HC Deb 17 December 1998 vol 322 cc684-5W
Mr. Moore

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many step-down beds were available in each health board area in Scotland in each year since 1990–91. [63683]

Mr. Galbraith

There is no national classification of a step-down bed. Information on numbers of rehabilitation medicine beds in the seven years to 31 March 1997 is shown in Table 1. A more detailed bed classification system was introduced in 1997–98, and information on numbers of rehabilitation, convalescent and geriatric orthopaedic rehabilitation beds for the year ending 31 March 1998 is shown in Table 2.

Table 1—NHS in Scotland—beds1 in specialty of rehabilitation medicine2 by health board area of treatment: years ending 31 March 1991 to 1997
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Argyll and Clyde
Ayrshire and Arran 17 21 20 20
Dumfries and Galloway 5 8 4
Fife 1
Forth Valley
Grampian 8 16 16 16
Greater Glasgow
Highland 1 3 2 3 3 63 70
Lanarkshire 22
Lothian 62 62 65 65 71 83 76
Shetland 4
Tayside 27 10 1
Western Isles
Scotland 111 75 69 93 115 190 190
1 Average available staffed beds. The figures shown are averages rounded to the nearest whole number. Totals may not always equate to the sum of individual Health Board figures.
2 Differing methods of bed classification may exist between areas. For example, beds classified as rehabilitation medicine in one area may be classified under other specialties in another area. Comparisons should therefore be made with caution.

Table 2: NHS in Scotland—rehabilitation, geriatric orthopaedic rehabilitation and convalescent beds1 by health board area of treatment: year ending 31 march 19982
All selected beds Rehabilitation beds3 Geriatric orthopaedic rehabilitation beds4 Convalescent beds5
Argyll and Clyde 7 7
Ayrshire and Arran 21 21
Dumfries and Galloway 24 24
Fife 60 40 20
Forth Valley
Grampian 129 42 16 71
Greater Glasgow 168 144 24
Highland 75 74
Lanarkshire 36 24 12
Lothian 199 109 89
Shetland 8 8
Tayside 28 28
Western Isles
Scotland 754 490 191 71
1 Average available staffed beds. The figures shown are averages rounded to the nearest whole number. Totals may not always equate to the sum of individual Health Board figures.
2 Differing methods of bed classification may exist between areas. For example, bed classified as rehabilitation beds in one area may be classified under other specialties in another area. Comparisons should therefore be made with caution.
3 Beds in specialty of Rehabilitation Medicine or in facilities designated as rehabilitation wards.
4 Beds in facilities designated as geriatric orthopaedic rehabilitation units.
5 Beds in facilities designated as convalescent units.