HC Deb 14 March 1910 vol 15 c35

asked how the sum of £2,406, which he gave in reply to the hon. Member for North Meath, as representing the increased duty on beer realised in Ireland from May, 1909, to February, 1910, was arrived at?

The HON. MEMBER further asked what amount of revenue would the increased duty on beer proposed in the Budget of last year yield on the output of all the breweries in Ireland for the ten months, May, 1909, to February, 1910; whether the proposed increased duty was accepted as a deposit; and if he will state the amount so deposited?


The only increased duty on beer proposed in the Finance Bill of last year was an increased duty on imported beer, namely, from 8s. to 8s. 3d. a barrel at the standard gravity of 1,055 degrees, with proportionate increases in the rates on certain strong beers. The figures which I gave to the hon. Member on the 9th instant represented the amount paid in Ireland at the increased rates of 8s. 3d., etc., during the ten months in question.