HC Deb 13 March 1989 vol 149 cc30-1W
Mr. Dobson

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) what are the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff, including vacant posts, in the press and public relations office of his Department; and what is the proposed complement for 1989–90;

(2) what is the latest figure for (a) the estimated expenditure by his Department on press and public relations during 1988–89 and (b) the budget for 1989–90.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

Functions commonly associated with press and public relations are carried out by the Department's information division.

The latest figures for the combined information divisions of the Department of Health and the Department of Social Security are:

Staff presently employed 77
Full complement of staff including vacant posts 80

Note: 38 of the above staff are Information Officers.

The estimated expenditure for both Departments on press and public relations manpower and running costs during 1988–89 is £1.344 million.

Grade Staff in Post Vacancies
Administrative Statistical Administrative Statistical
3 0.33
5 2.00
7 1 9.00 1
Senior assistant statistician 2.00
Assistant statistician 2.00
Senior executive officer 2.00
Higher executive officer 11.00 1
Executive officer 19.50 3
Administrative officer 33.00 1
Administrative assistant 7.00
Personal secretary 2.00
Total 75.50 15.33 5 1
The staffing complement for 1989–90 is expected to be as shown above but some adjustments may be made following the split of DHSS.

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