Written Answers (Commons) of 1 November 1993 Series 6 Vol. 231

    1. cc1-2W
    2. Packaging 741 words
    3. c2W
    4. Homelessness 76 words
    5. cc2-3W
    6. Power Stations 247 words
    7. c3W
    8. Carbon Emissions 128 words
    9. cc3-4W
    10. Council Housing 525 words
    11. c4W
    12. Local Government Boundaries 49 words
    13. cc4-5W
    14. Elections, Avon 79 words
    15. c5W
    16. Cash Limits 266 words
    17. c5W
    18. PSA Businesses 132 words
    19. cc5-6W
    20. Landfill Waste 225 words
    21. c6W
    22. Nuclear Waste 99 words
    23. c6W
    24. Methane 169 words
    25. cc6-7W
    26. Housing, Lancashire 226 words
    27. c7W
    28. Local Government Reform 85 words
    29. c7W
    30. Abandoned Coal Mines 81 words
    31. c7W
    32. Mineral Planning Guidance Note 49 words
    1. c8W
    2. Archaeological Site, Bedfordshire 120 words
    1. c8W
    2. Nuclear Transport 59 words
    3. cc8-9W
    4. M62 502 words
    5. cc9-10W
    6. Jet.Aircraft 320 words
    7. c10W
    8. Road Improvement, London 75 words
    9. c10W
    10. M25 76 words
    11. c10W
    12. Harwich-Fishguard Link 103 words
    13. cc10-1W
    14. Unleaded Fuel 183 words
    15. c11W
    16. Exhaust Emissions, Wales 92 words
    17. c11W
    18. East Coast Main Line 45 words
    19. cc11-2W
    20. Thurrock Service Area 173 words
    21. c12W
    22. Taxis, London 109 words
    23. c12W
    24. A38 160 words
    25. c12W
    26. Departmental Offices 43 words
    1. cc12-3W
    2. Prison Privatisation 214 words
    3. c13W
    4. Prisoner Support Groups 249 words
    5. c13W
    6. Driving Bans 72 words
    7. cc13-4W
    8. Hit and Run Offences 48 words
    9. c14W
    10. Prisoner Transfers 181 words
    11. cc14-5W
    12. Pregnant Prisoners 1,061 words
    13. cc15-6W
    14. Crime and Unemployment 97 words
    15. cc16-7W
    16. British Summer Time 743 words
    17. c17W
    18. Recreation Grounds 72 words
    19. cc17-9W
    20. Secure Accommodation 358 words
    21. c19W
    22. New Prisons 161 words
    1. c19W
    2. Private Pensions 202 words
    3. cc19-20W
    4. New Banks 70 words
    5. c20W
    6. Banks 78 words
    7. c20W
    8. Taxation 73 words
    9. c20W
    10. Tax Changes 302 words
    11. cc20-1W
    12. Annuality 53 words
    13. c21W
    14. Literacy 75 words
    15. c21W
    16. Alcohol and Tobacco 71 words
    17. c21W
    18. Banknotes 70 words
    19. c21W
    20. Central Statistical Office 110 words
    21. cc21-2W
    22. Cash Limits 181 words
    23. c22W
    24. EC Public Procurement Directive 77 words
    25. c22W
    26. Departmental Offices 29 words
    27. c22W
    28. Fruit Juice Industry 158 words
    1. c23W
    2. London Orchestras 242 words
    3. cc23-4W
    4. London Orchestras 288 words
    5. c24W
    6. Millennium Fund 117 words
    7. c24W
    8. Transvestite Television 107 words
    9. cc24-5W
    10. National Lottery 147 words
    11. c25W
    12. Departmental Offices 29 words
    13. c25W
    14. Office Costs 86 words
    1. c25W
    2. Hospitality 66 words
    3. cc25-6W
    4. Cash Limits 172 words
    1. c26W
    2. PHARE Programme 163 words
    3. c26W
    4. Kenya 137 words
    5. cc26-7W
    6. Peru 155 words
    7. c27W
    8. Commonwealth Institute 118 words
    1. cc27-8W
    2. Departmental Advice 326 words
    3. c28W
    4. Prisoners (British Nationals) 81 words
    5. c28W
    6. BBC Overseas Service 94 words
    7. c28W
    8. Thailand 75 words
    9. c28W
    10. UNESCO 52 words
    11. cc28-30W
    12. British Youth Council 471 words
    13. c30W
    14. Russia 134 words
    15. c30W
    16. Departmental Offices 31 words
    17. cc30-2W
    18. Cash Limits 217 words
    1. c33W
    2. Sheep Dips 127 words
    3. c33W
    4. Environmentally Sensitive Areas 58 words
    5. cc33-6W
    6. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 1,467 words
    7. c36W
    8. Environmentally Sensitive Areas 94 words
    9. cc36-9W
    10. Dairy Cattle 1,429 words
    11. cc39-40W
    12. Cash Limits 456 words
    13. c40W
    14. Brucellosis 142 words
    15. c40W
    16. Fish Conservation 276 words
    17. cc40-1W
    18. Food From Britain 136 words
    19. c41W
    20. Civil Servants 49 words
    21. c41W
    22. Agriculture Development Division 131 words
    23. cc41-2W
    24. Waste Dumping at Sea 128 words
    1. c42W
    2. Agricultural Development Operational Programme 75 words
    3. c42W
    4. Internment 59 words
    5. cc42-4W
    6. Maternity Services 911 words
    7. c44W
    8. Ewe and Suckler Cow Premiums 150 words
    1. c44W
    2. Property Schemes 69 words
    3. cc44-5W
    4. Investment Risks 109 words
    5. c45W
    6. Clergy Pensions 189 words
    7. c45W
    8. Agricultural Land 62 words
    9. c45W
    10. Property Damage, London 68 words
    1. cc45-6W
    2. Judges 93 words
  14. WALES
    1. c46W
    2. Health Service Employees 73 words
    3. c46W
    4. Voluntary Organisations 111 words
    5. c46W
    6. Employment Initiatives 95 words
    7. c46W
    8. Coal Mining Communities 49 words
    9. cc46-7W
    10. Welsh Office Budget 54 words
    11. c47W
    12. Appointments 63 words
    13. c47W
    14. Unemployment 49 words
    15. c47W
    16. Manufacturing Industry 34 words
    17. c47W
    18. National Parks 51 words
    19. c47W
    20. Manufacturing Investment 53 words
    21. cc47-8W
    22. Young People 109 words
    23. c48W
    24. Local Government Finance 92 words
    25. c48W
    26. Grant-maintained Schools 151 words
    27. c48W
    28. Local Government Reorganisation 51 words
    29. cc48-9W
    30. Economic Regeneration 72 words
    31. c49W
    32. A5 (Dualling) 63 words
    33. c49W
    34. School Dinners 155 words
    35. c49W
    36. Drainage, Llandudno 85 words
    37. c49W
    38. Floods, Llandudno 51 words
    39. cc49-50W
    40. Alzheimer's Disease 132 words
    41. c50W
    42. Road Accidents 165 words
    43. cc50-1W
    44. Road Safety 127 words
    45. c51W
    46. Flags (Schools) 56 words
    47. c51W
    48. Inward Investment 59 words
    49. c51W
    50. NHS Trusts 146 words
    51. c51W
    52. Departmental Offices 40 words
    53. cc51-2W
    54. Secure Accommodation 124 words
    55. c52W
    56. St. David's Hospital 98 words
    57. cc52-3W
    58. Cash Limits 675 words
    1. cc53-4W
    2. Education Expenditure 164 words
    3. c54W
    4. Student Loans 85 words
    5. c54W
    6. Religious Education 201 words
    7. cc54-5W
    8. School Dinners 158 words
    9. c55W
    10. Union Flags 56 words
    11. cc55-6W
    12. Cash Limits 605 words
    1. c56W
    2. Vietnamese Prime Minister 79 words
    3. c56W
    4. Speeches (Party Conferences) 62 words
    5. c56W
    6. Writs (Cabinet Ministers) 44 words
    7. cc56-7W
    8. Cash Limits 341 words
    1. c57W
    2. Newspapers 111 words
    3. cc57-8W
    4. Cash Limits 317 words
    5. c58W
    6. Office of Gas Supply 158 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. c59W
    2. Amoxycillin 214 words
    3. c59W
    4. Opportunity 2000 97 words
    5. cc59-60W
    6. Primary Care 152 words
    7. c60W
    8. Clinical Grading Appeals 92 words
    9. c60W
    10. Junior Doctors 135 words
    11. c60W
    12. Consultancy Costs 51 words
    13. c60W
    14. Hospitals, Birmingham 76 words
    15. cc60-1W
    16. NHS Trust 32 words
    17. c61W
    18. Drugs Budgets 54 words
    19. c61W
    20. Nurses 33 words
    21. c61W
    22. Staff Relocation 52 words
    23. cc61-2W
    24. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 250 words
    25. c62W
    26. Consultants 86 words
    27. cc62-3W
    28. Cash Limits 456 words
    29. c63W
    30. DSS Headquarters, Leeds 85 words
    31. c63W
    32. Quarry House, Leeds 79 words
    33. c63W
    34. Child Migrant Trust 64 words
    35. c63W
    36. "The Resettlement Game" 60 words
    37. cc63-4W
    38. Mental Handicap 112 words
    39. c64W
    40. Departmental Offices 40 words
    41. c64W
    42. NHS Estate 47 words
    43. c64W
    44. Health Authorities Capital 51 words
    1. cc64-5W
    2. Aldermaston 225 words
    3. cc65-6W
    4. Low Flying 560 words
    5. c66W
    6. Aircraft Noise 94 words
    7. cc66-7W
    8. MiG Aircraft Collision 154 words
    9. c67W
    10. Minesweepers 91 words
    11. c67W
    12. Eurofighter 2000 144 words
    13. c67W
    14. Victor Tankers 54 words
    15. cc67-8W
    16. Operation Deny Flight 185 words
    17. c68W
    18. Cash Limits 122 words
    1. cc68-9W
    2. Sellafield 348 words
    3. c69W
    4. Training and Employment Measures 124 words
    5. cc69-70W
    6. European Court 294 words
    7. c70W
    8. Higher Education 125 words
    9. c70W
    10. Radiation, Sellafield 85 words
    11. cc70-1W
    12. Disabled People 313 words
    1. c71W
    2. Departmental Offices 38 words
    3. cc71-3W
    4. Cash Limits 839 words
    5. c73W
    6. Sewage Sludge 105 words
    7. cc73-4W
    8. "A Partnership for Good" 302 words
    9. c74W
    10. Sight Tests 197 words
    11. c74W
    12. Local Government Reorganisation 139 words
    13. cc74-5W
    14. Severely Disadvantaged Areas 764 words
    15. cc75-7W
    16. Physiotherapists 683 words
    1. c77W
    2. Low Pay 183 words
    3. c77W
    4. Deductions from Benefit 71 words
    5. cc77-8W
    6. Independent Living Fund 201 words
    7. c78W
    8. Income Support 62 words
    9. c78W
    10. Basic Skills 51 words
    11. cc78-81W
    12. Child Support Agency 1,522 words
    13. c81W
    14. Reciprocal Agreement (Australia) 32 words
    15. c81W
    16. Cash Limits 203 words
    17. cc81-2W
    18. Benefits 421 words
    19. cc82-3W
    20. Spending 139 words
    21. c83W
    22. Social Fund 61 words
    23. cc83-4W
    24. Severe Disability Allowance 90 words
    25. c84W
    26. Child Maintenance 53 words
    27. c84W
    28. Accident Victims 42 words