Written Answers (Commons) of 30 April 1990 Series 6 Vol. 171

    1. c377W
    2. Civil Servants (Accommodation) 66 words
    3. c377W
    4. Beaches 137 words
    5. cc377-9W
    6. Local Government Finance 746 words
    7. c379W
    8. Bulb Trade 251 words
    9. c379W
    10. Sellafield 54 words
    11. c379W
    12. Radiation 56 words
    13. c380W
    14. Peat 179 words
    15. c380W
    16. Pollution Inspectors 51 words
    17. c380W
    18. Mineral and Peat Extraction 71 words
    19. cc380-1W
    20. Nature Conservation 234 words
    21. c381W
    22. Airborne Emissions 95 words
    23. cc381-2W
    24. Ordnance Survey 370 words
    25. c382W
    26. Housing Action Trust, Sunderland 99 words
    27. c382W
    28. House Building Land 125 words
    29. cc382-3W
    30. Energy Consumption 131 words
    31. c383W
    32. Empty Farm Cottages 124 words
    33. c383W
    34. Industrial Development Grants 54 words
    35. c383W
    36. Owls 60 words
    37. c383W
    38. Water Supply 114 words
    39. c384W
    40. Water Pollution 97 words
    41. c384W
    42. Environment White Paper 56 words
    43. c384W
    44. GEC-Marconi (Toxic Gas Leak) 116 words
    45. c384W
    46. Waste Disposal 79 words
    1. cc384-5W
    2. Pensioners 104 words
    3. c385W
    4. Birmingham Pub Bombings 34 words
    5. c385W
    6. Energy Consumption 120 words
    7. c385W
    8. ANZAC Day 63 words
    9. cc385-6W
    10. Mr. Martin Galvin 176 words
    1. c386W
    2. Film Production 103 words
    3. c386W
    4. Baldrige National Quality Award 41 words
    5. c386W
    6. Measurement Accreditation 197 words
    7. c387W
    8. European Community Standards 54 words
    9. c387W
    10. Energy Consumption 136 words
    11. c387W
    12. Export Restrictions 65 words
    13. cc387-8W
    14. Iraq (Arms Component Exports) 311 words
    1. c388W
    2. Friedreich's Ataxia 113 words
    3. c388W
    4. Medical Research Council 45 words
    5. cc388-9W
    6. Environmental Enterprise Award Scheme 298 words
    7. cc389-90W
    8. Brighton CTC 746 words
    9. cc390-1W
    10. Putney CTC 224 words
    11. c391W
    12. Bronchitis and Emphysema 108 words
    13. cc391-2W
    14. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 241 words
    15. c392W
    16. University of Wales 125 words
    17. c392W
    18. Energy Consumption 150 words
    19. cc392-3W
    20. Parental Choice 227 words
    21. c393W
    22. Medway CTC 178 words
    23. cc393-4W
    24. Welsh Students 230 words
    1. c394W
    2. Prison Population 89 words
    3. c394W
    4. Pentonville Prison 143 words
    5. c394W
    6. Prisons, North-West 56 words
    7. cc394-5W
    8. Prison Disturbances 121 words
    9. c395W
    10. Prison Building 125 words
    11. c395W
    12. Local Authority Grants 84 words
    13. c395W
    14. Japanese War Criminals 84 words
    15. c395W
    16. Metropolitan Police Force 44 words
    17. c396W
    18. Prisons 88 words
    19. c396W
    20. Remand 212 words
    21. cc396-8W
    22. Overseas Voters 898 words
    23. c399W
    24. Settlement 104 words
    25. c399W
    26. Falmouth Police Station 51 words
    27. cc399-400W
    28. Magistracy 487 words
    29. c400W
    30. Mr. Viv Richards 111 words
    31. c400W
    32. Energy Consumption 42 words
    33. cc400-1W
    34. Energy Consumption 179 words
    35. c401W
    36. Metropolitan Police (Housing Allowance) 40 words
    37. c401W
    38. Wildlife Protection (Prosecutions) 106 words
    39. c401W
    40. Correspondence 50 words
    1. c401W
    2. Missile Technology Control Regime 97 words
    3. cc401-2W
    4. European Security Commission 60 words
    5. c402W
    6. Turkey 87 words
    7. c402W
    8. Rights of the Child 67 words
    9. c402W
    10. Mr. Jonathon Moyle 172 words
    11. c403W
    12. Mr. Victor Taipe Zuniga 50 words
    13. c403W
    14. Cambodia 135 words
    15. c403W
    16. Burma 51 words
    17. c403W
    18. European Community (Member States) 69 words
    19. cc403-4W
    20. European Civil Service 183 words
    21. c404W
    22. Somalia 76 words
    23. c404W
    24. Gibraltar 57 words
    25. c404W
    26. Launching Equipment 109 words
    27. cc404-5W
    28. Energy Consumption 199 words
    29. c405W
    30. Iraq (Missile Development) 61 words
    1. c405W
    2. Mr. Lorrain Osman 172 words
    1. c406W
    2. Stationery 118 words
    3. c406W
    4. European Community Business 66 words
    1. c406W
    2. Energy Consumption 129 words
  10. HEALTH
    1. cc406-7W
    2. Leighton Hospital, Crewe 395 words
    3. c407W
    4. Radiation 144 words
    5. c408W
    6. Nursing Staff 76 words
    7. c408W
    8. Special Hospitals 129 words
    9. c408W
    10. Drugs 178 words
    11. cc408-9W
    12. Blood Transfusion Service 200 words
    13. c409W
    14. Adoption (Romania) 215 words
    15. cc409-10W
    16. Residential Care Homes 287 words
    17. c410W
    18. Health Service Indicators 41 words
    19. c410W
    20. Kidney Patients (HIV Infection) 70 words
    21. c410W
    22. Energy Consumption 128 words
    23. c411W
    24. Capital Accountancy System 121 words
    25. c411W
    26. Regional Allocations 477 words
    27. cc411-2W
    28. Cot Deaths 304 words
    1. c412W
    2. Birmingham Pub Bombings 33 words
    3. cc412-3W
    4. Kincora Boys' Home 69 words
    5. c413W
    6. Terrorism (Use of Stolen Vehicles) 126 words
  12. ENERGY
    1. c413W
    2. Nuclear Power 129 words
    3. c413W
    4. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 79 words
    5. cc413-4W
    6. Electricity Companies (Audits) 132 words
    7. c414W
    8. Pollution Abatement Technology 38 words
    9. c414W
    10. Oil and Gas Resources 78 words
    11. c414W
    12. Energy Consumption 256 words
    13. c415W
    14. Fuel Exports and Imports 346 words
    15. c415W
    16. Industrial Development Grants 52 words
    17. cc415-6W
    18. Energy Efficiency Office 113 words
    19. c416W
    20. Coal Industry (Privatisation) 62 words
    1. c416W
    2. Reduced Earnings Allowance 57 words
    3. cc416-7W
    4. Vaccine Damage 499 words
    5. c417W
    6. Bronchitis and Emphysema 84 words
    7. cc417-8W
    8. 21-hour Rule 96 words
    9. c418W
    10. Family Credit 334 words
    11. c418W
    12. Vibration White Finger 63 words
    13. c419W
    14. Action Credit Schemes 115 words
    15. c419W
    16. Energy Consumption 274 words
  14. WALES
    1. cc419-20W
    2. Channel Tunnel 60 words
    3. c420W
    4. Local Government 91 words
    5. c420W
    6. Training and Enterprise Councils 122 words
    7. c420W
    8. Legislative Devolution 21 words
    9. c420W
    10. Welsh Language 49 words
    11. cc420-1W
    12. Labour Statistics 109 words
    13. cc421-3W
    14. Local Government Finance 512 words
    15. c423W
    16. Sea Defences 52 words
    17. c423W
    18. Baden-Wurttemberg 90 words
    19. c423W
    20. Transport 58 words
    21. c423W
    22. Flooding, Towyn 53 words
    23. c424W
    24. Local Income Tax 74 words
    25. c424W
    26. Waste Recycling 53 words
    27. c424W
    28. Road Deaths 144 words
    29. c424W
    30. Psychiatric Nurses 67 words
    31. cc424-5W
    32. Mental Hospital Sites 311 words
    33. cc425-6W
    34. Mental Illness 422 words
    35. c426W
    36. Office Chairs 136 words
    37. c426W
    38. Energy Consumption 140 words
    39. c427W
    40. Museum of Modern Art 88 words
    41. c427W
    42. Coastal Sediment, Anglesey 49 words
    43. c427W
    44. Management Information System 36 words
    45. c427W
    46. Rural Housing 50 words
    1. c427W
    2. Radar Emissions 59 words
    3. cc427-8W
    4. Defence Export Services 129 words
    5. c428W
    6. Stornoway Airport 347 words
    7. cc428-9W
    8. Energy Consumption 208 words
    9. c429W
    10. RAF Trials 210 words
    11. cc429-30W
    12. Low Flying 271 words
    13. c430W
    14. Near Miss (Stornoway) 37 words
    15. c430W
    16. RAF Crash, Berwickshire 30 words
    17. c430W
    18. Petrol 66 words
    1. c430W
    2. Business Appointments 32 words
    3. c431W
    4. Skill Centres 48 words
    5. c431W
    6. Civil Service Agencies 56 words
    7. c431W
    8. Civil Service (Duties and Functions) 49 words
    9. c431W
    10. Trade Unions 49 words
    11. c431W
    12. Civil Service Medical Centre 198 words
    1. c432W
    2. Irradiated Fuel 195 words
    3. c432W
    4. Air Traffic Control 187 words
    5. cc432-3W
    6. Road Deaths 155 words
    7. c433W
    8. M1 (Junction 15A) 88 words
    9. c433W
    10. EC Aviation 163 words
    11. cc433-4W
    12. Energy Consumption 137 words
    13. c434W
    14. Airline Safety 154 words
    15. c434W
    16. Long-haul Flights 107 words
    17. c434W
    18. Jump Seats 114 words
    1. c435W
    2. Energy Consumption 167 words
  19. THE ARTS
    1. c435W
    2. P G Wodehouse Memorial Library 54 words
    3. c435W
    4. Arts, South-West 50 words
    5. c435W
    6. Library Association 50 words
    7. c435W
    8. National Companies 40 words
    9. c436W
    10. Arts Companies (Trading Deficits) 114 words
    11. c436W
    12. European Community 122 words
    13. c436W
    14. Liverpool Theatres 53 words
    15. c436W
    16. Arts Funding 75 words
    17. cc436-7W
    18. Museums and Galleries 49 words
    19. c437W
    20. Welsh Arts Council 60 words
    21. c437W
    22. Arts, East Midlands 44 words
    23. c437W
    24. Works of Art (Public Viewing) 326 words
    25. c438W
    26. Arts Council 96 words
    27. c438W
    28. Public Libraries 160 words
    29. cc438-9W
    30. Business Donations 266 words
    31. c439W
    32. Repertory Theatres 75 words
    33. c439W
    34. Budget Statement 74 words
    35. cc439-40W
    36. Acceptance in Lieu 266 words
    1. c440W
    2. Local Government Finance 179 words
    3. cc440-1W
    4. Corporation Tax 93 words
    5. c441W
    6. Unit Labour Costs 574 words
    7. c442W
    8. Minimum Reserves 300 words
    9. cc442-3W
    10. Energy Consumption 156 words
    11. c443W
    12. Recycling 37 words
    13. c443W
    14. Arms Exports 92 words
    15. c443W
    16. European Monetary System 85 words
    17. cc443-4W
    18. Taxation 288 words
    1. c444W
    2. Benefits 29 words
    3. cc444-5W
    4. Gas Containers 296 words
    5. c445W
    6. Hazardous Substances 102 words
    7. c445W
    8. Advisory Committee on Women's Employment 71 words
    9. c446W
    10. Equal Pay Appeals 119 words
    11. c446W
    12. Bronchitis and Emphysema 191 words
    13. cc446-7W
    14. Health and Safety 615 words
    15. c448W
    16. Restart 142 words
    17. c448W
    18. Energy Consumption 147 words
    19. c448W
    20. Factory Inspectorate 53 words
    21. cc448-9W
    22. Employment Service 121 words
    23. c449W
    24. Public Expenditure 37 words
    1. c449W
    2. Fish Farming Advisory Committee 239 words
    3. cc449-50W
    4. Peat 139 words
    5. c450W
    6. Lead Plumbing 165 words
    7. c450W
    8. Sea Lice 182 words
    9. c450W
    10. Forestry 51 words
    11. c451W
    12. Bed-and-Breakfast Businesses 147 words
    13. cc451-2W
    14. Waste Disposal 391 words
    15. cc452-3W
    16. Contaminated Land 482 words
    17. c453W
    18. Energy Consumption 130 words
    19. cc453-4W
    20. Small Businesses 265 words
    21. c454W
    22. A77 227 words
    23. cc454-5W
    24. Police 365 words
    1. c455W
    2. Slaughter Policy 69 words
    3. cc455-6W
    4. Agriculture Support 284 words
    5. cc456-7W
    6. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 674 words
    7. c457W
    8. USSR (Agricultural Imports) 61 words
    9. c457W
    10. Eggs 115 words
    11. c458W
    12. Animal-derived Protein 92 words
    13. c458W
    14. Energy Consumption 152 words
    15. c458W
    16. Meat Imports (South America) 200 words
    17. cc459-62W
    18. Cows 1,965 words
    19. cc462-4W
    20. Cattle 297 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 30 April 1990 Series 5 Vol. 518

  4. ORDNANCE SURVEY 366 words