Written Answers (Commons) of 21 February 1990 Series 6 Vol. 167

    1. c745W
    2. Derelict Land 175 words
    3. c745W
    4. Private Rented Accommodation 62 words
    5. cc745-9W
    6. Local Government Finance 1,797 words
    7. c749W
    8. Home Ownership 66 words
    9. c749W
    10. North Sea (Pollution) 71 words
    11. c750W
    12. Methane Gas 84 words
    13. c750W
    14. Bellwin Formula 64 words
    15. c750W
    16. Capital Controls 84 words
    17. c750W
    18. Housing Improvement Grants 92 words
    19. cc750-1W
    20. United Nations Environment Programme 183 words
    21. cc751-2W
    22. Toxic Waste 382 words
    23. c752W
    24. Chlorofluorocarbons 110 words
    25. cc752-4W
    26. Homelessness 976 words
    27. c754W
    28. Farm Buildings 79 words
    29. cc754-5W
    30. Association of County Councils 58 words
    31. c755W
    32. Rural Deprivation 251 words
    33. cc755-6W
    34. Anti-competitive Practices 116 words
    35. c756W
    36. Council House Sales 85 words
    37. c756W
    38. Housing Associations 175 words
    39. c756W
    40. Environment White Paper 45 words
    41. cc756-7W
    42. Litter 196 words
    43. cc757-8W
    44. Housing 558 words
    45. c758W
    46. South Africa (Sporting Links) 72 words
    47. c758W
    48. River Pollution 67 words
    49. c759W
    50. Unleaded Petrol 35 words
    51. c759W
    52. Housing Action Trusts 49 words
    53. c759W
    54. Local Authorities (Politically Restricted Posts) 116 words
    55. c759W
    56. Carbon Dioxide Emissions 86 words
    57. c759W
    58. Debt Charges (Liverpool) 51 words
    59. cc759-60W
    60. Bathing Waters 95 words
    61. c760W
    62. Environmental Protection Commission 42 words
    63. c760W
    64. Air Pollution 185 words
    65. c760W
    66. Commonwealth Sports Ministers 81 words
    67. cc760-1W
    68. European Community Environment Ministers 75 words
    69. c761W
    70. Refuse Contracts 71 words
    71. c761W
    72. Fly-Tipping 202 words
    73. c761W
    74. North Sea 65 words
    75. cc761-2W
    76. Planning Applications (Compensation) 73 words
    77. c762W
    78. Integrated Pollution Control 86 words
    79. c762W
    80. Canned Spray Paint 42 words
    81. c762W
    82. Sellafield 76 words
    83. c762W
    84. Landfill Sites 103 words
    85. cc762-3W
    86. Competitive Tendering 105 words
    87. c763W
    88. Estate Action 37 words
    89. c763W
    90. Disabled People (Public Toilets) 153 words
    91. c763W
    92. New Parliamentary Building 110 words
    93. cc763-4W
    94. Helicopters 198 words
    95. c764W
    96. Chemicals 149 words
    97. c764W
    98. Opencast Mining 123 words
    99. cc764-5W
    100. Coal-fired Power Stations 165 words
    101. c765W
    102. High-level Radioactive Wastes 123 words
    103. cc765-6W
    104. Norwich and Norfolk Councils 308 words
    105. cc766-7W
    106. Water and Sewerage Charges 416 words
    107. c767W
    108. Infrastructure Charges 79 words
    109. c767W
    110. Housing Completions 47 words
    111. c767W
    112. Airborne Lead 65 words
    113. cc767-8W
    114. Land Register 338 words
    115. c768W
    116. Internal Delivery Service 64 words
    117. cc768-9W
    118. Urban Development Corporations 245 words
    119. c769W
    120. Denham Court 60 words
    121. c769W
    122. Audible Bird Scarers 249 words
    123. c770W
    124. Chipboard Factories 207 words
    125. c770W
    126. Toxic Waste 95 words
    1. cc770-1W
    2. Ambulance Union 165 words
    3. c771W
    4. Bomb Explosions 109 words
    5. cc771-2W
    6. School Rolls 597 words
    7. c772W
    8. Benefits 116 words
    9. c773W
    10. Stalker Inquiry 71 words
    11. c773W
    12. Housing 239 words
    13. c773W
    14. Civil Servants 50 words
    15. cc773-4W
    16. Income Support 139 words
    17. c774W
    18. Students (Benefits) 92 words
    19. cc774-5W
    20. Life Sentences 322 words
    21. c775W
    22. Republic of Ireland (Extradition) 262 words
    23. c775W
    24. DHSS Offices 182 words
    25. cc775-6W
    26. Terrorist Offences 127 words
    27. c776W
    28. Fishermen (Financial Aid) 184 words
    29. cc776-7W
    30. Housing 245 words
    31. c777W
    32. Supplies and Services Boycott 141 words
    33. c777W
    34. Constituency Boundaries 57 words
    1. c777W
    2. Government Departments (Accounts) 98 words
    3. cc777-8W
    4. Channel Tunnel 204 words
    1. c778W
    2. AIDS 106 words
    1. c778W
    2. Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation 68 words
    3. cc778-9W
    4. Nuclear Fuels (Disposal) 139 words
    5. c779W
    6. Liquid Petroleum Gas Tanks 29 words
    7. c779W
    8. Public Relations 184 words
    9. cc779-80W
    10. Renewable Energy 254 words
    11. c780W
    12. Nuclear Power 141 words
    13. c780W
    14. Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors 49 words
    1. c781W
    2. Scottish Development Agency 79 words
    3. cc781-2W
    4. Non-domestic Rates 505 words
    5. cc782-3W
    6. Rating Reform 487 words
    7. c783W
    8. Funerals 38 words
    9. cc783-4W
    10. Library Services 127 words
    11. c784W
    12. North East River Purification Board 67 words
    13. cc784-7W
    14. Acute Hospitals 1,194 words
    15. c787W
    16. Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowances 160 words
    17. c787W
    18. Cash Limits 73 words
    19. cc787-8W
    20. Lothian Health Board 111 words
    21. c788W
    22. Housing Benefit 105 words
    1. c788W
    2. Eastern Europe 228 words
    3. cc788-9W
    4. Inward Investment 81 words
    5. cc789-90W
    6. Company Investigations 557 words
    7. c790W
    8. Textiles 134 words
    9. c790W
    10. Advertising 93 words
    11. c791W
    12. Brand Valuations 55 words
    13. c791W
    14. Newtech, Clwyd 44 words
    15. cc791-2W
    16. Departmental Structure 520 words
    17. c792W
    18. Military Equipment Exports 146 words
    19. cc792-3W
    20. Car Phones 245 words
    21. c793W
    22. Footwear Imports 176 words
    23. c793W
    24. Electric Vehicles 125 words
    25. cc793-4W
    26. Post Office (Privatisation) 192 words
    27. c794W
    28. 1992 115 words
    1. c794W
    2. County Courts 87 words
    1. c795W
    2. Human Rights 387 words
    3. cc795-6W
    4. Nuclear Non-proliferation 143 words
    5. c796W
    6. English Teaching 86 words
    7. c796W
    8. Ivory 69 words
    9. c796W
    10. South Africa 156 words
    11. cc796-7W
    12. Hong Kong 75 words
    1. c797W
    2. Disability Employment Credit 70 words
    3. c797W
    4. Civil Servants (Benefits) 185 words
    5. cc797-8W
    6. Relocation 208 words
    7. c798W
    8. Sick Pay 134 words
    9. cc798-801W
    10. Benefits (Child Rates) 1,672 words
    1. c801W
    2. School Secretaries and Clerical Assistants 41 words
    3. c801W
    4. GCSE 85 words
    5. c801W
    6. Agricultural and Food Research Council 77 words
    7. cc801-2W
    8. Standards of Attainment 83 words
    9. c802W
    10. Workers Education Association 82 words
    11. c802W
    12. Tertiary Colleges (Outer London) 124 words
    13. c802W
    14. City Technology Colleges 51 words
    15. c802W
    16. Special Educational Needs 79 words
    17. cc802-3W
    18. Teachers (Financial Incentives) 95 words
    19. c803W
    20. Non-contact Time 109 words
    21. c803W
    22. Geography 63 words
    23. c803W
    24. Teacher Unions 63 words
    25. cc803-4W
    26. Capital Allocations, London 254 words
    27. c804W
    28. Further Education 114 words
    29. c804W
    30. National Curriculum 98 words
    31. cc804-5W
    32. Workers Education Association 191 words
    33. c805W
    34. Medical Research Council 105 words
    35. c805W
    36. Study Vouchers 136 words
    37. cc805-6W
    38. Assessment 130 words
    39. c806W
    40. Teachers' Pay 70 words
    41. c806W
    42. Physical Education 117 words
    43. cc806-7W
    44. Grant-maintained Status 542 words
    45. c808W
    46. Teachers (Employment Costs) 88 words
    1. c808W
    2. Television Signal Feed 171 words
    3. c808W
    4. Bleepers 117 words
    1. c808W
    2. Paternity Leave 57 words
  14. WALES
    1. c809W
    2. Cataract Treatment 107 words
    3. c809W
    4. Local Government Finance 81 words
    5. c809W
    6. Paternity Leave 55 words
    7. c809W
    8. Transport Policies 132 words
    9. c810W
    10. Hospitals 75 words
    11. c810W
    12. Fishguard Bypass 55 words
    13. c810W
    14. "Wales: Land of Quality" 289 words
    15. c811W
    16. GCSE Cources 57 words
    17. c811W
    18. Craft Initiative 444 words
    19. c811W
    20. Opencast Mining, Buckley 40 words
    21. c812W
    22. Road Improvements 331 words
    23. c813W
    24. Primary School Classes 109 words
    25. c813W
    26. Water Supplies 202 words
    27. c813W
    28. Llandudno Centre 55 words
    29. c813W
    30. Welsh Development Agency 63 words
    31. c814W
    32. Teachers 202 words
    33. c814W
    34. Rural Wales 134 words
    35. c814W
    36. Monitoring Officers 89 words
    37. cc815-6W
    38. Acute Hospitals 284 words
    39. c816W
    40. State Schools 134 words
    41. c817W
    42. Psychiatric Units 511 words
    1. c818W
    2. Community Service 121 words
    3. c818W
    4. Police Officers (Ports) 52 words
    5. c818W
    6. EC Nationals (Right of Residence) 292 words
    7. c819W
    8. Concessionary Television Licences 105 words
    9. c819W
    10. Basildon Courthouse 45 words
    11. c819W
    12. Drugs 76 words
    13. c819W
    14. NATO Exercises 31 words
    15. c819W
    16. War Crimes 72 words
    17. cc819-20W
    18. "How You Can Help the Police" 74 words
    19. c820W
    20. Forensic Science 229 words
    21. c820W
    22. National Association of Probation Officers 113 words
    23. c820W
    24. West Midlands Police 59 words
    25. c821W
    26. Electronic Tagging 52 words
    27. c821W
    28. Charities 315 words
    29. cc821-2W
    30. Channel Tunnel 149 words
    31. c822W
    32. Refugees, Azad Kashmir 94 words
    33. c822W
    34. Underground (Fire Inspections) 180 words
    35. c822W
    36. Batons 127 words
    37. c823W
    38. Civil Defence 455 words
    1. cc823-4W
    2. London Taxis 129 words
    3. c824W
    4. Road-building 55 words
    5. c824W
    6. HGV Drivers 139 words
    7. c824W
    8. Single Market 117 words
    9. c824W
    10. British Rail 35 words
    11. c825W
    12. Road Maintenance 218 words
    13. c825W
    14. Traffic Flow 111 words
    15. cc825-6W
    16. Vehicle Excise Tax 318 words
    17. c826W
    18. Docks 120 words
    19. c827W
    20. Manchester Airport 114 words
    21. c827W
    22. Regional Airports 124 words
    23. c827W
    24. Scottish Airports 41 words
    25. c827W
    26. Channel Tunnel 131 words
    1. c828W
    2. Search and Rescue Helicopters 267 words
    3. c828W
    4. Nuclear Test Veterans 72 words
    1. c828W
    2. Accountancy Firms 48 words
    3. c829W
    4. Factory Inspectors 687 words
    5. cc829-30W
    6. Employment Training 269 words
    7. c830W
    8. Sick Pay 72 words
    9. cc830-1W
    10. Training and Enterprise Councils 224 words
    11. cc831-2W
    12. Youth Training 441 words
    13. c832W
    14. Employment Centres 258 words
    15. cc832-3W
    16. Labour Statistics 169 words
    17. c833W
    18. Deptford Skillcentre 121 words
    19. cc833-4W
    20. Disabled People (Employment Quotas) 425 words
  19. HEALTH
    1. cc834-5W
    2. Ambulance Dispute 368 words
    3. c835W
    4. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 56 words
    5. c835W
    6. Babies (Abduction) 137 words
    7. c835W
    8. Nurses 52 words
    9. cc835-8W
    10. NHS Trusts 1,514 words
    11. cc838-9W
    12. Abortions 919 words
    13. cc839-40W
    14. Child Care 54 words
    15. c840W
    16. NHS Reform 204 words
    17. c841W
    18. Hormone Replacement Therapy 248 words
    19. c841W
    20. Opticians 430 words
    21. c842W
    22. Leukaemia 94 words
    23. c842W
    24. Food Imports (Holland) 76 words
    25. c842W
    26. Cervical Smear Tests 89 words
    27. cc842-3W
    28. Food Poisoning, London 691 words
    29. c843W
    30. Ambulance Services (South Yorkshire) 91 words
    31. c843W
    32. Cash Limits 134 words
    1. c844W
    2. Fishing Fleet 145 words
    3. cc844-7W
    4. Poultry 1,095 words
    5. cc847-8W
    6. Irradiation 347 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 21 February 1990 Series 5 Vol. 516

  3. CHRISTMAS BONUS 94 words