Commons Sitting of 17 December 1998 Series 6 Vol. 322

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1079
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. cc1079-92
      1. cc1079-80
      2. Farm-fresh Turkeys 469 words
      3. cc1080-1
      4. Genetically Modified Foods 777 words
      5. cc1081-3
      6. Meat Hygiene 642 words
      7. cc1083-5
      8. Rural Economy 790 words
      9. cc1085-7
      10. Beef on the Bone 1,245 words
      11. cc1087-9
      12. Food Safety 1,144 words
      13. cc1089-90
      14. Common Agricultural Policy 354 words
      15. cc1090-1
      16. Food Marketing 388 words
      17. cc1091-2
      18. Beef Export Ban 594 words
    3. ATTORNEY-GENERAL 4 words
      1. cc1092-4
      2. Sentencing 863 words
      3. cc1094-5
      4. Human Rights Act 540 words
      5. cc1095-6
      6. Rights of Audience 298 words
      7. c1096
      8. Crown Prosecution Service 313 words
  5. Iraq 8,197 words
  6. c1111
  7. ROYAL ASSENT 33 words
  8. cc1112-93
  9. Iraq 44,726 words
    1. c1194
    2. Hemel Hempstead General Hospital 157 words
    3. cc1195-202
    4. Tourism, Leisure and Sport 4,424 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 17 December 1998 Series 6 Vol. 322

    1. c617W
    2. Care History (Children) 118 words
    3. cc617-8W
    4. Investing in Dentistry 332 words
    5. cc618-9W
    6. Ministerial Visits 699 words
    7. c619W
    8. GP Lists 85 words
    9. c619W
    10. NHS Complaints Procedures 81 words
    11. cc619-20W
    12. Electrical Wheelchairs 107 words
    13. c620W
    14. Correspondence 50 words
    15. c620W
    16. Mr. Barry Horne 70 words
    17. c620W
    18. Healthy Living Centres 99 words
    19. cc620-1W
    20. Dental Services 131 words
    21. c621W
    22. Prostate Cancer 79 words
    23. c621W
    24. Cancer Treatments 185 words
    25. cc621-2W
    26. Nursing Homes 143 words
    27. c622W
    28. Antibiotics Report 72 words
    29. c622W
    30. Farming Stress and Suicide 92 words
    31. c622W
    32. Medway NHS Trust 127 words
    33. cc622-3W
    34. Social Services (Wandsworth) 118 words
    1. c623W
    2. "A New Deal for Transport" 307 words
    3. c623W
    4. Ministerial Visits 82 words
    5. cc623-4W
    6. Landing Fees (Airports) 137 words
    7. c624W
    8. Aircraft (Near Misses) 170 words
    9. cc624-5W
    10. 747 Aeroplanes 124 words
    11. c625W
    12. Social Housing 312 words
    13. c625W
    14. Buenos Aires Conference 223 words
    15. cc625-6W
    16. Munitions (Sea Disposal) 340 words
    17. cc626-7W
    18. Housing Act 1985 174 words
    19. c627W
    20. Private Rented Accommodation 142 words
    21. c627W
    22. Eurostar 88 words
    23. c627W
    24. Countryside Access 68 words
    25. cc627-8W
    26. M6 (Roadworks) 255 words
    27. c628W
    28. Overhead Power Lines 95 words
    29. cc628-9W
    30. Pensions 217 words
    31. c629W
    32. Genetically Modified Crops 300 words
    33. cc629-30W
    34. British Rail Publications 347 words
    35. cc630-1W
    36. Packaging Waste 42 words
    37. c631W
    38. Driving Licences 194 words
    39. c631W
    40. Health and Safety Laboratory 388 words
    41. cc631-2W
    42. Short-haired Bumblebee 153 words
    43. cc632-3W
    44. A1 576 words
    45. c633W
    46. Northern Development Area 126 words
    47. c633W
    48. Town Planning Laws 106 words
    49. cc633-4W
    50. Steel and Aluminium 91 words
    51. c634W
    52. Carbon Dioxide 104 words
    53. cc634-5W
    54. Homelessness (Emergency Shelters) 526 words
    55. c635W
    56. Personal Social Services (Worcestershire) 114 words
    57. cc635-6W
    58. Concessionary Fares Scheme 159 words
    59. c636W
    60. Train Operating Companies (Punctuality) 132 words
    61. cc636-7W
    62. SSSIs 76 words
    63. c637W
    64. Wind Farms 143 words
    65. c637W
    66. Regional Development and Rural Policy 181 words
    67. cc637-8W
    68. Local Government Finance 450 words
    69. cc638-9W
    70. Rent Increases 450 words
    71. cc639-40W
    72. Best Value 490 words
    73. cc640-1W
    74. MV Derbyshire 235 words
    75. c641W
    76. Disabled People (Parking Badges) 246 words
    1. c641W
    2. Ministerial Visits 29 words
    1. c642W
    2. Recycling 80 words
    1. c642W
    2. Good Town Planning 133 words
    3. c642W
    4. Trading Markets 46 words
    5. c642W
    6. TACIS Projects 72 words
    1. c643W
    2. Departmental Staff 86 words
    3. c643W
    4. Civil Servants (Sickness) 155 words
    5. c643W
    6. Civil Servants (Industrial Tribunal) 46 words
    7. cc643-4W
    8. Official Cars 343 words
    9. cc644-5W
    10. Biotechnology 461 words
    1. c645W
    2. Prosecutions (Assent) 73 words
    3. c645W
    4. Fraud 110 words
    5. cc645-6W
    6. Crown Prosecution Service (East Sussex) 49 words
    1. c646W
    2. Council of Europe 379 words
    3. cc646-8W
    4. G7 Presidency 852 words
    5. cc648-9W
    6. European Commission 111 words
    7. c649W
    8. Fox Hunting 111 words
    9. c649W
    10. Correspondence 60 words
    1. c649W
    2. Sure Start 114 words
    3. cc649-50W
    4. Partnership Areas 322 words
    5. c650W
    6. Military Strategy 96 words
    7. cc650-1W
    8. Hospitals (Capital Expenditure) 257 words
    1. c651W
    2. Nerve Gas Attacks (Japan) 229 words
    3. cc651-2W
    4. Porton Down 159 words
    5. c652W
    6. Iraq 61 words
    7. c652W
    8. Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 110 words
    9. cc652-3W
    10. Information Technology 246 words
    11. c653W
    12. Nuclear-powered Submarines 78 words
    13. c653W
    14. Chile 271 words
    15. cc653-4W
    16. General Pinochet 57 words
    17. cc654-5W
    18. Scottish Infantry Battalions 657 words
    19. c655W
    20. Gulf War Veterans 171 words
    21. cc655-6W
    22. Landmines 204 words
    23. c656W
    24. Armed Forces Recruitment (Scotland) 59 words
    25. c656W
    26. Polo Ponies 153 words
    27. cc656-7W
    28. REME (Chorley) 282 words
    29. c657W
    30. Ministerial Visits 98 words
    31. c657W
    32. CR Gas 167 words
    1. c658W
    2. Antibiotic Growth Promoters 79 words
    3. c658W
    4. Flood Defences 219 words
    5. cc658-9W
    6. Pig Industry 146 words
    7. c659W
    8. Milk (Derbyshire) 95 words
    9. c659W
    10. Battery Hens 58 words
    11. cc659-60W
    12. Food Standards Agency 298 words
    13. c660W
    14. Farmers (Competitiveness) 92 words
    15. c660W
    16. Farm Incomes 157 words
    17. c660W
    18. Farming (Profitability) 65 words
    19. cc660-1W
    20. Beef on the Bone 142 words
    21. c661W
    22. Bovine Tuberculosis 44 words
    23. c661W
    24. Meat and Bonemeal 43 words
    25. c661W
    26. Common Agricultural Policy 66 words
    27. c661W
    28. Turkeys 102 words
    29. cc661-2W
    30. Agriculture Council 414 words
    31. cc662-3W
    32. Over-30-months Scheme 135 words
    33. c663W
    34. WTO Agriculture Agreement 214 words
    35. c663W
    36. Beef Ban 197 words
    37. cc663-5W
    38. Fisheries 510 words
    39. c665W
    40. Supermarkets 87 words
    41. c665W
    42. Poultry 148 words
    1. cc665-6W
    2. Students 162 words
    3. c666W
    4. New Deal (Women) 196 words
    5. c666W
    6. Prisoners (University for Industry) 98 words
    7. c666W
    8. Education Development Plans 60 words
    9. cc666-7W
    10. Class Sizes 102 words
    11. c667W
    12. New Deal (Shrewsbury and Atcham) 132 words
    13. c667W
    14. Further Education 136 words
    15. cc667-8W
    16. Lone Parents 565 words
    17. cc668-70W
    18. Child Care 779 words
    19. c670W
    20. Teachers' Remuneration 98 words
    21. c670W
    22. Teachers (Performance-related Pay) 147 words
    23. cc670-1W
    24. Grant-maintained Schools 169 words
    25. cc671-2W
    26. New Deal (Unsubsidised Jobs) 488 words
    27. cc672-3W
    28. New Deal Gateway 369 words
    29. c673W
    30. Departmental Expenditure 332 words
    31. cc673-4W
    32. Secondary School Pupils 93 words
    33. cc674-5W
    34. Education Expenditure 725 words
    35. c675W
    36. Numeracy Hour 74 words
    37. cc675-6W
    38. Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests 313 words
    39. cc676-7W
    40. Competitive Bidding 106 words
    41. c677W
    42. GCSEs 159 words
    43. c677W
    44. Free Milk 74 words
    45. cc677-8W
    46. Physical Education 411 words
    47. cc678-9W
    48. Unemployment 161 words
    49. c679W
    50. Post-16 Provision 60 words
    51. c679W
    52. International Labour Conference 53 words
    53. c679W
    54. New Deal 125 words
    55. c679W
    56. Special Educational Needs 46 words
    57. cc679-80W
    58. New Deal (Public Sector) 85 words
    59. c680W
    60. Tuition Fees 122 words
    1. cc680-1W
    2. School Sport 319 words
    3. cc681-2W
    4. Publications 576 words
    5. c682W
    6. Ministerial Visits 63 words
    7. c682W
    8. Departmental Staff 72 words
    9. c682W
    10. English Sports Council 70 words
    11. c682W
    12. St. Kilda 66 words
    1. cc683-4W
    2. Departmental Groups 540 words
    3. cc684-5W
    4. Rehabilitation Beds (Availability) 831 words
    5. cc685-6W
    6. Local Government Finance 111 words
    7. c686W
    8. Tay River Protection Order 276 words
    9. c686W
    10. BBC News 105 words
    11. cc686-8W
    12. Heroin 617 words
    13. c688W
    14. Homeless People (Emergency Shelters) 291 words
    15. cc688-9W
    16. A83 85 words
    17. c689W
    18. Domestic Abuse Advertising Campaign 105 words
  15. WALES
    1. c689W
    2. S4C Board 177 words
    3. cc689-90W
    4. National Assembly 137 words
    5. c690W
    6. Ministerial School Visits (Monmouth) 35 words
    7. c690W
    8. Barnett Formula 136 words
    9. c690W
    10. Departmental Expenditure 63 words
    11. cc690-1W
    12. Education Expenditure (Flintshire) 93 words
    13. c691W
    14. Special Educational Needs 121 words
    15. c691W
    16. State Aid 191 words
    17. c691W
    18. Assisted Areas 42 words
    19. cc691-2W
    20. Busway (Shotton Steelworks to Chester) 116 words
    21. c692W
    22. Ethnic Monitoring 102 words
    23. c692W
    24. Local Government Finance 99 words
    1. cc692-3W
    2. Fairness at Work 456 words
    3. c693W
    4. Parliamentary Questions 87 words
    5. cc693-4W
    6. Millennium Exhibition 277 words
    7. cc694-5W
    8. Research Awards 489 words
    9. c695W
    10. Redundancy Claims 171 words
    11. cc695-6W
    12. Heat and Power Plants 110 words
    13. c696W
    14. Export Missions 57 words
    15. c696W
    16. Science Spending 271 words
    17. cc696-7W
    18. Utilities (Competition) 103 words
    19. c697W
    20. Airlines 315 words
    21. cc697-8W
    22. Arms Exports (South Africa) 74 words
    23. c698W
    24. Export Finance Scheme 125 words
    25. cc698-9W
    26. Millennium Compliance 547 words
    27. cc699-700W
    28. Millennium Dome 455 words
    29. cc700-1W
    30. Nuclear Physics (Postgraduate Courses) 371 words
    31. c701W
    32. Nuclear Liability and Taxation Agreement 84 words
    33. cc701-2W
    34. Arms Exports 444 words
    35. c702W
    36. British Nuclear Fuels Ltd 67 words
    1. c703W
    2. Electronic Book Formats 65 words
    3. c703W
    4. Industrial Tribunal Claims 98 words
    5. c703W
    6. Ministerial Visits 73 words
    7. cc703-4W
    8. Internet (Paedophiles) 288 words
    9. c704W
    10. Employee Savings Club 125 words
    11. c704W
    12. Redundancy Payments 117 words
    13. cc704-5W
    14. Wind Farms 275 words
    15. c705W
    16. Minister for Science 153 words
    17. cc705-6W
    18. Post Office 371 words
    19. c706W
    20. Tanzania (Medical Supplies) 74 words
    21. cc706-7W
    22. Scotland Act 1998 (Schedule 5) 86 words
    23. cc707-8W
    24. Green Technology 466 words
    25. c708W
    26. Millennium Dome (Sports) 81 words
    27. c708W
    28. Receiverships 56 words
    29. c708W
    30. Post-devolution Expenditure 220 words
    31. cc708-9W
    32. Freephone 93 words
    33. c709W
    34. Internet 159 words
    35. c709W
    36. Nuclear Fuels 133 words
    37. cc709-10W
    38. Defence Exports 69 words
    39. c710W
    40. Medical and Pharmaceutical Equipment 89 words
    41. c710W
    42. Radioactive Waste, Germany 95 words
    43. c710W
    44. Export Licences 133 words
    45. cc710-1W
    46. Electronic Commerce 113 words
    1. cc711-2W
    2. Contributions Agency 671 words
    3. c712W
    4. Disability Living Allowance 198 words
    5. cc712-3W
    6. Benefit Integrity Project 430 words
    7. cc713-4W
    8. National Insurance 528 words
    9. cc714-5W
    10. Contributions Agency (Computer) 128 words
    11. c715W
    12. Redundancy (Access to Benefits) 194 words
    13. cc715-6W
    14. Contributions Agency (Computer) 374 words
    15. cc716-7W
    16. Child Support Agency 242 words
    17. c717W
    18. Terminally Ill People (Special Benefit Rules) 185 words
    19. c717W
    20. Carers 103 words
    21. cc717-8W
    22. Council Tax Benefit 162 words
    23. c718W
    24. Children (Household Profile) 354 words
    25. cc718-9W
    26. Departmental Expenditure 266 words
    27. c719W
    28. Married Woman's Pension 278 words
    29. cc719-20W
    30. Pensions 301 words
    31. c720W
    32. Departmental Staff 57 words
    1. cc720-1W
    2. Relay Europe 143 words
    3. c721W
    4. Departmental Expenditure 123 words
    5. c721W
    6. Kuwaiti Missing Persons 160 words
    7. cc721-2W
    8. Argentina 186 words
    9. c722W
    10. Russia 292 words
    11. cc722-3W
    12. General Pinochet 226 words
    13. c723W
    14. Chechnya 65 words
    15. c723W
    16. Kenya and Tanzania 146 words
    17. cc723-4W
    18. Schengen Agreement 248 words
    1. c724W
    2. DNA Testing (Paternity Cases) 41 words
    3. cc724-5W
    4. Cabinet Office Expenditure 148 words
    1. c725W
    2. Criminal Trials 244 words
    3. cc725-6W
    4. Terrorism Legislation 201 words
    5. c726W
    6. Immigration and Asylum 237 words
    7. cc726-7W
    8. Mutual Legal Assistance 221 words
    9. c727W
    10. Charity Commission 38 words
    11. cc727-8W
    12. Police Dog Training 315 words
    13. c728W
    14. Prisoners (Education Programmes) 180 words
    15. c728W
    16. Prisons (Needle Exchanges) 82 words
    17. cc728-30W
    18. Police Service 769 words
    19. cc730-2W
    20. Asylum Seekers 882 words
    21. cc732-3W
    22. Prisons (Bullying) 104 words
    23. cc733-4W
    24. Mr. Barry Home 350 words
    25. c734W
    26. Juries 144 words
    27. c734W
    28. General Pinochet 62 words
    29. c734W
    30. Crime (Staffordshire) 96 words
    31. c734W
    32. Immigration Detainees 56 words
    33. cc734-5W
    34. Helicopter Flights 51 words
    35. cc735-6W
    36. Police Grant 919 words
    37. cc736-7W
    38. Prisons (Drugs) 408 words
    39. cc737-8W
    40. Feltham Young Offenders Institution 190 words
    41. cc738-41W
    42. Police Manpower 1,544 words
    43. c741W
    44. Young Offenders (Psychiatric Assistance) 103 words
    45. cc741-2W
    46. Prisoner Programmes 191 words
    47. cc742-3W
    48. Police Budgets (Pensions) 1,171 words
    49. cc743-5W
    50. Sexual Offences 322 words
    51. c745W
    52. CS Sprays 169 words
    53. c745W
    54. Conspiracy Convictions 92 words
    55. cc745-6W
    56. Ministerial Visits 42 words
    57. c746W
    58. Specified Organisation 134 words
    59. c746W
    60. Fire Service (Pensions) 52 words
    61. c746W
    62. Birmingham Northern Relief Road (Policing) 118 words
    63. cc746-7W
    64. Age of Consent 191 words
    65. cc747-8W
    66. Illegal Immigrants 684 words
    67. cc748-9W
    68. Prisoners (Hunger Strikes) 246 words
    69. c749W
    70. Police (Deaf People) 280 words
    1. c750W
    2. Public Services 48 words
    3. cc750-1W
    4. National Savings 572 words
    5. c751W
    6. Film Industry (Tax Relief) 90 words
    7. cc751-2W
    8. International Debt 218 words
    9. c752W
    10. Euro-Preparations Committee 60 words
    11. c752W
    12. Taxation 98 words
    13. cc752-3W
    14. Working Families Tax Credit 549 words
    15. c753W
    16. European Economy 76 words
    17. cc753-4W
    18. ECOFIN (Tax Harmonisation) 193 words
    19. c754W
    20. European Code of Conduct Group 314 words
    21. cc754-5W
    22. Third-world Debt 46 words
    23. c755W
    24. Productivity Gap 96 words
    25. c755W
    26. Correspondence 50 words
    27. c755W
    28. Tax Havens 88 words
    29. cc755-6W
    30. Charities 65 words
    31. c756W
    32. EU Withholding Tax 114 words
    33. c756W
    34. Tax Records 92 words
    35. c756W
    36. Departmental Staff (Retirement) 99 words
    37. c756W
    38. Pensions 54 words
    39. cc756-7W
    40. Collective Investment Schemes 62 words
    41. c757W
    42. Public Engagements (Ministers) 48 words
    43. c757W
    44. Third World Debt 450 words
    45. cc757-8W
    46. Euro Preparations Unit 54 words
    47. c758W
    48. Human Rights 85 words
    49. c758W
    50. New Cars (EU) 46 words
    51. cc758-61W
    52. EU Budget 1,364 words
    53. cc761-2W
    54. Economic and Monetary Union 90 words

Lords Sitting of 17 December 1998 Series 5 Vol. 595

  1. Preamble 29 words
  2. cc1451-4
  3. Housing 1,363 words
  4. cc1454-7
  5. Train Delays and Cancellations: Cost 1,342 words
  6. cc1457-9
  7. National Museums and Galleries: Free Admission 1,075 words
  8. cc1459-60
  9. Business 335 words
  10. c1460
  11. Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Bill [H.L.] 110 words
  12. c1460
  13. Consolidated Fund Bill 59 words
  14. cc1461-97
  15. Disability Rights Commission Bill [H.L.] 19,058 words
  16. cc1497-501
  17. Parole Board (Transfer of Functions) Order 1998 2,435 words
  18. cc1502-16
  19. Baglan Energy Park Project 7,671 words
  20. cc1516-20
  21. Business 1,968 words
  22. c1520
  23. Royal Assent 36 words
  24. c1520
  25. Business 286 words
  26. cc1521-52
  27. Iraq 16,440 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 17 December 1998 Series 5 Vol. 595

  1. Access to Justice Bill and Human Rights Act 1998 349 words
  2. Channel Tunnel Rail Link: Compensation for Blight 109 words
  3. Airline Passengers: Violent and Disruptive Behaviour 214 words
  4. A.12: Hoardings 152 words
  5. Development: Guidance to RDAs 179 words
  6. MV "Derbyshire" 226 words
  7. Rent Increases: Green Paper 443 words
  8. Operation Lifeline Sudan: Nuba Mountains 154 words
  9. Sudan: Diversion of Food Aid 281 words
  10. Council of Europe and WEU Assemblies: UK Delegation 337 words
  11. House of Lords: Hereditary Peers' Contribution 118 words
  12. G7/8: UK Presidency 870 words
  13. Human Genetics Advisory Commission Working Party 220 words
  14. Human Embryos: Cloning 274 words
  15. General Pinochet 138 words
  16. Agriculture Council, 14–15 December 433 words
  17. Dr. Bishop 107 words
  18. Brazil 72 words
  19. Unidentified Flying Objects 403 words
  20. UN Charter: Article 53 285 words
  21. UN Charter: Article 51 83 words
  22. Council of Europe: Fact-finding Mission to Turkey 102 words
  23. Democratic Republic of Congo 127 words
  24. Turkey: Human Rights 239 words
  25. Assassinations 75 words
  26. European Union: Economic and Financial Sanctions 104 words
  27. Sudan: IGAD Peace Process 85 words
  28. State Immunity Act 88 words
  29. General Pinochet: Extradition Proceedings 73 words
  30. Argentina: Arms Exports 181 words
  31. Northern Ireland: Community "Alternative" Groups 612 words
  32. Northern Ireland: Electricity Generation 161 words
  33. Hearsay Evidence: Law Commission Report 130 words
  34. Immigration and Asylum White Paper 75 words
  35. Counter-Terrorist Proposals 207 words
  36. Prison Visitors: Training Courses 162 words
  37. Human Rights Convention: Compatibility of Bills 71 words
  38. Domestic Violence: Counselling in Schools 216 words
  39. General Pinochet: Drafting of Warrants 61 words
  40. Human Rights Act 80 words
  41. Firearms (Amendment) Act 119 words
  42. Human Rights Act 1998 130 words
  43. Immigration Detainees 412 words