Written Answers (Commons) of 6 June 1989 Series 6 Vol. 154

    1. c1W
    2. Listening Devices 55 words
    3. c1W
    4. Legal Reform 69 words
    5. c1W
    6. Liverpool Law Circuit 140 words
  2. WALES
    1. cc1-2W
    2. Mid Wales Development Board 111 words
    3. c2W
    4. General Practitioners 82 words
    5. c2W
    6. Inward Investment 163 words
    7. c2W
    8. Airports 100 words
    9. cc2-3W
    10. North-South Road 46 words
    11. c3W
    12. Roads (Expenditure) 202 words
    13. c3W
    14. M54 55 words
    15. c3W
    16. North, Central and South Rail Link 34 words
    17. c3W
    18. Railway Electrification 43 words
    19. cc3-4W
    20. Community Charge 145 words
    21. cc4-5W
    22. Hospital Waiting Lists 563 words
    1. c5W
    2. Nerds 70 words
    3. cc5-6W
    4. Agricultural Development Programmes 479 words
    5. cc6-7W
    6. Fishing (Aid) 512 words
    7. cc7-8W
    8. Farmers (Payments) 682 words
    9. cc8-9W
    10. Fishing Vessels 202 words
    11. c9W
    12. Fish Landings 210 words
    13. c9W
    14. Artificial Insemination 38 words
    15. cc9-11W
    16. Salmonella 571 words
    17. c11W
    18. Food Defences (Thames Estuary) 155 words
    19. cc11-2W
    20. BSE 320 words
    21. c12W
    22. Animal Test Certificate (Pharmaceutical Products) 217 words
    23. c12W
    24. Nitrate-sensitive Areas 106 words
    25. cc12-3W
    26. Hydatid Disease 152 words
    27. c13W
    28. Sheepmeat Regime 78 words
    29. c13W
    30. Agricultural Statistics Act 1979 157 words
    31. cc13-4W
    32. Untreated Milk 162 words
    33. c14W
    34. Milk (Bovine Somatotropin) 128 words
    35. c14W
    36. Food Quality and Safety 151 words
    1. c14W
    2. Regional Pay 44 words
    3. cc14-5W
    4. Teachers (Recruitment) 296 words
    5. c15W
    6. Student Unions 187 words
    7. cc15-6W
    8. National Curriculum 344 words
    9. cc16-7W
    10. Careers Education 130 words
    11. c17W
    12. Higher Education 47 words
    13. c17W
    14. Dyslexia 91 words
    15. c17W
    16. Pupil Testing 251 words
    17. cc17-8W
    18. Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals 51 words
    19. c18W
    20. Student Loans 285 words
    21. c18W
    22. Careers Education 94 words
    23. cc18-9W
    24. Language Study 442 words
    25. cc19-20W
    26. Morris Report 131 words
    27. c20W
    28. School Governors 88 words
    29. c20W
    30. Parents 61 words
    31. c20W
    32. Teacher Training 56 words
    33. c20W
    34. Capital Programme (Cornwall) 81 words
    35. cc20-1W
    36. City and Guilds Institute 140 words
    37. c21W
    38. Zidovudine 69 words
    39. c21W
    40. Creches 86 words
    41. c21W
    42. Listening Devices 63 words
    43. cc21-2W
    44. Teachers' Pay 108 words
    45. c22W
    46. School Milk 58 words
    47. cc22-3W
    48. Medical Research 386 words
    49. c23W
    50. Staff Dispersal 99 words
    1. c23W
    2. Actions for Debt 77 words
    3. c23W
    4. Electricity Privatisation 67 words
    5. c23W
    6. Alcohol Misuse 64 words
    7. cc23-4W
    8. Liver Transplants 104 words
    9. c24W
    10. Cancer Screening 109 words
    11. c24W
    12. Hospital Consultants (Study Leave) 130 words
    13. c24W
    14. Planning Appeals 43 words
    15. cc24-5W
    16. Forestry 87 words
    17. c25W
    18. Student Fees 355 words
    19. cc25-6W
    20. Plastic Flowers (Lennox Castle Hospital) 69 words
    21. c26W
    22. Dental Practice Board 193 words
    23. c26W
    24. Dental Practitioners 90 words
    25. c26W
    26. Community Care 128 words
    27. cc26-7W
    28. Concessionary Travel 84 words
    29. c27W
    30. Self-governing Schools 118 words
    31. c27W
    32. Scottish Enterprise 62 words
    33. c27W
    34. Community Charge 92 words
    35. cc27-8W
    36. Severe Weather Payments 95 words
    37. c28W
    38. Bellwin Scheme 118 words
    39. c28W
    40. Woodland Grant Scheme 102 words
    41. c28W
    42. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist 82 words
    43. c28W
    44. Electoral Registers 69 words
    45. cc28-9W
    46. Single Market 170 words
    47. c29W
    48. EC Funds 253 words
    49. cc29-30W
    50. Prisons (Lawyers' Visits) 160 words
    1. c30W
    2. Iraq 198 words
    3. c30W
    4. Kurds 94 words
    5. cc30-1W
    6. Mr. John McCarthey 100 words
    7. c31W
    8. Nelson Mandela 89 words
    9. c31W
    10. Refuseniks 91 words
    11. c31W
    12. George Belitsky 68 words
    13. cc31-2W
    14. Partial Test Ban Treaty 87 words
    15. c32W
    16. Mr. Douglas Forsyth 217 words
    17. c32W
    18. Nuclear Weapons 99 words
    19. cc32-3W
    20. Environmental Protection 108 words
    21. c33W
    22. Missiles 111 words
    23. c33W
    24. Falkland Fisheries 77 words
    25. c33W
    26. Hong Kong 77 words
    27. c33W
    28. Namibia 50 words
    29. cc33-4W
    30. Israel 90 words
    31. c34W
    32. Spying 76 words
    33. c34W
    34. Vietnamese Refugees 153 words
    35. c34W
    36. Listening Devices 52 words
    37. c34W
    38. Chemical Weapons 62 words
    39. cc34-5W
    40. Ivory 193 words
    41. c35W
    42. Military Aid 65 words
    43. c35W
    44. Belize 54 words
    1. cc35-6W
    2. Coal Industry (Yorkshire) 144 words
    3. c36W
    4. Nuclear Safeguards 99 words
    5. cc36-7W
    6. Harwell Nuclear Plant 712 words
    7. c37W
    8. Listening Devices 38 words
    9. cc37-8W
    10. Nuclear Reactors (Safety) 208 words
    1. c38W
    2. Natural Gas 62 words
    3. cc38-9W
    4. Carrick House Hostel 487 words
    5. c39W
    6. Dental Examinations 173 words
    7. cc39-40W
    8. Grey Squirrels 87 words
    9. c40W
    10. Health Board Assets 123 words
    11. c40W
    12. Publicity 98 words
    13. cc40-1W
    14. Police Posts 323 words
    15. c41W
    16. Telephone System 175 words
    1. cc41-2W
    2. Alcohol Misuse 154 words
    3. c42W
    4. Crime Prevention 66 words
    5. c42W
    6. Vote Tracing 80 words
    7. c42W
    8. Passport Checks (Airports) 74 words
    9. cc42-3W
    10. Crime Prevention (Surrey) 171 words
    11. c43W
    12. Prison Officers (Relocation) 139 words
    13. cc43-4W
    14. Asylum 227 words
    15. c44W
    16. Youth Custody 148 words
    17. cc44-5W
    18. Popplewell Report 333 words
    19. c45W
    20. Police (Video Surveillance Equipment) 72 words
    21. cc45-6W
    22. Turkish Nationals 623 words
    23. cc46-50W
    24. Passports 1,654 words
    25. c50W
    26. Listening Devices 123 words
    27. c50W
    28. Vietnamese Refugees 292 words
    29. cc50-1W
    30. Visa Applications 215 words
    31. c51W
    32. Remand (Leeds) 66 words
    33. c51W
    34. Prison Service (Recruits) 71 words
    35. c51W
    36. Incest 32 words
    37. cc51-2W
    38. Prison Staff 156 words
    39. cc52-3W
    40. Her Majesty's Prison, Leicester 548 words
    41. c53W
    42. Alcoholic Prisoners 123 words
    43. c53W
    44. Eames Report 58 words
    45. cc53-4W
    46. Police Vehicles 101 words
    1. c54W
    2. Disaster and Refugee Units 180 words
    3. cc54-5W
    4. Disaster Relief 236 words
    5. c55W
    6. Renewable Energy 157 words
    7. c55W
    8. Energy Conservation 129 words
    9. c55W
    10. Mozambique 103 words
    11. cc55-6W
    12. Fiji 105 words
    1. c56W
    2. Civil Service College 143 words
    1. c56W
    2. Departmental Staff (Relocation) 90 words
    3. cc56-7W
    4. Strikes (Statistics) 206 words
    5. c57W
    6. International Agreements (ILO) 50 words
    7. c57W
    8. Construction Industry Training Board 88 words
    9. c57W
    10. Unemployment Benefit 58 words
    11. c57W
    12. Listening Devices 59 words
    13. cc57-8W
    14. Disablement Advisory Service 311 words
    15. c58W
    16. Non-EEC Workers 89 words
    17. cc58-61W
    18. Labour Statistics 2,169 words
    19. c61W
    20. Wages Councils 107 words
    21. cc61-2W
    22. Employment Training 57 words
    1. cc62-6W
    2. Sprint Programme 821 words
    3. c66W
    4. Innovation and Technology Transfer 69 words
    5. c66W
    6. Manufacturing Industry 155 words
    7. cc66-9W
    8. Trade Statistics 556 words
    9. c69W
    10. Iraq 58 words
    11. cc69-70W
    12. Textile Products 94 words
    13. c70W
    14. Manufacturing Investment (North-East) 188 words
    15. c70W
    16. Listening Devices 85 words
    17. cc70-1W
    18. EC (Footwear Imports) 266 words
    19. c71W
    20. Post Office Users National Council 82 words
    21. c71W
    22. Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management 128 words
    23. c71W
    24. Postal Monopoly (LSE Report) 87 words
    25. cc71-2W
    26. Post Office Counters 72 words
    27. c72W
    28. Post Office Parcels 35 words
    29. c72W
    30. Post Office Board 92 words
    31. c72W
    32. ECPT (EC Paper) 84 words
    33. c72W
    34. Post Office 39 words
    35. c72W
    36. Remail 41 words
    37. cc72-3W
    38. Postal Service 100 words
    39. c73W
    40. Courier Services (Anti-competitive Practices) 53 words
    41. c73W
    42. Letter Deliveries 132 words
    43. c73W
    44. Public and Private Postal Services Working Group 106 words
    45. cc73-4W
    46. Postal Officials (New Zealand) 73 words
    47. c74W
    48. Hearing Aids 228 words
    49. c74W
    50. Ivory 48 words
    51. cc74-5W
    52. Finished Manufactures 363 words
    53. c75W
    54. Hand-held Video Cameras 57 words
    55. c75W
    56. Tariffs 54 words
    57. cc75-6W
    58. Iron and Steel Imports 289 words
    1. c76W
    2. State Pension Age 135 words
    3. cc76-7W
    4. Deaf-blind People 133 words
    5. c77W
    6. Community Care Grants 127 words
    7. c77W
    8. Income Support Claimants 73 words
    9. cc77-8W
    10. Community Charge 320 words
    11. c78W
    12. AIDS 122 words
    13. c78W
    14. Listening Devices 39 words
    15. c78W
    16. "Our Business is Service" 46 words
    17. c78W
    18. Budgeting Loans and Community Care Grants 63 words
    19. cc78-9W
    20. Family Credit 76 words
    21. c79W
    22. Benefits 162 words
    1. c79W
    2. Archaeological Investigations 124 words
    3. cc79-80W
    4. Water Undertakings 87 words
    5. c80W
    6. Historic Buildings 123 words
    7. c80W
    8. Commercial Premises 49 words
    9. c80W
    10. Planning 102 words
    11. cc80-1W
    12. South Yorkshire Valuation and Community Charge Tribunal (Members) 289 words
    13. c81W
    14. Waste Disposal 164 words
    15. c81W
    16. Steel-framed Houses 59 words
    17. cc81-2W
    18. Capital Accounting 123 words
    19. c82W
    20. Popplewell Report 139 words
    21. c82W
    22. Water Pollution 139 words
    23. c82W
    24. Nature Conservancy Council 50 words
    25. cc82-3W
    26. Riso Conference 79 words
    27. cc83-4W
    28. Ozone Layer 153 words
    29. cc84-5W
    30. "Health for All By The Year 2000" 91 words
    31. c85W
    32. Corby New Town 189 words
    33. cc85-6W
    34. Air Quality 216 words
    35. c86W
    36. Acid Rain 125 words
    37. c86W
    38. Simplified Planning Zones 64 words
    39. c86W
    40. Ports (Rating) 61 words
    41. c86W
    42. Water Use 72 words
    43. cc86-7W
    44. Water Stocks 38 words
    45. c87W
    46. Housing Associations 76 words
    47. c87W
    48. Management and Maintenance 186 words
    49. c87W
    50. Listening Devices 54 words
    51. cc87-8W
    52. Community Charge 190 words
    53. c88W
    54. Nene Washes Site 88 words
    55. cc88-9W
    56. Sewage Sludge (Dumping) 251 words
    57. c89W
    58. Community Charge (Nottingham) 65 words
    59. c89W
    60. Severn Estuary 244 words
    61. cc89-90W
    62. Beaches 226 words
    63. c90W
    64. North West Water (Land Development Officer) 119 words
    65. cc90-1W
    66. Housing Costs 308 words
    67. c91W
    68. Gipsies 121 words
    69. cc91-2W
    70. Endangered Species 302 words
    71. c92W
    72. Nature Reserves 172 words
    73. c92W
    74. Radioactive Waste 250 words
    75. cc92-3W
    76. Tributyl Tin (Pollution) 105 words
    77. c93W
    78. Drought Forecasts 69 words
    79. c93W
    80. Rents 128 words
    81. c93W
    82. General Anaesthetic (Minors) 129 words
  16. HEALTH
    1. c94W
    2. Food Poisoning 166 words
    3. cc94-5W
    4. Dentists 598 words
    5. cc95-7W
    6. Abortions 868 words
    7. c97W
    8. Seat Belts 102 words
    9. cc97-8W
    10. Mental Health 672 words
    11. cc98-100W
    12. Doctors and Nurses (Derbyshire) 1,182 words
    13. c100W
    14. Grading Returns (Derbyshire) 58 words
    15. cc100-1W
    16. Listening Devices 55 words
    17. c101W
    18. Hospitals (Policy Decisions) 120 words
    19. cc101-2W
    20. Hearing Loss 563 words
    21. c102W
    22. Retinal Conditions 124 words
    23. cc102-3W
    24. Cryptosporidia 99 words
    25. c103W
    26. Higher Diploma Examinations 347 words
    27. cc103-4W
    28. Creutzfeldt Jakob Dementia 189 words
    29. c104W
    30. Body Scanners 79 words
    31. cc104-5W
    32. Wakefield Family Practitioner Committee 205 words
    33. c105W
    34. Anaesthetics (Consent) 86 words
    35. cc105-8W
    36. Population Statistics 1,768 words
    37. c108W
    38. Speech Therapists 103 words
    39. cc108-9W
    40. Medical and Dental Education 368 words
    41. c109W
    42. Sight Tests 227 words
    1. c110W
    2. Roads (London) 105 words
    3. c110W
    4. Listening Devices 38 words
    5. cc110-1W
    6. Traffic Flows (Popham—M27) 430 words
    7. c111W
    8. Traffic Flows (A33-M3) 68 words
    9. c111W
    10. Winchester Bypass 50 words
    11. c111W
    12. A33 (Bar End-Compton) 110 words
    13. cc111-2W
    14. SS Ave 162 words
    15. c112W
    16. Vehicles (Silencer Kits) 310 words
    17. cc112-3W
    18. Birmingham cross-city Railway 423 words
    19. cc113-4W
    20. Vehicles (M6) 255 words
    21. cc114-5W
    22. M4 Motorway 466 words
    23. c115W
    24. Dursban 102 words
    1. c115W
    2. Balance of Payments 48 words
    3. c115W
    4. Balance of Trade 89 words
    5. cc115-6W
    6. Prices and Taxes Indexes 38 words
    7. c116W
    8. Inflation 68 words
    9. c116W
    10. Married Man's Tax Allowance 101 words
    11. c116W
    12. Public Sector Debt 61 words
    13. c116W
    14. Exports 48 words
    15. cc116-7W
    16. Tax Reform 239 words
    17. c117W
    18. Taxation 73 words
    19. c117W
    20. Manufacturing Investment 46 words
    21. c117W
    22. Sterling M3 143 words
    23. cc117-8W
    24. Petrol 97 words
    25. c118W
    26. Taxation (EEC) 194 words
    27. c118W
    28. Ivory 217 words
    29. cc118-9W
    30. Scottish Bank Notes 35 words
    31. c119W
    32. Quangos 321 words
    33. cc119-20W
    34. Capital Gains Tax 74 words
    35. c120W
    36. YTS 237 words
    37. c120W
    38. Charitable Gifts (Tax Relief) 67 words
    39. c120W
    40. Tax Fraud 70 words
    41. cc120-1W
    42. Tax Statistics 565 words
    1. c121W
    2. Radiation 39 words
    3. c121W
    4. Trident 53 words
    5. cc121-2W
    6. Helicopters (Forced Landing) 76 words
    7. c122W
    8. Royal Arsenal, Woolwich 137 words
    9. cc122-3W
    10. F111 Aircraft (Upper Heyford) 64 words
    11. c123W
    12. Nuclear Test Veterans 82 words
    13. c123W
    14. Listening Devices 55 words
    15. c123W
    16. Ministry of Defence Police 168 words
    17. cc123-4W
    18. CSCE Talks 100 words
    19. c124W
    20. Procurement Executive 144 words
    21. c124W
    22. Type 23 Frigate 171 words
    23. cc124-5W
    24. War Service Pensions 147 words
    25. c125W
    26. Royal Naval Personnel (School Boarding Allowances) 102 words
    27. c125W
    28. Royal Naval Officers (Travel) 87 words
    29. c125W
    30. "Who Framed Colin Wallace" 161 words
    31. cc125-6W
    32. Exercise Wintex-Cimex 197 words
    33. c126W
    34. Clayton (Overflying) 134 words
    35. c126W
    36. Army Quarters, Hampshire 214 words
    37. cc126-7W
    38. Plessey plc 358 words
    39. cc127-8W
    40. Belize 159 words
    41. c128W
    42. Headquarter Contracts 121 words
    43. c128W
    44. Nuclear Waste 127 words
    1. c128W
    2. Overseas Aid 83 words
    3. cc128-9W
    4. Single European Act 56 words
    5. c129W
    6. Nicaraguan President 42 words
    7. c129W
    8. Nigerian President 38 words
    9. c129W
    10. Israeli Prime Minister 150 words
    11. c129W
    12. London Traffic 109 words
    13. cc129-30W
    14. War Widows (Housing Benefit) 82 words
    15. c130W
    16. Political Clubs 66 words
    17. c130W
    18. Disabled Persons (Employment) 90 words
    19. c130W
    20. Green Issues 64 words
    21. cc130-1W
    22. Engagements 126 words
    1. c131W
    2. Petitions 174 words
    3. cc131-2W
    4. Private Members' Bills 199 words
    5. c132W
    6. Hand-delivered Items 90 words
    1. cc133-4W
    2. Grant-Maintained Schools 89 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 6 June 1989 Series 5 Vol. 508

  4. SIB REPORT 64 words