
    21. c26W
    22. Immigration 202 words
    23. c26W
    24. Hong Kong 50 words
    1. cc26-7W
    2. Consultation Papers 136 words
    3. c27W
    4. Transitional Protection 89 words
    5. c27W
    6. Computerised Information (Confidentiality) 234 words
    7. cc27-8W
    8. Benefits (Monitoring) 549 words
    9. cc28-30W
    10. Staff 755 words
    11. c30W
    12. Access Committee for England 32 words
    13. c30W
    14. Advertising 113 words
    15. c30W
    16. Income Support 50 words
    17. cc30-1W
    18. Press and Public Relations 363 words
    19. c31W
    20. Privatisation 59 words
    21. cc31-2W
    22. Management Consultants 129 words
    23. c32W
    24. Statistical Staff 146 words
    25. c32W
    26. Approved Training (Refusal) 161 words
    27. cc32-3W
    28. Severe Hardship Rule 112 words
    29. c33W
    30. Income Support 174 words
    1. cc33-4W
    2. Visitorial Jurisdiction 357 words
    3. c34W
    4. Advertising 90 words
    5. c34W
    6. Statistical Staff 79 words
    7. c34W
    8. Management Consultants 42 words
    9. cc34-5W
    10. Press and Public Relations 81 words
    1. c35W
    2. Advertising 125 words
    3. c35W
    4. Statistical Staff 204 words
    5. cc35-6W
    6. Privatisation 116 words
    7. c36W
    8. Management Consultants 122 words
    9. c36W
    10. Press and Public Relations 153 words
    11. cc36-7W
    12. Forestry Commission 51 words
    13. c37W
    14. Legal Profession 66 words
    15. cc37-8W
    16. Council House Sales 424 words
    17. c38W
    18. Inverclyde Royal Hospital 291 words
    19. cc38-9W
    20. FSAs (Trees) 82 words
    1. c39W
    2. Press and Public Relations 322 words
    3. cc39-40W
    4. Legal Aid 110 words
    5. c40W
    6. Advertising 116 words
    7. c40W
    8. Privatisation 47 words
    9. c40W
    10. Management Consultants 116 words
  10. WALES
    1. cc40-1W
    2. Artificial Limb and Appliance Service 104 words
    3. c41W
    4. Medical Treatment (Travel) 274 words
    5. cc41-2W
    6. Statistical Staff 282 words
    7. c42W
    8. Privatisation 92 words
    9. c42W
    10. Management Consultants 59 words
    11. c42W
    12. Press and Public Relations 69 words
    13. cc42-3W
    14. Benzodiampines 228 words
    15. c43W
    16. Childbirth 251 words
    17. cc43-4W
    18. Domestic Animals (poisoning) 81 words
    19. c44W
    20. Pesticides 121 words
    21. c44W
    22. Sewage Treatment 59 words
    1. c44W
    2. Ozone Layer 87 words
    3. cc44-5W
    4. "Peace and Security" 31 words
    5. c45W
    6. United Nations Environment Programme 77 words
    7. c45W
    8. "The Ark Manifesto" 26 words
    9. c45W
    10. "The Time … The Place" 40 words
    11. cc45-6W
    12. Statistical Staff 531 words
    13. cc46-7W
    14. Press and Public Relations 330 words
    15. c47W
    16. Advertising 198 words
    17. c47W
    18. Privatisation 90 words
    19. cc47-8W
    20. Management Consultants 222 words
    1. c48W
    2. Next Steps 61 words
  13. THE ARTS
    1. c48W
    2. Advertising 78 words
    3. cc48-9W
    4. Press and Public Relations 125 words
    5. cc49-50W
    6. Statistical Staff 255 words
    7. c50W
    8. Privatisation 49 words
    9. cc50-1W
    10. Trustees 90 words
    1. c51W
    2. Select Committee Recommendations 284 words
    3. cc51-2W
    4. Drinking Water 80 words
    5. c52W
    6. Advertising 105 words
    7. c52W
    8. Computer Hacking 108 words
    9. cc52-3W
    10. Statistical Staff 413 words
    11. c53W
    12. Privatisation 91 words
    13. c53W
    14. Management Consultants' 112 words
    15. cc53-4W
    16. Press and Public Relations 267 words
    17. c54W
    18. Trident 76 words
    1. cc54-5W
    2. Training and Enterprise 115 words
    3. c55W
    4. Training (Expenditure) 50 words
    5. c55W
    6. Child Care Facilities 91 words
    7. c55W
    8. Retail Prices Index 245 words
    9. cc55-6W
    10. Hotels 69 words
    11. c56W
    12. European Tourism Year 98 words
    13. c56W
    14. Income Support (Claims) 87 words
    15. c56W
    16. Working Hours 124 words
    17. cc56-7W
    18. Advertising 269 words
    19. cc57-8W
    20. Press and Public Relations 293 words
    21. c58W
    22. Privatisation 87 words
    23. c58W
    24. Working Women 193 words
    25. cc58-9W
    26. Bridging Allowance 58 words
    27. c59W
    28. New Businesses 36 words
    29. c59W
    30. 16 and 17-year-olds (Benefits) 92 words
    31. c59W
    32. Restaurants 151 words
    1. cc59-60W
    2. Short Sea Trades 117 words
    3. c60W
    4. Corporation Tax 111 words
    5. cc60-1W
    6. Computerised Information (Confidentiality) 283 words
    7. c61W
    8. Village Halls 77 words
    9. c61W
    10. Clothing Industry (Liquidations) 81 words
    11. c61W
    12. Tax Informers 56 words
    13. cc61-2W
    14. Cigarettes 115 words
    15. c62W
    16. Income Tax 69 words
    17. c62W
    18. Privatisation 216 words
    19. c62W
    20. Press and Public Relations 133 words
    21. cc62-3W
    22. Advertising 82 words
    23. c63W
    24. Central Office of Information 74 words
    25. c63W
    26. Value Added Tax 91 words
    27. c63W
    28. Tax Forms 66 words
    29. cc63-4W
    30. Earnings 299 words
    31. cc64-5W
    32. Inland Revenue Staff 323 words
    33. c65W
    34. Chlorofluorocarbons 56 words
    35. c65W
    36. Charities 31 words
  17. HEALTH
    1. c65W
    2. Abortion 98 words
    3. c65W
    4. Consumers (Consultation) 121 words
    5. cc65-6W
    6. Smoking 134 words
    7. c66W
    8. Seaham Harbour Dental Unit 81 words
    9. cc66-7W
    10. Computerised Information (Confidentiality) 466 words
    11. c67W
    12. Mr. H. W. Williscroft 83 words
    13. cc67-8W
    14. MMR Vaccinations 203 words
    15. c68W
    16. Medicines (Review Bodies) 196 words
    17. cc68-9W
    18. Cunliffe Evans Report 200 words
    19. cc69-70W
    20. National Health Service Funding 374 words
    21. c70W
    22. Hearing Aids 260 words
    23. c70W
    24. Tobacco Advertising 154 words
    25. cc70-1W
    26. Advertising 238 words
    27. cc71-3W
    28. Press and Public Relations 1,062 words
    29. c73W
    30. Blood Transfusion Service 64 words
    31. cc73-4W
    32. Statistical Staff 238 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. c75W
    2. Stastistical Staff 342 words
    3. cc75-6W
    4. Privatisation 300 words
    5. c76W
    6. Management Consultants 169 words
    7. cc76-7W
    8. Health Service (Annual Returns) 353 words
    9. c77W
    10. Capital Expenditure (North West) 93 words
    11. cc77-8W
    12. Residential Care 336 words
    13. c78W
    14. Benefit Payments (Delay) 64 words
    15. cc78-9W
    16. Food Poisoning 195 words
    17. c79W
    18. Waterborne Diseases 192 words
    1. c79W
    2. Scrapie 99 words
    3. cc79-80W
    4. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 236 words
    5. c80W
    6. Food Hygiene 51 words
    7. cc80-1W
    8. Advertising 125 words
    9. c81W
    10. Statistical Staff 247 words
    11. c81W
    12. Privatisation 81 words
    13. cc81-2W
    14. Management Consultants 120 words
    15. c82W
    16. Press and PR 66 words
    17. c82W
    18. Festival of Food and Farming 193 words
    19. c82W
    20. Bacteriological Testing 107 words
    21. cc82-3W
    22. Abattoirs 316 words
    23. c83W
    24. Salmonella 80 words
    25. cc83-5W
    26. Near Market Research 666 words
    27. c85W
    28. Pigs 70 words
    29. c85W
    30. Tropical Oils 103 words
    31. cc85-6W
    32. Rivers 101 words
    33. c86W
    34. Sheepmeat Regime 51 words
    35. c86W
    36. Official Secrets Act 92 words
    37. c86W
    38. Sheep Remains 99 words
    39. cc86-7W
    40. Veterinarians 160 words
    41. c87W
    42. Public-house Tenants 102 words
    1. c87W
    2. Unleaded Petrol 97 words
    3. cc87-8W
    4. Water Pollution 158 words
    5. c88W
    6. Lowermoor Treatment Works 151 words
    7. c88W
    8. Tree Planting 211 words
    9. cc88-9W
    10. Environmental Protection 150 words
    11. c89W
    12. Bathing Waters 102 words
    13. c89W
    14. Drinking Water 95 words
    15. cc89-90W
    16. Press and Public Relations and Statistical Staff 180 words
    17. cc90-1W
    18. Rating Reform 648 words
    19. c91W
    20. Privatisation 115 words
    21. cc91-2W
    22. Fees 115 words
    23. c92W
    24. Waveney (Pipeline Scheme) 87 words
    25. c92W
    26. Low-cost Rural Housing 130 words
    27. cc92-3W
    28. Montreal Protocol (Ozone Layer) 135 words
    29. c93W
    30. Festival of Food and Farming 234 words
    31. cc93-4W
    32. Leeds UDC 243 words
    33. c94W
    34. Working Groups and Working Parties 68 words
    35. c94W
    36. Severn-Trent Water Authority (SSIs) 55 words
    37. c94W
    38. Capper Pass Works, North Humberside 73 words
    39. cc94-5W
    40. Water Authorities (Capital Debt) 86 words
    41. c95W
    42. Water Industry, Derbyshire 45 words
    43. c95W
    44. Assured Tenancies 158 words
    45. c95W
    46. House Prices 64 words
    47. cc95-6W
    48. AIDS 160 words
    1. cc96-7W
    2. Insider Dealing 861 words
    3. cc97-8W
    4. Information Technology 46 words
    5. cc98-9W
    6. UK-EC Development 89 words
    7. c99W
    8. Hearing Aid Council 105 words
    9. c99W
    10. Oil Exports 139 words
    11. c99W
    12. New Businesses 187 words
    13. cc99-100W
    14. Advertising 120 words
    15. c100W
    16. Press and Public Relations 115 words
    17. cc100-2W
    18. Statistical Staff 821 words
    19. c102W
    20. Privatisation 328 words
    21. cc102-3W
    22. Management Consultants 339 words
    23. cc103-4W
    24. Care Homes (UK) plc and Anglo Dutch Ltd. 536 words
    25. c104W
    26. Companies (Investigations) 65 words
    27. cc104-5W
    28. Scientific Collaboration (Japan) 139 words
    29. c105W
    30. JESSI 96 words
    31. c105W
    32. Turkey (Association Agreement) 135 words
    1. c105W
    2. North-West Region 92 words
    3. cc105-6W
    4. Fast Trains (Continental Travel) 72 words
    5. cc106-8W
    6. Channel Tunnel 1,272 words
    7. c108W
    8. P and O 43 words
    9. cc108-9W
    10. British Rail 118 words
    11. c109W
    12. Highway Maintenance 46 words
    13. c109W
    14. Light Rail Proposals 70 words
    15. c109W
    16. Bus Industry 60 words
    17. c109W
    18. Airline Punctuality 93 words
    19. cc109-10W
    20. British Rail (Privatisation) 46 words
    21. c110W
    22. London Underground (Policing) 83 words
    23. c110W
    24. British Rail (Investment) 64 words
    25. c110W
    26. M40 40 words
    27. cc110-1W
    28. Motorways (Business Traffic) 309 words
    29. c111W
    30. Drawbar Trailers 87 words
    31. c111W
    32. Railway Stations 37 words
    33. c111W
    34. Airport Services 85 words
    35. c111W
    36. London Underground (Automatic Ticket Barriers) 50 words
    37. cc111-2W
    38. Kent County Council 51 words
    39. c112W
    40. Burscough-Rufford Bypasss 71 words
    41. c112W
    42. Taxi Trade 119 words
    43. c112W
    44. West Sussex (TSG) 115 words
    45. cc112-3W
    46. Central London Rail Study 52 words
    47. c113W
    48. Airport Security 90 words
    49. c113W
    50. Crime Statistics 139 words
    51. c113W
    52. Select Committees (Recommendations) 86 words
    53. cc113-4W
    54. Consultations 91 words
    55. c114W
    56. Computer Information (Confidentiality) 138 words
    57. c114W
    58. Roads (Hampshire) 239 words
    59. cc114-5W
    60. Merchant Shipping 313 words
    61. c115W
    62. Advertising 136 words
    63. cc115-6W
    64. Press and Public Relations 158 words
    65. cc116-7W
    66. Statistical Staff 570 words
    67. c117W
    68. Management Consultants 110 words
    69. c117W
    70. Blackwall Tunnel 145 words
    71. cc117-9W
    72. Privatisation 588 words
    73. c119W
    74. Automatic Train Protection 253 words
    75. cc119-20W
    76. Aberdeen MRC 139 words
    77. c120W
    78. Ness Railway Bridge 63 words
    79. c120W
    80. Swansea MRC 222 words
    81. cc120-1W
    82. Transportation Unit 39 words
    83. c121W
    84. Mathematical Models 112 words
    85. c121W
    86. Ramsey MRSC 133 words
    87. cc121-2W
    88. Merchant Navy Certificates 171 words
    89. c122W
    90. Merchant Ship Registration 97 words
    91. c122W
    92. Boeing 737 (Accident) 173 words
    93. cc122-4W
    94. Passenger Ferries 326 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 13 March 1989 Series 5 Vol. 505

  2. SALMON STOCKS 63 words