HC Deb 27 February 1968 vol 759 cc1212-3
20. Mr. Alison

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the extent to which the average annual rise in public expenditure in the period 1967–68 to 1969–70, as specified in paragraph 55 of Command Paper No. 3515, diverges from the average annual rise needed to meet the National Plan target for public expenditure.

Mr. Diamond

The National Plan did not give figures for public expenditure in 1967–68 but for 1964–65 and 1969–70. These showed an average annual rise of 4. 25 per cent. Our present estimated increase over the same period is 4. 15 per cent., or 0. 1 per cent. lower.

Mr. Alison

Why is it that although exports, investment, employment and personal consumption have all slumped under the Socialists, public expenditure keeps rising and the National Plan target for it is a sacred cow?

Mr. Diamond

The hon. Gentleman's conclusion is only consistent with every one of his allegations being nonsense.

Mr. Tinn

What proportion of this increased public expenditure arises from the high rate of spending on education, the social services and so on?

Mr. Diamond

I cannot give a breakdown offhand, but I will send my hon. Friend any figures he wants. I would also draw his attention to Cmnd. Paper 3515 which sets out the figures.