Written Answers (Commons) of 1 February 1994 Series 6 Vol. 236

    1. c595W
    2. Fraud 145 words
    1. c595W
    2. Regional Health Authorities 88 words
    3. cc595-6W
    4. Public Relations 105 words
    5. c596W
    6. Paintings and Photographs 75 words
    7. c596W
    8. Overseas Adoption Helpline 138 words
    9. c596W
    10. Learning Disabilities 71 words
    11. cc596-7W
    12. Paediatric Consultants 166 words
    13. c597W
    14. Consultants 108 words
    15. c597W
    16. Drug Abuse 101 words
    17. c597W
    18. Mr. Richard Marsh 62 words
    19. cc597-8W
    20. International Peto Institute 147 words
    21. c598W
    22. Diabetics 175 words
    23. cc598-9W
    24. Hypnosis 190 words
    25. c599W
    26. NHS Trusts 80 words
    27. c599W
    28. Hospital Admissions 136 words
    29. cc599-600W
    30. Hospital Waiting Lists 198 words
    31. c600W
    32. Skin Disorders 155 words
    33. c600W
    34. Health Expenditure 155 words
    35. cc600-1W
    36. Consultant Referrals 104 words
    37. cc601-2W
    38. Hospital Treatment 591 words
    39. cc602-3W
    40. Ambulance Response Times 76 words
    41. c603W
    42. Accident and Emergency Departments 89 words
    43. c603W
    44. Fraud 265 words
    45. cc603-4W
    46. Patient Care 172 words
    47. c604W
    48. NHS Pay 106 words
    1. cc604-5W
    2. St. Helena 308 words
    3. c605W
    4. Kashmir 69 words
    5. cc605-6W
    6. Nuclear Weapons 253 words
    7. c606W
    8. India 203 words
    9. cc606-7W
    10. Sudan 311 words
    11. c607W
    12. Fraud 175 words
    13. c607W
    14. Malaysian Arms Deal 41 words
    1. cc607-8W
    2. North Sea Oil 389 words
    3. c608W
    4. Correspondence 42 words
    5. c608W
    6. Maintenance Orders 96 words
    7. c608W
    8. Special Advisers 62 words
    9. cc608-9W
    10. Gross Domestic Product 76 words
    11. c609W
    12. Community Care Expenditure 390 words
    13. cc609-10W
    14. Nora Heeren 100 words
    15. c610W
    16. Mortgage Interest Relief 228 words
    1. c610W
    2. Nuclear Materials 42 words
    3. c610W
    4. No. 10 Downing Street 65 words
    5. cc610-1W
    6. Scott Inquiry 55 words
    7. c611W
    8. Oceanographic Laboratory 64 words
    9. c611W
    10. Public Bodies 137 words
    11. cc611-2W
    12. Meetings 495 words
    13. c612W
    14. Iraq 70 words
    15. c612W
    16. Engagements 61 words
    17. cc612-3W
    18. Malaysia 97 words
    1. c613W
    2. Paintings and Photographs 82 words
    3. c613W
    4. Tobacco 111 words
    5. cc613-4W
    6. Newsprint and Timber (Imports) 278 words
    7. c614W
    8. Oil and Gas Reserves 303 words
    9. cc614-5W
    10. Exporters (Support) 341 words
    11. cc615-6W
    12. Insolvency Service 495 words
    13. c616W
    14. Phoenix Companies 90 words
    15. cc616-7W
    16. Electricity Franchises 94 words
    17. c617W
    18. Nuclear Material 91 words
    19. c617W
    20. Scott Inquiry 53 words
    21. c617W
    22. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 91 words
    23. c617W
    24. Export Control Compliance 49 words
    25. cc617-8W
    26. Departmental Directory 35 words
    27. c618W
    28. Electricity Pricing 67 words
    29. c618W
    30. Fraud 88 words
    31. cc618-9W
    32. Cetaceans 301 words
    33. c619W
    34. Export Licences 144 words
    35. cc619-20W
    36. Human Genes (Patenting) 188 words
    37. c620W
    38. Late Payment 85 words
    39. c620W
    40. Nora Heeren 47 words
    41. c620W
    42. European Plug and Socket System 210 words
    1. cc620-1W
    2. Grants (Remission of Debt) 159 words
    3. c621W
    4. Theatres 103 words
    5. c621W
    6. Regional Orchestras 189 words
    7. cc621-2W
    8. Concessionary Television Licence Scheme 64 words
    9. c622W
    10. Royal Palaces (Accommodation) 356 words
    11. cc622-3W
    12. "Back to Basics" 131 words
    13. c623W
    14. Statutory Sick Pay 71 words
    15. c623W
    16. Tower of London 211 words
    1. cc623-4W
    2. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 91 words
    3. c624W
    4. Environmental Approach (Launch Meeting) 123 words
    5. c624W
    6. Hotels (Change of Use) 45 words
    7. c624W
    8. Environmental Conference 50 words
    9. c624W
    10. Nuclear Waste 84 words
    11. c624W
    12. Radioactive Waste Inventory 71 words
    13. cc624-5W
    14. Energy Conservation 54 words
    15. c625W
    16. Market Franchises 61 words
    1. cc625-6W
    2. Airports (Night Flying) 860 words
    3. cc626-7W
    4. Channel Tunnel 506 words
    5. cc627-8W
    6. Vehicle Insurance 104 words
    7. c628W
    8. Transport Policy 51 words
    9. cc628-30W
    10. Ports 783 words
    11. cc630-1W
    12. A19 280 words
    13. c631W
    14. MV Nora Heeren 67 words
    15. c631W
    16. M40 56 words
    17. c631W
    18. Coaches (Weight) 425 words
    1. cc631-2W
    2. Paintings and Photographs 26 words
    3. c632W
    4. London to Warsaw Air Services 120 words
    5. cc632-3W
    6. Driving Standards Agency 260 words
    7. c633W
    8. Prisoners (Christmas Leave) 43 words
    9. c633W
    10. Public Appointments 72 words
    11. c633W
    12. Arable Area Scheme 104 words
    13. cc633-4W
    14. Fraud 172 words
    1. c634W
    2. Fishing Vessels (Safety) 120 words
    3. c634W
    4. Fraud 60 words
    5. c634W
    6. GATT 176 words
    7. cc634-5W
    8. Bovine Embryo Transfers 132 words
    9. c635W
    10. Paintings and Photographs 105 words
    11. c635W
    12. Arable Area Payments Scheme 240 words
    13. cc635-6W
    14. Salmon 232 words
    15. cc636-7W
    16. Milk 302 words
    1. c637W
    2. Liberian Trust Fund 56 words
    3. c637W
    4. Humanitarian Aid 71 words
    5. c637W
    6. Eastern Europe 108 words
    7. c637W
    8. Aid Programme 97 words
    9. cc637-8W
    10. World Bank 64 words
    11. c638W
    12. South Africa 106 words
    13. c638W
    14. Yugoslavia 192 words
    1. cc638-9W
    2. Voter Registration 297 words
    3. c639W
    4. Secure Training Centres 157 words
    5. cc639-40W
    6. Terrorism 513 words
    7. cc640-1W
    8. Sharon Tabarn 70 words
    9. c641W
    10. Mohammed Riaz and Abdul Raja 70 words
    11. c641W
    12. Life Sentences 267 words
    13. cc641-2W
    14. Prison Dog Service 177 words
    15. c642W
    16. Fire Service College 437 words
    17. cc642-3W
    18. Prisons (Code of Standards) 50 words
    19. c643W
    20. Prison Service Headquarters 265 words
    21. cc643-4W
    22. Obscene Publications 244 words
    23. c644W
    24. Buckley Hall Prison 163 words
    25. cc644-5W
    26. Asylum 529 words
    27. c645W
    28. Mr. Glens Tarimo 52 words
    29. cc645-6W
    30. Prisons (Market Testing) 168 words
    31. c646W
    32. Crime Victims 204 words
    33. cc646-7W
    34. Detainees (Escorts) 229 words
    35. c647W
    36. Deportees (Drugs Administration) 98 words
    37. c647W
    38. New Prisons 248 words
    39. cc647-8W
    40. Dog Attacks 44 words
    41. c648W
    42. Ethnic Minorities (Grants) 87 words
    43. c648W
    44. Safer Cities 265 words
    45. cc648-9W
    46. Fire and Emergency Calls 88 words
    47. c649W
    48. Airline Securities Consultants Ltd. 242 words
    49. cc649-50W
    50. Research Projects 277 words
    51. c650W
    52. Criminology Researchers 135 words
    53. c650W
    54. Deportation 96 words
    55. cc650-2W
    56. Hoax Fire Calls 747 words
    57. c652W
    58. Immigration (Children) 56 words
    59. c652W
    60. Prisoners (Press Interviews) 193 words
    61. cc652-7W
    62. Young Prisoners 2,397 words
  14. WALES
    1. cc657-8W
    2. Housing Revenue Account 356 words
    3. cc658-9W
    4. Children (Benefits) 140 words
    5. c659W
    6. Vehicle Registration Mark 105 words
    7. c659W
    8. Fraud 86 words
    9. c659W
    10. Welsh Development Agency 107 words
    11. cc659-60W
    12. Council Housing Receipts 309 words
    1. cc660-1W
    2. Fraud 139 words
    3. c661W
    4. Drugs (Unsuccessful Prosecutions) 149 words
    1. cc661-2W
    2. Statutory Sick Pay 82 words
    3. c662W
    4. Public Appointments 68 words
    5. cc662-3W
    6. Market Testing 58 words
    1. c663W
    2. Wages 56 words
    3. c663W
    4. Paintings and Photographs 105 words
    5. c663W
    6. Special Advisers 56 words
    7. c663W
    8. Training and Enterprise Councils 129 words
    9. cc663-4W
    10. Employees (Food) 67 words
    11. c664W
    12. Maternity Leave 90 words
    13. c664W
    14. ILO Conventions 178 words
    15. c664W
    16. Stansted Airport 51 words
    17. cc664-5W
    18. Redundant People 87 words
    19. c665W
    20. Redundancies 191 words
    21. c665W
    22. GCHQ 118 words
    1. cc665-6W
    2. Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant 184 words
    3. c666W
    4. Vickers Armoured Vehicle 28 words
    5. c666W
    6. Horizon Programme 129 words
    7. cc666-7W
    8. Departmental Dwellings 194 words
    9. c667W
    10. South Citadel Building, Whitehall 99 words
    11. c667W
    12. Nimrod Aircraft 187 words
    13. cc667-8W
    14. Search and Rescue 159 words
    15. c668W
    16. Malaysian Arms Deal 30 words
    17. c668W
    18. SSN Flotilla 146 words
    1. c668W
    2. Technology College Status 57 words
    3. cc668-9W
    4. Grant-maintained Schools 330 words
    5. cc669-70W
    6. Nursery Education 274 words
    7. c670W
    8. Truancy 152 words
    9. c670W
    10. Ministerial Visits 37 words
    11. cc670-1W
    12. Performance Tables 80 words
    13. c671W
    14. Capital Expenditure 76 words
    15. c671W
    16. Education Policies, Redbridge 51 words
    17. c671W
    18. Religious Education 59 words
    19. c671W
    20. Capital Works 81 words
    21. c671W
    22. Special Educational Needs 80 words
    23. cc671-2W
    24. Dearing Report 110 words
    25. c672W
    26. Training Targets 71 words
    27. c672W
    28. Surplus Places 71 words
    29. c672W
    30. Further Education 97 words
    31. cc672-3W
    32. School Discipline 91 words
    33. c673W
    34. Fraud 85 words
    35. c673W
    36. Education Expenditure (Cornwall) 41 words
    37. c673W
    38. Regional Offices (Training) 87 words
    39. c673W
    40. Student Publications 76 words
    41. c673W
    42. Office for Standards in Education 47 words
    43. cc673-4W
    44. Regional Offices 33 words
    45. c674W
    46. Dance and Drama 57 words
    47. c674W
    48. Music and Arts Advisory Services 76 words
    1. cc674-5W
    2. Glenlight Shipping 430 words
    3. cc675-6W
    4. Timber Barges 336 words
    5. cc676-7W
    6. Trunk Roads 615 words
    7. c677W
    8. A91 89 words
    9. cc677-8W
    10. Rose McCormack 73 words
    11. cc678-9W
    12. Fraud 146 words
    13. c679W
    14. NHS Trusts (Pay) 119 words
    15. c679W
    16. Dounreay 102 words
    17. cc679-81W
    18. Public Appointments 544 words
    19. c681W
    20. Scottish Homes 69 words
    21. c681W
    22. Criminals (Employment Status) 66 words
    23. cc681-2W
    24. Highlands and Islands Objective 1 Plan 338 words
    25. c682W
    26. European Structural Funds 93 words
    27. c682W
    28. GP Fundholders 255 words
    29. cc682-3W
    30. Dental Practices 370 words
    31. cc683-4W
    32. Prescriptions 342 words
    33. c684W
    34. Dental Treatment 213 words
    35. cc684-6W
    36. Council House Sales 453 words
    37. c686W
    38. Milk 79 words
    39. c686W
    40. Meigle Cottage Hospital 172 words
    41. c686W
    42. Forestry Commission 53 words
    1. cc686-7W
    2. Goode Report 51 words
    3. c687W
    4. Rhinitis 104 words
    5. c687W
    6. Housing Benefit 175 words
    7. cc687-9W
    8. Child Support Agency 1,268 words
    9. cc689-90W
    10. Invalidity Pension 186 words
    11. cc690-1W
    12. Invalidity Benefit 66 words
    13. c691W
    14. Social Fund Loans 84 words
    15. c691W
    16. Hearing Loss 148 words
    17. c691W
    18. Benefits (Calculation) 50 words
    19. c691W
    20. Bronchitis and Emphysema (Compensation) 97 words
    21. cc691-2W
    22. Income Support Personal Allowance 47 words
    23. c692W
    24. Child Support Act 1991 446 words
    25. cc692-3W
    26. Fraud 148 words
    27. c693W
    28. Pensions 70 words
    29. c693W
    30. Industrial Injury Claims 162 words
    31. cc693-4W
    32. Pensioners (Benefits) 237 words
    33. cc694-5W
    34. Compensation Payments 456 words
    35. cc695-6W
    36. Pension Schemes 283 words