Commons Sitting of 14 March 1910 Series 5 Vol. 15

  1. Preamble 16 words
  2. cc1-2
  3. PRIVATE BUSINESS. 168 words
  4. c2
    1. c3
    2. Flogging Naorobi Natives. 133 words
    3. cc3-4
    4. Information for Emigrants. 317 words
    5. c4
    6. Malta Constitution (Reform). 136 words
    7. c4
    8. Northern Nigerian Land System. 52 words
    9. cc4-5
    10. Sleeping Sickness Investigation. 163 words
    11. c5
    12. Putomayo Abuses. 132 words
    13. cc5-6
    14. Peruvian Amazon Company. 118 words
    15. c6
    16. French Tariff. 85 words
    17. cc6-7
    18. Thessaly. 161 words
    19. c7
    20. Lunacy Act (1890) Administration. 102 words
    21. c7
    22. Pauper Lunatics. 204 words
    23. cc7-8
    24. Inspection of Mines. 80 words
    25. c8
    26. Birching Boys (Sittingbourne). 225 words
    27. cc8-10
    28. Fair Wages Resolution. 374 words
    29. cc10-3
    30. Old Age Pensions (Withdrawal, Revision, etc.). 1,204 words
    31. c13
    32. Education Administration (Bursaries). 110 words
    33. cc13-4
    34. Ballot Act (Prevention of Evasion). 127 words
    35. c14
    36. Educational (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1907. 130 words
    37. cc14-5
    38. Non-provided Schools (Meetings). 192 words
    39. c15
    40. Easter Holiday (Telegraph Offices, Ireland). 72 words
    41. c15
    42. Submarine Cable (Canada to England). 79 words
    43. cc15-6
    44. H.M.S. "Swift" (Cost). 254 words
    45. cc16-7
    46. Naval Construction (Great Britain and Germany). 276 words
    47. c17
    48. Battleships (Effective). 118 words
    49. c17
    50. Torpedo-boat Destroyers (Effective). 154 words
    51. cc17-8
    52. 13.5 Ammunition. 60 words
    53. c18
    54. Ex-Sailors (Civil Employment). 143 words
    55. cc18-9
    56. Naval Training (New Schemes). 194 words
    57. c19
    58. Engineers (Royal Navy) (Status). 180 words
    59. cc19-20
    60. Navy (Deserters). 103 words
    61. c20
    62. Navy (Manning). 49 words
    63. cc20-1
    64. Budget, 1909–10 (Unemployed and Social Reform). 570 words
    65. cc21-2
    66. Emigration to Colonies (State Aid for Selected Men). 141 words
    67. cc22-4
    68. Budget, 1909–10 (Procedure). 581 words
    69. c24
    70. House of Lords Reform. 108 words
    71. c24
    72. Veto Resolutions. 133 words
    73. cc24-5
    74. X-Rays Operations (Injured Experimenter's Pension). 130 words
    75. c25
    76. National Schools (Ireland). 100 words
    77. c25
    78. Army and Navy Estimates. 82 words
    79. cc25-6
    80. Royal Navy (Choking of Condensers). 277 words
    81. c26
    82. St. Helens Labour Exchange. 61 words
    83. cc26-7
    84. French Duty on Twist Drills. 212 words
    85. c27
    86. Townley Station, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Fatality). 86 words
    87. cc27-8
    88. Bradford Woolcombers' Strike. 108 words
    89. c28
    90. Coasting Trade (Foreign and British Ships). 184 words
    91. c28
    92. High-speed Tool Steel Exports to France 82 words
    93. cc28-9
    94. Importation of Chinese Pork. 113 words
    95. c29
    96. Newcastle-under-Lyme Medical Relief. 80 words
    97. c29
    98. Street Trading (Children). 122 words
    99. cc29-30
    100. Midwives and Baby Farming. 129 words
    101. c30
    102. Post Office Savings Investments. 64 words
    103. cc30-1
    104. Assessment of Agricultural Lands. 187 words
    105. c31
    106. Finance Bill (Loss of Revenue). 187 words
    107. c31
    108. Income Tax Rebates. 54 words
    109. cc31-3
    110. Income Tax Demand Notes. 535 words
    111. c33
    112. Industrial Assurance Companies. 138 words
    113. cc33-5
    114. Duty on Spirits. 388 words
    115. c35
    116. Duty on Beer (Ireland). 177 words
    117. c35
    118. Income Tax (Annuities). 164 words
  7. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. 326 words
  8. cc36-7
  9. VETO RESOLUTIONS. 268 words
  10. c37
  11. MEMBERS SWORN. 50 words
  12. cc37-8
  13. BILLS PRESENTED. 333 words
  14. SUPPLY.
    1. cc38-147
    2. NAVY ESTIMATES, 1910–11. 46,415 words
    3. c147
    4. SUPPLY. 73 words