Mr Jack Diamond

April 30, 1907 - April 3, 2004
Summary information for Mr Jack Diamond



Overseas Investment Written Answers January 17, 1968

Government Expenditure (Cuts) Written Answers January 17, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Investment) Written Answers January 17, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers January 17, 1968

Public Sector Expenditure (Surveys) Written Answers January 18, 1968

European Economic Community Written Answers January 18, 1968

Personal Incomes (Wales) Written Answers January 18, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers January 18, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers January 19, 1968

2 speeches — Government Expenditure (Wales) Written Answers January 22, 1968

European Economic Community (Expenditure) Written Answers January 23, 1968

Public Expenditure Written Answers January 24, 1968

Government Hospitality (Expenditure) Written Answers January 25, 1968

Government Contracts (Cancellation Charges) Written Answers January 25, 1968

3 speeches — Public Investment Written Answers January 25, 1968

9 speeches — WINTER SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES Commons January 30, 1968

2 speeches — Public Expenditure Written Answers January 30, 1968

2 speeches — Sterling (Overseas Holdings) Written Answers January 30, 1968

Central and Local Government Staffs (Increase) Written Answers January 30, 1968

Departmental Expenditure Written Answers January 30, 1968

Balance of Payments Written Answers January 30, 1968

Forward Contracts Written Answers January 30, 1968

Social Security (Cmnd. 3515) Written Answers January 31, 1968

Olympic Games (Joint Televising Facilities) Written Answers January 31, 1968

Civil Servant (Widow's Pension) Written Answers February 1, 1968

Decimalisation Project (Expenditure) Written Answers February 1, 1968

European Economic Community Written Answers February 1, 1968

Public Expenditure Written Answers February 1, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers February 2, 1968

Public Companies (Government Shareholdings) Written Answers February 5, 1968

Public Expenditure (Examining Committee) Written Answers February 6, 1968

7 speeches — REVENUE (No. 2) BILL Commons February 8, 1968

Taxation (Goods Vehicles) Written Answers February 8, 1968

Close Companies Written Answers February 8, 1968

Income Tax Written Answers February 9, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers February 9, 1968

Development Areas Written Answers February 9, 1968

Taxation Written Answers February 12, 1968

4 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers February 12, 1968

Aerospace and Electronics Industries (Government Holdings) Written Answers February 12, 1968

2 speeches — Income Tax (Wives) Written Answers February 13, 1968

Loans and Grants (Overseas Countries) Written Answers February 13, 1968

Cigarettes (Duty) Written Answers February 13, 1968

Trusts (Equity Holding) Written Answers February 13, 1968

Tax Tables (Cost) Written Answers February 13, 1968

Central and Local Government Taxation Written Answers February 13, 1968

Government Departments (Contract Cleaning) Written Answers February 13, 1968

Personal Disposable Income Written Answers February 13, 1968

Dependent Relatives Allowance Written Answers February 13, 1968

Equity Capital (State Holdings) Written Answers February 14, 1968

2 speeches — Tax Tables Written Answers February 15, 1968

Income Tax and Surtax Written Answers February 15, 1968

National Insurance Contributions (Allowances) Written Answers February 15, 1968

P.A.Y.E. Codings (Family Allowances) Written Answers February 15, 1968

2 speeches — Invisible Earnings Written Answers February 16, 1968

Purchase Tax (Protective Clothing) Written Answers February 16, 1968

12 speeches — Clause 1. Commons February 19, 1968

4 speeches — (THE NATIONAL LOANS FUND.) Commons February 19, 1968

4 speeches — (RATES OF INTEREST.) Commons February 19, 1968

(RATES OF INTEREST ON LOCAL LOANS.) Commons February 19, 1968

3 speeches — (PROFITS OF ISSUE DEPARTMENT OF BANK OF ENGLAND.) Commons February 19, 1968

7 speeches — (POWER OF TREASURY TO BORROW.) Commons February 19, 1968

(EXCHANGE OF SECURITIES, ETC.) Commons February 19, 1968

4 speeches — (REPEALS.) Commons February 19, 1968

Contract Cleaning Written Answers February 19, 1968

Gaming Machines (Licences) Written Answers February 19, 1968

Industrial Redundancy (South Dorset) Written Answers February 19, 1968

2 speeches — Weekly Tax Tables (Leap Year) Written Answers February 19, 1968

Corporation Tax (Scotland) Written Answers February 19, 1968

Selective Employment Tax (Scotland) Written Answers February 19, 1968

Equity Capital (State Holdings) Written Answers February 19, 1968

Goods and Services (United Kingdom) Written Answers February 19, 1968

Gaming Licences (Scotland) Written Answers February 19, 1968

19 speeches — PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AND RECEIPTS BILL Commons February 20, 1968

Loss of Tax Written Answers February 20, 1968

Cost of Living (Increase) Written Answers February 20, 1968

Parliamentary Questions (Cost) Written Answers February 20, 1968

2 speeches — Civil Service Pensions Written Answers February 20, 1968

National Wealth Written Answers February 20, 1968

Bank Rate Written Answers February 20, 1968

Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration Written Answers February 20, 1968

Invisible Earnings (Statistics and Information) Written Answers February 20, 1968

Government Departments, Wales (Recruitment) Written Answers February 20, 1968

£ Sterling (Internal Purchasing Power) Written Answers February 20, 1968

Departmental Journals Written Answers February 21, 1968

Road Fund Licences (Evasion) Written Answers February 21, 1968

Parliamentary Delegations (Subsistence Allowances) Written Answers February 21, 1968

Wages (Cardiganshire) Written Answers February 21, 1968

Government Contracts (Cancellation Charges) Written Answers February 21, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Capital Investment Programmes) Written Answers February 22, 1968

Companies (Government Shareholdings) Written Answers February 22, 1968

10 speeches — GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS Commons February 26, 1968


(INCREASE IN FEES, ETC.) Commons February 26, 1968

5 speeches — (EXPENDITURE ON GRACE AND FAVOUR RESIDENCES.) Commons February 26, 1968

4 speeches — National Insurance Fund (Government Actuary's Calculations) Written Answers February 26, 1968

2 speeches — Personal Savings and Disposable Income Commons February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Tax Measures (Professional Advisers) Commons February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Local Government Finance Commons February 27, 1968

2 speeches — Nationalised Industries Commons February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Value Added Tax Commons February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Public Expenditure Commons February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Business Efficiency (Bonus Awards) Commons February 27, 1968

2 speeches — Income Tax Commons February 27, 1968

Consumer Durable Goods Written Answers February 27, 1968

National Economy Written Answers February 27, 1968

Consumer Expenditure Written Answers February 27, 1968

Oil Supplies (Middle East) Written Answers February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Public Expenditure Written Answers February 27, 1968

Private Health and Education Services Written Answers February 27, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Grants and Loans) Written Answers February 27, 1968

Export Tax Rebates and Incentives Written Answers February 27, 1968

Cost of Living Written Answers February 27, 1968

Scotch Whisky Written Answers February 27, 1968

Bulk Purchase Written Answers February 27, 1968

Parliamentary Commissioner Written Answers February 27, 1968

Average Earnings Increase (National Insurance Fund) Written Answers February 27, 1968

Government Departments (Accommodation in Foreign Countries) Written Answers February 27, 1968

3 speeches — Government Contracts Written Answers February 29, 1968

Tax Evasion Written Answers February 29, 1968

Personal Export Scheme Written Answers March 1, 1968

Cost of Living Written Answers March 5, 1968

Hotels (Development Areas) Written Answers March 6, 1968

Public Investment (Regional Figures) Written Answers March 6, 1968

Banks (Nationalisation) Written Answers March 7, 1968

Administrative Machinery (Development) Written Answers March 7, 1968

Government Printing and Binding Work (Wales) Written Answers March 7, 1968

Government Imports (Non-Sterling countries) Written Answers March 11, 1968

Wales (Investment) Written Answers March 14, 1968

Developing Countries (Aid) Written Answers March 14, 1968

Government Aid Written Answers March 15, 1968

10 speeches — CIVIL ESTIMATES AND DEFENCE (CENTRAL) ESTIMATE, 1968–69 (VOTE ON ACCOUNT) Commons March 18, 1968

Government Offices, Horseferry Road Written Answers March 18, 1968

Public Expenditure Written Answers March 19, 1968

Exchequer Stock Written Answers March 19, 1968

Personal Saving Written Answers March 19, 1968


Nationalisation Proposals (Cost) Written Answers March 20, 1968


Government Contracts (Distribution) Written Answers March 21, 1968

Investment (Scotland) Written Answers March 22, 1968

10 speeches — BUDGET RESOLUTIONS AND ECONOMIC SITUATION Commons March 25, 1968

Taxation Written Answers March 25, 1968

5 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers March 25, 1968

Confirmation Dues, Scotland Written Answers March 26, 1968

Budget Proposals (Scotland) Written Answers March 26, 1968

Budget Proposals (Wales) Written Answers March 26, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Capital Requirements) Written Answers March 26, 1968

Family Allowances (Cost) Written Answers March 26, 1968

Government Purchasing Department Contracts (Scotland) Written Answers March 27, 1968

2 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers March 27, 1968

Civil Estimates, 1968–69, Class I (Correction) Written Answers March 27, 1968

Selective Employment Tax and Regional Employment Premium (Cardiganshire) Written Answers March 27, 1968

Taxation Written Answers March 28, 1968

3 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers March 28, 1968

Industrial Investment Written Answers March 29, 1968

2 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Relief Written Answers April 1, 1968

Sickness Benefit (Saving) Written Answers April 1, 1968

Storm, Fire and Flood Damage Written Answers April 1, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Exemption Written Answers April 1, 1968

2 speeches — Decimalisation Commons April 2, 1968

3 speeches — Motor Vehicles (Licence Duty and Fuel Tax) Commons April 2, 1968

2 speeches — Vote on Account Commons April 2, 1968

2 speeches — Wales (Government Purchases) Commons April 2, 1968

3 speeches — Personal Disposable Incomes Commons April 2, 1968

2 speeches — Public Expenditure Commons April 2, 1968

4 speeches — Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure and Investment Commons April 2, 1968

3 speeches — Development Areas (Public Investment) Commons April 2, 1968

2 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Commons April 2, 1968

Millionaires Written Answers April 2, 1968

Freight Charges, Scotland Written Answers April 2, 1968

4 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers April 2, 1968

Nationalisation Schemes (Compensation Stock and Loans) Written Answers April 2, 1968

Gross National Product and Central Government Expenditure Written Answers April 2, 1968

Land (Government Departments and Statutory Corporations) Written Answers April 2, 1968

Incomes (Reduction of Inequality) Written Answers April 2, 1968

Corporation Tax, Close Company Distributions and Regional Employment Premium (Scotland) Written Answers April 3, 1968

Special Charge (Payment) Written Answers April 3, 1968

Sickness Benefit (Saving) Written Answers April 3, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers April 3, 1968

Taxation Written Answers April 4, 1968

Proposed Price Increases (Civil Servants) Written Answers April 4, 1968

Savings Written Answers April 4, 1968

With-Profit Endowment Policies (Bonuses) Written Answers April 4, 1968

Grattan Warehouses Ltd. Written Answers April 4, 1968

Government Departments (Movement to Scotland) Written Answers April 5, 1968

Family Allowances (Surtax Payers) Written Answers April 8, 1968

4 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers April 9, 1968

Export Rebate Written Answers April 9, 1968

War Widows' Pensions Written Answers April 9, 1968

Government Contracts (Scotland) Written Answers April 9, 1968

Earnings Abroad Written Answers April 9, 1968

New Construction (Public Investment) Written Answers April 9, 1968

Trade and Gold Reserve Figures (Publication) Written Answers April 9, 1968

Real Personal Incomes Written Answers April 9, 1968

Export Market Written Answers April 9, 1968

Departmental Announcements Written Answers April 9, 1968

Civil Servants (Alleged Offences) Written Answers April 9, 1968

Standard of Living Written Answers April 9, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers April 10, 1968

Government Expenditure Written Answers April 11, 1968

Shareholders (Fringe Benefits) Written Answers April 11, 1968

2 speeches — Pergamon Press (Dividend) Written Answers April 11, 1968

Companies (Grants and Loans) Written Answers April 11, 1968

Selective Employment Tax (Hotel and Catering Industry) Written Answers April 23, 1968

FINANCE BILL Commons April 24, 1968

Rugby Portland Cement (Dividends) Written Answers April 24, 1968

Lesney Limited (Share Issue) Written Answers April 24, 1968

4 speeches — BRISTOL SIDDELEY ENGINES LIMITED Commons April 25, 1968

Allen, Harvey and Ross (Dividend) Written Answers April 26, 1968

Private Industry (Government Aid) Written Answers April 26, 1968

Government Social Survey Written Answers April 26, 1968

Phoenix Assurance Company (Dividend) Written Answers April 26, 1968

2 speeches — Selective Employment Tax Written Answers April 29, 1968

Bestwood Company Limited (Dividend) Written Answers April 29, 1968

Advance-Peterholme Group Ltd. (Dividend) Written Answers April 29, 1968

Royal Sovereign Pencil Co. Ltd. (Dividend) Written Answers April 29, 1968

Jessel Toynbee Ltd. (Dividend) Written Answers April 29, 1968

2 speeches — Dividends Written Answers April 30, 1968

Scotland (Financial Statistics) Written Answers April 30, 1968

Purchase Tax (Drugs) Written Answers April 30, 1968

Departmental Expenditure Written Answers April 30, 1968

Tourism, Scotland (Grants) Written Answers May 3, 1968

Brush Group Holdings, Ltd., Wimbledon Stadium Ltd., and Dennis Day, Ltd. Written Answers May 3, 1968

Sport (Selective Employment Tax) Written Answers May 6, 1968

Cliffords' Dairies, Ltd. And Mentmore Manufacturing Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 7, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers May 7, 1968

Advance Electronics, Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 7, 1968

Mark Lane, Ltd. and Clover, Croft and Slater, Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 7, 1968

Telephone Rentals, Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 7, 1968

Mount Charlotte Investments Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 9, 1968

Guardian Assurance (Dividend Distribution) Written Answers May 9, 1968

Gill and Duffus Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 9, 1968

Dividends (Take-Over Bids) Written Answers May 9, 1968

Wormalds, Walker & Atkinson (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 9, 1968

Ever Ready Trust Ltd. and Jersey External Trust Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 9, 1968

Company Dividends (Distribution) Written Answers May 10, 1968

Ancient Toll Bridges (Taxation) Written Answers May 10, 1968

Rhodesia Written Answers May 10, 1968

Developing Countries (Private British Investment) Written Answers May 13, 1968

Burmah Oil Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 13, 1968

J. N. Nichols Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 13, 1968

Bovis Group Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 13, 1968

Roadstone Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 13, 1968

16 speeches — Dividend Restraint Commons May 14, 1968

4 speeches — Scrip Issues Commons May 14, 1968

2 speeches — Central and Local Government Expenditure Commons May 14, 1968

3 speeches — Ministerial Salaries Commons May 14, 1968

2 speeches — Share Prices Commons May 14, 1968

Dividends Written Answers May 14, 1968

Personal Consumption Forecasts Written Answers May 14, 1968

Government Departments (Decentralisation) Written Answers May 16, 1968

Burmah Oil Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 17, 1968

British Steel Piling Ltd. And Fortnum & Mason Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 17, 1968

Gill & Duffus Ltd. (Dividend Distribution) Written Answers May 17, 1968

George E. Gray Ltd. And United Carriers Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 17, 1968

Amey Group Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 17, 1968

Lyons Irish Holdings Ltd. (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 17, 1968

Share-Splitting Written Answers May 17, 1968

Dividend Restraint Written Answers May 20, 1968

8 speeches — Public Companies (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers May 23, 1968

Dividend Distributions (Departmental Staff) Written Answers May 23, 1968

Scrip Issues Written Answers May 24, 1968

Republic of Ireland (United Kingdom Investments) Written Answers May 24, 1968

2 speeches — Dividend Distributions Written Answers May 27, 1968

Public Expenditure (Unit Costs) Written Answers May 27, 1968

Decimal Currency Written Answers May 28, 1968

Civil Service (Scientific and Professional Officers) Written Answers May 28, 1968

Football Association Written Answers May 28, 1968

Football Clubs (Selective Employment Tax) Written Answers May 28, 1968

Income Tax Written Answers May 28, 1968

Gordon Lonsdale Memoirs (Tax) Written Answers May 28, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers May 28, 1968

2 speeches — Government Departments (Import Orders) Written Answers May 28, 1968

W. Barratt Limited Written Answers May 28, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Salaries) Written Answers May 28, 1968

Lex Garages Limited Written Answers May 29, 1968

England, Scotland and Wales (Expenditure) Written Answers May 29, 1968

3 speeches — Dividends Written Answers May 29, 1968

Ministerial Briefs (Cost) Written Answers May 31, 1968

Civil Estimates (Presentation) Written Answers May 31, 1968

4 speeches — Dividends Written Answers June 11, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Grants and Loans) Written Answers June 11, 1968

Electronic Engineering Industry Written Answers June 11, 1968


Selective Employment Tax and Regional Employment Premiums Written Answers June 13, 1968

Public Expenditure Written Answers June 14, 1968

Consumers' and Public Expenditure Written Answers June 14, 1968

10 speeches — Clause 15 Commons June 19, 1968

10 speeches — Clause 15 Commons June 20, 1968

2 speeches — Purchase Tax Written Answers June 20, 1968

Public Expenditure Written Answers June 21, 1968

Dividend Increases (Ceiling) Written Answers June 21, 1968

2 speeches — New Clause 86 Commons July 2, 1968

New Clause 85 Commons July 2, 1968

5 speeches — New Clause 9 Commons July 2, 1968

New Clause 30 Commons July 2, 1968

Incomes and Expenditure, Scotland Written Answers July 2, 1968

Film Projectors (Purchase Tax) Written Answers July 2, 1968

Government Departments (Productivity Agreements) Written Answers July 2, 1968

New Clause 51 Commons July 3, 1968

2 speeches — Clause 5 Commons July 3, 1968

9 speeches — Clause 15 Commons July 3, 1968

5 speeches — Schedule 8 Commons July 3, 1968

Scotland (Taxation, Grants and Subsidies) Written Answers July 3, 1968

4 speeches — Clause 16 Commons July 4, 1968

10 speeches — Schedule 9 Commons July 4, 1968

Clause 18 Commons July 4, 1968

3 speeches — Schedule 10 Commons July 4, 1968

18 speeches — Clause 33 Commons July 4, 1968

4 speeches — Schedule 20 Commons July 4, 1968

Government Expenditure Forecasts Written Answers July 4, 1968

War Loan Written Answers July 5, 1968

Taxpayer Groups (Information) Written Answers July 5, 1968

Unilever (Dividends) Written Answers July 11, 1968

Hotel Industry (Selective Employment Tax) Written Answers July 15, 1968

Government Expenditure Written Answers July 16, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Accounts) Written Answers July 17, 1968

Government Contracts (Profit Formula) Written Answers July 17, 1968

Purchase Tax (Skirt Lengths) Written Answers July 18, 1968

Defence Estimates Written Answers July 19, 1968

Company Mergers Written Answers July 23, 1968

Directors' Remuneration (Taxation) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Civil Estimates (Cost Reductions) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Life Saving Equipment (Purchase Tax) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Entertainment Industry (Taxation) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Property Security Investment Trust Limited (Dividends) Written Answers July 23, 1968

School Furniture (Purchase Tax) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Decimal Currency Written Answers July 23, 1968

Government Service (Coloured Personnel) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Selective Employment Tax (Scottish Laundries) Written Answers July 23, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Borrowing Powers Orders) Written Answers July 25, 1968

Industrial Production Index Written Answers July 25, 1968

Non-Industrial Civil Service Written Answers July 25, 1968

Public Companies (Prices) Written Answers July 25, 1968

Equity Capital (Government Investment) Written Answers July 26, 1968

Dividend Increases Written Answers October 14, 1968

Tax Office, Basingstoke Written Answers October 14, 1968

3 speeches — Wealth Tax Commons October 15, 1968

2 speeches — Taxation and Incentives Commons October 15, 1968

2 speeches — Close Companies (Legislation) Commons October 15, 1968

7 speeches — Government Expenditure Commons October 15, 1968

2 speeches — Income Tax Commons October 15, 1968

2 speeches — Agriculture (Credits) Commons October 15, 1968

3 speeches — Local Authority Loans Commons October 15, 1968

Estate Duty Written Answers October 15, 1968

Cost of Living Index Written Answers October 15, 1968

Taxation and Incentives Written Answers October 15, 1968

Wealth Tax Written Answers October 15, 1968

Added Value Tax Written Answers October 15, 1968

2 speeches — Public Expenditure Written Answers October 15, 1968

Public Services (Cost) Written Answers October 15, 1968

Rent Increases Written Answers October 15, 1968

2 speeches — Government and Parliamentary Mail Written Answers October 17, 1968

NATIONAL FINANCE Written Answers October 18, 1968

Dividend Increases Written Answers October 21, 1968

Currency Notes (Discount) Written Answers October 22, 1968

Basle Agreements Written Answers October 22, 1968

Travel Allowance Written Answers October 22, 1968

Government Advertising Written Answers October 22, 1968

International Monetary Fund (Information) Written Answers October 22, 1968

Post-War Credits Written Answers October 22, 1968

£ Sterling (Purchasing Power) Written Answers October 22, 1968

Take-Over Bids (Credit Facilities) Written Answers October 22, 1968

Income Tax (Evasion) Written Answers October 22, 1968

Pergamon Press (Dividend) Written Answers October 24, 1968

2 speeches — Overseas Service Pensions (Taxation) Written Answers October 24, 1968

Take-over Bids (Dividends) Written Answers October 24, 1968

Non-Industrial Civil Service (Numbers) Written Answers October 24, 1968

DEMONSTRATION, CENTRAL LONDON Written Answers October 31, 1968

6 speeches — MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL PROVISIONS BILL Commons November 8, 1968

5 speeches — INCREASE IN CIVIL CONTINGENCIES FUND Commons November 15, 1968

3 speeches — Money Supply Commons November 19, 1968

4 speeches — Credit Restrictions Commons November 19, 1968

6 speeches — Bank of England (United States Management Consultants) Commons November 19, 1968

International Monetary Fund Mission Written Answers November 19, 1968

Personal Consumption Written Answers November 19, 1968

Non-Ferrous Scrap Metal Trade Written Answers November 19, 1968

Euro-dollar Market Written Answers November 19, 1968

Consumers' Expenditure Written Answers November 19, 1968

Credit Facilities (Advertisements) Written Answers November 19, 1968

Rhodesian Stock Written Answers November 19, 1968

Selective Employment Tax (Inquiry) Written Answers November 19, 1968

Phonographic Equipment Company Ltd. (Dividends) Written Answers November 19, 1968

16 speeches — CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER (VISIT TO BONN) Commons November 20, 1968

Hire-Purchase Controls Written Answers November 21, 1968

Full Employment (Definition) Written Answers November 22, 1968

9 speeches — ECONOMIC SITUATION Commons November 25, 1968

Government Stock Written Answers November 25, 1968

3 speeches — Income Tax (Simplification) Commons November 26, 1968

3 speeches — Scotland Commons November 26, 1968

3 speeches — Self-adjusting Beds (Tax) Commons November 26, 1968

3 speeches — Overseas Tax Systems (Investment Income) Commons November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Treasury (Organisation and Methods) Commons November 26, 1968

3 speeches — Public Expenditure Commons November 26, 1968

3 speeches — Value-Added Tax Commons November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Central and Local Government Expenditure Commons November 26, 1968

3 speeches — Spending Departments (Delegated Expenditure) Commons November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Departmental Estimates Commons November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Incentives Commons November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Value-Added Tax Written Answers November 26, 1968

Investment Grants and Allowances Written Answers November 26, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Consultative Machinery) Written Answers November 26, 1968

Economic Measures Written Answers November 26, 1968

Selective Employment Tax Written Answers November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Public Expenditure Written Answers November 26, 1968

2 speeches — Chancellor of the Exchequer (Salaried Appointments) Written Answers November 26, 1968

Consumer Expenditure Written Answers November 26, 1968

Foreign Currencies (Speculation) Written Answers November 26, 1968

Production Written Answers November 26, 1968

International Monetary Fund Written Answers November 26, 1968

Consumer Expenditure Written Answers November 26, 1968

Devaluation Written Answers November 26, 1968

Personal Taxation and Incentives Written Answers November 26, 1968

Nationalised Industries (Equity Capital) Written Answers November 26, 1968

Exchange Rates Written Answers November 26, 1968

International Monetary Crisis Written Answers November 26, 1968

DEMONSTRATION, CENTRAL LONDON Written Answers November 27, 1968


2 speeches — Import Deposits Scheme Written Answers November 28, 1968

Premium Bonds Written Answers November 28, 1968

Currency Outflow Written Answers November 28, 1968

Exchange Controls Written Answers November 28, 1968

13 speeches — CHARGE OF IMPORT DEPOSITS Commons December 3, 1968

4 speeches — EXEMPTED GOODS Commons December 4, 1968

12 speeches — COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS (REPORTS) Commons December 5, 1968

Scientists and Engineers Written Answers December 5, 1968

Economic Policies Written Answers December 10, 1968

Income Tax Arrears (Bankruptcy) Written Answers December 10, 1968

2 speeches — Fluorescent Materials (Tax) Written Answers December 10, 1968

Government Expenditure Written Answers December 10, 1968

17 speeches — Companies (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers December 16, 1968

21 speeches — Companies (Dividend Distributions) Written Answers December 17, 1968

£ Sterling (Purchasing Power) Written Answers December 19, 1968

World Monetary Conference Written Answers December 19, 1968

2 speeches — Savings Written Answers December 19, 1968

3 speeches — Companies (Dividend Distribution) Written Answers December 20, 1968

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.