Mr James Hope

1870 - February 14, 1949
Summary information for Mr James Hope



AFTER WHITSUNTIDE. Commons February 7, 1911

2 speeches — BALLOT FOR BILLS AND MOTIONS. Commons February 7, 1911

Development Fund (Cultivation of Sugar Beet). Commons February 8, 1911

West Wiltshire (Westbury) Election. Commons February 9, 1911

Licensed Clubs. Commons February 9, 1911

Parliamentary Session. Commons February 13, 1911

2 speeches — Imperial Revenue and Expenditure. Commons February 14, 1911

Agricultural Rates Act. Commons February 16, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons February 16, 1911

3 speeches — CLASS I.—ROYAL PALACES. Commons February 17, 1911

2 speeches — United States and Canada (Tariff Agreement). Commons February 20, 1911

Imperial Conference. Commons February 20, 1911

BUDGET (1910) RESOLUTIONS. Commons February 20, 1911

2 speeches — United States and Canada (Tariff Agreement). Commons February 23, 1911

United States and Canada (Tariff Agreement). Commons February 27, 1911

Constitutional Conference, 1910. Commons February 27, 1911

BUSINESS FOR NEXT WEEK. Commons March 2, 1911

2 speeches — CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CLASS II.). Commons March 3, 1911

4 speeches — VALUATION AND BOUNDARY SUREVEY, IRELAND. (CLASS 2.) Commons March 6, 1911

2 speeches — United States and Canada (Tariff Agreement). Commons March 7, 1911

Calcutta University Curriculum. Commons March 7, 1911

Constitutional Procedure. Commons March 8, 1911

2 speeches — VOTE ON ACCOUNT. Commons March 8, 1911

2 speeches — LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTS. Commons March 9, 1911

6 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Avoidance of contracts for payment of Increment Value Duty by transferee or lessee.) Commons March 9, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Right of Commissioners of Inland Revenue to Appeal Against Decision of Referee.) Commons March 9, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Annual Value for the purpose of Excite Licences.) Commons March 9, 1911

CLAUSE 5.—(Recovery of Instalments of Unpaid Duty on Licence in Force at Time of Passing of Act.) Commons March 9, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 6.—(Sections 4, 25 and 27 of 1 and 2 William IV. c. 32 not to apply to live game birds in certain cases.) Commons March 9, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 9.—(Exemption in certain cases of leases from increased Stamp Duty so far as consideration consists of a capital sum.) Commons March 9, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 10.—(Repeal of S. 91 of 10 Edw, 7, c. 5.) Commons March 9, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 11.—(Payment to Local Taxation Account of fixed sum, in respect of the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Duties.) Commons March 9, 1911

4 speeches — Civil Service Examinations. Written Answers March 9, 1911

2 speeches — Civil Service (Appointments). Written Answers March 9, 1911

OLD AGE PENSIONS (CLASS 6). Commons March 10, 1911

Turkish Customs Duties. Commons March 16, 1911

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 16, 1911

Scottish Land Bill. Commons March 20, 1911

2 speeches — Turkish Import Duties. Commons March 21, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 22, 1911

House of Commons (Late Sittings). Commons March 23, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 23, 1911

CLAUSE 1.—Issue of £476,815 11s. 8d. out of the Consolidated, Fund for the service of the years ending 31st March, 1910 and 1911. Commons March 24, 1911

14 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—Power for the Treasury to borrow. 40 & 41 Vict. c. 2. Commons March 24, 1911

Railway Servants (Wages and Price of Food). Commons March 28, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons March 28, 1911

House of Commons (Sittings). Commons March 29, 1911

Naval Strength. Commons March 30, 1911

Death Duties. Commons March 30, 1911

House of Lords (Judicial Powers). Commons April 3, 1911

3 speeches — PARLIAMENT BILL. Commons April 3, 1911

5 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bill.) Commons April 3, 1911

9 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bill.) Commons April 4, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Hill.) Commons April 5, 1911

3 speeches — Income Tax Collectors (Instructions). Commons April 6, 1911

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons April 6, 1911

Income Tax Collection. Commons April 10, 1911


10 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bill.) Commons April 10, 1911

2 speeches — Income Tax Collection. Commons April 11, 1911

13 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bill.) Commons April 11, 1911

3 speeches — Income Tax. Written Answers April 11, 1911

6 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bills.) Commons April 18, 1911

CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons April 20, 1911

4 speeches — PARLIAMENT BILL. Commons April 20, 1911

4 speeches — POWERS OF CROWN. Commons April 24, 1911

3 speeches — WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT. Commons April 24, 1911

10 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons April 25, 1911

CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons April 26, 1911

15 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons May 1, 1911

7 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Certificate of Speaker.) Commons May 2, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Saving for existing rights and privileges of the House of Commons.) Commons May 2, 1911

CLAUSE 6.—(Short title.) Commons May 2, 1911

New CLAUSE.—(Saving for Lords Amendments to Bills other than Money Bills.)— [Mr. James Hope.] Commons May 2, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 4, 1911

3 speeches — PARLIAMENT BILL (ALLOCATION OF TIME). Commons May 8, 1911

BALLOT PAPER. Commons May 8, 1911

2 speeches — PARLIAMENT BILL. Commons May 9, 1911

5 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bills.) Commons May 9, 1911

PARLIAMENT BILL. Commons May 15, 1911


Births and Deaths (Scotland). Commons May 24, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons May 25, 1911

Wages (Britain, Germany, America and France). Commons May 29, 1911

Merchandise Marks Act (Sewing Machine Parts). Commons May 29, 1911

Members of Parliament (Pensions and Salaries). Commons May 30, 1911

Independent Party (Cross Benches). Commons May 30, 1911


Insurrection in Northern Albania. Commons June 28, 1911

Parliament Bill. Commons June 28, 1911

Insurrection in Northern Albania. Commons June 29, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons June 29, 1911

2 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE [MONEY]. Commons July 4, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Insured Persons.) Commons July 5, 1911


Northern Albania. Commons July 6, 1911

Finance Bill (1911–12). Commons July 6, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Exemptions.) Commons July 6, 1911

2 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE (FINANCIAL RESOLUTION). Commons July 7, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Contributions by Insured Persons, Employers, and the Treasury.) Commons July 7, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Rates and rules for contributions by employed contributors and their employers.) Commons July 10, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Rates and rules for contributions by employed contributors and their employers.) Commons July 11, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 6.—(Change from Voluntary Rate to Employed Rate, and vice versa). Commons July 11, 1911

CLAUSE 8.—(Rates and Conditions of Benefits.) Commons July 11, 1911

CONVICTS' CONTRIBUTIONS. Commons July 12, 1911

2 speeches — Declaration of London. Commons July 12, 1911

2 speeches — TURKEY AND ALBANIA. Commons July 12, 1911

TELEPHONE TRANSFER BILL. Commons July 14, 1911

2 speeches — Albania. Commons July 17, 1911

Licence for Stage Plays (London Hippodrome). Commons July 17, 1911

14 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Rates and Conditions of Benefits.) Commons July 17, 1911

CLAUSE 8.—(Rates and Conditions of Benefits.) Commons July 18, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 9.—(Reduced Sales of Benefit in Certain Cases.) Commons July 18, 1911

NATIONAL INSUEANCE BILL. Commons July 18, 1911

CLAUSE 10.—(Reduced Rates of Benefits where Contributions are in Arrear.) Commons July 19, 1911

7 speeches — CLAUSE 11.—(Provisions in the Case of Contributors Entitled to Compensation or Damages.) Commons July 19, 1911

Parliament Bill (Home Rule). Commons July 25, 1911

2 speeches — IRISH AMENDMENTS. Commons July 26, 1911

Financial Relations (Great Britain and Ireland). Commons July 26, 1911

Albania. Commons July 27, 1911

Standing Committee Procedure. Commons July 27, 1911

Training College Regulations. Commons July 27, 1911

FOREIGN OFFICE. Commons July 27, 1911

CORRECTION. Commons July 31, 1911

Albania. Commons August 8, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bills.) Commons August 8, 1911

Payment of Members. Commons August 9, 1911

2 speeches — BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons August 9, 1911

6 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Grant for the Purpose of the Telegraph Acts.) Commons August 11, 1911

Trade of Empire (Royal Commission). Commons October 26, 1911

CLAUSE 18.—(Conditions for the Approval of Approved Societies.) Commons October 26, 1911

CLAUSE 19.—(Special Provisions for Employers' Superannuation Funds, etc.) Commons October 27, 1911

2 speeches — Clause 20.—(Security to be Given by Approved Societies.) Commons October 27, 1911

10 speeches — CLAUSE 21.—(Approved Societies to Provide for Local Administration, etc.) Commons October 27, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 24.—(Admission of Insured Persons to Membership in Approved Societies.) Commons October 30, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 25.—(Transfer from one Approved Society to Another.) Commons October 30, 1911

3 speeches — Italian Most-Favoured-Nation Treaty. Commons October 31, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 31, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 31.—(Deficit.) Commons October 31, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 32.—(Provisions as to Deposit Contributors.) Commons November 1, 1911

Brussels Sugar Convention. Commons November 2, 1911

VOLUNTARY MEDICAL OFFICERS. Commons November 7, 1911

Telephone Transfer. Commons November 7, 1911

Steel Dredgers. Commons November 7, 1911

Great Britain and Ireland (Financial Relations). Commons November 8, 1911

12 speeches — CLAUSE 55.—(Provisions as to Application of Existing Funds of Friendly Societies.) Commons November 10, 1911

Passive Resistance (Education Act). Commons November 13, 1911

PART II.—EXCEPTIONS. Commons November 20, 1911

Appointment of Justices. Commons November 21, 1911

SIR EDWARD GREY'S STATEMENT. Commons November 27, 1911

Colonial Trade Commissioners. Commons November 28, 1911

NATIONAL INSURANCE BILL. Commons November 28, 1911

NEW CLAUSE [Read a second time, 28th November.] Commons November 29, 1911

Oxford University. Commons December 4, 1911

6 speeches — FINANCE [SINKING FUND]. Commons December 7, 1911

Telephone Transfer (Local Rates). Written Answers December 13, 1911

Excise Service. Written Answers December 14, 1911

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.