Written Answers (Commons) of 15 February 1990 Series 6 Vol. 167

    1. c317W
    2. South Bank Polytechnic 90 words
    3. cc317-8W
    4. Special Educational Needs 563 words
    5. c318W
    6. Teaching Vacancies 70 words
    7. cc318-24W
    8. Independent Schools 2,807 words
    1. cc324-5W
    2. Western European Union 368 words
    3. c325W
    4. Prevention of Military Risks 118 words
    5. cc325-6W
    6. Ivory 220 words
    7. c326W
    8. Romania 93 words
    9. c326W
    10. Overseas Visits 93 words
    11. c326W
    12. European Community 93 words
    13. c326W
    14. Nicaragua 42 words
    15. cc326-7W
    16. Uganda 57 words
    17. c327W
    18. German Unification 88 words
    19. c327W
    20. South Africa 255 words
    1. cc327-8W
    2. Nuclear Energy 113 words
    3. c328W
    4. Nuclear Power Stations 62 words
    5. c328W
    6. Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation 36 words
    7. c328W
    8. Nuclear Waste Disposal 85 words
    9. cc328-9W
    10. BNFL (Contracts) 199 words
    11. c329W
    12. Nuclear Services Group 133 words
    13. c329W
    14. Electricity Prices 89 words
    15. c329W
    16. Wind Power 89 words
    17. cc329-30W
    18. Cash Limits 117 words
    1. c330W
    2. Libel Law 86 words
    3. c330W
    4. Incitement to Murder 194 words
    5. cc330-1W
    6. Liverpool County Court 163 words
    7. cc331-2W
    8. Defamation 422 words
    1. c332W
    2. Visible Trade 33 words
    3. c332W
    4. Inflation 188 words
    5. c332W
    6. Family Expenditure 90 words
    7. cc332-3W
    8. Child Poverty Action Group 99 words
    9. c333W
    10. Bank of England 47 words
    11. c333W
    12. Take-home Pay 57 words
    13. cc333-4W
    14. Interest Rates 263 words
    15. c334W
    16. Tax Office 173 words
    17. cc334-5W
    18. European Monetary System 179 words
    19. c335W
    20. Crown Estates 50 words
    21. c335W
    22. Public Expenditure 68 words
    23. c335W
    24. Capital Flows 33 words
    25. c335W
    26. Gross National Product 76 words
    27. c335W
    28. Group of Seven 44 words
    29. cc335-6W
    30. Confederation of British Industry 66 words
    31. c336W
    32. Football 147 words
    33. c336W
    34. Taxation 128 words
    35. c336W
    36. Northern Region 58 words
    37. cc336-7W
    38. Civil Service Catering 44 words
    39. c337W
    40. Customs and Excise 91 words
    41. c337W
    42. Economic Growth 72 words
    43. c337W
    44. Savings 105 words
    45. c337W
    46. Child Care 87 words
    47. cc337-8W
    48. Third World Debt 60 words
    49. c338W
    50. Personal Equity Plans 67 words
    51. c338W
    52. Labour Costs 55 words
    53. c338W
    54. Charities 59 words
    55. c338W
    56. Narcotics Seizures 135 words
    57. cc338-9W
    58. Civil Service Staff 70 words
    59. c339W
    60. Sewing Thread (Imports) 95 words
    61. c339W
    62. Private Security Firms 138 words
    63. c339W
    64. Public Sector Borrowing 88 words
    65. cc339-40W
    66. Banking Services 44 words
    67. c340W
    68. Personal Debt 40 words
    69. c340W
    70. Information Technology 252 words
    71. cc340-1W
    72. EC Economic and Finance Council 220 words
    73. cc341-2W
    74. Public Works Loan Board 657 words
    75. c342W
    76. Premium Bonds 102 words
    1. cc342-3W
    2. Company Visits 421 words
    3. c343W
    4. Grants 90 words
    5. c343W
    6. "Making Belfast Work" 120 words
    7. cc343-4W
    8. Local Initiative Areas 89 words
    9. c344W
    10. London-Stranraer Rail Service 45 words
    11. c344W
    12. Fire Authority 56 words
    13. c344W
    14. Queen's University 175 words
    15. cc344-5W
    16. Supplies (Purchase) 112 words
    17. c345W
    18. Community Relations Council 133 words
    19. c345W
    20. Limavady Bypass 67 words
    21. c345W
    22. Student Unions 79 words
    23. cc345-6W
    24. Kincora Boys' Home 68 words
    25. c346W
    26. Missile Testing 61 words
    27. c346W
    28. RUC Inquiry 106 words
    1. cc346-7W
    2. Storm Damage 635 words
    3. c347W
    4. Mr. Donald Cruickshank 37 words
    5. c347W
    6. Child Abuse 40 words
    7. cc347-8W
    8. Prisoners 283 words
    9. cc348-9W
    10. Family Law Administration Working Party 65 words
    11. c349W
    12. Direct Labour Organsiations 119 words
    13. c349W
    14. Constituency Boundaries 126 words
    15. c349W
    16. Pine Martens 66 words
    1. c350W
    2. Bangladesh 246 words
    3. c350W
    4. Brazil 83 words
    5. c350W
    6. Somalia 105 words
    7. cc350-1W
    8. Romania 194 words
    9. c351W
    10. Cambodia 143 words
    11. cc351-2W
    12. India 63 words
    13. c352W
    14. Southern Africa 168 words
    15. c352W
    16. Ethiopia 84 words
    17. cc352-3W
    18. Eastern Europe 756 words
    19. cc353-4W
    20. Nicaragua 39 words
    21. cc354-9W
    22. United Kingdom Aid 2,467 words
    23. c359W
    24. Venezuela 74 words
    25. c359W
    26. Thailand 54 words
    1. c360W
    2. Kincora Boys' Home 46 words
    3. c360W
    4. President Mitterrand 58 words
    5. cc360-1W
    6. German Democratic Republic 97 words
    7. c361W
    8. South Africa 30 words
    9. c361W
    10. Mail 38 words
    11. c361W
    12. Departmental Responsibilities 123 words
    13. c361W
    14. Disaster Planning 41 words
    15. cc361-2W
    16. Crown Servants 99 words
    17. c362W
    18. Mr. Colin Wallace 75 words
    19. c362W
    20. Engagements 103 words
  10. WALES
    1. c362W
    2. Welsh Language 78 words
    3. cc362-3W
    4. Housing (Flexi-ownership) 66 words
    5. c363W
    6. Health Authorities (Bonus Payments) 141 words
    7. c363W
    8. Overseas Visits 142 words
    9. cc363-4W
    10. Bypasses 138 words
    11. c364W
    12. Litter 215 words
    13. cc364-7W
    14. Public Bodies 1,680 words
    15. c367W
    16. Local Government Finance 52 words
    17. c367W
    18. Welsh Office (25th Anniversary) 49 words
    19. cc367-8W
    20. Conductive Education 134 words
    21. c368W
    22. Soviet Delegation 84 words
    23. cc368-9W
    24. Workplace Nurseries 83 words
    25. c369W
    26. Child Care, Welsh Office 100 words
    27. c369W
    28. Literacy and Numeracy 89 words
    29. c369W
    30. Basic Skills 127 words
    31. cc369-71W
    32. Local Government Finance 845 words
    33. c371W
    34. Project 2000 131 words
    35. c371W
    36. Community Charge 39 words
    1. cc371-2W
    2. Mr. Salman Rushdie 168 words
    3. c372W
    4. Iranian Citizens (Deportation) 202 words
    5. cc372-3W
    6. Horserace Betting Levy Board 389 words
    7. cc373-4W
    8. Ambulance Dispute 364 words
    9. c374W
    10. Fire Service 133 words
    11. c374W
    12. Electronic Tagging 83 words
    13. c374W
    14. Demonstrations (Police Videos) 142 words
    15. cc374-5W
    16. Probation Service 274 words
    17. c375W
    18. Prevention of Terrorism Legislation 63 words
    19. c375W
    20. Constituency Boundaries 58 words
    21. cc375-6W
    22. Fishing Limits 160 words
    23. c376W
    24. Bankruptcies 74 words
    1. cc376-7W
    2. Family Support 289 words
    3. c377W
    4. Local Offices (Callers) 468 words
    5. cc377-8W
    6. Earnings 121 words
    7. cc378-9W
    8. Residential Care 267 words
    9. c379W
    10. Nursing Homes (Fees) 211 words
    1. c379W
    2. Vehicle Excise Duty 45 words
    3. cc379-80W
    4. Motorists (Eyesight) 200 words
    5. c380W
    6. City Routes 100 words
    7. c380W
    8. Vehicle Licences 45 words
    9. c380W
    10. Motorway Safety 266 words
    11. cc380-1W
    12. Channel Tunnel 63 words
    13. c381W
    14. Traffic Lights, Chiswick 372 words
    15. cc381-3W
    16. Light Dues 767 words
    17. c383W
    18. Aircraft Terminals 66 words
    19. c383W
    20. Dial-a-Ride 153 words
    21. c383W
    22. Roads, London 76 words
    1. cc383-4W
    2. London Borough of Newham 54 words
    3. c384W
    4. Employment Training 168 words
    5. c384W
    6. Labour Statistics 57 words
    7. cc384-5W
    8. Channel Tunnel 393 words
    9. c385W
    10. Health and Safety 113 words
    11. c385W
    12. Radiation 109 words
    13. cc385-6W
    14. Community Programme and Employment Training 61 words
    1. c386W
    2. Accountancy Firms (Inspectors' Reports) 105 words
    3. c386W
    4. Disabled People (Employment) 113 words
    5. c386W
    6. Accountants 51 words
    7. cc386-7W
    8. Insider Dealing 81 words
    9. c387W
    10. EC Directives 56 words
    11. cc387-8W
    12. Companies Acts Investigations 469 words
    13. c388W
    14. Financial Services 100 words
    15. c388W
    16. Prosecutions 77 words
    17. c388W
    18. 1992 82 words
    19. cc388-9W
    20. Shipbuilding 164 words
    21. c389W
    22. C. J. How 228 words
    23. c389W
    24. Self-regulatory Organisations 57 words
    25. cc389-90W
    26. Tied Agents 103 words
    27. cc390-1W
    28. Garston Amhurst 751 words
    29. cc391-2W
    30. Securities Dealers 276 words
    31. c392W
    32. Target Group and National Financial Management Corporation 124 words
    33. c392W
    34. Seiff Davidson Financial Services Limited 53 words
  16. HEALTH
    1. cc392-3W
    2. Committee on Safety of Medicines 107 words
    3. c393W
    4. Health Service Inflation 39 words
    5. c393W
    6. AIDS 200 words
    7. c393W
    8. North-East (Expenditure) 55 words
    9. cc393-4W
    10. Social Workers 214 words
    11. c394W
    12. Thurrock Health Authority 42 words
    13. c394W
    14. Schizophrenia 141 words
    15. cc394-5W
    16. Overtime 87 words
    17. c395W
    18. Severn-Trent Water 67 words
    19. c395W
    20. North Western RHA 121 words
    21. c395W
    22. Ambulance Service 56 words
    23. cc395-7W
    24. National Health Service Reorganisation 618 words
    25. c397W
    26. Registration of Marriages 110 words
    27. cc397-8W
    28. General Practitioners 348 words
    29. cc398-9W
    30. Leukaemia and Lymphoma (West Cumbria) 863 words
    31. cc399-400W
    32. Food Safety 342 words
    33. c400W
    34. Halifax General Hospital 68 words
    35. c400W
    36. Nursing Students 62 words
    37. cc400-1W
    38. Wakefield Health Authority 355 words
    39. c401W
    40. Wandsworth Health Authority 185 words
    41. cc401-2W
    42. NHS Funding 120 words
    1. c402W
    2. Devon County Council 136 words
    3. cc402-7W
    4. Local Government Finance 2,341 words
    5. c407W
    6. Electric-Powered Vehicles 56 words
    7. c407W
    8. Recycling 118 words
    9. cc407-8W
    10. Homelessness 65 words
    11. c408W
    12. Disabled People (Public Toilets) 421 words
    13. cc408-9W
    14. Bed-and-Breakfast Accommodation 62 words
    15. c409W
    16. Sewage Discharges (Severn) 103 words
    17. c409W
    18. Waste Disposal 274 words
    19. cc409-10W
    20. Wild Birds 64 words
    21. c410W
    22. Competitive Tendering 113 words
    23. c410W
    24. Overtime 91 words
    25. cc410-1W
    26. Lambeth 210 words
    27. c411W
    28. Waste Management 90 Conference 57 words
    29. c411W
    30. Globe '90 Conference 78 words
    31. c411W
    32. Fire Brigade 149 words
    33. cc411-2W
    34. Sulphur Emissions 411 words
    35. c412W
    36. Large Combustion Plants 41 words
    37. c412W
    38. Local Government Employees (Pensions) 42 words
    39. cc412-3W
    40. Nuclear Waste Disposal 76 words
    41. c413W
    42. Radiochemical Inspectors 104 words
    43. c413W
    44. Property Services Agency 89 words
    45. c413W
    46. Crown Suppliers 78 words
    1. cc413-4W
    2. Fuel Pipelines 266 words
    3. c414W
    4. Expenditure 50 words
    5. c414W
    6. HILEX 1990 77 words
    7. c414W
    8. "Codename Badger" 55 words
    9. cc414-5W
    10. Lines of Communication Arrangement 289 words
    11. cc415-6W
    12. Colin Wallace 432 words
    13. c416W
    14. Electric Vehicles 26 words
    15. c416W
    16. Kincora Boys' Home 83 words
    17. cc416-7W
    18. Temperatures 235 words
  19. THE ARTS
    1. c417W
    2. English National Ballet and Opera 210 words
    3. cc417-8W
    4. Arts Council 336 words
    1. c418W
    2. European Community Free Food 66 words
    3. cc418-9W
    4. Scrapie 77 words
    5. c419W
    6. Rodents 187 words
    7. c419W
    8. Veterinary Surgeons 169 words
    9. cc419-20W
    10. Animal Movement Records 38 words
    11. c420W
    12. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 252 words
    13. cc420-2W
    14. EC Fraud 230 words
    15. c422W
    16. Salmonella 69 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 15 February 1990 Series 5 Vol. 515

  1. FOOD SAFETY REPORT 340 words