HC Deb 13 April 1905 vol 145 cc36-90
  1. Bird, Beamish, and Bandon Estates, near Bantry. 146 words
  2. cc36-7
  3. Irish Education—Catholic Clergy and Blue 127 (b). 90 words
  4. c37
  5. Irish National School Teachers—Amount of Salaries. 75 words
  6. c37
  7. Payment of Teacher of Killarga Evening School 92 words
  8. cc37-8
  9. Estates Commissioners and Purchase of Grazing Lands 112 words
  10. c38
  11. Belfast Revaluation 121 words
  12. cc38-9
  13. Queen's College (Cork) Students and Art Examinations. 256 words
  14. cc39-40
  15. Queen's College, Cork—Average Attendances of Students and Fees of Professors. 207 words
  16. c40
  17. Trinity College, Dublin 201 words
  18. cc40-1
  19. The Annfield Estate. 176 words
  20. cc41-2
  21. The Brown Hall Estate, near Balla, County Mayo 227 words
  22. c42
  23. The Clanmorris Estate. 182 words
  24. cc42-3
  25. Fixing of Judicial Rent of Mrs Donnelly, of Knock Hill, Kilcormac 137 words
  26. c43
  27. Instructions Issued to Inspectors under the Land Act. 89 words
  28. c43
  29. Coolie Riot at the Jumpers Deep Mine. 80 words
  30. cc43-4
  31. The South African Police and Coolie Strikes 115 words
  32. c44
  33. White and Coloured Labour employed at the Transvaal Mines. 112 words
  34. c44
  35. Government Inspection of Insurance Companies Operations. 96 words
  36. cc44-5
  37. Inverness Mail Delays. 241 words
  38. cc45-6
  39. Telephone Exchanges—Fire Risks. 159 words
  40. c46
  41. Glastrigan (Tipperary) Postal Arrangements. 138 words
  42. c46
  43. Postmen's Promotion to Positions of Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists. 135 words
  44. cc46-7
  45. Postage on Publications sent to the British Museum. 199 words
  46. c47
  47. Venezuela. 103 words
  48. cc47-8
  49. Repayment of Advances under the Small Holdings Act, 1892. 84 words
  50. c48
  51. Prohibition of Trawling in Devon Bays 150 words
  52. cc48-9
  53. Sales of Navy Serges. 133 words
  54. c49
  55. Poor Rate Demand Notes. 117 words
  56. c49
  57. British Indian Subjects in the Transvaal. 68 words
  58. cc49-50
  59. Peat Coal Manufacture. 174 words
  60. c50
  61. Cloncore National Schools 249 words
  62. cc50-1
  63. Strandtown National School Teacher. 280 words
  64. cc51-2
  65. Coolclogher Evicted Tenant—John O'Driscoll's Application. 34 words
  66. cc52-3
  67. Newport (Mayo) Police District Doctors. 214 words
  68. c53
  69. Mohorough National School Teacher's Pay. 154 words
  70. c53
  71. County Mayo Extra Police. 66 words
  72. cc53-4
  73. County Mayo Royal Irish Constabulary Free Force. 81 words
  74. c54
  75. Purchase of Evicted Holdings and Grazing Tracts in Tipperary. 112 words
  76. cc54-5
  77. Insane Paupers at Cork District Lunatic Asylum. 137 words
  78. c55
  79. Nolan Farrell Estate, County Mayo. 231 words
  80. cc55-6
  81. Alleged Ill-treatment of Indian Coolies in the Natal Coal Mines. 146 words
  82. c56
  83. British Indian Traders in Cape Colony. 110 words
  84. cc56-7
  85. Liquor Law in the Transvaal—Treatment of British Indians 271 words
  86. c57
  87. Army Horses Suffering from Epizootic Lymphangitis. 84 words
  88. cc57-8
  89. Pension of Michael Phelan, late 43rd Foot Regiment. 197 words
    1. cc58-9
    2. Distribution of Profits of Natal Field Force Canteens. 495 words
    3. cc59-60
    4. War Office Payments to the British South Africa Company for the Rhodesian Field Force. 121 words
    5. c60
    6. South African War Contractors. 73 words
    7. cc60-1
    8. Destruction of Milford Haven Fort Guns. 250 words
    9. c61
    10. Essex Regiment—Case of Major Nason. 105 words
    11. cc61-2
    12. 2nd Battalion Essex Regiment. 126 words
    13. c62
    14. Dublin University Military Education for Army Candidates. 133 words
    15. cc62-3
    16. Army Act. 134 words
    17. c63
    18. Army Rifles 162 words
    19. cc63-5
    20. Army Boot Contracts—Northampton Strike. 648 words
    21. c65
    22. Russian Import Duties on Indian Tea. 143 words
    23. cc65-6
    24. Indian Judicial and Legal Appointments' 112 words
    25. cc66-7
    26. Nautical Assessors—Age Retirement Regulations. 301 words
    27. cc67-8
    28. Licensing Rules—Meetings of Compensation Authorities. 217 words
    29. cc68-9
    30. Irish Swine—Restrictions on Importation into England. 241 words
    31. c69
    32. London Unemployed Relief Expenditure. 113 words
    33. cc69-70
    34. Outbreak of Smallpox on the ss. "Nile." 386 words
    35. cc70-1
    36. Foreigners and British Pilotage Certificates. 114 words
    37. c71
    38. Civil Service—Assistant Clerks. 168 words
    39. c71
    40. Prudhoe School. 92 words
    41. cc71-2
    42. London Education Expenditure. 99 words
    43. c72
    44. Durness Parish Council—Dispute with Medical Officer. 126 words
    45. c72
    46. Valuation Bill for Ireland. 109 words
    47. c72
    48. Irish National Education—Mr. Strong's Duties. 89 words
    49. cc72-4
    50. Training in Elementary Science for Irish Teachers. 105 words
    51. c74
    52. Wynn Estate, County Kerry. 153 words
    53. cc74-5
    54. Clifden Union Relief Works. 233 words
    55. cc75-6
    56. Galway Relief Works. 260 words
    57. c76
    58. Newmarket (Cork) National School— Rule (127b.) 130 words
    59. c76
    60. Adair Estate, Queen's County, Thomas Flanaghan's Claim. 125 words
    61. cc76-7
    62. Birr, King's County, Evicted Tenants. 93 words
    63. c77
    64. Bird, Beamish, and Bandon Estates, Bantry. 168 words
    65. cc77-8
    66. White Estate, Bantry 107 words
    67. c78
    68. Kilmallock Labourers' Cottage Scheme 221 words
    69. cc78-9
    70. Seed Potato Loans—Manorhamilton Board of Guardians' Request. 167 words
    71. cc79-80
    72. The Civil Service—Case of Mr. Follet Jones. 201 words
    73. c80
    74. Dickson Estate, County Leitrim. 136 words
    75. c80
    76. Colville Jones Estate, County Sligo. 155 words
    77. cc80-1
    78. County Longford Evicted Tenants 189 words
    79. cc81-2
    80. Labourers Acts—Unexpended Balances 150 words
    81. c82
    82. Untenanted Lands in County Limerick. 162 words
    83. c82
    84. County Antrim and Belfast Crown Solicitor ships. 62 words
    85. cc82-3
    86. Belfast Courthouse 124 words
    87. c83
    88. Government Regulations for Guidance of Irish Estates' Commissioners 42 words
    89. cc83-4
    90. Evicted Tenants—Government Instructions to the Estates Commissioners. 231 words
    91. c84
    92. British and Irish Taxation Comparisons. 158 words
    93. cc84-5
    94. Tea Duty in England and Ireland. 212 words
    95. cc85-6
    96. Balbriggan Harbour. 178 words
    97. cc86-7
    98. Galway Mill Stream. 210 words
    99. c87
    100. New College of Science, Dublin. 161 words
    101. cc87-8
    102. Overflow of the River Riffey. 122 words
    103. c88
    104. Irish Postmasters Private Earnings 141 words
    105. cc88-9
    106. Irish Provident Assurance Company. 257 words
    107. c89
    108. Agricultural Rating Bill. 26 words
    109. c89
    110. Scottish Church Dispute. 118 words
    111. cc89-90
    112. Defence Against Invasion. 104 words