Commons Sitting of 1 April 1909 Series 5 Vol. 3

  1. Preamble 13 words
  2. c469
  3. PRIVATE BUSINESS. 61 words
    1. c469
    2. Licence-holders and Boycotted Persons (Ireland). 98 words
    3. cc469-70
    4. Commissioners of Charitable Donations for Ireland (Accounts). 111 words
    5. c470
    6. Gore-Booth Estate (Sligo). 303 words
    7. cc470-1
    8. King-Harman Estate (Grass Lands). 100 words
    9. cc471-2
    10. Child Messenger Act (Case of Patrick Halligan). 320 words
    11. c472
    12. United Irish League (Eleven Months' System). 228 words
    13. cc472-3
    14. Public Officials and United Irish League Meetings. 253 words
    15. cc473-4
    16. Kildrum Farm, Kingston Estate (County Cork). 201 words
    17. c474
    18. Cattle Driving and Emigration. 161 words
    19. cc474-5
    20. Chapman Estate (Westmeath), Case of Mrs. Early. 153 words
    21. c475
    22. "White" Assizes (Ireland). 116 words
    23. c475
    24. Owen Estate, Aghaboe (Untenanted Land). 152 words
    25. cc475-7
    26. Irish Land Bill (Labourers' Cottages Schemes). 455 words
    27. c477
    28. United Irish League Meetings (Public Officials). 192 words
    29. cc477-8
    30. Native Courts in Egypt (Costs). 97 words
    31. c478
    32. Postage Rates from Egypt. 117 words
    33. c478
    34. Madras Estates Land Bill. 60 words
    35. c478
    36. Riots at Guntur (Mr. Kersharp's Action). 85 words
    37. cc478-9
    38. Public Works Department of India (Superior Accounts Branch). 208 words
    39. c479
    40. Arrests in Vizagapatam (India). 199 words
    41. cc479-80
    42. Mahana Santra's Arrest. 270 words
    43. cc480-1
    44. Treatment of Deported Indians. 171 words
    45. c481
    46. Indian Government (Decentralisation). 56 words
    47. c481
    48. Expeditions to Thibet. 118 words
    49. cc481-2
    50. Grants to Baptist Missionary Schools (India). 133 words
    51. c482
    52. Steamship Service (Bermuda). 118 words
    53. cc482-3
    54. Trees on Carlton House Terrace. 143 words
    55. c483
    56. St. John's Bridge, Kilkenny (Reconstruction). 86 words
    57. c483
    58. Application for Allotments (Orpington). 135 words
    59. cc483-4
    60. Withdrawals from Land Purchase Agreements (Ireland). 91 words
    61. c484
    62. Indian Museum (Threatened Dispersal). 93 words
    63. cc484-5
    64. New School (Usk, Monmouthshire). 303 words
    65. c485
    66. Wolverhampton Grammar School. 177 words
    67. c485
    68. Agricultural Rates Act. 41 words
    69. cc485-6
    70. Elementary Schools (Staffing). 132 words
    71. c486
    72. United States Imports. 110 words
    73. c486
    74. Imported Lead. 153 words
    75. cc486-7
    76. Woolwich Arsenal Workmen. 71 words
    77. c487
    78. East End Bakery Trades (Sweating). 295 words
    79. cc487-8
    80. Charge of Reckless Driving (A. J. Adams). 288 words
    81. cc488-9
    82. "White" Assizes (England). 90 words
    83. c489
    84. Sentences on Girls (Portsmouth). 85 words
    85. c489
    86. Admiralty Contractors. 61 words
    87. cc489-90
    88. Royal Navy (Presbyterians). 229 words
    89. c490
    90. Loans to Local Authorities. 215 words
    91. cc490-1
    92. Persons of Foreign Extraction. 89 words
    93. c491
    94. Old Age Pensions (Amending Bill). 48 words
    95. c491
    96. Reserve of Officers. 202 words
    97. cc491-2
    98. Judge Advocate-General. 38 words
    99. c492
    100. Army Annual Bill (Effect of Section 4). 77 words
    101. c492
    102. Royal Irish Fusiliers (Armagh Depot). 101 words
    103. cc492-3
    104. Partition of Bengal (Head Schoolmaster's Action). 118 words
    105. c493
    106. Corporal Punishment in Schools. 285 words
  5. BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. 920 words
  6. c496
  8. cc496-601
  9. INDIAN COUNCILS BILL [Lords.] 45,410 words
    1. cc601-5
    2. CONSIDERED IN COMMITTEE. 1,427 words
  12. c605
  13. IRISH LAND (ADVANCES, &c). 82 words