Written Answers (Commons) of 4 December 1995 Series 6 Vol. 268

    1. c1W
    2. Married Housing Stock 197 words
    3. c1W
    4. Departmental Targets 49 words
    5. c1W
    6. Queen's Flight 84 words
    7. c2W
    8. Navigation Systems 308 words
    9. c2W
    10. Armed Forces Exercises (Ebford) 123 words
    11. c3W
    12. Departmental Efficiency Savings 72 words
    13. c3W
    14. Amphibious Operations 165 words
    15. cc3-4W
    16. Aircraft Spare Farts 444 words
    17. c4W
    18. Ro-ro Ferries 61 words
    1. cc4-5W
    2. Tourism 363 words
    1. c5W
    2. EU Directives 248 words
    3. cc5-6W
    4. planning permission 179 words
    5. c6W
    6. Departmental Targets 63 words
    7. cc6-7W
    8. Homelessness 173 words
    9. c7W
    10. Public Inquiry (Welbeck) 163 words
    11. c7W
    12. Voting Disqualifications (Councillors) 98 words
    13. cc7-8W
    14. Housing Associations 114 words
    15. c8W
    16. Local Government Finance 410 words
    17. c9W
    18. Debt Charges (North Yorkshire County Council) 54 words
    19. c9W
    20. Sick Leave (Lancashire County Council) 113 words
    21. c9W
    22. Gas Pipeline (Zeebrugge-Bacton) 157 words
    23. cc9-12W
    24. Emergency Drought Order (Yorkshire Water) 898 words
    25. cc12-3W
    26. Asylum Seekers 389 words
    27. c13W
    28. Single Regeneration Budget 32 words
    29. cc13-4W
    30. Statutory Instruments 325 words
    31. c14W
    32. Radioactive Waste Dumping 105 words
    1. c14W
    2. Regional Electricity Companies 213 words
    3. c14W
    4. Fuel Duties 59 words
    5. c15W
    6. Mortgage Interest Relief 91 words
    7. c15W
    8. Public Service Pensions 116 words
    9. cc15-6W
    10. Paymaster General 271 words
    11. c16W
    12. Finance Act 1995 361 words
    13. cc16-7W
    14. Public Bodies 369 words
    1. c17W
    2. Former Prime Ministers (Briefings) 69 words
    3. cc17-8W
    4. Scott Inquiry 90 words
    5. c18W
    6. Northern Ireland Peace Process 54 words
    1. c18W
    2. Remand Prisoners 298 words
    3. cc18-20W
    4. Dr. Bayo Omoyiola 612 words
    5. cc20-2W
    6. Asylum Seekers 1,165 words
    7. cc22-3W
    8. Asylum and Immigration Problems 107 words
    9. c23W
    10. Parole Applications 353 words
    11. cc23-4W
    12. Prisoners 98 words
    13. c24W
    14. Visa Applications (Algeria) 327 words
    15. cc24-5W
    16. Prisons 480 words
    17. cc25-6W
    18. Prisoner-prison Ratios 402 words
    19. cc26-7W
    20. Public Interest Immunity Certificates 76 words
    21. c27W
    22. Murder Victims (Family Compensation) 168 words
    1. c27W
    2. Ministerial Statements 85 words
    3. c27W
    4. Welsh Grand Committee 84 words
    5. c28W
    6. Oral Answers 114 words
    7. c28W
    8. Short Money 62 words
    9. c28W
    10. Select Committees 66 words
    11. c28W
    12. Select Committee on Welsh Affairs 64 words
    1. cc28-9W
    2. Beijing Programme of Action 94 words
    3. cc29-30W
    4. Nigerian Police Force 591 words
    5. cc30-1W
    6. Police Training 676 words
    7. cc31-2W
    8. Nigeria 270 words
    1. cc32-3W
    2. HMSO 403 words
  10. HEALTH
    1. c33W
    2. Breastfeeding 96 words
    3. cc33-4W
    4. Clinical Psychologists 362 words
    5. cc34-7W
    6. NHS Finance 1,219 words
    7. c37W
    8. Methionine 119 words
    9. cc37-8W
    10. Prescriptions 89 words
    11. c38W
    12. Osteoporosis 327 words
    13. c38W
    14. Departmental Targets 62 words
    15. c39W
    16. Breast Cancer Screening 158 words
    17. c39W
    18. NHS Trust Directors 43 words
    19. c39W
    20. Capital Projects 63 words
    21. c39W
    22. Infertility Treatment 146 words
    23. c40W
    24. In-patient Episodes 128 words
    25. c40W
    26. Market Testing (Clinical Services) 111 words
    27. c40W
    28. Out-patient Attendances 48 words
    29. c40W
    30. Hospital Beds 115 words
    31. c41W
    32. National Blood Service 226 words
    33. c41W
    34. NHS Pensioners Trust 129 words
    35. c41W
    36. NHS Trusts 64 words
    37. cc41-2W
    38. EU Health Council 180 words
    39. c42W
    40. NHS Reforms 38 words
    41. c42W
    42. Legionnaire's Disease 256 words
    43. cc42-3W
    44. Patient Records 103 words
    45. c43W
    46. Community Care Services 68 words
    47. c43W
    48. Tiffield Secure Unit 70 words
    49. cc43-4W
    50. Private Finance Initiative 280 words
    51. c44W
    52. Clinical Negligence 128 words
    53. c44W
    54. Medicine Prices 76 words
    1. c45W
    2. National Grid 80 words
    3. c45W
    4. Gas Pipeline (Zeebrugge-Bacton) 70 words
    5. c45W
    6. Natural Gas Reserves 118 words
    7. c45W
    8. Late Payment 116 words
    9. cc45-6W
    10. Beaufort's Dyke 135 words
    11. c46W
    12. Scott Inquiry 35 words
    13. cc46-9W
    14. Executive Agencies (Overseas Travel) 1,470 words
    15. c49W
    16. British Coal Enterprise 79 words
    17. cc49-50W
    18. Small Firms 182 words
    19. c50W
    20. Public Service Contracts 105 words
    21. cc50-1W
    22. Cycle Imports 431 words
    1. cc51-2W
    2. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 425 words
    3. cc52-4W
    4. Executive Agencies (Overseas Travel) 1,062 words
    5. c54W
    6. Early Retirement (Farmers) 169 words
    7. c54W
    8. Executive Agencies (Meetings) 68 words
    9. cc54-5W
    10. Arable Areas (Checks) 126 words
    11. c55W
    12. Sheep and Beef Support Schemes 270 words
    13. c55W
    14. European Funding (North Yorkshire) 87 words
    15. c56W
    16. Investor in People Status 120 words
    17. c56W
    18. Overgrazing 127 words
    19. c56W
    20. Moorland Scheme 175 words
    1. c57W
    2. MV Derbyshire 308 words
    3. c57W
    4. Lockerbie 106 words
    5. cc57-8W
    6. South Yorkshire Supertram 369 words
    7. c58W
    8. White Hart Roundabout, Northolt 61 words
    9. c59W
    10. A36 (South Newton) 91 words
    11. c59W
    12. Pollution 63 words
    13. c59W
    14. Cycle Tracks 213 words
    15. c60W
    16. Cycling Accidents 47 words
    17. c60W
    18. Road Accidents 169 words
    19. c60W
    20. British Railways Board (Logo) 101 words
    21. c60W
    22. Defective Pavements 74 words
    23. c61W
    24. Vehicle Statistics 312 words
    25. cc61-3W
    26. Supplementary Credit Approvals 824 words
    27. c63W
    28. Kingskerswell Bypass 124 words
    29. c63W
    30. Royal Family (Diary Engagements) 133 words
    31. cc63-4W
    32. Ro-ro Ferries 106 words
    33. cc64-5W
    34. Vehicle Emissions 262 words
    1. c65W
    2. Departmental Targets 92 words
    3. cc65-7W
    4. Acts of Parliaments of Scotland 565 words
    5. c67W
    6. Salmon Fishing 122 words
    7. c67W
    8. Communication Autistic Spectrum Disorders 43 words
    9. cc67-8W
    10. Al (Haddington-Dunbar) 143 words
    11. c68W
    12. Roads Programme 57 words
    13. c68W
    14. Hairmyres Hospitals 99 words
    15. c68W
    16. Ministerial Transport, London 37 words
    17. cc68-70W
    18. Unitary Councils 530 words
    19. c70W
    20. Private Nursing Homes 66 words
  15. WALES
    1. c70W
    2. Unemployment 38 words
    3. c70W
    4. Welsh Development Agency 89 words
    5. c71W
    6. National Health Service (Costs) 53 words
    7. c71W
    8. Inward Investment 101 words
    9. c71W
    10. Business Advice and Support 197 words
    11. c71W
    12. Further Education 65 words
    13. c72W
    14. Assisted Places Scheme 173 words
    15. c72W
    16. Fluoridation 51 words
    17. c72W
    18. Cancer 132 words
    19. cc72-3W
    20. Parliamentary Accountability 62 words
    21. c73W
    22. Block Grant 84 words
    23. c73W
    24. Community Forests 148 words
    25. c73W
    26. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 77 words
    27. cc73-4W
    28. School Funding 68 words
    29. c74W
    30. Pedestrian Crossings 114 words
    31. c74W
    32. Domiciliary Care 129 words
    33. c74W
    34. Private Finance Initiative 83 words
    35. c75W
    36. Chemical Bank 59 words
    37. c75W
    38. WDA Funding 376 words
    39. c75W
    40. Autism 96 words
    41. c76W
    42. Shorthold Tenancies 70 words
    43. c76W
    44. Grant-maintained Schools 74 words
    45. cc76-7W
    46. Staffing 211 words
    47. c77W
    48. Measles and Rubella Immunisation 93 words
    49. c77W
    50. European Funding 179 words
    51. cc77-8W
    52. Breast Cancer Mortality 93 words
    53. c78W
    54. European Education Programmes 193 words
    1. cc78-9W
    2. Iran 424 words
    3. c79W
    4. Saudi Arabia 221 words
    5. c80W
    6. Executive Agencies (Overseas Travel) 382 words
    7. cc80-1W
    8. European Convention on Human Rights 212 words
    9. c81W
    10. International Court of Justice 123 words
    11. c81W
    12. BBC World Service 152 words
    13. cc81-2W
    14. Iraqi Marshlands 143 words
    15. c82W
    16. Visa Applications (Turkey) 170 words
    17. c82W
    18. Former Soviet Union 157 words
    19. cc82-3W
    20. United Nations 88 words
    21. cc83-4W
    22. Turkey (Legionnaire's Disease) 446 words
    23. c84W
    24. Budget 153 words
    25. cc84-5W
    26. Committee of the Regions 233 words
    27. c85W
    28. Aral Sea 93 words
    29. c85W
    30. Retrospective Service Awards 147 words
    1. c85W
    2. Crown Prosecution Service (Discontinued Cases) 55 words
    3. cc85-6W
    4. Court of Appeal (Referrals) 78 words
    5. c86W
    6. Serious Fraud Office 50 words
    7. c86W
    8. Departmental Staff 67 words
    9. c86W
    10. Lockerbie 76 words
    11. c86W
    12. Electro-shock Batons 59 words
    1. cc86-7W
    2. Industrial Injuries Benefit 423 words
    3. cc87-8W
    4. Mr. Peter Sutton 255 words
    5. c88W
    6. War Pension Disregards 132 words
    7. c88W
    8. Disability Living Allowance 220 words
    9. c89W
    10. Compensation Recovery 203 words
    11. c89W
    12. Funeral Benefit 133 words
    13. cc89-90W
    14. Disabled People, Carers and the Long-term Sick 188 words
    15. c90W
    16. Departmental Running Costs 125 words
    17. cc90-4W
    18. Personal Pensions 2,010 words
    19. c95W
    20. Invalidity and Incapacity Benefits 388 words
    21. cc95-7W
    22. Asylum Seekers 560 words
    23. c97W
    24. Income Support 279 words
    1. cc97-8W
    2. Departmental Targets 383 words
    1. cc98-9W
    2. School Meals 370 words
    3. c99W
    4. Roads (Belfast) 155 words
    5. c99W
    6. Road Safety Education Officers 111 words
    7. cc99-101W
    8. Social Fund 876 words
    9. cc101-2W
    10. Playing Fields 98 words
    11. c102W
    12. Education and Library Boards 205 words
    13. cc103-7W
    14. Further Education Colleges 1,918 words
    15. c107W
    16. Road Deaths (Children) 370 words
    17. c107W
    18. Hotel and Catering College Lecturers 43 words
    19. cc107-8W
    20. General National Vocational Qualifications 98 words
    21. c108W
    22. European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund 192 words
    23. cc108-9W
    24. Common Land 114 words
    25. c109W
    26. Road Safety 450 words
    27. cc109-10W
    28. University Research Funding 68 words
    29. c110W
    30. Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 67 words
    31. cc110-1W
    32. European Regional Development Fund 129 words
    33. c111W
    34. Foyleside Centre 83 words
    35. cc111-2W
    36. EEC Payments 510 words
    37. cc112-3W
    38. Structural Funds 464 words
    39. c113W
    40. Proposed Memorial Volume 109 words
    41. cc113-4W
    42. Departmental Targets 297 words
    43. cc114-5W
    44. Springvale Campus Project 393 words
    1. cc115-6W
    2. Initial Teacher Training 206 words
    3. cc116-7W
    4. Grant-maintained Schools 600 words
    5. c117W
    6. Assisted Places Scheme 282 words
    7. cc117-8W
    8. Diploma Directive 18 words
    9. c118W
    10. Special Needs 136 words
    11. c118W
    12. Work Force Skills 137 words
    13. c118W
    14. Literacy and Numeracy Centres 89 words
    15. cc118-9W
    16. Technology and Language Colleges 99 words
    17. cc119-20W
    18. Student Loans 473 words
    19. c120W
    20. School Meals (Beef Products) 64 words
    21. c120W
    22. Communication Autistic Spectrum Disorders 49 words
    23. cc120-1W
    24. Nursery Vouchers 941 words
    25. cc122-38W
    26. Educational Psychologists 6,672 words
    27. c139W
    28. Local Education Authority Staff 305 words
    29. c139W
    30. Jobseeker's Allowance 193 words
    31. cc139-40W
    32. Publicity 298 words
    33. cc140-2W
    34. Consultation Papers 663 words
    35. c142W
    36. Unemployment (Waveney) 162 words
    37. c142W
    38. Code of Practice (Consultation) 70 words
    39. cc142-3W
    40. Suffolk Training and Enterprise Council 149 words
    41. cc143-4W
    42. College Fees 128 words
    43. c144W
    44. Lifetime Learning 113 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 4 December 1995 Series 5 Vol. 567

  1. National Security: House of Lords Debates 56 words
  2. Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group on the Harare Declaration 268 words
  3. Sudan 284 words
  4. The Gambia 88 words
  5. Nuclear Disarmament 103 words
  6. Nuclear Test Ban 70 words
  7. Female Genital Mutilation 181 words
  8. ODA: Supply of Defective Condoms 216 words
  9. NATO Expansion 26 words
  10. Councillors: Bicycle Allowances 48 words
  11. Fines: Alternative Sentences 192 words
  12. Northern Ireland: Judges 63 words
  13. Emma Humphries: Transcript of Trial and Appeal 186 words
  14. Pregnant Women Prisoners on Escort: Handcuffing 325 words
  15. UN Convention on Racial Discrimination: UK Report 127 words
  16. Royal Household: Appointments 48 words
  17. The "Derbyshire" 300 words
  18. Black Rod's Garden: Conversion 131 words
  19. House of Lords in Session: Painting by Mr. Andrew Festing 108 words