HC Deb 01 November 1993 vol 231 c19W
Mr. Michael

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will publish a table showing for each of the prisons referred to in his answer of 19 October,Official Report, column 214, (a) the date on which the possibility of a new prison was announced by a Minister, (b) the date on which a commitment was announced by a Minister, (c) the date on which the general location was made public, (d) the dates on which planning permission was given in outline and in detail, (e) the date on which a contract was let, (f) the date on which work started on site, (g) the date of completion, (h) the date on which the prison started to accept prisoners, with estimated dates when the relevant stage has not yet been reached and (i) the number of prisoners for which the prison was designed.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

The information requested is not readily available and can be obtained only at dispropor-tionate cost.